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Book online «City of Blood by George Thomas (smallest ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author George Thomas

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afaid and every is taught never to give in to fear.


After about an hour i started walking home. I took my time i was never in a hurry to go anywhere.

Along the way i smelled something that was a huge part my past. It was no doubt a wolf.

I walked slowly the smell was very close but so i had to move slow or he would know i was there.

Finally i caught up to it he wasn't alone though he was with a woman. She smelled human so that was a good thing if i had to fight it would be a fair one.

She had long black hair that she had thrown over her shoulder she had to be at least in her early twenties.

She was white with almost a pale emo look to her but she wasn't dressed in black or anything.

They turned down an alleyway and i followed them keeping my distance.

I didn't know what the wolf was up they never went around humans unless they wanted something to hunt but this was different he would have changed by now if that was the case.

They made it halfway down alley when his mood changed he threw against the wall she yelled something at him but she cut herself short when his fangs started growing out.

Then he threw her to the ground and pinned her down. He then grabbed a syringe from his pocket and injected her with something.

Once he was finished he sniffed the air and yelled "Come on out leach i could smell you before we even got near the alley!"

I stepped out from the shadows and asked "What are you doing dog you mutts aren't the smartest  animals but you know better then to attack a human."

"Well leach i could tell but i'd like to see if you can make."

With a smile i simple said "If that want what."


The thing working on his side was strength. For me it was speed. I was too fast for him but the few times he did catch me off guard he didn't hold back it felt like getting hit by a ford truck.

After I got used to how he was moving it was over i was moving so fast he could barely see me.

I landed the perfect blow when i get behind him and broke both his legs in one kick.

He dropped to the ground yelling out in pain.

"So now that we're done here are you going to tell me what you were doing?"

"Bite me bitch."

I stomped on his nose and he passed out. I checked for a pulse and he was still alive. Good i can use him later maybe get some answers if i'm lucky I thought.

"You can come out now he's out cold won't wake up for a while."

The woman poked her head out from behind a dumpster.

"Who are you, WHAT are you, and WHAT THE HELL IS HE!?"

"Well my name is Mike, I'm not human and neither is he, and i believe i saved your life. Now who are you and how did you meet him?"

"I'm Amy i meet him at a bar he... he seemed so nice. Oh god i thought i was going to die and what was that he shot me up with?"

"Wish i knew lady."

"Well thank you for sa..." she didn't get to finish before she passed out.


Chapter5: Breaking the Rules

I dropped the wolf off at an old safe house that nobody uses anymore. I locked him in the cage in the back it was made of silver so he couldn't get no matter how hard he tried.

Afterwards i carried Amy back to my place. When i got there i layed her on my bed and i went and watched some tv in the living room.

First Brandon showing up starting shit now a woman that was attack by a wolf. My life was that fucked up some days.

After an hour i fell asleep for a few hours it was the same dream as the night before so i woke up feeling even worse.

When i woke i smelt wolf all over myself so i knew i needed a shower. Walking into the bedroom felt weird seeing a woman lying there.

While taking a shower i heard someone moving around i guessed my guest was up. Next thing i know she's running in the bathroom and vomiting into my sink.

I stuck my head out and said "Hey what the fuck. Do that in the toilet not the sink!"

She looked at me like i was on fire or insane, maybe both.

"Oh god so it wasn't a dream that man he... your not... i need to get out of here!"

"Wow wait a minute."

I grabbed the towel next to me and rapped it around myself. I followed her and cut her off at the door to the stairs.

"I can't let you leave. It's not safe out there now that you've seen them. Or even me now that i think about it. Look just calm down make yourself something eat, make coffie, whatever just don't leave until i explain things to you ok."

She looked into my eyes and my heart may have skipped a few beats she was breath taking beautiful.

She had light blue eyes that match her perfectly. No under eye bags or anything her face was perfect looking.

"Listen there's a lot you need to know before you can go so please just calm down and relax your safe here."

"Fine ill stay but your cooking not me."


After we ate we had a game of twenty questions. She wanted to know everything about vampires and werewolves. I knew that i may be killed for even letting her know i was a vampire but what the hell my luck couldn't get any worse. She asked all the normal things about us. Do vampires burst into flames when in the sun, do vampire need to drink blood to survive, do werewolves only change during a full moon, and so on and so on. There were more no's then yes's. Then she wanted to everything about me.

"How old are anyway you look like your really young."

"Well in human years i would be 109 but yeah as vampires go i am young, about 23 in humans years. After about 18 years we age much slower. I slowed down at about 16. So we vampires hold our age great."

"Holy shit your old." she said while laughing really hard. I let myself laugh also its been so long since i have.

"Do you have any family."

"I have a cousin my mother and father were killed by a wolf when i a teenager."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. I lost my mother in a car crash and i never knew my dad."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Okay last one have you ever been in love."

"Once... i did love someone but she's dead too. Her name was Mary and she was pregnant with my child when the wolves..."

She reached out and held my hand and she looking she was going to cry.

"All i have to say is my life has been one fucked up event after another. And everyone and everything i have lost is because of them. If i had my way i would kill them all."

I got up from the kitchen table went into my room and fell asleep.

Chapter6: I should have listened

I woke up later in the day I got dressed and grabbed some of Mary's clothes from the box in the closet. Amy was sitting in the living room watching one of my dvd's when i came out.

"Here i don't know if these will fit but you can try them on if you want."

She smiled at me as she took thenbefore going to the bathroom she said "Mike i'm so sorry i asked you all those questions i didn't mean to make to upset or sad."

"Its not that i was sad or upset i've never been good at anything other then killing. Even being with Mary i just made it up as i went along i didnt know what i was doing. Even when it does work the wolves fuck everything up they are evil thats the only way i've ever seen it."

"What if i was a werewolf living just like you alone not wanting to fight just wanting to live my life would i also be evil?"


I knew she didn't deserve that but something inside me snapped the wall of every painful thing that had ever happened to me broke and everything came flooding back at once.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to snap on you. I just want to be alone go ahead. Take a shower and ill order us some food."


I didn't even eat i just grabbed a blood bag and sat in living room drinking it until there was not even a drop left inside. She on the other hand had ate a whole meat lovers pizza, a bag of french fries, and was now eating some ice cream she demanded i go buy.

When she was done she sat next to me on the sofa and placed her head on my shoulder.

"Please don't tell me your still hungry i'm not a millionare just so you know." I laughed becuase she looked at me with an expersion that i took as NO SHIT.  

"So what now i'm full, you've drank some blood, and now we're both just sittimg here watching... what the hell are we watching anyway?"

"Its the Hulk why you don't like it?"

"Oh yea i remember it know the guy gets upset..."

"And turns into a giant green man that is super strong yep."

We sat there watching watching the movie for about an hour i started to notice Amy was really warm. When i looked over at her she looked like was going to vomit again. Plus her skin bright red like she had a sunburn.

"Are you alright? You don't look so good."

"I think i ate to much. Can you help me to the bathroom?"

"Sure no problem."

We reached the bathroon just in time. She started another vomit round like in the morning. I held her hair behind her head so it didn't get any in it. When she was done i picked her up and carried her into my room.

After i laid her on the bed i was about to leave when she said "Please

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