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Book online «City of Blood by George Thomas (smallest ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author George Thomas

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he must not have minded the the springs sticking out because was sitting on the part Amy ripped up. He put a book mark in his book and turned towards me.

"Hello Mike its been too long."

I gritted my teeth and faught the need to punch this man in the face.

"Hello... Grand Father i didn't know you were coming or i would have cleaned up."

"Don't try to play me Brandon called and told me you have been spending the last week at his place."

"Yeah then you also know what's happening with the wolves."

"Yes i do know i also i know you have one in the hallway listening to us right now. So why don't you tell that little were-bitch to come here."

"Don't talk about her like that you old fucker you may be my grand father and the new leader of the clans in L.A. but think you can talk about her like that."

"Ah i see you have feelings for that wolf  is that it? No matter i didn't come here to fight with you i came here to give you a warning. The other clans plan to kill you after all this and i won't be able to stop them so if what my advice leave tonight and find somewhere they won't follow you."

"This is my home i'm not going to leave."

"Well then once all this wolf business is cleared up you better get your will in order."

He put his hat on and walked out into the stairwell.

Amy came in and said, "So you have a lot of family problems then huh?"

Chapter13: Leading the Attack

That night Amy seemed on edge, like she was just waiting for something bad to happen in the blink of an eye. I took her out for dinner she didn't anything big or fancy. So we ate at a Pizza Hut she seemed to like pizza a lot. When we got back to the apartment she asked me, "If you have so much money saved up why do you still live in shitty apartment building?"

"Because this was mine and Mary's home we lived here until... you know. I was going to sell the place but i couldn't do it."

"Oh." she said looking like she wanted to slap herself for asking.

"Don't worry i don't mind anymore. You know that saving its to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all?"

"Yeah what about it?"

"I happy to have at least known her she may be gone but ill never forget her." I said with a smile.

"What about me will you forget me if something happens?"

"Nothing is going to happen to you i promised nothing would and ill make sure i will keep that promise."

She looked like she was about to jump all over the place at those words then she kissed me and said, "If you make it to the room before i do ill give you a reward." Then she ran up the stairs with me right behind her.


The next morning i woke up smelling smoke. I got a pair pants on and ran out to the kitchen, Amy was there waving a rag at the smoke and yelling, "Oh god not again."

I ran beside her and poured some baking soda on top if the frying pan and the smoke stopped.

"What were you doing?" I said trying not to gag at the burning smell all around.

"I was trying to make you breakfast sorry i almost started a fire." she sad looking ashamed.

"Its ok. It wouldn't be the first time this place place caught on fire." i said with a slight laugh.

She kissed me and ran her hand over my chest, "Looks like these have healed."

"Yeah but you have to go easy with those claws next time." i said and turned around there were light scratches on my back from where she got worked up a little too much last night.

"Oh sorry." she said blushing.

 I kissed her and then seen that it was almost 3:30pm and yelled, "Holy shit i've got to get ready!"

"What time did to have to be there?"

"At four."


I didn't get there until about until almost 4:30 traffic was backed up more then it normally was i called ahead and told them i would be late. When i got there Amy refused to wait outside she didn't like the idea of me going in alone besides hopefully Brandon would be here and tell them she wasn't a threat.

When we walked in there was a lady sitting there doing her nails, she seen me and Amy and said, "Its about time its rude to keep people waiting you know."

Amy laughed a little at her hair it was bright purple and had been pulled up into a bun. I tapped her with my elbow and she stopped.

"Sorry traffic was backed up."

"Whatever they are waiting for you in the back, but she is not aloud back she has to wait here in the lobby."

Amy took a seat and looked a little pissed that she couldn't go back i kissed her on the head she smiled and said, "Be careful."


I walked into the council's office inside there were 12 tables in a circle at each table there were older vampires that had been alive hundreds of years. At the head table was my grandfather he didn't look happy but i don't think he's ever looked happy.

"Please Mr. Brown take a seat." one of them said.

I took a seat in the middle of the room.

"We all know why your here and frankly we don't care what you want but we do know we need every last bit of help we can find."

"Well that's why i'm here i want to do whatever i can to help."

"Strong words from someone who couldn't deal with one woman's death."

"Enough!" my grand father yelled as he stood up.

"If he wants to join us we won't turn him down. He is the best warrior our clans have had in the last two hundred years and everyone in this room knows it to be true. If he wants to help let him, but if you mess this up in any way we will kill you, do i make myself clear?"


"Good we wil provid you men to attack the wolves at their sourse. We will have them ready in four days. You may show yourself out."

Chapter14: Training

Amy was glad to get out of there she said the lady at the front desk was trying to dye her hair into some odd color much like her's. She said, "I'd kill myself myself if i ever had hair like that woman did."

Halfway back to the apartment she looked at me and asked, "Are you sure your going to be okay doing that kind of stuff again?"

"No i won't be,but i need to or else more people will be hurt and have their lives destoryed."

"But why maybe someone else could do it, why do you have to?"

"Amy i'm the best at this kind of stuff you seen how i was in the alley that night right?"

"Yeah he only hit like four times, what about it?"

"Five, but anyway i wasn't even trying in that fight and that wolf didn't stand a chance."

"Hmm maybe one day ill be that good." she said with a smile.

"That'll be the day." i said and she slapped my arm.


The next few days i went to my old training spot many vampires went there so I made it clear to Amy that there was no way she could go and for once she didn't seem to agrue i figured she just wanted to rest after everything that's been going on the last few days.

When i got there i got a few nasty looks everyone knows who i am, but i didn't care what they think about me.

A few of them said, "Who smells like wolf when i walked past them."

I began training at a lower level i knew i was out of shape and it was going to take some doing to get where i used to be. After the first day i felt like shit my limbs hurt so bad i had to sit in a ice bath before i could even lift my arms above my head.

The second day was a little easier i was able to dead lift four hundred pounds and hold in above my head for two minutes. People looked at me like i was superman while i did they tried to copy me but they all failed in their atempts.

Later in that day i worked on my speed i knew i was fast but it never hurt to work on it again everyone was amazied at me and my speed after that they seemed to have a level of respect which i liked a little.


On the last day i just relaxed with Amy at my apartemt she seemed bored like she didn't like sitting around doing nothing all day. She had a Hello Kitty t-shirt on all day and i tried to make a joke about maybe she should get a Hello Wolfie shirt but she didn't laugh at it.

"Why do you seem like your hate it here?" i asked her about halfway though the day.

"Its not that i don't love you or not like being here with you and all it's just... nevermind its not important."

"Come on tell me."

"Your about to go against a large amount of wolves tomorrow and you seem to be completely calm."

"Well there's no point being worried i'm going to have a team of trained vampires with me."

She sat there looking like she was about to flip out of her mind.

"Oh um i also have to ask you something."

"Yea what is it?"

"Um can a vampire and a werewolf you know... have a kid together?"

"Um i don't think its ever happened before but yea as long as everything is healthy they may be able to. Why do you... wait your not... you don't think..."

"Well i'm about five days late and this morning i um took a test and well," She pulled the pergnacy test out of her back pocket and showed it to me, "It came back positive."

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