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Book online «A Beautiful Mess by Ninja Choco (ereader that reads to you .txt) 📖». Author Ninja Choco

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a serious mental illness if he thought such entities could ever exist and he was a vampire.  


“Please l-let me g-go” I whispered in a hoarse voice, my voice sounding weak and how it used to all those months.


He laughed a bitter laugh that sounded too old for his appearance as it bounced smoothly of the walls and fell onto my fearful ears. He took another menacing step as I absorbed his power which screamed danger and was shrouded in mystery.


“Why would I do that kitten?” he purred in a low and careful voice, his eyes calculating yet also mocking me.

“Please I j-just want to go back h-home” I stuttered out as tears welled up in my eyes at the thought of my worried and tormented parents. For months they had struggled to locate me when I had disappeared that fateful night and when they finally found me it was like I saw the transformation before my eyes.

 My mother had hugged me and cradled me the nights where I wept into her arms and daddy had made me coffee while using pet names he called when I was a mere tyke. It was wonderful even if I was tormented by my inner demons. My parents became my best friends when all had deserted me. They were my salvation in times of struggle and now they were ripped away again and this time I was uncertain if I was ever going to see them.


With this thought a sudden pang of rage came over me as my eyes and nose flared violently. The move to the new country was meant to be my only get away from this hell. My one way ticket to the freedom I have dreamt and lusted after for months. And yet here I sat, in a room with a handsome stranger as I shook with anger as fear left my system without a trace.


I was angry that my life was so bad and that God despised me so much to push me through this again. Why was I the girl chosen out of so many? I wasn’t pretty with flaunting looks and I didn’t excel in sports. The only redeeming quality was my brain which thrummed with knowledge.


But even through the haze of anger, despair and rage I knew not to act on feelings alone. Acting on them could lead to my downfall and death, even though the quick escape sounded quite inviting at the moment. I even considered embracing it but firmly shut that part of my brain off from those thoughts which would begin to plague my mind.


I instead opted to look at my hands which now lay limply in my lap. I heard an irritated sigh before a voice boomed again into the quietness and cut my heart “Ava you imprudent human. So insignificant and worthless”.


I looked up sharply and met his clear eyes as he smirked, shaking his head at me like I was an incompetent child with difficulty in understanding. But that’s not the thing which bothered me the most, it wasn’t his scathing words of hatred or bitterness but the fact that I still thought he was a God and utter beauty as I felt a twinge of lust for him deep within my womb. What was wrong with me? I thought as a chastised myself and stared of again at my limp hands.


“I want you downstairs” he ordered after a prolonged silence and I looked up in time to see him turn smoothly on his heels and strut out before slamming the door as it cracked and whined on its hinges.

I could tell he was frustrated at my lack of emotions as I hadn’t begged for him again. I knew it was what people like him with crazy minds wanted, they desired to feel others suffering. They were like pests feeding of it, licking it dry as they sent us spiralling out of control.   

Chapter 3

I stood there in front of the mirror as I combed my hair with my fingers, my mind over working with ideas of escape. I was scared. Terrified to the point where I felt as if I was falling and going to hit the floor, however I refused to let these feelings cloud and capture me in its vice like grip. Firmly I tugged on a tendril of black hair, the colour of the night sky as my mother used to say.

Like he used to say I thought before quickly shifting my thoughts onto safer grounds.

There was no point thinking of those things as that would be an opening to the darkness within.

It was the banging of the door that made me scamper of and into the safety of the corner as I waited for whoever stood behind that wooden piece. The door creaked open and in stepped a girl with the beauty of a super model, the type of girl who acts in high paying movies and box office hits, the girl I wasn’t.

“So you’re the new girl” she purred in a soft voice that came out as a melody played out by famous song writers. I stiffly nodded my head, the bones seeming old beneath my skin. She laughed, finding something funny as she twirled her hair around her finger and even though she seemed carefree I didn’t miss the calculating look beneath her eyes.

“Odd” she muttered, “I can’t seem to read your mind”. I nearly chocked and hacked on my saliva as I pressed away from this crazy and mentally ill girl. “Read my mind?” I stuttered out, my voice hoarse and quite with fear lacing through it.

She smirked, the smirk the boy possessed as her blue eyes twinkled. It was evident they were related as they carried the same traits.

“I’m a vampire” she said and in a flash she came to stand before me, her breath warming my face as she leaned down as she studied me closely. This time I did choke on my spit as I stared at her in disbelief, refusing to believe she has crossed the room in such speed.

Her hand reached forward as her towering figure imposed great delicacy, her fingernails scratching the sore skin on my neck as she examined the two fine cuts running through my throat.

“My, my , brother dear has already drunken from you” she stated than asked and her smirk was now in full force as her eyes shined with mischievous. I swallowed tightly and tried to move back, but my legs were frozen with fear and seemed to be a dead weight.

“Scared are we?” she enquired with a slight tilt of her head before she pushed away from me quickly and sauntered away like nothing had happened and she hadn’t revealed she was a demon sent from hell , which was highly unlikely because there had to be a valid explanation for her fast appearance by my side.

“It smells you know” she continued from the side of the door as she looked at me. “Your fear stinks stupid human. It’s disgusting, revolting and I hate it” she hissed and her once sweet voice turned into something sinister. I didn’t know what I had done to anger such a beautiful girl and the words just flew out of my mouth.

“You’re crazy?” I blurted.

She cocked an eyebrow and smiled a bitter smile and I watched in horror as once again fangs grew. “You don’t believe me when I say I’m a vampire do you?”

I just stared in shock as she now came to stand before the oak dresser set to the side and checked her appearance, her back to me but her reflection staring at me darkly through the mirror. “There are a lot of things that you humans are oblivious to, that’s what makes you stupid. We vampires have seen death and horrors that you wouldn’t even understand so don’t call me crazy”. I nodded but something in me was still in denial, trying to grasp the truth without believing what was right in front of me.

“I wonder what goes in that brain of yours” she repeated as she leaned forward and swiped her eyeliner off slightly.

“How about we take a look then dear sister” a voice drifted and shifting around I gasped as three males, including the kidnapper and two young twin girls came to stand within the room, all seeming to surround me like a blanket. It felt as if the walls closed around me as sweat broke out, flitting down my clothes.

“What do you mean?” I asked, my voice coated in fear that even I couldn’t help but wince at. I didn’t want them going through anything, I thought, as they all seemed to send the other strange looks.

“We just want to get to know you better” the girl from before said as her cold hand wrapped around my elbow and I tried pulling away from her iron grip but she held fast. “Bind her to the bed” the kidnapper ordered and it was then that I screamed. I didn’t want them to investigate through my head, to make me remember.

They lit candles and set it around the bed as they bound me to the bed, the black sheets staining with my tears as I pleaded for them not to do this. All these cruel creatures did was smile, smirk or stare at me with no emotion in their eyes. It was after the last knot was bound on my ankle I realized how hopeless I was again, the feeling trapping and intimidating but not foreign. The same thing had happened when...

“Please” I whispered as the twins began chanting with their elder sister, the one that looked no older than me but seemed older in mental age.

“Please…” was all I heard myself say as I drifted off into the darkness.




Chapter 4


I was falling and falling fast. It felt as if my body was been destroyed part by part and it was horrifically painful as I screamed in my head. I felt sensations on my skin as if someone was gliding their fingers across it before I was tugged back as if a rope had been tied around my waist to prevent me from crashing and splattering onto the floor in a heap of gore.

Then I was in a room. My room, the room I’ve grown up in and for a moment I thought it had all been a bad dream till I looked around and saw all the people surrounding me, the vampires. They were staring around with

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