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Book online «A Beautiful Mess by Ninja Choco (ereader that reads to you .txt) 📖». Author Ninja Choco

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

The brain controls your thoughts, intelligence, memory and emotions. It coordinates body functions and interprets information from our senses. It weighs about one and a half kilograms and is made up of nerve cells.

A wish is a desire or hope for something to happen.


I wished for him to return. I wished for him to come back or for my memories to be blocked away behind a steel barricade or for that night to never have happened. But when do we ever get what we wish for?


I sat there tapping my pen on the desk as the teacher droned on and on about the history of Myths, her voice bland and emotionless. The students next to me sat slouched in their seats as they texted away on their sleek phones, their heads bent forward in utter concentration. I looked down on my nearly completely empty notebook, littered with doodles and some other unrecognizable drawings.


My pen stopped tapping when I felt someone gently tap my shoulder and I glanced up and into the eyes of Markus, a boy in my class who was one of the few who remotely cared for his grades like me. I shot him a small smile as I took the sheet from his outstretched hands. He didn’t smile back but did incline his head slightly, more from curiosity than anything else


Everyone knew that I was leaving today. It was the hot topic since nobody left this small town located in the furthest reaches of the world, isolated from technology and where the death of a car made the latest headlines. But this school and town were going to become another figment of my memories, a wandering thing that I may look back on. Truly I was happy that I was about to be given a clean slate to start on, where no one knew about me or my past.

I looked away, my eyes shooting up onto the ticking white clock as I folded the paper absentmindly. It was as if with each tick I was coming closer to a new beginning.


I could feel the new start on my fingertips, brushing the pads ever so gently.


I glanced at my phone which was discreetly placed under the desk.


I had struggle concentrating today which was very rare as I took my studies seriously. Every page today that should have been piled with notes left blank like my new slate I was about to be given.


I couldn’t breathe.



Another glance at my phone proved I hadn’t got any phone calls from my beloved parents.




They gave me this opportunity for a new start. Without them I would have never made it these past few months.




The memories began crashing down.




I felt my breathing falter and sweat collected on the hollow of my back as my eyes shifted nervously.




I shut my eyes. Oh god the memories were coming like a bullet train ramming through a cement wall.




The bell shrilly rang, cutting the onslaught of images which were on the brink of appearing and sending me into a frazzled heap. People began to stand up and I thanked for the spot on timing of the bell, my breath returning to normal and entering my lungs in a whoosh. I stood up, my hands gliding shakily across my things and stuffing it silently into the leather bag as I tried to collect myself, students filling out and into the bitter cold of the hallways, some sending me fleeting glances but otherwise not stopping.

A long time ago some of those people may have been my closest friends, my brothers and sisters, but now they were strangers in this strange world we called earth.

I sighed as the bag shifted onto my shoulder where I heaved it up and walked to the slumped boring and bland teacher at the front. She glanced up through her thick cat like glasses and peered at me in question, tendrils of greying hair falling out and into her wrinkled face.


“Ava” she stated as her eyes swept over the textbook I held out to her, the thick and worn cover catching the lights reflection. Understanding dawned on her face as her thin and long fingers grabbed the end of the extended textbook, the weight being lifted from my hands. I sent her a forced smile which she didn’t return as she turned back to marking her exams, her red pen gliding across the scuffed paper.


I shrugged and felt my phone buzz in my jeans pocket. I fished the device out and stared at the screen as the words registered in my foggy mind.

‘Ava where are you? Our flight is soon’

I looked back at the teacher who seemed too absorbed in her marking as I rolled my eyes pointedly and dashed out hurriedly, my shoes gliding across the floor. The least she could have done was shown more compassion I thought bitterly as I pulled the sweater more tightly around my quivering body. The lockers zoomed past me as my bag slapped against me and I huffed at the empty halls as I came to a sudden halt in front of my pale blue locker, the dented and battered thing reminding me that I was leaving everything behind.


I quickly twisted the locker combination in as the silence drifted through the empty halls. Everyone was so keen to leave this damn forbidden place known as there central hell. I just imagined them getting prepped up for the party looming at 9:30pm today evening.


When I checked and re-checked I had everything in my bag after a few long minutes, I slammed the door shut and made my way down the dim halls, basking in the quietness. I had only walked a few meters before I was chucked back and slammed painfully into a locker. I groaned as I crumpled to the floor and shut my eyes tightly, winding my arms around my head as I waited to stop the pounding from the impact and snap out of my continuous and ongoing daze. When I dared look up and to the side I saw my bag lying scattered to the side with the contents spilling everywhere and pens skittering to the hidden safety of the creeping darkness.


“Get up human” a voice grunted and looked up quickly, my eyes widening at the complete beauty of this being. His jaw was sculptured to perfection and his midnight black hair fell into his face loosely and caressed his face. His body towered over me dominatingly as his lips curled up in disgust at the sight of me and I felt self-conscious all of a sudden for no apparent reason. Though that’s not what made me catch my breath in wonder, no it was his eyes, the clearest of blues I have ever glimpsed. They reminded me of the ocean undisturbed and clean, not bothered by the imperfections of this planet.


“I said get up” he said in anger as his hand shot out so fast it was a blur and latched firmly onto my arm. I grimaced in pain but kept my face blank as he wrenched me up that I felt like my arms were on fire.  I stared wide eyed at this strangely exotic creature that seemed unearthly and godly.

I hadn’t realized we were walking till I saw myself pass my locker. It was then when I came over my initial shock.


“Where you taking me?” I whispered as a familiar fear descended heavily upon my shoulders. I thought I had escaped, I thought this wouldn’t happen again…


“Far away” he said, smirking at me as my heart thundered in my chest in a mixture of fear and fascination. “Behave and I won’t kill you”.

How many times have I heard those words before? How many times do I repeat this torture before God tires of this game?

There was a soft scuffling sound and I heard the boring teacher from before calling me. “Ava?” she asked.

I saw something flash in the beautiful man’s mouth and I gasped as it stopped me from screaming for help. Fangs? But before I could look more closely I felt him snap my neck to the side so fast that I got whiplash as searing pain pierced through me and radiated from my neck.  I let out a muffled scream as his hand clammed down heavily onto my mouth. All I could think in outrage and disgust was that he bit me. Then I saw the familiar black dots dotting my vision and I let the blackness, my long lost friend consume me in its embrace.


Authors Note: Hey tell me if i should go on. Thanks :)

chapter 2


Chapter 2:

I awoke to a pounding headache and a painful ache in my neck as black spots filtered dizzily in the corners of my vision and threatened to suck me deep inside the horrific black. Slightly grabbing my neck with heavy hands I gingerly felt the two punctures neatly sliced across my skin.

Everything from school to the boring teacher and then the breathtakingly handsome man sliced my fog claimed mind as I gasped into the place. I quickly looked around, awaiting for him to emerge but when I took in my surroundings I was captured in a vice like grip at its utter sophistication.

The walls were painted a midnight blue and the comforter in which I laid in was midnight black with small intricate designs ebbed into the satin material with fine skills. The floor was a deep oak and glimmered as the moon light streamed through the window with loosely hung blue curtains. Truly everything in this room screamed ‘rich’ and I felt filthy in my jeans and coffee stained sweatshirt. Even the smell was entrancing and I took another quick whiff as I confirmed the sweet smell of roses.

Throwing my legs to the side I listened to the silence as a slight dizzy feeling swept firmly across me like a tidal wave. I held my head and leaned forward as memories, the ones that I wished to be buried began to resurface.

How many endless nights of suffering have I had? How many tears have I shed before?

All of a sudden a blinding light overtook the room and my eyes shut as I threw my hands up and covered them firmly. There was a moment of silence as I adjusted to the sudden prevailing lighting before I peeked out from my hands and gasped yet again as my eyes met the clearest of blues.

I itched back, my spine hitting the head board as I stared in fear as my blood ran cold and my body immobilized. My breathing picked up as I recalled what this man had done. He had bit me, pierced my skin like a filthy vampire from the countless amounts of fantasy books which lined the walls of the library. I shuddered as he took a step forward, a smirk stretching widely onto his perfect face. It still amazed me how such a beautiful creature could roam this earth amongst us. But with everything there is a single downfall. In this case this man was senseless and crazy, having

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