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Book online «Eternal love by hima (small books to read TXT) 📖». Author hima

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health more dear."

I touched his hands gently, “I love this place as much as mom does and I can't imagine being away from this place. It's just the fever that makes me nervous."

Pop kissed my forehead and said in a whisper "I love you."

I smiled. In the evening I went for a stroll in the rose garden. I think, every color of rose present in the world is here. I was lost in the beauty of garden when suddenly I became aware of a presence at my back, I tried not to panic, I turn around. A woman stood there glancing at the garden and me at a time, I couldn't find words to describe her beauty, golden aura radiated from her body and when she spoke it’s in musical tones.

“ Trust your heart, follow your instincts, nothing harms you as long as you won't.”
saying so she disappeared.

"This is it," I thought any more strange people are welcome to scare me out of my wits but this person, hasn't scared me; rose my courage, her voice still lingers in the air. Next day, at breakfast I couldn't find pop anywhere. Before, I could ask about father's whereabouts. Mom drew our attention by calling us.

"What is it? Are we moving away?" dhi screamed above her plate of Idli.

"No! There is a party, 2 weeks from now and it's organized, to celebrate on our coming home," Mom said.

All of us cheered listening to that, I felt happy since pop has taken my word. Mom thanked me later and said, she would have felt bad to leave this place. I said that, I feel the same too.

I asked mom "Where is pop?"

She smiled gently and said, "He went to Vizag to bring his sister's family here for the party. Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem, they would be joining us, two days before the party, only Sid will be coming now, I think he will be back by noon"

"Oh! No, not him." Rocky mimicked me as if he read my thoughts.

"Well, I have to certainly put up some strength, to gain in fights" I said to everyone loudly they all laughed delightedly.

After that we went exploring the house. Dhi took me into a room, opening the door, she said that we can use this room, if we like it. I peeped inside the room, it's really beautiful from the window we can have complete view of the rose garden, I took a liking to it at the first sight.

Dhi asked "Do you like it?"

I could sense her enthusiasm.
"very much" I said.

"It's decided then, we will take this room" she said saying so she ran to mom to tell her news, she is always like that she couldn't contain enthusiasm. Dhi takes after pop but her feelings are as sensitive as mom. She is an adorable person.

I stayed in there for a few a minutes talking a look at the garden. When I turned to go away, there it is again, another ghost sitting on the bed but this time it's not a woman but a boy about twenties.

He saw me looking at him and smiled," So, you are the girl?"

I am feeling nervous with all these ghosts busting from nowhere than the woman's words came into my mind as a song, I took a step forward nervously and said "What do you mean?"(but not too rudely.)

"I mean that you can see ghosts, the ghost woman you saw, informed me about the incident." he said tentatively.

"Oh! Do you have a name?" I asked feeling foolish.

"Of course yes, my name is Raj." he said extending hands to shake.

It felt weird to shake hands with ghost but I did. I could feel nothing but a chill when I touched his, so called hand. This boy is looking handsome in his own way. I could have sworn, if he is real, I could have blushed though I'm not that type.

"Don't you want to know my name?" I asked.

"What is your name, Josh?"he asked teasingly.

I heard our cars horn and hurried to meet pop. Pop was already in when I ran to hug him.

"How are you feeling, my dear?"he asked eying me carefully.

"I'm fine, how is your journey?" I asked him.
Before he could reply

"Hey, Josh," Sid said.

"Hi," I said with a plastic smile.

There are formal greetings between us. Than we were called to dinner.

As usual, Sid started calling me some sort of stupid names. I got angry but I tried remain calm, I don't want, pop to see, how I take revenge on him but I could feel anger boiling through me.
A plate came flying over nearly missing him and landing in a thump, everyone stared at me.

"Jo, you are losing your head. It could have hurt him," Mom stormed.

I tried to argue but was unable to find words, none of them was convinced. I looked in the direction, from where the plate came flying. I saw Raj sneering at Sid. I left abruptly, into my room saying sorry to everyone. As soon as I entered, Raj is standing there looking at me with spiteful eyes.

"Why did you do that?"I stormed upon him.

"I couldn't see him offending you," he said lamely.

"Thanks for the concern," I said and added hastily, "I can look after myself."

"Please, can you do me a favor?" I requested without waiting for his approval, I added "don't interfere in my business."

He is hurt and added gloomily "Aren't we friends anymore?"

I felt sorry for my arrogance.
"I didn't say that" I said.
Though this business of friendship with a ghost, seem to be really weird but then everything is so weird these days, I would even believe that magical creatures like goblins, giants exist.

"Can I have a word with you?" Sid said entering the room.

"Sure," I said instead of saying “no” as I always do but I wanted to tell, sorry to him for what raj has done earlier, so I let him in.

"How are you? I heard that you have been ill," he said.

"I'm fine, listen I wanted to apologize for what I did earlier." I said.

"I don't think that you should apologize for what you have not done," he said.

"What?" I said unable to believe my ears.

"I know who threw the plate, are there more here?" he said seeing my hesitance he added "It's ok, I can see them too, don't you think you are the only one with that ability"

Then pop called out all of us, we went into his study.

"The party is very much near. I will allot everyone with a task of cleaning up the house and today, I want you to go to the city and buy anything you need for the party, we can have the vehicles to invite people to our party, Is it agreed?"he asked like a dictator.

"Yes," we chorused.


We set out for the city. Rocky sat behind the wheel. Normally, pop wouldn't have agreed, if it weren't for the lack of driver. He gave rocky many instructions about driving, before we left. I doubt, if rocky has heard even one of it.

Dhi insisted on sitting in front seat, so that she could learn driving. Sunny sat with us. We have barely reached 15min of our journey, both sis and sunny fell asleep.

It gave us a good chance to speak."Did you see him?" I asked Sid.

"Who?" Sid asked.

"The ghost who threw plate towards you." I said getting slightly irritated.

"Oh! I saw you talking to him, in your room" he confessed.

"So, are you sneaking upon me?" I said teasingly.

He smiled brilliantly. I never had time to watch him this close. He is handsome, muscular, light brown eyes same as mine, his smile is alluring. I wondered how I didn't notice this before.

“Friends?" he asked extending his hands.

His palm felt so soft, tickles ran all over my body when I shook it. It took for us an hour and half to reach shopping mall and another hour to shop. We agreed to meet after an hour at the cafeteria. My appetite is bad. I couldn't eat anything.

During our return journey, Sid took the wheel and I sat beside him. No one argued with it since they all are tired, they slept merrily.

"Can you open it?" he said pointing to the cover beside my legs.

It is a pendent, in the shape of a flower with white stones embedded into it. It's very beautiful.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"I asked tentatively.

"Why? No," he said seeing my hesitation he added "It's for you."

I was speechless to say anything. I thought of rejecting it, instead I blurted out "Thanks, it's very nice."

"It would be prettier on you. Do me a favor, put it on now." he said.

I did it; this guy certainly knows magic I thought. Whatever he says, I found myself doing it without any further thought. When I woke up in the morning I'm safely tucked in my bed.


After breakfast I went for a stroll in the garden hoping to find that golden woman. When she said those words I thought those are some sort of riddle, I should solve but when I met raj is obvious, what she meant. She instilled courage in me with that beautiful verse of words.

Sid joined after a few moments of walk. We talked about different flowers present in the garden. When suddenly I heard a muffled cry and I went in the direction of sounds, Sid followed me quietly.

The moaner is a ghost; he is like “Casper the friendly ghost.” I smiled at him.

He is nervous and ready to disappear at any second; I extended a hand carefully stepping forward.

"Hi, I am josh and this is Sid," I said, "why do you cry?"

"I don't want to leave this place," he repeated that sentence several times.

"Then don't, what's the big problem in that."I asked feeling sorry for that poor one.

"Problem? You are the problem,” he said it in rude tone.

"Me?" I asked, "What did I do?"

"Master ordered us to; leave this place because he didn't want us to frighten you anymore." he said still angry.

"If that's the problem you can stay here," I said.

"No, master won't accept it," he said.

"I'll speak to your master, who is your master?"I asked.

"Will you?" he asked half delighted.

"Yes, take us to him."I said and Sid nodded in approval.

We walked for another few minutes before we reached clearing at the backyard of our home. There are about 10 ghosts, 2 female, one of which I knew already, 4 men and 3 children of the Casper's age. Another man stood with his back to our side.

Seeing the astonishment in the group; He turned to see what the cause is. I thought he is the master. Casper nodded towards him and said, "Master"

Now it's my turn to be surprised because he is none other than Raj.

"Hi," I said not
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