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Book online «Returned by Anaya Phoenix (most popular ebook readers TXT) 📖». Author Anaya Phoenix

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to death, but I don’t care. He’s here, with me!
“Don’t ever let me go” I whisper through tears into his ears
“I never plan to again” if I listen closely I can hear his tears fall out of his eyes.

She’s here, oh god she’s finally here. It doesn’t matter that she’s kind of dirty, or that she has grime covering her body. She’s here! And she’s grown, a lot. Her body has changed, so has mine, she’s taller her hair is longer. I try not to focus on her body but its hard not to when she’s pushed up against me. Her breasts aren’t huge but there big, her legs have gotten more shapely and they cling tight to me as if they lighten up she’ll go away forever. Something stirs inside of me and I bite her,
“Ouch!” she takes her legs from around me and steps back,
“What’d you do that for?” she asks tersely, then she widens her eyes and she looks down “sorry” she mutters. She stands awkwardly in front of me and I’m confused, why’d she put her head down and why is it still down.
“Elizabeth, its ok” her mother says, one hand is tightly holding Michaels hand the other is patting Elizabeth on the shoulder,
“He’s not going to hurt you” she says softly. And slowly anger rises up in me,
“Who hurt her?” I ask between clenched teeth,
“No one” Elizabeth mutters and she raises her head slowly, there crystal blue and I watch slowly as they turn green and she smiles sadly.
“Let’s just forget about it” she says softly
“No, who hurt you?” I ask again I can’t help the growl that come out and I watch as her eyes swirl to a light blue
“Can we please just forget about it?” she asks softly,
“No, tell me, now” I step closer and growl, her eyes swirl to pale blue and she opens her mouth. But then she freezes she looks at me and her eyes swirl to red,
“No,” for a minute she sounds back to her old self,
“I have missed out on 10 years of my life, being a slave. Waiting, hoping praying that you would find me!” she clenches her fists,
“For 10 years I was in that hell whole, and was pushed, and bossed around. And after countless times of saying no, and no one listening to me I will be DAMMED if my own mate forces me!” she yells. She steps closer to me and points in my face
“So, I’m not going to tell you what happened but I will tell you this, for ten years I was raped and abused and was put to slavery. For ten years I would howl and hope that I could hear one of you calling me. For ten freaking years I’ve missed you! So do me this one favor” she puts her finger down and her face softens,
“Please don’t make me have to kill you after we finally see each other” she pats my cheek and her eyes swirl to a brighter green,
“Ok” I smile then I kiss her cheek, she leans her head back and grabs my face. She kisses me on my lips, she licks my upper lip then my bottom lip, I open my mouth and she plunges her tongue in my mouth. She rubs her tongue over mine softly and slowly and just when I’m about to kiss her back she separates.
“Wow,” she said breathlessly “that’s what a real kiss feels like” she smile brilliantly. She lets go of my face and twirls to her father,
“What took you so long to answer me?” she says softly,
“My wolf has been out of sorts” he says apologetically, “I would have howled sooner if he wouldn’t have shut down” he hugs her and she hugs him back and tears start to come out.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry baby girl,” he rubs her hair “I’m so sorry” she starts to sob uncontrollably. She continues to cry until she’s all dried out and she passes out from exhaustion. Her father puts her in my arms,
“If she leaves me again while under your care,” he says as he backs up “I will not hesitate to kill you and your pack”. I take this seriously.

When I wake up I’m in clothes, actual clean clothes. I smell like soap and my hair smells like roses. But there’s something wrong with my chest, I sit up and take off my shirt, I have on a black hold thingy, and it’s pushing my breasts up on my chest. I don’t like it, it makes me feel contained. I try to take it off like I took off my shirt but it only hurts my back. What is this? I pull of one of the straps off and then the other. It folds a little bit at the top so I must have to pull it off like I would pants. I stand up off the mattress on the bed, how did that get there? I manage to put it down to my belly button when I hear a grunt from the opening, I turn around and see Micah standing there, in his eyes a lust and hunger is there that I’ve only seen on zhafar and mom’s dad. I blush and stand to my full height,
“Yes?” he puts his eyes down; I shouldn’t have to hide anything from him,
“I head a struggle and I wanted to see what was wrong”, he scratches his forehead,
“You think you could uh, cover that up?” I’m confused what he means and then looks down, oh my breasts. I put the sheet over me,
“It’s safe now,” I tell him and when he looks up I smile awkwardly at him
“You think you could help me get this thing off me, it won’t come off and I’m starting to get really upset” I tell him.
“You mean, your bra?” at my confused face he laughs
“It has straps?”
“Then it’s a bra, and sure I can help” he walks closer to me and I turn and move my hair out the way. Giving me a waft of roses, it’s grown and it reaches my hips. He whistles
“Wow it’s all the way down there” he grumbles and then he unbuckles it. I try not to focus on the feel of his hands on my bare back but its hard not to. I groan and his hands freeze, and so do I. he moves his hands further apart until there on my hips and he turns me around I look into his eyes and watch as he leans down and kisses me. I don’t hide anything from him I open my mouth and let him take what is his. Not thinking I wrap my arms around his shoulders and reach up on my toes. I cling my legs around his waist still not breaking the kiss and he lowers us down to the bed. He braces either hand on the side of me and I raise his shirt slowly. He breaks the kiss for a second and rips his shirt off he kisses me again, this time more urgently, I unbuckle my pants and kick them off. I unbuckle his and pull them off of him, still holding onto our kiss he moans and pulls back.
“Are you sure?” he says panting, and I nod
“I want to be yours in every way imaginable” I whisper and then I wrap my arms around his shoulders and we made love until the sun went down.

I stretch at the mouth of the den, I have never felt better. All my limbs pop and crack and I sigh Micah’s still sleeping and I woke just in time to see the moon rise from the horizon. I haven’t seen mom or dad since I woke up, and I’d wager their sleeping too. I don’t hear him sneak up behind me so I’m startled when his arms go around my waist, I’m wearing one of his shirts and it’s loose around me but it feels right.
“You left” his voice is husky,
“I woke up, I believe there’s difference” I say as I rub his arm and continue to look at the moon. He kisses my ear,
“You scared me,” he says in a serious voice that I giggle at,
“You sound like you did when you were 12” I tell him and he squeezes me which makes me giggle louder.
“If you don’t stop your gonna wake up your parents”
“I’m not afraid of them anymore; last I checked I’m 18”
“But your still in my den!” we hear daddies voice say and I chuckle.
“Sorry” I yell at him and then look at Micah “troublemaker” I mumble at him.
“Hey you were the one throwing liberty rights this way and that if anything you’re the trouble maker, no scratch that, you’re the rebel”
“Hmm, I think I like my nick name” I purr at him then laugh when I hear his low growl.
“Shouldn’t you guys be going to bed” I hear mom yell,
“we should, but there is no guarantee we will” I yell back, I hear daddy sputter and Micah purr and I think I could get used to this life.

She is amazing; I never thought I would ever be able to love a person like this. We made love until the moon rose and then we made love until the moon was high h in the sky. When I wake up again she’s still in my arms. Soft snoring comes from her and her hair is a mess, to me she has never been more beautiful. She stirs in my arms and turns around, she doesn’t wake p she just latches her arms around me and presses her naked body against me. She lets out a sigh of contentment and continues to sleep; softly I move strands of hair from her face and tickle her arms softly with my fingers.
"you know” her voice startles me “I won’t be able to get sleep if you do that to me?”
“That’s what you said last night but you seemed to be happy not to sleep” I tell her and she hugs tighter to me
“Last night wasn’t a bad thing, but we both need some rest”
“Well,” we jump at her father’s voice and wraps the sheet over her body and sits up “you both need to get up, it’s about 12” he leaves the compartment in the den. She lets out a breath and shoots me a scathing glare,
“Hey,” I raise my hand in surrender “I didn’t know he was there” she lets out a little sigh and sticks her tongue out. Before she gets up she puts on my shirt and stretches. When I look at her she giggles,
“I learned I can’t stretch naked in front of you” she says
“Well you know sometimes people have to do things three times in order to really learn it?”
“Some other time baby but,” she rubs her stomach as she walks away “I’m starved and you’re not dressed. So get your little fanny up so I can eat”

I don’t know where I found this confidence from but he seems to like it, so I have to put on a face and be brave.
“My fanny is little?” he says as
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