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Book online «Listen by Anaya Phoenix (e book reader android TXT) 📖». Author Anaya Phoenix

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“My back hurts” I rub the lower part of my back, again, through the thin paper dress these stupid doctors have me in. I told Micah I didn’t want to come here, that my mom never went here except to give birth to me and I turned out fine. I told Micah I did not want to come here! But yet he ignored me and practically dragged me here!
“I can’t do anything about that” he says tersely from the stool beside the chair. I narrow my eyes and sit up straighter,
“You know for someone that dragged me to come here, you aren’t trying to see that I’m comfortable”
“You won’t let me make you comfortable” that part was true, I hadn’t let him touch me but what do you expect? You drag me here after I told you I didn’t want to come and you expect me to be all hunky dory about it?? I sit back and let out a puff of air. We’ve been here forever and, even though my mood has been seriously crappy for the past two days, I’m starting to get really pissed off.
“How long do we have to wait for this guy to come?” I snap at him,
“Like I sad 5 minutes ago I don’t know” he snaps at me through clenched teeth
“Well maybe if you would’ve given me my answer 5 minutes ago I wouldn’t have to ask you again” I say matter-of-factly
“How the hell would I know-“
“Ok, ok you guys can stop fighting I’m here” a female doctor comes in she has brown eyes and red hair. She looks at Micah and smiles and I bite off a growl when he smiles back,
“I’m doctor leason, how can I help you two today?” her eyes have not come from Micah so I clear my throat.
“He just wanted to make sure everything is ok with the baby,” I pat my mid-size bump through the paper thin dress.
“Ok, well we can check that right now for you” she says and sits on the stool in front of the chair I now sit on. She looks at me and I look back, I don’t know what to do! She must have seen my panicked expression because she smiles warmly at me,
“Put your feet in the stirrups please” I look at the metal thingies that lay on each side of the chair, but that would give her full view of my womanly areas.
“I thought you put the jelly on my stomach and see the baby” I say, fear shooting its way through my body. She blinks once and I have to calm down, so I look at Micah,
“She just wants to make sure everything is ok, down there, no bumps or anything I don’t know about” he says with a grin, it makes my cheeks hot and I look back at the woman.
“Strange” she says then puts on a glove, she lifts up my dress and starts to move her hand toward there. I look at Micah again and he’s just grinning like a… cat. I feel her enter me and preoccupy myself,
“Why are you grinning like that?” I ask him
“Because I’m a proud soon-to-be father?” he tries
“Hmm” is all I say, I lean in closer and whisper “I will never forgive you for this”
“Ah, you’ll have to one day and when you do I’ll be there” he kisses my cheek “holding our baby”. I feel the doctor come out of me and I exhale,
“Everything is fine, now for” she goes to the beige closet and pulls out a screen looking thingy “the goo part”. I really wish I had kept my underwear on, I really really wish I was that smart. Sensing my distress she rips open a circle that shows my protruding belly and she puts light blue, cold goo on my stomach and I giggle. She sends me a smile, she puts a microphone looking thingy and spreads it around. She clicks a couple of buttons and the black screen flicks to life. At first I can’t see anything, but then after she moves it around a little I see a curled up thing. The fetus. It’s about the size from my thumb to my ring finger, she moves it around again and I almost pass out from shock. There are two fetuses! I suck in a gasp and Micah stiffens beside me,
“Congratulations,” she says cheerily, she clicks a few more buttons and pictures come out “Your having twins!”
Twins! Ha ha! Micah hasn’t said a word since then and I’m floating on air. We walk back to the forest and we continue to walk in silence until we reach the den. Where my mother waits practically bouncing on her toes. The whole pack cease to move and await my answer,
“They are fine!” I yell happily, everyone looks around very confused but its daddy who catches on first.
“Holy-“ my mother sends him a look for me “nuts, twins! Your having twins?!” his face is wonder and happiness. I look at Micah and he takes the picture out of his pocket slowly,
“Yeah” he mutters hesitantly, I’ll have to talk to him about that later but for now, I’m having twins yay! I’m practically bouncing as I take the pictures from him and walk to the cluster of woman that surround my mother. They all aww, and I have to look at it sideways, what’s so cute about it? I mean, sure, it’s my baby but I don’t see anything cute about it. Maybe when they come out I’ll see their cuteness. It shouldn’t be longer than 3 more days, we’ll have to go to a new hospital so as not to raise alarm to us. I look from the gaggle of women and see Micah walking to the den slowly. I walk to him and start to rub my stomach, I get a fresh twirl and I can’t help but giggle. I link my arm through his,
“Hey you,” I say softly and he looks at me for a moment then looks to the den again “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing” he mumbles, he tries to pull away but I tighten my grip
“Whats wrong?” he says something that I want to believe I didn’t hear properly.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I say again
“I said, I didn’t ask for this” he says, almost sounding angry, I stop and twirl him around so he faces me,
“And you think I did?” I ask incredulously
“You wanted it” he mumbles and suddenly I’m pissed. I punch him in the gut and when he goes to cover it I push him on the ground
“Yes I wanted a child, but instead I got two, and I didn’t hear you complaining when you were screwing me!” I yell at him, I feel a pain in my stomach and I swallow down a cry of pain. Instead I just rub my stomach,
“Find somewhere else to sleep tonight, I don’t care if you sleep in mud or get mauled by a bear. You’ll deserve it” I spit at him and then I step over him and ignore the stares from the rest of the pack.
I cry until I go to sleep, I wake up, cry and go back to sleep again. When I wake up finally I get up from my tear soaken pillow and wash up, I put on jean capris and a pink flower shirt. My stomach has grown considerably and I can see the tip of my stomach from over my breasts. Thank goodness I got some clothes from mom or I’d be walking around in uncomfortably stiff leaves. I put my hair in a ponytail and walk out into the main compartment.
“Hey sweetie” mom says carefully and I smile at her
“Hi mom”
“Morning honey”
“Morning daddy” I walk to them and sit on a bean bag chair that I forced daddy to buy me, for comforbility.
“What’s for breakfast?” I ask cheerily
“John went on a run last night while you were uh, held up, and he brought some yogurt and oranges for breakfast”
“Ooh, yum” mom hands me an orange and daddy hands me a little cup of strawberry banana yogurt and a spork. I unpeel the orange and separate in half, then in quarters.
“The way you eat oranges amaze me” I hear Micah’s voice say, but I continue to separate my orange,
“The way you seamlessly care about yourself amazes me” I say before I pop a slice in my mouth. I take a piece of cloth and put my orange slices in it along with my yogurt and my spork.
“I’m gonna go for a walk” I tell them and pass by Micah, purposely bumping his shoulder with mine.
“Hey Lizzy” Catherine says, I haven’t known her for long, apparently while I was gone daddy went crazy and rogues from everywhere. She was one of them and I like her so she can stay, for now.
“Hey Cathy” I pop another slice in my mouth “what’s up?”
“Nothing much, I was just over there with the chatty cathies’” she laughs at her joke and I giggle
“And I heard you were walking around punching people and talking about screwing, what happened while I went hunting?”. I tell her everything and she see’s my point, she even agree’s to give him a good ass kicking if he ever gets on my nerves again. I laugh with her then Micah and mom come out. Cathy growls at Micah but he doesn’t notice he just stares at me,
“Sweetheart we need to talk”
“I’ll talk with you, but not him” I tell her and start to spoon out my yogurt,
“Ok, you and I can talk he’ll just be there, ok?” I sigh
“Fine” she smiles and takes my non-yogurt hand, she takes me to the woods and Micah follows, quiet. He sure has been awfully quiet lately. We come to a clearing about a mile away from the den’s.
“Ok,” she says cheerily “you two have problems and I have voluntereed to help”
“We don’t have problems” I say back cheerily “he has problems, he can’t be concerned about someone else but himself for more than a day”
“That’s not true, for those ten years I was always wondered about you”
“And what did you do about it? Nothing that’s what, any other mate would have gotten himself killed to save me!”
“If I would have gotten myself killed you wouldn’t be here”
“Oh yeah, and how do you figure? I’m the one who howled, who broke my father out of his trance! I’m the one who flew here, I’m the one who will have to take care of these children because most likely you’ll be off thinking about god knows what!”
“Do you have any idea what I went through for those ten years? Or were you too damn concerned about you went through?” that shuts me up “every night, every god damn night I sat outside hoping and praying someone would send me a sign that you were alive, that you were safe, that one day you would come back, that one day I would find you! And one day I got a sign, my mother was killed by a rogue when I should have been protecting her. I try not to blame myself, saying that waiting for you to come back or to hear you was the right thing but your making that hard now, your so impossible. You take the smallest comment seriously and I am so fucking tired of it!” his eyes have started to tear up and

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