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Book online «Blinded by Alexie (best novels to read for students TXT) 📖». Author Alexie

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hadn't seen his hands tighten on the steering wheel. 'Weird,' I thought. I knew I wasn't hallucinating about the sign. There was something weird about this town and I was going to find out what it was; even if that meant revealing my secret.                 *                                                                                                                              **                                                                                                                               *                  "You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed to Chuck. "Isn't it beautiful!" He said. It wasn't like the house was ugly...quite the opposite actually. The only thing that freaked me out was the houses number. "666!" Yelled the house in bold black plaque. I'm superstitious by nature, kinda have to be with me being a supernatural an all. And Chuck had to buy a house numbered 666! He was insane! Yeah that's exactly it. Chuck had gone and lost his marbles! Now who in the hell is supposed to be my legal guardian if he's insane?! The devil maybe?! Yeah that's exactly what I need the devil showing up saying, "Hey Tiger; I'm your legal guardian since he's insane your mom gave me legal custody of you, ready to go!" What so you can eat my soul I don't think so!                 I go to take a cautious step forward and a black cat runs in front of me. A BLACK CAT! "That's it, I yelled." "I'm living in the car and you can't stop me!" I exclaimed to Chuck. "Okay Tiger but pack a sleeping bag and a comforter your going to need it." He said. 'Damn him, he called my bluff.' I thought. "If I find a place to live an it's with somebody else and close to my new school; I'm moving. I said to Chuck. "Fine Tiger you find a place near the school with someone else that I approve of you can move out." He chuckled. And he could bet his money, count it and take it to the bank. That I WOULD find somewhere close to the school to move into. Ritual *Chpt 4*

The faint creak of the chains echoed in the cavernous tunnel. The tunnel was dank and humid. Illuminated only by the single torch in the corner of the tunnel. Sweat clung to my tired body and soaked my already damp an dirty clothes. It's been hours since I was chained to the ceiling...Or was it days? Time was lost to me. What felt like minutes could be hours and hours could be days. It didn't make a difference either way though because I was still chained to the ceiling. My wrists were raw and bruised from me struggling. The ache was only dulled because my arms were asleep. I swung back and forth, back and forth, never stopping. I was dozing just from the hypnotic swaying. Suddenly I heard the clacking of shoes in the tunnels. 'They've finally come.' Was my hopeful thought that was broken into million pieces when I saw the cloaked figures walk into my tunnel like foreboding shadows. They circled around me quietly, methodically like they were puppets. They stood around me, watching me, never saying anything just watching. Suddenly the cloaked figures in front of me make way for a figure to come through. Panic, confusion, anger, and surprise over took me.

 'Why were they here? Why aren't they helping me?' These questions bombarded me. "Why are you here?" I tried to say but could only croak. They chuckled at me. "Because dear I'm just a bad person who likes doing bad things and your going to be sacrificed for our gods." They mocked. With a gesture the cloaked silent figures ominously surrounded me again. The figures reached into their cloaks and withdrew their athames. Their silver daggers glittered and glinted in the dim lighting of the single torch. The figures in front of me reached out and caressed my body with their hands; skillfully undressing me. they're fingers caressed my thighs, my hips and my breasts, they caressed my naked body once more before with a slight flick of their wrists they impaled their blades into and around my waist one by one until the blades looked like a deadly belt. Blood ran down my thighs to my legs and to the ground. They started chanting while they dipped their fingers in my blood and started to draw on me. One figure rouged my lips while another did my eyes. The covered me with my own blood until it was both a frighteningly beautiful tattoo and a horrifying makeup altogether.

  Their chanting voices were strong, mesmerizing and horrifyingly beautiful. It was as if every time I tried to focus on anything other than their voices that my body would scream in more pain even though they didn't touch me. I could feel them scratching at my mental barriers; looking for weaknesses in its structure. My body ached with pain but it was dulled by the overwhelming hunger scratching at my control  for the  blood that throbbed under the chanters skins. My body heated, my skin itched as if something were burning and carving itself into my skin, and the scars on my body felt tight and restricting over my skin. Suddenly the chanting stopped. One of the figures stepped up to me and laid down their hood. It was her. But why her?! She walked up to me, lifted her hand and brushed her fingers across my nipples making them bud into tight little beads. I wished now that they hadn't given me my sight back because I didn't want to see my body react to her touch. She traced her fingers across my scars like she had done so many times before. Unbidden my desire wet my thighs. Then she stepped away and my body cried out at the loss of her touch yet at the same time I felt hatred seep into the pit of my stomach hardening and burning like a coal. I wanted to kill her. I wanted to torture her, to make her scream and beg me for mercy. To plead me to kill her to put her out of her misery. Suddenly my chest burst into such pain that I couldn't hold the blood curdling scream that escaped from my lips. I screamed and I screamed. The agony was excruciating, it was as if half of me was being ripped away from my body; being stretched and pulled. It was like something was trying to dig deeper into my body but was being pulled in the opposite direction at the same time, I was being ripped from the inside out and outside in. While I was screaming she walked up to me and whispered something into my ear and with a flick of her wrist she buried her blade in my chest......                

R...Rh...RHEA WAKE UP! I gasped and chocked as if I had the wind knocked out of me. It took me a second to become aware of my surroundings and my body. I suddenly realized I was holding a blade to Archers throat..."Time to get ready for the first day of school Rhea."He stated as if nothing was wrong and that I wasn't still holding a knife to his throat. I dropped my arm and pushed the blade under my pillow. Not wanting to think I let my body fall into it's normal routine and went to take a shower to help clear my head and wake me up.

To the Gates of Hell It Is * Chpt 5*

After my shower I headed to the kitchen to grab some jellied toast for breakfast. Opening the fridge I feel around inside and find that we're almost out of food. "Kuso!" "Archer did you and your friends polish off the food again last night," I hollered. "You don't have to shout I'm right over hear ," he said from the kitchen closet/cupboard. Shaking my head I closed the fridge door. "And Yeah, Sorry Rhea the guys came over and had the usual look about them last night so I let them in," he quietly explained from the dining table. I sucked in a breath through my teeth and sighed.            

    "How bad are they?" "Nothing to serious a few abrasions, cuts, and bruises." ""Are they going to school?" "They're already there waiting for a certain slow girl to get a ride and get there." I turned around and stuck my tongue out in the general direction of his voice. Suddenly there was a car honk coming from the front lawn. "Is that your ride, I asked." "Yep see you at school sis." "Excuse me mister aren't you forgetting something over here?!" "Ah crap sorry I almost forgot Rhea." Bending down he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Your so short sis." I mock slapped his arm. "I'm not short, an the correct term is vertically challenged and I just so happen to be neither of those terms." "Oh really? Then what term best describes your exuberantly stunted growth then?" I gasped and clutched my chest with my hands as if he had offended me. "Why little brother I thought you already knew, I'm fun sized not short; there's a difference." I felt him smile and shake his head at me. "I love you sis, Oh, and Star told me he was coming to pick you up on his bike today, told me to tell you to keep an open ear out for him." "Well you better get to your ride before they wake the whole neighborhood and end up leaving you here." With one last hug he left me there to wait

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