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Book online «Blinded by Alexie (best novels to read for students TXT) 📖». Author Alexie

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Blinded *Chpt 1*

Hi my names Rhea. I'm seventeen and I live in Rosewood meadow. It's near a small town not really noticed by city people or tourists. I wasn't born blind. I could see the Blue Bell flowers in my backyard with the plush green grass and the wind that blew through my black hair. While the leaves on the ground would float up and swish and sway as if it were a sacred dance. I saw the birds that danced and sang with the wind. While the clouds above so white in the pale blue sky passed by like time on a clock.
I saw my parents in the kitchen dancing to a waltz on the sterio. I was eight then. I really didn't have a care in the world about anything in that moment. I was happy and content with what I had. Well that was before I lost my sight. But when I lost my sight I could see a world under neath ours I saw ghosts and fairys and other things but I couldn't see the huan faces or my sky. It was like the background was white but the creatures weren't. I lost my sight when dad was at work and mom was cleaning the dishes My mom as five months pregnant with my baby brother Archer. I was outside playing in the grass with my new puppy. I swear he was the cutest little thing I ever saw.
I was racing my puppy for the ball when he appeared from behind the tree. He had viloet eyes with a sunkissed tan and brown hair with a reddish tint He was handsome other than the fact that he smiled at me with dagger like teeth. He stood there as if he only had eyes for me. I was shy then and I didn't really mind having a new friend even if he did have weird teeth. So I grabbed the ball and walked up to him and asked, "Do you wanna ply with me and my new puppy?" He looked shocked for a second before he nodded. So I gave him the ball and said, "Throw it and we'll race my puppy for it."
So he cocked back his arm and threw it and as soon as it was in the air we were off after the ball. Of course he caught it firstand I was giggling trying to grab the ball out of his hand. My puppy was barking and yipping like it was a game. that was before he chuckeled and said, "Rhea when I come back you will be mine, you will hear from me when your seventeen. I wish for your happiness Rhea." That when the sky dissapeared and the grass and my puppy and him. I couldn't see anything it was like a painting being wiped of it's color. I really didn't blame him then but maybe I kinda do now because I miss seeing the sky and i miss seeing my puppy so soft in my hands. I wanted to see my baby brother born, but I never got to. When I became blind it was like I could still see where I was going but I couldn't see at all. When my mama found out I was blind it was when I was fifteen she said, "You're cursed Rhea, Do you know what that means?" I knew what it meant and it hurt when she said it.
My mama wanted the old Rhea back but she didn't come back. I was the new Rhea and just were going to have deal with it. My baby brother was the only one who loved me even though I couldn't see him. He loved me just the way I was. My Parents were cruel to me after they found out I was blind. Dad used my back as an ash tray and he would beat me on the nights he came home late from work. Mom well she did everything she could to make feel small and worthless they beliitled my brother too. One Day dad went to beat my brother for no reason I saw for only long enough to sheid my brother from his blows so when I did this my dad took something sharp to my back and said, "I'll stop when you scream and move away from. But I refused to utter a sound or move although through the whole thing i heard my brother pleading and crying for me to move or him to stop. Only when my dad was done did I relax. My brother pleaded me to stay awake. He rolled me over but apparently that made dad mad that I was bleeding on his floor. so he slashed a big X on my chest. Everything in that moment seemed to dim sound, smell, heat. But I was just glad my brother was safe. Or so I thought then.
My brother called his friends to come over to help when mom and dad were asleep. They were older than my brother but still good kids I was their cool big sister or so they told me. they took me to the hospital and wouldn't tell the doctors what happened just sad save her she's all we got. Apparently no matter how tried they couldn't get a word from me, my brother, or his friends. So one day a few weeks after the hospital incident happened. My parents packed up their stuff and left me and my brother alone. I'm seventeen now and Archers nine. Now we know how to defend ourselves with weapons and hand to hand combat. Archer is so smart he's so advanced he was to my highschool to take classes with me. Now all we have to do is take on our school and hope we survive.

Ambush *Chpt 2*

The court yard was littered with fallen leaves and yellow flowers. A single bird sat on a branch in the tree above the huge court yard. It cawed insistently; demanding the attention of the young girl who lounged under the trees shade. On the ponds bench she lazily drifted her fingers through the ponds clear depths. She sat there wistfully gazing at her husbands image reflected in the ponds clear surface; wishing she were with him instead of with her mother Demeter for the next six months. A yellow blossom floated lazily from the tree settling by the girl on the bench. The girl stared at the flower longingly as if, it could solve all her problems. Suddenly people entered the court yard bickering with each other over the courtly matters. They could not see beyond what lay before their own two eyes. They judged by face value and constantly contradicted themselves and for this reason alone the girl pitied them.                      The girl sighed in trepidation at her situation. She stood and walked to the court yards pomegranate tree. How cunning of her husband to pick this fruit. She doubted that he even knew what the fruit symbolized...She snickered at the symbolizing insult the fruit itself presented to her mother.(It is a symbol of the resurrection and the hope of eternal life.) He mightn't've known what the fruit symbolized but it still warmed her heart just thinking about his choice. She didn't look up when another woman appeared beside her, she just simply said "Hello Mylo, it is Mylo now right?" "To what do I owe the pleasure of this opportune moment that you have deemed to come to me for...?"                     "Yes I go by Mylo now. Persephone I have but a request that I would like to ask of you if you deem me to speak it..." Persephone laughed at her now formal speech. "Now pray tell what has made you to speak so formally to me when you would normally get to the quick of the matters and problems at hand?" Switching her balance from one foot to another she debated whether she should tell her the truth or tell her the omitted truth. She decided to tell her the truth. "I was attacked." Persephone giggled at this. "Is this the matter that has you so deeply disturbed; you have lived for over 11,000 thousand years and have fought in many wars both god and human is upset about being attacked?! So tell me Mylo who has disturbed you?" An awkward beat of silence stood between them before Mylo finally answered. "It was not a who Persephone but a what." " Then tell me what has the ability to upset you so Mylo?" " It was a Keeper. It was an ambush set for me; we need to start the preparations Persephone..."    

Enter Tigarea *chapter 3*

     I'm sitting in the back of the car trying not to think about missing Jason and how depressing it was that we were moving to a town in the middle of no-where. My step dad was trying to cheer me up and was sadly failing at it. "C'mon Tiger you'll love our new home," said Chuck. I didn't bother answering, it was either keep silent or get grounded. 'Chuck, sighed.' "Your mother would've loved it y'know." My spine went rigid. Ever since mom died we've been traveling from place to place; never staying long enough to call it home. It was as if we were running away from something. What it was we were running from I didn't know...Yet. Chuck had promised that our old place was going to be our home; not just another house we had to up and leave. I should've known it was too good to be true.              

  If I had known we weren't going to make it our home I wouldn't've been so upset. Our new "Home" town is called; Rosewood Meadow. "WELCOME TO ROSEWOOD MEADOW Population 2,394...2,396." Holy Shit! The sign just changed!! "Chuck did you just see that?!" I exclaimed. "See what?" He asked. "The sign!" I said. "What about it?" He asked. "It just changed itself!" I exclaimed. "Tiger I know your stressed about the move but maybe your just seeing things..." I would've believed him if I

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