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Book online «ALLURING DREAMS by DEE CARTER (an ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author DEE CARTER

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,for im scared you might beckon to him and my dearest Kristen you will be lost forever” “beckon to who mother what’s wrong with him who is he what does he want" He chose the wrong path Kristen he sought the help of someone very dark and gave his life to become something he once detested to get to the one thing he always wanted” “what has he always wanted" I quickly said "you my darling" my mother’s quick response sounded the alarm bells in my chest “why me" I replied this was when I saw the tears in my mother’s eyes i will explain in detail another time , but you must seek help for it is only a matter of time till he finds you he has already waited over 400years. But his patience are growing thin now for he knows you will be inlove very soon with your maker and when the time comes you will know who he is it will be as though he never left your side he will keep you safe i know he has done bad things but as i was dying i touched him as he walked over to you he looked down apon me and your father with such pain in his eyes but i could also feel his pain and see his past and how he was from a long line of shapeshifters he was born with a rare gift but so very different from the rest of his family his mother was a beautiful sucubus which enabled him to create dreams for a person and he could enter them and his father was a shapeshifter so it ment he could shapeshift into any human or animal he wanted to he was almost like a dopelganger. So he was kidnapped for his abilities the kidnapper found them special and felt he would become important to his requirements , and in return he had his life ripped away from him to save that of his family” I stopped her right there and then this was becaoming confusing yet again “for god sake mother who are we talking about know I screamed “mother you were talking about someone else now your talking about another man this was what my dreams were like sometimes she would just jumble stories together in the hope I would adapt quicker but I couldn’t “right back to the first man who did this too him why has this all happened “ hurry Kristen we don’t have much time ok it was "because of your great-grandmother she was married to his great-grandfather” “woah whos grandfather” “shhh Kristen listen im talking of the man you need to stay away from back to the story, so this made our families as one by marriage they made it an ancestral binding in our two connecting families that the granddaughters born from our family would marry the grandsons of their family to begin a whole new line of hybrid witches and so on and so forth we were sickened by the news because the new part of our familes were demons consisting of succubus and incubuses,and many more they were infact the closest things to the devil and to the darkside that we had always tried to stay away from as light casters i have no idea how your great grandmother got involved with such a family im assuming it was throught of such force and power, but she was the head of our family so we had to abide by the revelations that were to unravel in our once peaceful lives”. I took in a deep breath feeling so heavy with fear This began a whole new feeling throughout my body one i had not encountered in over 4 centuries as a vampire can turn off emotions and feel nothing atall but right now my mother was talking of such things you expect to hear in an adult comic book i was imagining a title like demons suck or a roadway to hell right from your families living room i can just see it now the front cover of the latest addition, my family swarmed by the ugly relatives i shuddered at the thought she continued “so when family members became pregnant they quickly suffered miscarriages a few days later ,some say it was a god send or that they had been praying to the great goddess mother nature till we found out years later our great uncle morcam who was a warlock had been concocting a herbal tea that made you miscarry he was later executed for helping mothers abort their unborn child but it never stopped there other members had children and 75% were beautiful little girls which then married the grandsons till they had children which were evil children, you could tell that these children wernt made for loving they were carefully designed with one purpose only to destroy and how I mean by they were evil well u could just tell by there black eyes they were half witch half demon we didnt understand why they would want this kind in the family but there was no talking to your great-grandmother or great-grandfather they were so set in there way your great uncle morcam told some of the others oneday that they were creating a manefestation to make sure the light casters were eventually wiped out by dark casters and they could oneday take over mankind itself and everything that was once human would no longer exist i never understood because we were always so gentle and also quiet but most of all we fitted right in with everyone there were very few we told and in my case, i never told anyone i always felt so guilty though because i was one of the lucky ones when i was born there was no grandson born at the same time so i was allowed to fall inlove with whoever i wanted and i met your daddy he was a wonderfull and gracious man and so full of life and i was very lucky that he was also so crazy about nature like me ,oh yes I forgot as i was saying. The morning before your great uncle morcam was being executed he spoke to your great aunt winnie who was his wife , he said he remembered hearing the council members who were made up of the new generation hybrids talking ,they had all gathered one night in the parlour they were all talking between themselves one of them a female was saying that the vermin will onday not know whats hit them the evil children would then grow and settle down with humans have children with them and the evil would keep spreading town to town and soon there would be no full blood vermin alive" "what about the human they settle down with a young boy said " "well most demons she continued are immortal others have an exceptionally long life span so even by the time they get old the humans will probably be dead and they will then move on to the next vermin straight away so as you see Kristen there are no feelings involved its just there way of life but its not your way kristen just promise me you wont fall for it kristen be smart about this seek the help take it with both hands and embrace it ,its all down to you kristen to change this world as we know it you can not even begin to imagine the high expectaions me and your father had for you when we found out we were expecting you and to top it all we finally thought it was all over when we heard that your great grandmother and great-grandfather died in a freak accident we don’t really know how it happened but I think we all just saw it as a new but cleaner slate the population of hearth men and women started growing again with more babies being born it was becoming like the good old days again because we all thought it was forgotten so we too decided to keep you we were over joyed Marcus was so very excited about having a baby sister and well the day I gave birth to you was the best day of my life and we will never forget the day never!! but then our world came crashing down again infront of us because when you turnt just 14 years of age he appeared in your life as though he had always known about you and he shadowed your every move we tried to protect you but there was not much we could do, then when you turned 16 he became even more attracted to you and more obsessed he began fighting off other gentleman who came to ask for courtship with you like you had always belonged to him and no one else your father stepped in once to tell him to back off but out worst fears came true he told us that the very thing we thought we had got away with was still very much in place that infact your great grandparents were very much still alive they just had to go into hiding for a while our hearts sank that day because infact you did belong to him. It didn’t seem to bother you seemed to like him the same way, so me and your father tried our hardest to protect you and keep you from knowing that part of the history and the role in which you had been born for we just had to try and accept it but we never once liked it.We even started liking him but then we noticed the changes as his heritage started taking effect on the person he once was and we couldn’t let you be with him so we moved but as I said he tried everything he found out where we moved to and he began searching for you till half the village of men were dead we saw first-hand the evil in his eyes we saw what it did to him when he thought he couldn’t have you and what he gave in return for becoming something he detested to be with you forever, we watched as he killed everyone in our family who wouldn’t tell him where you were till he got to me and your father and we gave up our lives for you and your brother but he had plans for you both especially you .As we laid dying on the floor we watched everything , your brother wanted to die he did not want to become a monster but he had no choice it was over very quickly and your brother after speaking to your maker fled from the house you must find him Kristen you will sense him YOU MUST FIND HIM FOR HE HAS THE SIGHT YOU NEED!!! Your brother is your best chance to help you remember everything especially about the people in your life now. You can’t see it but believe me my love he's evil, but at the moment he was about to lay you down on the mortar unconscious it all went wrong for him you see the man who made him turned on him and because he was his master he suddenly had no power over you they fought for you and the evil one had to bow in defeat for your master was much stronger which to this day I am very greatfull he fled the house in anger and your master was by your side in seconds he
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