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Book online «Ignorance by Marlee Und3fin3d (distant reading .txt) 📖». Author Marlee Und3fin3d

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I said and shook Claire’s hand.

She smiled and me, “Great! Let’s go back down into the lobby and we will sign the papers and get you the key,” she said and I nodded.

We walked back to the elevator and rode down to the lobby. She went behind the desk and pulled out a set of papers and a pen. She sat them on the counter in front of me. “Sill out the areas marked in red, and signs your name at the bottom.”

I filled out all of the necessary areas and signed my name. I handed back the papers and she smiled. “Okay, now. $500 is due up front and then $200 is due on the fourth every month,” she said and I nodded. I pulled out five one hundred dollar bills and handed them over to her. She reached down and she handed me two pieces of paper and a room key.

“Here is your copy of the lease and your address and home phone number. Here is the key to the apartment,” she said and smiled once again at me. “I hope that you will be happy and enjoy yourself here. Have a nice day, Danica,” she said.

“Thank you and I’m very sure that I will,” I said and walked out of the building and back out onto the streets. Next thing, I had to buy some clothes. Of course I had clothes, but they weren’t really relevant to California. I had $500 to get me started and then I had to get a job.

I walked into the first store that I saw that didn’t look overly expensive. I walked into Hot Topic and looked around. I ended up buying quite a few things and still had about $100 left so that I could buy food. As of now, my wardrobe consisted of jeans, shorts, tanks, blazers, tees, tees, and more tees. After I left Hot Topic, I walked around until I came upon a ‘HELP WANTED’ sign in the window of a small café called Café Luna. I walked inside and filled out an application and handed it in.

“Thank you, ma’am,” said the lady behind the counter. “Oh, could you please leave a phone number so that we may contact you?”

I nodded, “Yes. It is 805-695-8242,” I said and she nodded and wrote it down.

“Thank you, uh, Danica. We will surely be giving you a call,” she said. At that, I walked out of Café Luna and walked back home. I walked up the stairs and to the elevator and into my room. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 9:23pm. I threw all of the bags into the closet and lay back on the bed and got under the covers, promising myself that I would unpack my new clothes and enroll for school in the morning.


I woke up the next morning around eight o’clock. I rolled around in the bed trying to get comfortable. After a few minutes, I realized that I wasn’t going to get anymore sleep, so I rolled out of bed and decided to get into the shower and go and enroll at Santa Barbara High School. I decided that I would enroll as a senior. Technically, I was made as an eighteen year old, so that is what I am going to stick with.

After I got out of the shower, I blow dried my hair and pulled on a pair of jean shorts that were adorable. They were a light blue at the top and looked like they were bleached at the bottom. I pulled on an ivory button-up tank and shrugged on a black leather jacket over it. I put on a black belt, black combat boots and left my hair down in it natural blond waves. I slapped on some mascara and lip-gloss and I was ready to go.
I grabbed my little black purse/bag and was about to head out the door when the phone rang. My heart immediately started racing. I ran over to the phone and picked it up, hoping that it would be Martha, the lady that took my application for Café Luna. “Hello…?”

“Yes, Danica? This is Martha, manager of Café Luna,” she said and I smiled up at the ceiling. Zeus had answered my request.

“Yes. How are you,” I asked out of politeness.

“I’m doing well, thank you. Well, I am calling to inform you that I am willing to hire you, if you are willing to accept.”

“Oh, yes!” I said smiling. “I would love to work for you!”

“Great! So, do you have school that I should know about,” she asked.

“Yes. I am enrolling in Santa Barbara High School today, actually, so I will be in school.”

“Okay. How about you work on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays after school until seven and every other Saturday from ten until seven?”

“Sounds good,” I said.

“Good. You can start Monday. Just were jeans and a black tee-shirt. Goodbye,” she said and hung up the phone. I put the phone back on the receiver and smiled to myself. Now all that I need to do is register for high school. This was going more according to plan than I thought that it would.

I locked the door to my apartment and walked own the hall to the elevator. It was about nine o’clock now, so people were in the process of checking in and out of their rooms, so the hallways were a little packed. Once I made it to the lobby, I walked out of the building and caught a cab. “Where to?”

“Santa Barbara High School,” I said and handed him twenty dollars. He gave me the change and started towards the school. After about five minutes, we pulled into a huge school. “Thank you,” I said and got out of the cab and it drove away. I started walking up the stairs to the front of the doors of the school and walked inside. I walked around the first hall until I came upon a glass door the said ‘OFFICE’ in big, bold, white letters across the front.

I walked inside the office and walked over to the desk. Behind it sat a lady in her late thirties or early forties. She had dark hair and blue eyes. She was a thick lady, but pretty all the same. She looked up from her computer when she heard me approach her. “Yes, how may I help you?”

“Yes, my name is Danica Nyxe. I just moved here and I was hoping to enroll for my senior year,” I said politely to the lady and she smiled.

“You sure can! Here, let me get you some paper work and we can go from there,” she said. She stood up from her chair and walked to the back of the office. A few minutes later, she came back with a yellow paper back book and a packet of papers. She handed me the papers, the booklet, and a pen and smiled, “Here you are, dear. Just fill these out and give them back to me. The booklet you can keep. There are three more pages in the back of the booklet that you have to fill out, but you can just tear them out and hand them in with the other papers,” she said and pointed over to a chair and handed me a clip board, “You can sit right over there.” I nodded and walked over to the chair and sat down, I then started filling out the papers.

Full Name: Danica Nyxe
Date of Birth: 12/21/1994.…

I filed out the rest of the papers. I had to wing - no pun intended - some of the information, like where I went to elementary school and parents. Really had no idea what to put for that, so I just said that they were dead and so was all of my family members and I was alone. When I was finished, I handed the papers back to the lady behind the desk, who I learned name was Janice. She looked over the papers and entered a bit of the information into the computer and smiled up at me.

“Well, Miss Nyxe, you are an official student of Santa Barbara High School. If you could give me a couple of seconds, I can print out a map and a schedule,” she said and I nodded and I walked back over to the chair that I was sitting in and waited. A couple of minutes later, Janice called me back to the desk and handed me the papers. I thanked her and asked her to call a cab for me.

I walked out of the school and over to the cab that was waiting on me, I looked over at the clock. 1:52pm. I got into the cab and asked the cab driver to drive me to the nearest store. I had about $200 left and I needed to buy some groceries. I paid the driver the $15 owed and got out at the Wal-Mart.

I walked out of Wal-Mart around six o’clock and instead of calling a cab and wasting another $15, I took the bus. After a short ride, I arrived back at the hotel. I walked up the stairs and over to the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. The elevator dinged and the doors opened to my hall. I walked down it until I came to my door. I unlocked it and walked inside. After putting all of my groceries away in the cabinets and the refrigerator, I walked back into the living room and curled up in the corner of the sectional with a blanket and flipped on the T.V.

After watching a few episodes of the new season of Duck Dynasty, I looked at the clock and saw that is was a quarter passed eleven. I clicked off the T.V. and got up from the couch. I stretched out my body and before I could stop it, my wings flexed out and I signed in contentment. I had had my wings hidden away for two days and not even attempted to move them once. Now that I think about it, that was rather stupid. I had my own apartment and no one could see me so I could keep them out as long and as much as I wanted…as long as no one saw them. So, instead of pushing them back inside my back, I left them out and continued on to my bedroom. I crawled under the covers and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
2. First Encounter

Chapter Two
First Encounters

The weekend passed faster than I

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