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Book online «Ignorance by Marlee Und3fin3d (distant reading .txt) 📖». Author Marlee Und3fin3d

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Preference: Creation

Zeus stared down at the earth from high above in the Heavens. He watched as his children needlessly fought amongst themselves. Ending unnecessary lives and scarring the lives of all those lucky enough to survive and escape the despicable goings-on on earth. Zeus' face hardened as his anger grew.

"NO," he growled in his mighty voice. So mighty that it caused the very mountain that the Immortals lived upon to shake. "Why must they do the horrid things," he wondered aloud to the wisest and cleverest of his children, Athena.

"I have pondered this as well, father and I have came up void of any conclusion. In this case, more war would cease to aide the situation on earth. What they are in desperate need of now, is one who can halt these terrible, senseless wars; bring the earth back to its former peace and serenity," Athena stated to her father. This is when the idea struck.

The idea of a creature that had the abilities needed to end the wars on earth. To bring earth back to its former glory. Immediately, Zeus called upon a Titan. "Prometheus, I am in desperate need of your assistance. Will you help me?"

"Of course I will, brother. What shall I do to assist you," Prometheus asked Zeus, eager to please his brother.

"Dear brother, my children on earth are no longer at peace. They are at war with each other! I need you to make me a woman of utmost perfection. Make her with wings of the purest kind and her hair shall be a cascade of pure gold; her eyes the perfect gray of mighty storm cloud."

As his brother continued to state his expectations, Prometheus could see the angel taking form in his head. "...and her name shall be Danica Nyxe for the night and the stars."

"Yes brother. I will assist you, but you must be warned. Perfection to this degree shall take time. The swiftest that I could possibly complete the task is twenty earth years," Prometheus informed his brother.

"Then I shall wait. I will expect her on the twenty-first day in December in twenty earth years. No later," Zeus stated to his brother and he graciously accepted the project. He turned from Zeus and headed back into his home on Mount Olympus and began the monumental project.


Finally, after twenty long years, the ultimate project was completed. What began as a lump of clay, was now replaced with a girl with immeasurable beauty. With her strands of pure gold and storm gray eyes, Danica Nyxe stood at five foot seven inches tall with a perfect body and flawless curves. Her perfect ivory wings sat gracefully upon her back.

"Danica," Zeus said affectionately as he took in the newly born angel. Danica smiled a dazzlingly beautiful smile back at him. "Do you know of your mission?"

"Yes, Zeus," she said in a beautiful voice that many a mortal woman would commit a dastardly crime to posses. "I am to bring peace unto earth and return to heaven when my duties are finished," she said and Zeus nodded in approval and then turned to his brother.

"You have done well, Prometheus, very well indeed," he said and Prometheus bowed in gratitude. "Now that you know of your mission, I allow you to leave the heavens to complete it. Be ware, you are never to show any mortal the gifts or heavenly wings that you posses. You are and angel, not a human. You must remember this, always, You have until the twenty-first day of December, next year to complete the task."

"Yes, Zeus," she said and then she left his side. She stretched her wings and flew to the edge of heaven and jumped. She flew to the ground and landed softly on the floor of the forest, where her journey would begin.

1. America

I stood at the top of the Scandinavian mountains and looked back at Europe for the very last time. After a few minutes, I turned my back to the beautiful scenery and let my wings unfold and spring forward. It felt too good to flex my wings after having them folded up and hidden away for going on six months now.

Ever since I left the Heavens, I have worked my way across the world. I made my way into Africa, Australia, South and Central America, the Middle East -one of the most troubled-; across the Eurasian continent and now I am on my way to one of the more difficult places: North America. ; Specifically the United States.

I looked back at Europe one last time and then, took flight. I soared high up into the sky and out of human sight. I flew for around six hours until I arrived in Canada. I landed in one of the most troubled of all of the Canadian provinces; Quebec. I didn't even bother stopping to think about the problem because I already knew. All of the wars and crime all lead back to one solitary figure, the government.

Instead of waiting around, I landed in an ally and fixed myself and my hair. I walked straight into the capitol building and into the governor’s office. When I walked in, he never noticed me. "What you are doing is wrong, and you know it," I said as I watched him steal thousands of dollars from the safe in the corner of the room that was his duty to protect.

He jumped and turned around startled. He looked over me and his worry faded, "Who are you and what are you doing in my office?"

I just shrugged, "I don't know. How about you tell me," I said and I turned and walked away. That was all that it took. Later, he called around and settled all of his reasonless disputes with the other provinces.

After I left the office, I looked up at the large clock in the square and saw that is was only 5:12pm. “Huh,” I said to myself. I was ahead of schedule. I thought that it would take at least a couple of days to settle Canada, but it took under two hours. Well, on to the next one. The next big project would be one of the toughest, considering what I have heard: The United States. Particularly California.

I walked over to an ally and set my wings free. I took flight and headed for my new destination, Santa Barbara, California. As I flew, I thought up a game plan on how to fix the U.S. It seemed that most of the issues were in the youth. I would need a way to get inside there world; fix it from the inside out. Then the idea struck; if I enrolled in a high school, I would be accepted into their world, and I could do small things, which could end up fixing the entire problem! That was it!

After a few hours of flying, I made it into Santa Barbara. I landed in an ally behind a building and started the project that was fixing the youth of California. Firstly, I had to find somewhere to live. I walked around the boardwalk until I came upon a news stand. I picked up one of the papers until I found and ad for an apartment for lease in a hotel that was just down the street from where I was. They were asking for a down payment and the first months rent at the signing. All in all, about $500; $300 down and then $200 per month. I looked in my pocket at the money that I had. Before I left heaven, Zeus had supplied me with $1,000 in every form of money for every country, anything beyond that I would have to work for like everyone else.

I walked down the street until I found the hotel with the room for lease. I walked up to the front desk and smiled at the middle aged woman behind the counter. “Hi, my name is Danica and I was wondering if the room for lease was still available?”

She smiled back at me and nodded, “Yes, it sure is. Hello, my name is Claire and I am the manager of the hotel. Would you like a tour?”

“Yes, I would please,” I said and she motioned for me to follow her. I followed her up a grand staircase and down a hallway to the right. We then came to an elevator. When the elevator opened and we went inside, she presses the number five. There were twelve floors in all. The doors opened to a dimly lit hall. We walked straight ahead. Finally, we came to the fourth to last door and she opened it. I walked inside and was amazed at what I seen.

It was beautiful. The carpets were white and a tan-colored sectional sofa sat in front of a large television that hung from the wall. A class coffee table sat in between them. There were huge glass sliding doors on the left wall that lead out onto a balcony that looked out over the city. To the left of the living room was a small kitchen with all black or chrome appliances. In between the kitchen and the living room, there was a small hallway that led back to the bathroom and the bedroom. The bedroom had white carpets like the rest of the house. The walls were elegant silver and the large white sleigh bed was pushed up against the north wall. There were tow matching white bedside tables on each side.

“So, what do you think?”

“I’ll take it,”

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