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Book online «Love, Loyalty and Family by Anysia Eaton (color ebook reader .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Anysia Eaton

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the force. Alec and I attend the upper school in Laguna Blanca, while Irena attends the middle school. The school’s are right next door to each other, but is a good car journey to reach them.
Laguna Blanca high school is much the same as other high schools in the United States of America. One building, some stuffy no windowed classrooms, some open and well decorated classrooms, chalk white floors and walls, lockers, teachers, juniors, and seniors.
Alec is in his Junior year, while I am in my Sophmore year, though both Alec and I have enough knowledge each to rival that of the teachers teaching us. It is rare that they should ever teach us anything knew, unless we were able to start and finish at an older age, and so were able to go up to the next level of learning.
Wednesday 18th May. We were coming up to the end of the school year. Only another month or so and we would be another school year older. The whole school was upbeat by the upcoming summer holiday, like they and every other school is every summer holiday.
The day could have passed smoother though.
Dad dropped us off at our high schools on his way to work. Irena was the first to split off from us. She headed towards the middle school with a noticeable spring in her step. Alec and I enhanced towards the high school.
As we entered the usually crowded grass outside of the school building, Alec and I parted. I joined my friends while Alec joined his.
His usual crowd was the football team. He is one of the more popular members of the team, a quarter back. We have tried to discourage him from playing because of his almighty strength but he gets spotted at each school and offered a place on the team, and he never refuses an offer.
Me, I prefer to hang with a more sensible crowd. For Sophmores, my crowd is rather popular. Probably because in my crowd is Lauren, the daughter of singing sensation Billy Wright. She is the one person I do not get on with in my crowd. The rest are cool, chilled and relaxed.
As I approached them, I knew instantly what the hot topic was. Everybody was thinking about it. Prom.
I wonder if I should ask her now or later, or should I...
He’s going to say yes, I know he is...
I’ll get my dad to come and take us in his amazing new car...
Does my nose look big...

Lauren’s thoughts were so self centred it was unbelievable.
“Hey guys” I said.
I got a “Hey” or two back but most were too far off in their own little world to even notice my arrival. Only if they knew that I could hear every word they were thinking. I’d of loved to tell Lauren that I knew she felt jealousy towards me. I could just imagine it now “Hey Lauren. Guess what. I know your jealous of me because I can read your mind, so stop being such a asshole and get on with live!”
I could just see her face in my mind, angry, shocked and total humiliated. On my last day, I might have to do that, just for fun. Ha, imagine her real face if I actually did do that.
Oh, look whose arrived, if it isn’t miss totally perfect Sarah.

Her shrewd voice is so recognisable in my head. I really wished somebody would put her in her place. Maybe I should do that.

I sighed. I really did hate knowing what people are thinking sometimes. I could do without the constant inner monologue of Lauren’s hate feast about me.
“What’ up Sarah?” asked one of the lads, Richard.
Richard was like my best friend. He was the first person I’d met here in Laguna Blanca. He lived a few miles away from me. It only took about half an hour to walk to his house, at normal human speed. It only took a few seconds to get there at my normal speed.
“It’s morning” I lied.
His chuckled rang in my head.
It would be Sarah that moans because its morning. Day not going fast enough for you Sarah?

“It would be you that moans on a beautiful day like this, just because it’s morning”
The one thing with Richard, is I always hear everything twice. I hear it when he thinks it, and then when he says it. The words hardly ever differ as they come down from his head and out through his mouth.
“I didn’t get much sleep last night” I moaned. That was true. Even though my kind don’t need as much sleep as humans we still need some – three or four hours. We usually sleep in the early hours of the morning, starting usually from one o’clock. The night before that time is spent training. Alec and I had gone overboard last night, challenging each other to fights.
With Alec and I, you never know who is ultimately going to win. Alec has the advantage of having a skill that is both defensive and aggressive. But I can tell what his going to do before he does it. It’s usually a fair fight and can sometimes go on for hours without a winner. That’s what it did last night. We start the fight at eleven and ended it at three. We didn’t even have a winner. Dad came out and – using his gift – convinced us to call it a draw and go to bed.
“You never get much sleep” You always say that

. Piped up Angelina. Angelina was one of those people who said before they think. I always hear her words and then hear her opinion on them. Most of the time the thoughts mimic the words, but sometimes her thought go along the lines off ‘I shouldn’t have said that’.
“Well I guess that’s just me” I shrugged.
The day passed without drama. Well, no drama for my family. Lauren had an awful start – Partially my fault. Lauren had opened her locker to find a red paint bomb. It squirted all over her made up face and beautiful, expensive, designer clothes. Me, Richard and Angela had rigged the locker yesterday evening. All of us agreed on the total snobbery of Lauren Wright, and have vowed to kick it out of her system. Her thoughts were incomprehensible for at least five minutes after the locker trick as she stood, splattered in red paint as everybody around her laughed.
I know, it was mean to do something so horrid, but horrid people do need to be taught a lesson and this should bring Lauren down from her thrown for a week or two.
When her thoughts finally managed to make sentences the very first thing she thought was, I’m so going to get her back for this. I know it was Sarah. I know it. I’m going to tell daddy, he’ll sort her out. She’ll regret the day she messed with Lauren Marie Wright.

I almost laughed out loud. I’m sorry hunny that won’t happen. You can’t take revenge on someone like me, who knows when it’s coming. I bit onto my tongue to keep the laughter in. If I laughed too much she’d know it was me. Richard and Angela were obviously biting their tongues as well, but I could hear their inner laughing fit. They had as much fun as I did on that.
Idiot Lauren sneered as she stormed past me towards the principal’s office.
“That was fun” I commented towards Richard and Angela when she was out of earshot.
“Do you think she knows it was us?” asked Angela.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought it was me” I laughed. I knew she thought it was me.
“Do you think she’ll tell?” asked Richard.
“Even if she did, she has nothing to pin it on us” I replied, though I might keep an eye on what the principal thinks of this mess.
Alec walked down the corridor past me then with his group of guys.
Good going on that Lauren girl, Sarah. Excellent. Couldn’t have done it better myself.

He thought while smiling at me.
He must have passed her in the hall.
I just managed to stifle a giggle.
Lauren didn’t turn up for any of the lessons she had with me, she had requested a new timetable that completely avoided me. She was sure it had been me, which was a right assumption, and is now planning to keep an eye on my every move.
The principal believed her little claims that it was me, but had no proof to pin it down on me. He called me in for a little chat during third period.
“Do you know anything about this locker incident?” he asked. If I don’t find the culprit Mr Wright’s going to have my bum on a barbeque tomorrow.

“I’m sorry sir. I only saw it out of the corner of my eye.” I replied. It was me! It was me! I felt like jumping up and screaming it at the top of my lungs, just to brag.
Really? Is she telling the truth?

“You do realise the consequences if I find that you are lying to me, don’t you?” he asked, well threatened.
“Yes sir. But I don’t need to worry about them. You won’t find anything that would even suggest I’m lying, cause I’m not” Another lie.
Hmmm. She is lying. I know it. But how do I get her to admit it.

“So you know that the locker stunt would get a person at least a week in detention and then lying in top of it would get you a week more?”
I sighed. “Sir, I think this is really unfair. I’ve said the truth and yet you won’t believe me”
Because I know it was you, and if it wasn’t you I still need somebody to be punished. It’s you or me kid. I think I’d know who’d I’d prefer punished.

I gritted my teeth. What an unfair way. So much for innocent until proven guilty.
“We take bullying very seriously here, Miss Lawrence. If it was you, we’ll find out. Don’t forget we have security cameras fully operational all around the school twenty four seven”
And I didn’t forgot about them. You might find when you watch them sir that at eight o five last night a lense cap mysteriously appeared on the camera lense, and remained there for a whole ten minutes while me, Richard and Angela rigged the locker.
“Sir, you won’t see me on those cameras. It wasn’t me. Feel free to watch them” I said.
Shoot. She must already know I’ve watched them. There was nothing there. Let me think. What do I say now?

“Sir, I hate to rush us, but I’m already falling behind in English, this is going to severely effect my grade if I stay any longer.” I said. I wanted to leave now.
Shoot! I can’t argue with that. I’ll have to pray to god for help with Mr Wright.

“Alright. Off you go”
Nobody could believe that we’d gotten away it.
A good day. I thought as I strolled slowly to lunch with Angela and Richard.
How little did I know how today’s events would affect us?
I heard nothing of the event until a week later. Mr Wright had arrived home from a tour around Europe, he came home to find a very upset Lauren. Apparently I hadn’t just wrecked a nice pair of clothes, I had wrecked her favourite and most expensive outfit. And Mr Wright decided to cause havoc at school.
I was stood in my usual friend group when I heard him coming. This girl has taken it too far. Nobody makes a fool

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