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Book online «Love, Loyalty and Family by Anysia Eaton (color ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Anysia Eaton

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the new girl.

“Hello, you must the new student” He had a strong English accent, in his head and in his voice.
“Yes sir” I replied.
Must find out her name. He down onto his table where there was a register. Um, where is she? Ah. Miss Sarah Lawrence.

“Sarah?” he asked.
“Yes sir. Sarah Lawrence” I replied, just for reassurance sake.
“Well, I’m Mr Button. I’m your Maths teacher. I hope you have a nice time here at Plum City” he said kindly. I’m sure she’ll enjoy it. It looks as though all the lads in this class have already taken a liking.

I knew he was right. I could hear their thoughts, and I could see them imagining me with them. I couldn’t help but grimace internally at some of them.
Thankfully, he sent me to an empty desk at the back without introducing me to the class. It was harder for my new classmates to stare at me when I was at the back, though they still a managed. I kept my eyes down on the desk in front of me.
The exams were coming up, so Mr Button was going over things that people didn’t understand as well as they should. Not understanding things seemed comical to me. I knew everything there was to know about this subject. I had repeated this year a lot more than any of the others that I will do during this stay here.
I spent the lesson trying to get to know the people around me. The girls seemed the nicest minds to be in, well only half of them. The lads had only me in their head, so I tried to avoid them. The nicest girl seemed to be Samantha, that sat at the front of the class. She had long blond hair that she had tied up in a bun. She wore big round glasses that looked as though she had stolen them from her grandmother. She was average height for a human of her age – slightly shorter than me – and was extremely skinny. She wore odd looking clothes. Her jeans were alright, but she wore a knitted sweatshirt that had a horse’s head on it. It looked almost four sizes too big for her. Irena and I would have fun giving her a makeover. I listened to what she was thinking.
She sighed internally. He will never say yes, not in a million years. And the last thing I need is giving Gabrielle another excuse to give me a public beating. She sounded posh. I wondered whether she spoke posh or whether she just though posh. At least I am not the new girl anymore. Gabrielle does not have that excuse anymore. I feel sorry for the new girl though. It looks as though she is getting more attention than she wants. She does not know what it is like to be the new girl around here. And she will not know until Gabrielle decides to give her a public beating. Poor girl. Maybe I should warn her. No, I will never have the confidence to talk to her. She will probably just call me a freak like the rest of them. Poor girl.

She’s calling me a poor girl. I feel like calling her a poor girl. I am trained in fighting. I can stand up for myself against this Gabrielle. I wondered which lad she planned to ask, probably somebody popular, if she’s on about giving this Gabrielle girl another excuse. Perhaps even Gabrielle’s ex-boyfriend. That would make sense.
A nasal buzzing sound rand around the room. I’ve heard worse bells I guess. I saw the Samantha start to pack her things away, slowly. I quickly got up, gathered together my on book, pen and timetable. I snuck a quick peak to see what lesson I have next – Biology. I went into her thoughts.
Biology with Gabrielle. A whole hour of sitting alone and have pens thrown at me.

she moaned.
I took my stuff, and started to head out with everybody else. Everybody was watching me. As the classroom was nearly empty I changed course and headed to her desk.
“Excuse me?” I asked.
She looked up to me. She is talking to me?

“Urm, do you know where Biology is?” I asked. I could probably find it myself by searching for the Biology teacher, but this seemed more appropriate for making friends.
She’s talking to me? She is in my next class. There is only one seat and that is next to me. I will not be alone.

She smiled and nodded. “I’ll take you there”
“Thanks” I said.
She gathered her stuff quicker now and walked out the room, with me walking beside her.
“I’m Sarah” I told her. Best way to start, I guess.
“Samantha” she replied quietly and briefly.
“Did you grown up here?” I asked her, already knowing the answer.
“No. I moved here two months ago from Orlando, Florida” she replied.
“Cool. I live there for a while.” I said.
“Where did you live when you were there?” she asked.
“A town called Lake Hart” I replied.
“I live in Orlando centre”
“So is that where you’re from?” she asked.
“No, I just moved here from Houston Texas” I lied. We never said we had come from where he had actually come from. We agreed on Houston Texas last night before we all went to bed. So all of us will be saying we’re from Houston Texas.
Wow, Texas. I bet it is really warm there. I have always wanted to go there. I wonder what it is like there. I wonder whether it really is sand filled or whether it is just like here just hotter.

“But don’t be fool by what people tell you about Texas. The roads and paths aren’t made out of sand. It’s just like here...” I paused “But warmer”
Did she really just say that? People must ask that question a lot. She is too used to asking that question that she adds it in anyway. Understandable I guess. Totally understandable.

She lead us into another corridor and into the first classroom on the right. She walked straight to her seat which was the front desk to the left hand side, by the window.
Ha, look what the cat dragged in. If it isn’t little Samantha. I wonder if I used the clothes joke on her before. I have haven’t I. Oh well, I use it again. I’ll wait until we’ve been set some work.

This was one the new voices. It stood out. This must be Gabrielle, but I wonder which girl it belong to. It sounded like it was coming from the girl that sat directly behind Samantha, but I couldn’t be sure.
I went to the female teacher. She was tall and skinny and wearing at least a ten centimetre high heels. How does she walk in these?
I hope I can get these kids out before the bell goes, then I have more time to ring Malcolm. Maybe I should set them to work and just leave them to it. I could run off into the toilet, claiming I was ill.

I had to stand beside her for ages waiting for her to notice me. Finally she spotted me.
Well there goes that idea. A new girl. Oh, what was her name? Ummmm... was it Law... Lawrence. Yes. Lawrence. Now, what was her first name?

“Hello, you must be the new girl.” I’m sure it began with S. Samantha, Sammy, ummm. Sarah? Yes Sarah. Sarah Lawrence.

“Sarah Lawrence, right?” she asked.
“Yes miss.”
“Right. I’m Miss Letti. If you need any help, do not be afraid to ask” she said.
I’m sure I won’t need her help at all during this year. She lead me to the seat next to Samantha and said, “Right, if you find that I’m going too fast for you just raise your hand and I’ll slow down. Okay. We’ve finished all the topics and we’re just going through them quickly”
I nodded.
I bet she’s going to be a right pain. I bet she’ll raise her hand every five seconds.

Teachers were always the worst for backstabbing. Always, always, always.
I bet she thinks that Miss Letti is really nice. I wonder how long it will take for to realise what I did? She is not nice. I will warn her about that while I am at it.

Samantha thought.
“Was that new person niceness?” I asked her.
“Yes. I was about to warn you about that. You are like physic.” She replied.
“That’s impossible” I laughed.
“Maybe” she shrugged.
I wonder who the new girl is. I want to say she’s like Samantha but she doesn’t look like the type. She looks sort of pretty. She might be a worry with Eddie. I don’t have to worry about Samantha’s little crush on him, he’ll never go out with a maths geek, but the new girl is pretty. Perhaps if I made her my friend, she’ll stay away from him... NO. That won’t work. Don’t be stupid. That will just mean introducing her to him. No. I’ll just have to spoil her reputation. That should be fun. Let’s see what can I do to her that I haven’t already done on Samantha.

Gabrielle was already starting to annoy me and she hadn’t even introduced herself yet.
“So, Samantha, who is your friend?” It was her. Gabrielle is the person directly behind Samantha.
Friend? Can I call her that? I’ve only just met her. She might not want to be caught as my friend.

“I’m Sarah. I just moved here from Houston Texas” I told her.
“Oh, well, I’m Gabrielle. Nice to meet you”
“And you”
She seems nice enough, but that could just draw Eddie in.

Gabrielle thought.
“You look really familiar. Have I seen you before?” I asked her. I knew I hadn’t but I had a good idea of an insult, an innocent looking comment with a horrid insult inside it.
Oh, I knew it. I bet she’s seen that picture. No. If she has she’s a lesbian. Why would a girl be looking at playboys. Then again, I was on the front cover. And I think people would remember my amazing Dora the Explora bikini.

She was worried. That was even juicier gossip.
“Oh, I remember. My brother had a magazine with you on.” I said too loud. The whole class were secretly listening. I could hear my words echo through every head. “You were on his playboy magazine with the stupid looking Dora the Explora bikini. You looked honestly stupid”
She went bright red in the face. Everybody was stifling a laugh, trying to pretend they hadn’t been listening. Most thoughts where in sync.
Oh my god.
Dora the Explora. Ha.
Blah, and I thought she had good taste.

Gabrielle was practically shaking with rage. As I turned around I could hear the thoughts that she was thinking.
I’ll get you for that, you... you...pig, slut, asshole, tramp. I’ll get you for that. Prepare to be absolutely humiliated.

She sneered internally.
I stifled a laugh. I could see Samantha trying to hide a smile.
Why is everybody laughing?

Pondered the teacher. Well, everybody but miss goody two shoes Gabrielle. I bet she’s the butt of the joke. That would be a first. Oh, I wish I knew who had done it. I would have come up with an excuse to award them a point, just for that.

I raised an eyebrow. Apparently Gabrielle isn’t as popular as I had first thought. Interesting.
As everybody turned back to the work a voice came through.
I wonder who that girl is? Pondered a shy boy voice. She looks new. I wonder if she knows anybody yet. If she doesn’t and she’s sat alone at dinner, I’ll join her. Don’t

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