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Book online «Zachary's Story by Kazen II (best classic literature TXT) 📖». Author Kazen II

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slot you for the morning and evening shifts. You can work other shift after you gain enough experience”

“Sure, sir, I can start tomorrow.”

“Then, see you tomorrow morning, Zachary Broheir.”

That evening, my family made a small feast for my admittance into Mecor. Afterwards, I had a private talk with my parents and when that was done; I went to bed early and conserved my energy for my first day of work with Mecor.
Chapter 2: Stepping Out

I thought that my days in Mecor would be so hectic and busy that I would not have any time for a breather. I was wrong; it seemed. In fact, I was so free most of my shifts that I had the time to know about my workmates, Adrian and Jenise as well as Chief Rado, and even befriended some of the mercenaries who frequent the place. They taught me about basic surviving skills – what to bring when you travel to other place, what is the essential thing you must do when you faced trouble, and what was the first thing to do when you came into a new town or city, et cetera, et cetera. And one mercenary named Karl was kind enough to train me in hand-to-hand combat and using spear whenever he came by. As time passed by and I continued with my daily routine, I began to get bored because Mecor did not give me the kind of exciting or hectic life that I was looking forward to.

“Something’s the matter, Zachary? You didn’t look spirited nowadays,” Chief, Rado asked. It was noon and he saw me sitting around languidly by the counter to continue with my second shift, from noon until six.

“Nothing, it’s just that...there’s nothing much to do...”

“I see,” he said simply and lost in thought for a while. “Are you interested in travelling?”

“Sure. After hearing this and that about the world from travelers and mercenaries alike, I would want to see the places they have seen for my self. Who wouldn’t?”

“Then, what do you think if I assign you to be a Carrier for Nyra Station? That position is usually done by Adrian for Nyra Mecor Station.” Well, I never did ask but sometimes I would not see him around station and all I got from Jenise was that he was away doing errand for Mecor.

“A what?”

“Carrier, it’s a division within Mecor regular staff, who dispatches documents and other materials from one Mecor station to another. Yes, we have magic devices for transporting items and materials but we only use them in time of emergency. Most dispatches are done by hand. So, what do you think?”

“Sir, you forgot that I never been out of Nyra. How can I see myself as a Carrier?”

“I though you want to see the world for yourself. What better opportunity than becoming a Carrier for Mecor?”

“Well...,” it was really a sound suggestion. “All right, I’ll try to do to the best of my ability.”

“I expected no less from you.”

Then Chief Rado briefed me further on the matter of Carrier. It was almost the same as the Courier service done by mercenary. The differences were the destination were Mecor Headquarters and any if its stations and all the travelling expenses were paid by the corporation itself – I realized that was the true usage of the plaque that I received during my admittance months ago. When the briefing ended, he gave a rolled parchment stating that I was a Carrier for Mecor, which came to affect by today date, and he gave me a big sack containing bundles of parchment to be destined for Kyrun. My next course of action should have been at the pier, booking a passage on a ship bound for Kyrun but before I did any of that I thought it would be wised to inform my parents about my new assignment so I made my way towards my family inn and sought out my father by the reception counter.

“Pa, I’ve been send to Kyrun for an errand,” I told.

“For how long?” my father asked.

“I don’t know. Not permanently, I guess. I just need to send some document there,” I answered.

“Oh? I hope they send you with an experience senior for the job.”

“No, this is an individual assignment.” My father’s forehead crunched with a frown over my words.

“Listen, Zack. Maybe you can ask for a change in assignment. To ask someone who hasn’t set a foot outside Nyra to travel is just…unthinkable, and alone at that. Or, let me have a talk with your superior—“

“No, it’s okay, Pa. I ask for this assignment.”

“But alone—“

“It’s just a simple delivery task and it’s just to Kyrun, anyway. I just go on a ship to Kyrun, go the Mecor station there, and come back by ship to Nyra; easy right?” My father did not look convinced but I did not want to lose this golden opportunity. “Please and can you tell Ma about this?”

My father did not say anything for a while. Then, with a sigh, he reached into his belt where a bunch of keys dangled and took one of it. Then, he used the key to unlock a drawer on the reception table and took a small pouch from it. “This is for your travelling expenses,” he said as he handed me the pouch, which jingled with the coins inside.

I hesitated to take the money as I said, “Mecor will cover all my expenses.” I doubted I had time to indulge in personal interest while I was in Kyrun.

“Just take it,” my father insisted so I took it and put it with inside my jacket pocket.

“Thank you, Pa.”

“Have a safe journey,” he said before I went away from there to my room to take a few necessary items such as spare clothes, washing kits and other that both travelers and mercenaries deemed important. Then, I went back down and made my way to the shipping centre at Nyra pier to look for a ship bound to Kyrun.

I heard that it took about six days to sail from Nyra to Kyrun and that most passengers of a ship were required to do ship chores during the sailing, though I found this to be another misconception – it only happen to cargo ship as the ship need to reduce excess mass due to the weight of the cargo they bring. Nevertheless, the crew did not object when I asked them about ship operations and let me experience how it felt like to work on a ship. It made me understand more why Nathan was so obsessed of it. Anyway, I was glad nothing out of the ordinary happened during the journey and I thanked the crew when we arrived at our destination.

Upon stepping off the ship on to the pier, I was overwhelmed by the shear sight of the place. I already knew that Kyrun would be twice as big as Nyra but I did not expect the mass of people at the harbor, and the way the people were always on the move. It made me wanted to see the whole city. Of course, I squashed that idea since I had an errand to run. So, after asking some of the people there, I went towards the direction of Kyrun Mecor Station. Fortunately, the way the building was made was similar so I knew where and whom to give the bundle of sack to, and according to Chief Rado, I need to wait for any dispatch bound for Nyra.

“Excuse me, but do you mind taking these to Mecor Headquarters in Bedin? Our Carrier hasn’t come back from his errand and we’ll give you the documents to take back to Nyra when you return,” the clerk there said as he gave me a sack.

I wanted to tell the clerk that this was only my first shot at being a Carrier and advise her to find another Carrier to do the job. Yet, I stopped myself from voicing the words as I thought it would reflect badly on Nyra Mecor Station if I refuse the assignment. So, I out a grin on my face as I said, “Sure.”

As I walked away from the counter, I was contemplating myself for making a rash decision and wonder how I was going to accomplish the assignment. Then I chanced upon a familiar mercenary among the many there. “Karl!” I greeted.

“Hey, kid. Fancy seeing you here,” Karl said.

“I’m on an errand,” I noted. I showed him the sack for emphasis.

“Where do you bound next?”

“Mecor Headquarters in Bedin.”

“I’m heading that way myself. Care to join me?” he offered. It sounded like music in my ears.

“Sure,” I replied.

As one of my teacher in survival skill, Karl gave me further lecture on the preparation for travelling. He checked, commented and recommended on my choice of travelling kit in the process – I had to add a few items into my inventory and I was thankful for my father for insisting myself to bring the pouch of money. When that was done, we hit the road.

Of course, the lesson did not end just there; throughout the course of the journey to Bedin, Karl taught me the ‘do’ and ‘don’t’ of road travel, including practical identification of useful and dangerous spoils in the forest, building and breaking shelter from materials obtain from the forest itself, and what to do when encountering bandits and highwayman. Indeed, we came upon a small group of bandit on the way, and the experiences show me how far I had gone in my fighting skill. It was enjoyable and I thanked Karl when we arrived at Bedin South Gate at the end of the journey.

Chapter 3: Another Division?
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