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Book online «Zachary's Story by Kazen II (best classic literature TXT) 📖». Author Kazen II

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the first light of day, invited guests began to come. I was at the back office, supervising other regular staff and review much important documents – because the usual person who did the task was currently doing some other assignment for Mecor – so I was not able to attend the meeting at all. Of course, when I finally finished my tasks, I went to the designated hall to take a peek.

The meeting hall, which was built as big as a theater, was fully occupied with people of various backgrounds. There was also someone from the Estrey Regional Troop who was currently giving a speech on the stage in front of the hall. I looked all over the hall, and saw Dimity waving towards my direction, signaling me to come to his side so I did.

“How’s the meeting so far?” I asked Dimitry when I reached him.

“The information sharing has been going as schedule,” Dimitry replied. Indeed. The meeting was nothing for than to share and exchange information to and from those who got it. A more private meeting among chosen people would be conducted once the information was gathered and compiled – meaning more work for the regular staffs later on.

“So, do you take notes of some of the new information?”

“Yes, including the stronghold of the leader of the Renegade Band which initiate this crisis...”

Dimitry shared that investigation done by Zamos Clan from Medie Territories reported a mage, who was clearly not from tribesman descent, and six closed aides of mixed backgrounds, currently made a series of caverns at the base of Heaven’s Cap mountain ranges as their headquarters. The man must have been a charismatic leader for he managed to sway quite a number of youngsters from various tribesmen, as well as other people from both Soparto and Estrey to his caused. Moreover, these people were no ordinary ruffians; no need to mention the warriors stocks who lived in the Medie Territories, there were mages of various practices in the band too.

To continue, the meeting already agreed to a solution proposed by the General of Estrey Region, and that was to use two-frontal attacks: one was a combination forces of troopers, mercenaries, knights, mages and volunteers to face the major fighting forces of the band, whereas a much smaller group would go straight to hit the leader. It was a strategy with the belief that if we got rid of the head, the rest of the limb might cease to move. Currently, there was a debate on the number of people to be put in the second group.

“Got any idea?” Dimitry asked me.

“Probably not so different from yours...I’ll say seven or eight is the number.”

“Make that eight. There are four main parties involve – Estrey, Soparto, Medie and Mecor – so two from each will even the odd.”

“Hey, what are you two whispering about there?” Lucien interjected, turning the attention to Dimity and I – I had no idea the Liegeman of the Shadow Society had his attention on us. .

Dimitry told them what we had in mind for the smaller group. There were few grumblings here and there among the attendees, yet in the end, they followed our idea and chose two people from Estrey Regional Trooper, a mage knight and a mage from Soparto, two representatives from Mecor, and lastly, two representatives from Medie. Thirty minutes later, the meeting was concluded with no further argument and the regular staffs were charged with compiling all the facts. When everything was done, I got permission to return back to Nyra to assume my responsibility there.

However, working with Mecor in time of crisis was like sleeping on a bed full of needles. It had only been a week since I came to Nyra before I was called back to Mecor Headquarters. I wondered if I need to supervise again, but when I heard the real reason from Director Malkovich, I could not believe it.

“Excuse me, sir. Can you repeat that?” I asked, disbelief shown on my face.

“As I’ve said; you’ll be part of the Infiltration Unit,” the director answered. Infiltration Unit was the final code name the campaign committee had came out with for the smaller group, which was tasked to eradicate the leader. “And don’t give me the crap that you’re wanting out of this task because we’re not pulling you out of this group,” he added as if predicting my next question.

“Can I ask the reason why?”

“Obviously, because you and Dimitry come up with this arrangement.”

“I assume that you’ve put Dimitry in the Combine Force?”

“Certainly, but you don’t have to care about that.” I knew later from Dimitry that it was one of the conditions Shadow Society imposed if the committee wanted to have the society’s cooperation – by having their chosen people in participate in the campaign. “Anyway, I’m pairing you with Dane for this mission and I’m sure you two work well together like before, will you?”

“No, sir. I don’t think there will be any problem.”

“Good. Now, you go look for your partner.”

Dane apparently had been in a meeting with the rest of the Infiltration Unit members since a week ago. It so happened that while I was in Nyra, the second meeting was held. The agenda of the meeting include the number of people each party was willing to send for the Combine Force, and the list of names for the Infiltration Unit. In a way, most people involved in the campaign had received their orders a few days after the confirmation, while only found put about it only recently. Thus, it was no wonder I got bad impression from the other members when I enter the designated meeting place.

“My name’s Zachary Broheir. I’m from Mecor and I’ve been assigned to the Infiltration Unit,” I introduced myself.

“I am Benjamin Avon, a captain in Estrey Regional Troop. I’m the de facto leader of the unit, and I welcome you on behalf of this unit,” one of the two troopers in the room came forward and introduced himself.

Then, he continued to introduce the rest of members: Dane Ambereyes of Mecor, Lieutenant Arthur of Estrey Regional Troop, Sir Nicholas Rosenberg and Madam Salena of Soparto, and Kasheel of Zamos Clan and Toma of Urdo Clan. Next, he briefed on what they had planned so far – we would be going to Kyrun and took a ship which would transport us through the Two-Faced Strait. The Zamos Clan would meet us upstream and took us to join with the Combine Force base to get the current situation of the campaign. Then, while the Combine Force dealt with the Renegade Band’s fighting force, we slipped away and struck their stronghold.

“If you beg to differ, we’ll discuss the plan again,” Captain Ben concluded.

It was a simple enough plan and I had wasted some precious time for coming late. “I have no problem with the plan. When do we start moving?” I asked instead.

“We’ll start for Kyrun at the six hour of the morning tomorrow. If any of you need to do some preparation, do so. We’ll meet again at the South Gate a quarter before that.” A chorus of ‘Yes’ could be heard from the rest of the member including myself.
Chapter 7: Proof of Strength

The two days journey from Bedin to Kyrun was smooth without any major obstacles. We did encounter wild creatures, though it was not enough to exert everyone’s real potential. Of course, I did not think it was necessary to test the unit’s power as I was sure each one of us had the capability to excel in real situation. Yet, I could not say the same on how the other saw me. I had no problem with Kash and Dane because we were basically from Mecor and knew about each other before. The rest just saw me as someone Mecor put as an extra hand, whereas, Sir Nicholas clearly displeased with my presence on our first meeting. I even heard him telling Captain Ben that someone who was named by the Shadow Society should have no business joining the unit – well, like I had any affiliation with the outlaw society other than being in a good grace with Lucien.

“It’s obvious he’s looking down on you,” Dane concluded one night as the ship as set sailed up the stream. It was after dinner, me, Kash and Dane was out on the deck, enjoying the breeze.

“Look at my age and stature, you don’t have to wonder why,” I answered. I was short a few months before I reached my seventeenth years.

“I believe that not just an extra. You’re not as weak as you portray. And the reason why Lucien chooses you is because he’s knows your real potential. That man eyes can see the talent in people. He even tries to recruit me when I first meet him,” Kash said, laughing away.

“Besides, how long do you think I’ve been with Mecor? Do you think I didn’t know the division within the regular staffs? This prove enough how capable you are,” Dane said as he grabbed my right hand where I wore my silver signet. “This is mark of a supervisor.”

“I am but it’s nothing major. I’ve just done one assignment too many and got promoted,” I said.

“Whatever. Deny all you want but you’re still someone who has unique talents and unless you show Sir Nicholas, he will continue to look down on you.”

“Just let him. As long as he doesn’t jeopardize the mission, he can look down at me as low as he wants.”

“Zachary, if he looks down on you, you might lose his trust and trust is something this unit need to succeed. Please do something about this before it goes out of hand.”

Somehow, I saw the truth in his words. Sighing, I told him, “Okay but let me d it my own way. Agree?”

“Sure,” Dane replied, while Kash nodded.

I learnt that fighting was the best way to show one’s capability but as much as I want to accommodate Dane on that promise, I could not do it while we were still aboard a hip. Thus, as soon as we touched land and while waiting for the people from Zamos Clan to appear at the designated location, I took the opportunity to request a dueling match between Sir Nicholas and I. Captain Ben would be out judge.

“What do you

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