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Edward?” he asked sarcastically.

“Excellent!” Lica shot back.

“Did you talk about the wedding?”

“Swein, I promise you, you'll know about it first!”

“Where did you learn to bite?” Swein chuckled.

“Oh! I had a wonderful teacher!” said the girl.

They were riding very fast. Angelica, cuddling to the Goblins’ King, could hear the beating of his heart. Lica did not understand herself, but she would have given a lot if only this road had been longer... However, very soon they saw the mountains in front. Riders came to the witch's cave. Edward helped Angelica and Margo to get off, while Swein went to tie horses. With Lica’s help the witch limping went to the cave, where they were met by harassed Elsa.

“Madam, I was so worried! When I came this morning, nobody was at home! I had different premonitions running in my head,” she muttered.

“Elsa, stop talking and set the table! We are going to have a party!” Margot exclaimed.

The Goblin woman instantly disappeared.

“Can I have a shower?” asked Angelica.

“Go to the end of this corridor - there is a bathroom!” the witch pointed.

The girl nodded and went there. In the corridor, she met Elsa.

“Elsa, dear, could you help me to find a bath, please!” she said.

“This way!” the maid smiled. “You look as if you were digging the ground!”

She took Lica up to the end of the corridor, showed her the bathroom and lit the candles.

“There is hot water in the boiler!” Elsa said. “I have heated it up. Bath well! I’ll get you some clean clothes. Leave the dirty one here – I’ll clean it later.”

The Goblin Woman put a clean towel on the stool and walked out, closing the door. Angelica immediately filled the bath, took off her dirty clothes and doused into the warm water.

“What a delight!” she said aloud.

At this point, she heard the sound of Elsa’s footsteps in the corridor.

“I need to take the advantage of it,” thought Lica.

She turned her back to the door quickly soaping a sponge. At this moment the maid came in. Angelica, without turning around, handed her the sponge and asked:

“Soap my back, please!”

Elsa, without a word, took the sponge and lathered Lica well.

“God, Heaven!” the girl said.

“Just a bit!” a man's voice answered.

Angelica turned around and saw... Swein. Screaming she flung into the water, then surfaced and shouted:

“What the hell are you doing here? Do not look at me!”

“Actually, I came here to wash up,” the Goblin said, turning back to Lica. “We have agreed with Edward that first - me, then he would. And now I do not regret that I was first.”

“You are clown!”

“Well, I know that!” Swein chuckled. “Even though, what have I done? I just went to the bathroom, and you asked me to soap your back! I could not refuse!”

“But I thought it was Elsa!”

“And this is - the question! Did you really think so? Maybe, you were waiting for Edward?”

“Swein!” Lica was furious. “Give me a towel immediately! And do not turn round! It is there - on the stool - beside you!”

“Please!” snorted the Goblins’ King, and without turning around, he threw her the towel. It hit right into the girl’s face.

“Well, Swein, now hold on there!” she said threateningly, shielding in the towel.

“Can I go now?” asked Swein.

“No, I’d better go!” Angelica exclaimed.

The girl pushed the Goblins’ King and went into the corridor. There, she came across Elsa carrying her dress.

Lica immediately grabbed it, ran into her room and got dressed. The dress was pretty simple, but elegant. After the dusty jeans and a pullover Angelica looked like a princess. She went into the dining room where Margot and Prince Edward were already sitting at the table. The Prince looked at her admiringly.

“Take your seat,” the witch invited her. “Dinner is ready!”

“Thank you! I'm starving! It’s because of nerves, probably!” Lica said.

“Ladies, I’ll join you immediately as soon as I wash up!” Edward said.

He stood up and left the room.

“Angelica, you shook me to the core!” Margo smiled. “I understood why the ritual hadn’t worked first. You told me that you were in love with several men at once, and it was true! Therefore, when you kissed just Edward, the spell did not work. But when you kissed them both - Edward and Swein - everything came out as I predicted! And the souls came back to their own bodies. But, Angelica, you have to make up your mind! Men are possessive and they will not be able to share you with each other. You have to make a choice!”

“Margo, that's not the half of the story...” she said lack as ink. “When I was looking for the soul of the Prince, I had to ask Prince of Vampires’ help and I promised him my favor in return.”

“One thing is on the top of another! Now the Prince will never forget your promise. You will see, he will remind you it. Do you like him? The Lord, I mean...”

“Yes, very,” Lica nodded. “But so do I like Swein and Edward! And I cannot choose one.”

At that moment Swein came in. He was dressed clean, and the drops of water were still glistening in his hair.

“We'll talk to you about it later,” Margo said, referring to the girl.

Fifteen minutes later, looking well, Edward also joined them at the table, he was as handsome as never before.

“I have a toast!” said the witch loudly. “A toast to our success! After all, thanks to luck we are here at this wonderful table now, drinking this good wine!”

They all drank, and then Prince Edward said:

“My dear friends, first I want to thank you all for my salvation! I have never thought that I will be alive again, but for what it’s worth, I would like to know what is going on in the Kingdom of Night!”

“Oh! Big changes,” the witch said slowly. “So big then you will not tell at one go. But the worst thing is that after the death of the evil sorcerer, on the other end of the Kingdom the Evil was released; and now it is going to be an uphill struggle to put it back!”

“By the way,” said the Goblins’ King, “the Mystery Paths are changing direction.”

“And the Sleepy Lake has been much bigger!” Angelica added.

“Cut a long story short, Prince Edward,” continued Margo, “today we've got a great deal of work ahead of us! I'll tell you everything what had happened while you were dead. Angelica and Swein need a good rest! They have done difficult job.”

They sat at the table a little more, and then the witch stood up, took Edward with her and left the room with the permission of Lica and Swein. The Goblins’ King was sitting quietly and staring at Lica, after a moment he said:

“I’ve found something in the bathroom.”


“Here it is!”

And Swein pulled the stiletto from somewhere.

“Oh, God! My stiletto! It was in my clothes!” Angelica exclaimed.

“That's right.”

“You have stolen it from my clothes!” she went off.

“Not exactly! Stiletto was on the floor next to your clothes.”

“So give it to me!”

“No! I have thought about it and made ​​a decision. I gave you stiletto, and now I am going to take it back.”

“But why?”

“I do not want you to be able to get to Edward’s room so easily.”

“Are you jealous of him?” Lica smirked.

“I just want to equal our chances!” said the Goblins’ King.

“But what if I need to get to the Kingdom of the Night urgently?”

“I’ll think about it. And now, excuse me, I must leave you. I need a good rest!”

Swein rose from the table, picked up the stiletto and left the room.


Angelica was terribly nervous. She realized that now she had lost the key of the door to the Kingdom of Night.

“What have I done?” she exclaimed. “I closed the way to the Kingdom with my own hands. Now I will be bound hand and foot!”

The girl jumped up from the chair and began to pace nervously. Little by little she had an idea. She went to the mirror hanging on the wall, and looked at herself critically.

“Of course, it is not a ball dress, but actually not bad… It will be as it is!” finally, she decided.

She did her long hair up and slowly went into the corridor. Seeing that no one was around, Lica walked towards the Goblins’ King’s room...

Swein had already taken off his jerkin and was reclining on his bed with a book. The girl on tiptoe came in and looked around the room. The stiletto was on the mantelshelf.

“Swein,” started Lica with a quiet voice. “I'm so lonely, Swein!”

“Angelica! What are you doing here?” the Goblins’ King showed surprise. “A young girl shouldn’t come into the man’s bedroom.”

“I thought that after all the adventures we had, we became friends,” said Lica in an offended tone.

“Everything has changed a bit. Now I'm in my own body, and you're going to marry Edward.”

“I am not going to marry anybody yet,” honestly said Angelica.

She sat on the edge of the bed and said:

“Can I sit with you?”

“Actually, you've already sat,” Swein chuckled.

“What are you reading?” she asked, moving closer to the Goblins’ King.

“The Book of Destiny! I have to learn a lot in order to help my people.”

“I think your people can wait a little,” quietly said Angelica, taking the book from Swein.

She closed and threw it in to the opposite side of the bed. Then she leaned over the King, taking his long blonde hair back from his face and kissed him. Swein neither backed off nor moved to Angelica.

“Is he feeling nothing to me?” the girl thought.

She started back and looked into Swein’s cold eyes.

“Be careful, Angelica,” he said quietly. “I'm not made of iron, and Prince Edward is here.”

“You're right, they can see us!” Lica agreed.

She rose and snuffed out almost all candles in the room. The last lit candle was on the mantelpiece, near the stiletto.

Angelica went there and easily snuffed it out too. Now the room was lit only by the firelight. The girl quietly took the stiletto and carried it in a fold of her dress sleeve. At that time, Swein came to her. He turned Angelica around and passionately kissed her.

“Wait, Swein, I think I can hear somebody in the corridor,” Lica whispered.

She slipped from Goblins’ Kings strong hands and ran out of the room.

“I’ll be back soon,” she said quietly for the last.

She quickly ran out of the cave, jumped on her horse and rode away. She was racing like a wind; for fear that Swein will catch her and take the stiletto away. Lica was distressed and calmed down only when she saw Prince Night’s castle in front.

Angelica left the horse in the stable and rushed to the castle. The Prince Night’ servant - Henry had been already meeting her halfway.

“Lica, is that you? I have heard a horse riding and went out to meet! What happened?”

“Henry, let’s go into the room with the old mirror. I’ll explain you everything by the way!”

The girl told the old man about all her adventures. She told him how she was looking for the Prince’s soul, about Margo’s ceremony, how Prince Edward and the Goblins’ King –Swein were returned to their bodies...

“God be thanked!” Henry was delighted. “All's well that ends well! So tell me, why you are in a hurry now?!”

“Swein decided to take my stiletto, with which I can easily get into your kingdom, and I don’t need to wait for you to do that. I have stolen this stiletto and now I want to return home as I think the Goblins’ King has already realized that. Of course, he will try to catch me and take the knife away.”

“I see,” the servant Edward smiled.

They went into the room with an old mirror.

“Henry, I beg you, do not say anything about me neither Edward nor Swein,” said Angelica.

“About you? So I haven’t seen you here and had no idea where your horse came from!” the old man smiled.

“Thank you!” the girl was happy

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