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Book online «In Between by Rizonne Alexander (christmas read aloud .txt) 📖». Author Rizonne Alexander

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everything. Me and Crystal has had so many visitors and our room is so full of gifts from so many people and all of the world from designers that I got to know. She even has her own Louis Vuitton traveling bag kit that got sent over to us. My dad is on his way back already, his beside himself over his granddaughter. Everyone is just Crystal gaga. Except her father, my heart pains every time I think about him. His parents told me that his conditioned remained the same, no change. Crystal has been such a sweet baby so far, she is my light that guided me out of a very dark tunnel. Once I was done changing her diaper, I stood up with her, nestled her into my arms and walked over to the patio door. I stood watching the ducks swim in the lake and the wind moving through the willow trees. “I’m glad to see you up today. You are recovering well.” Said a voice behind me. I turned around and it was Bastiaan. I just smiled, nodded and turned back to the view. “Its quiet today.” He said and kissed my shoulder. I took a deep breath and turned around to put Crystal in her cot. I went over to the coffee table, “Do you want some?” I asked him, “I’m good” He said. I poured me some tea and took a seat on the sofa that was in the room, I looked over at crystal who was peacefully asleep. I’m more than content. “So, I know we need to talk.” He said. “Yeah we do Bastiaan.” I replied. “I’m sorry I left you there, but I needed to let go of you. I was in a really bad space.” He said. “Okay, that’s good then.” I responded. “What made you come to me?” I asked curiously. “you mean when you went into labour?” He asked. “Yeah.” I replied again. “Well whatever you feel, I feel. Your pain was too much to bear and that is when I rushed to be by your side, hoping that you would allow me too.” He explained. “And how do you know that Chad would have not been by my side.” I asked him. “Because I knew, I never left your side Amber Lily, I’m always watching over you. I’ve watched your belly grow, I have seen your pain and plenty hospital visits.” He explained again. I took a sip of my tea and sighed. “I don’t really know what you want me to say or do Bastiaan. Our love, I just don’t know. I get that we are connected but when you just left, it broke me, and God guided me on a different path. A path where I was faced with realistic things, things that are grounded and right. The man that I love is dying and there is absolutely nothing that I can do.” I said to him. Suddenly the nurse walked in, “Miss Crescent, the paediatrician and your gynaecologist has signed you discharge forms. You may leave at any time.” She said and placed the forms on the table. “Thank you dear.” I said smiling to her. “Look Bastiaan, a lot has happened. I would like to take a quick shower before I leave. I’m thinking of taking Crystal to see Chad. Would you drive me?” I asked. “Sure, I will watch over her. Please be quick.” He answered I hopped into the shower and made as quick as possible. I felt like I was chocking because my eyes were no on Crystal, I was so anxious. I quickly washed and ran back into the room because I heard her crying, I nearly face planted on the mat. I stood up and the towel fell off, I hardly noticed because I just wanted to get to her. Bastiaan passed her to me. “Uh she just woke up now.” He said, and I took her and sat butt naked breastfeeding her on the bed. “What?” I asked. “Nothing” He smiled back. “Oh c’mon, it’s not like you having seen me naked before.” I said smiling back at him. “I will start taking everything to the car, all these gifts will probably fill the whole car so you have to take taxi.” He said with a straight face. “Yeah, I think so too.” I agreed with him sarcastically. “just don’t break anything.” I said to him as he carried out a few bags. A few minutes went by and Bastiaan was on his third trip down to the car again and crystal fell asleep. I quickly dressed and texted everyone that I’m being discharged and that I will be seeing Chad with Crystal. Once Bastiaan was done, he came back up. “Amber.” He said and stood infront of me. “Thank you for showing me what love is, thank you for your unconditional love and thank you for helping me grow. I do love you, more than you would ever know but I know that we will never be physically together.” He said again and kissed me. I pushed him back, “Why are you doing all of this now? Why are you saying all of this?” I asked confused and annoyed that he kissed me. “because it was the right thing to do.” he said confidently. I have out a sigh and closed my eyes for a few seconds. “I love you too Bastiaan, never did I stop loving you.” I replied honestly and embraced the kiss that I stopped a few minutes ago. “Is this a goodbye?” I asked. “A more proper one yes.” He said. I smiled and walked over to get Crystal. “Alright Angel, let’s go see daddy.” I whispered to her and we walked out. We left the hospital and for the first time it felt good to just walk out without paparazzi hounding. I opened the back seat, “okay wow, its packed in here.” I said gasping. “Yip, I told you.” He said laughing. we made our way to the hospital which is not far away. “So, you are officially engaged to get married.” Bastiaan said out of the blue. “uh, yes I am.” I said, “I wonder what I should get you as a wedding gift.” He said smiling and looking at me in the rear mirror. “Really now Bastiaan? Why are you being so weird right?” I asked annoyed. “I’m not being weird, like you said, its realistic things and the truth.” He responded. I didn’t reply to him any further. The rest of the car ride to the hospital we were quiet, I kept on looking at Crystal who was so tiny and yet so perfect. We finally arrived at the hospital and Bastiaan opened the car door for me. “Are you coming with?” I asked him. “Yeah, I will wait for you in the waiting room.” He responded. We walked into the ward and I spoke to the nurse to see chad. “Miss Crescent.” A voice said behind me. I turned, and it was the doctor who looks after Chad. “Congratulations on your birth, she looks so perfect.” He said, “Thank you doctor.” I said smiling. “I need to speak to you, let’s go to the waiting room.” He said. Me and Bastiaan followed and we got seated. “Chad is physically here but dead. His basically in a vegetation space right now.” He explained. Tears started to boil up and my tears rolled down onto the baby blanket. “I know this is hard, but we are prolonging his pain.” He said again. “I understand.” Is all I could mouth. So, this is it, I’m going to be a single mother and not be able to marry the love of my life. “I’m waiting for the rest of the family to give the news to them, for now you may sit by him okay.” He said and placed his hand on my shoulder. The doctor left, and I felt myself stare into space. “Go to him.” Bastiaan said. Like a robot, I got up and walked into his room. Chad looked bad, he has lost so much weight. “Look crystal, it’s your daddy.” I said out loud, hoping that chad would hear. “So, Chad, I gave birth to our daughter, I wish you could come back and see her. She looks so much like you.” I tried to say calmly and sound happy. “I need you Chad. I need you.” I said in his ear and kissing his head. “I miss you so much, the house is completely cold and empty without you.” I said again. I took a seat next to him with Crystal in my arms, I looked at her and started to cry. I couldn’t stop, it’s hurting me so badly, all of this. I feel helpless. “I think I can help.” A voice said behind me. I turned around in tears, it was Bastiaan. “What are you talking about?” I said out of breath. “Remember the wedding present I told you about.” He said walking towards Chad. “You got to be kidding me, how dare you Bastiaan! How dare you do this to me.” I almost screamed at him. He lifted his hand up signalling me to stop talking. “I will not stop talking!” I said to him gritting my teeth. “I will make you stop talking then.” He warned. “Good, you stopped.” He said. So, I have been thinking for the past few hours. I can heal Chad fully but it would mean that he would be sharing our connection.” He explained. “Go on, what do you mean?” I asked in shock. “I insert my blood into his heart, vampire blood heals anything.” He explained again. “and you would do this?” I asked again. “At first, I did not want to, our connection is the only raw thing I have with you but at the same time I can’t hold you back from true happiness. He makes you happy right?” Bastiaan asked. “He does.” I said in tears. “Very well then, this is my gift to you.” Bastiaan said. He opened up the drawer that was next to the bed. He pulled out a syringe and took his jacket off. He cleaned his arm with spirits and inserted the needle into his vein which made the blood flow out effortlessly. He quickly got dressed again and looked at me. “This is all he needs, I will release our blood into his heart.” He said to me with a straight face. I walked over to Bastiaan and looked in his eyes. “Thank you, you have no idea what this means to me.” I said. “Trust me, I do know. I love you Amber with all my heart. I was once told that you would be the death of me and that person was right. I would die for you on any day, any second and any year.’ He said, and he kissed me passionately, I returned the passion and did not let go. “It’s time.” He whispered. I stepped back to give Bastiaan room, he pulled away the blanket and positioned the needle above Chads heart. “Sumari Umaar.” He whispered, and he plunged the needle into Chads heart. Chads body shook for a few seconds and then it stopped. He flatlined and I looked at Bastiaan. He signalled me to wait and within seconds a strong heart beat came through. “Oh God!” I cried out. I walked over to Bastiaan and hugged him. “He will be fine in the morning okay.” He said holding me and kissing my head. He took Crystal from me, “Now baby girl, your great uncle Bastiaan will be showing you many wonders of the world. You will be blessed with love and calmness in your life.” He whispered to her. “I thought the nurses would come in.” I said. “nah, your dad has things sorted.” He replied smiling. “his here?” I asked shocked. “Yes, we came up with the plan together.”
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