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Book online «The Crystal 2 by Jones M (top ten books to read txt) 📖». Author Jones M

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up, and the concert went with no drama. Afterward, everyone went to their hotel suites and instantly fell asleep.

Emery was in bed, trying to catch some sleep. She had been asleep for an hour after she had arrived in the suite, but something had woken her up. Usually, after a late night concert, she would fall into slumber when she made contact with a bed. However, she could not sleep despite being awake for more than seventeen hours.

It was then that she heard a noise. It sounded like someone was trying to unlock the door. 

Emery quickly closed her eyes and lay still, pretending to be asleep despite knowing that someone was trying to enter her suite. She heard a click as the door creaked open. Emery then heard the sound of approaching footsteps.

She chose to astral project to a far corner of the room. She blended in the dark, seeing the person entering the room.

It was a woman. She had worn black clothes and some kind of black mask over her head that did not hide some of her blonde hair. Moreover, the woman held a knife. She went to stand beside Emery's lying form, not knowing that her astral-projected form was watching.

"Can't believe she had me do this again..." Emery heard the woman mumbling. She recognized the voice. "Well, this time, I'll make sure the bitch is dead."

The blonde clutched her knife and raised it high in the air, going to stab her. 

Not again, Emery thought. In an instant, Emery used her telekinesis power to hold the woman in place. The woman grunted in shock as a reaction of the invisible hold on her form. The kinfe had also dropped, landing on the floor with a clutter. The intruder tried to move, but then she realized she couldn't. Seconds later, she began trying to free herself by thrashing in Emery's invisible hold.

Emery flicked her wrist, sending the woman flying to a wall on her left. The woman screamed as she hit the wall. The mask she had been wearing fell off, revealing her blonde hair that reached past her shoulders.

Emery's form that was near the wall disappeared, her true form never letting go of the woman from the wall.

"Well, well, well," Emery said as she rose up from bed and flicked the door shut. "What do we have here?"

"H-how?" the woman stuttered with fear.

"Oh, you don't know?" Emery asked, bringing the woman forward with her powers. The woman was soon floating mid-air. 

"I'm a witch."

With her powers, Emery turned the intruder to face her.  

The woman's breath hitched.

Then Emery squinted her eyes, observing the woman's features closely. Then something dawned on her.

It was the girl who had tried to murder her.

Anger took over Emery's calm emotion.

"You bitch!" she yelled, flipping the woman mid-air and bending her backward.

The woman screeched in unexpected pain as her vertebrae was uncomfortably bent.

"You are the one who tried to kill me, aren't you?" Emery asked. The woman did not respond.

With no remorse, Emery sent the blonde flying to a wall beside her. The blonde felt pain in her head after the collision.

"Ow! Yes!"

Emery had the blonde quickly facing her again.

"You came here to finish the job?" Emery asked. The woman just nodded as she cried. "P-please..."

"Oh, shut up! It's not like you didn't hear me telling you not to kill me when you were stabbing me."

Emery twisted the neck of the woman, almost close to snapping it.

"Who else have you killed?"

"N-No one," the woman said. Emery twisted the neck further, and the woman screamed.

"It's the truth!"

"Why should I believe you?" Emery asked. "You have caused me so much pain. You had me hospitalized for a month! Why shouldn't I kill you right now for trying to kill me, again?"

Then an idea crossed Emery's mind. She gave the woman a sinful smile.

In an instant, Emery had teleported a chair and a wooden table with a knife beside her bed.  Soon, the intruder was immediately bound to the chair with summoned ropes wrapping around her form. Emery grabbed a camera she had recently bought.

She placed it on the table before she slowly walked and settled herself on the bed.

"You and I are not going to leave this room until you tell me everything I need to know."

The woman's eyes widened in fear as a sinister smile took over Emery's features.


Liam had been woken up by the sound of something hitting the wall right next to his. His hotel suite was next to Emery's. Most of the hotel rooms had been booked, and the only empty ones that were next to each other were two.

Still groggy from sleep, Liam got up and walked towards his door. He got out of his suite, locking it behind him. 

The hallway that met him was silent and deserted, and the only light available was from the ceiling lights. 

Liam walked towards Emery's suite and stopped beside it to listen. He heard screams, and he did not waste any time deciding whether to enter Emery's suite or not.

He quickly opened the room, and to his surprise and horror, he found a bound woman sitting opposite Emery. There was a table between them, and Emery was glaring at the woman while she cried.

"Emery, what are you doing?" his voice boomed in the room. With a roll of her eyes, Emery dragged Liam into her room with her powers and locked the door shut behind him.

"Liam! How nice of you to join us. You are just in time before I get started," Emery said with a sweet tone that brought chills to Liam.

"Just in time for what?" Liam asked. As an answer, Emery teleported a chair behind him. Liam tripped and landed on the seat when the chair dragged him forward. Then ropes bound his form.

"Emery? What are you doing?" his tone raised in what he hoped was anger, but fear seeped out his voice. He tried to move, but the ropes were tight around him.

"Don't worry, Liam. I won't hurt you. Our focus will be on the woman you see in front of you," Emery confessed. Liam looked at the table and noticed the sharp items that chilled him to the bone. There was a variety of knives, and there was something that looked like a nail-cutter.

One of the knives dangled mid-air before one of the woman's hands was forcefully stretched out. She tried moving it, but there was a strong invisible hold on her arm.

"No! Please, no!" the woman frantically begged in tears. Then the knife forcefully dug itself into the woman's open palm.

A scream tore through the room. Liam tried to move away from the site, but he couldn't because he was bound to the chair. He watched in horror as blood oozed from the stab wound.

"Tell Liam the truth," Emery said, confusing Liam.

"Emery, what are you talking about? You can't be--" Liam's words were cut off when his lips forcefully shut themselves. He murmured as he looked at Emery, noticing that her fingers had formed a fist.

She had used her powers to shut him up!

Meanwhile, the woman was a sobbing mess, still not giving Emery an answer.

Emery slowly dragged the knife out of the woman's palm, twisting it sideways, earning a blood-curdling scream from the blonde. Liam wished he wasn't witnessing what he was seeing. It almost made him puke out the late dinner he recently had.

He looked at Emery, and in that moment, he was reminded of Erick's dream that was supposedly fake. He couldn't believe that Emery had truly become evil. He wondered if she would come after him and the rest when she would be done with the woman--

"ALRIGHT! YES! YES! I tried to kill you!"

Liam's thoughts ceased at the woman's confession.

Wait, what?

The knife kept twisting, and the woman screamed. Her form shook as she still tried to get away from the knife.

"What do you want from me, bitch?" the blonde asked with a glare once the knife stopped twisting. Emery just smirked.

"Tell him who sent you."

The woman remained quiet. Emery went to keep twisting the knife when the woman yelled.

"Alright! Bianca did!"

Liam thought he heard wrong, but by the sight of the woman still crying, it was true. Still not believing it, he decided to hear the woman's thoughts. It so happened that she was recalling the events in vivid detail. He heard her remember the meeting she had with Bianca in what he thought was a restaurant and how she had been paid. He also heard her recall how she stabbed Emery, and he shuddered. 

Liam was in shock as he stared at the woman in front of him. His mind shifted away from the blood in front of him to the realization that had suddenly dawned on him.

Emery wasn't lying. The woman wasn't lying. She did try to kill her, and Bianca paid her to do it.

Liam could not believe it. He couldn't believe it was true. It had to be a dream. It had to be a horrible, horrible dream.

"Really, Liam?" Emery asked with a raised eyebrow. "This is not a horrible dream. This is real. This is the proof I'm giving you. Since you and the rest would rather not listen to whatever I have to say, I will force you to hear the truth that I will not mind torturing out of this girl whether you like it or not."

In an instant, Emery grabbed the girl's wounded hand. The woman screamed in shock, but she screamed again when Emery cut off her thumb. And not just immediately; she cut it off slowly, like watching someone cutting a big potato.

The woman thrashed on her seat, wanting to escape the pain, but couldn't.

"You should know this, Liam: she tried to kill me again."

What? Liam went to ask, but it sounded muffled through his still-shut mouth.

Emery gave him a bored look. "Why would she be here in the first place?"

Then she turned to face the blonde.

"I should have known. This is why Bianca recently left, isn't it?" Emery asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes," the girl said as she sobbed. "She didn't want anything to do with what she paid me to do."

"See, Liam? Bianca wanted me gone, and she sent this woman to do her dirty work."

Emery shook her head as if she was disappointed.

"It's a shame. And it's more of a shame that she will be imprisoned soon without having the chance to stab me."

Liam was still trying to process the facts that he had heard. He went to say something, but Emery resumed her torture.

"So we know you have tried to kill me twice and that Bianca paid you to do it. Things are now getting interesting. Now I need you to tell me everything that happened in Australia."

The woman's head snapped towards Liam with a shocked and scared expression. Liam jolted in his seat as a reaction, scared of finding out what the woman would say.

Emery went to deliver the knife across the other finger.

"Wait!" the woman yelled, pausing Emery's next move. "Bianca had me personally pay the men who tried to rape you."

There was silence as the woman's words were processed in Liam's mind. 

"WHAT?" Liam shouted in shock, the spell on his mouth removed. Liam turned to face Emery, but she did not meet his eyes. From his view, he could tell that she was slightly tearing up.

That didn't change the fact that she was angry.

It soon dawned on Liam that Emery had not planned for him to know about that. It was a secret of hers, and personally, she was ashamed of herself for allowing the men to go further when she could have snapped their necks.


"Stop, Liam. I am not talking about it, least of all with you."

Liam remained quiet, feeling hurt for Emery. He couldn't believe Emery was almost raped during his tour. It had to be a joke. It had to be a sick joke.

"YOU BITCH!" Emery yelled before digging the knife into the woman's injured palm again. She screamed out in pain.

"Not that! The other thing."

"S-she also h-had taken y-your phone a-and posted a-a-a-awful things about the Ordinary

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