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Book online «Family of Outcasts by Aaron McLeod (best books under 200 pages .TXT) 📖». Author Aaron McLeod

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            “There are more people here?” Azoth pressed the blade closer to Eric’s neck. “Okay! Okay! You will have to trust me I suppose. I have no intention of hurting anybody.”

            Azoth thought for a moment, then lowered the blade. Eric put both hands up to his neck and rubbed the area where the sword was pressed against.

            “Many thanks. You know my name, but I do not know yours.” He said.


            “Well, good evening Azoth. Can I join you and your fine company for the night?”

            “If you’re quiet. I’d stop backing up if I was you, or you’ll trip over them.”

            Eric stopped backing up just before he was about to trip over Ragosh.

            “Thank you. So, where are you headed?” Eric sat down just across from where Azoth had been sitting.

            “Why should I tell you?”

            “I’m an innkeeper. I ask a lot of people that kind of question.”

            “We’re heading in no particular direction. We could use some fresh food and clothes though.” Azoth took a sip of water then passed the water skin to Eric. “Water?”

            “Oh yes please.” Eric took the skin and took five large gulps of water before stopping to catch his breath.

            “Why are you out here alone?” Azoth asked.

            “My daughter’s dog ran away and I decided to try and get him back. Then I fell asleep under a tree after searching since dawn and woke up when the moon in the middle of the sky.”

            “And you still haven’t found your daughter’s dog?”

            “No. She’s going to be heartbroken.”

            “What kind of dog is it?”

            “No idea. It’s a small white dog. Excitable little fella. We found him abandoned in the forest when my daughter and I were picking blueberries six years ago. No idea why he would run off. We’re good to him, we keep him happy, and we feed him and clean him as best as we can.”

            “I see.” Azoth was becoming uninterested in what Eric was saying.

“Sorry. I tend to get carried away. If you want, I can take you to my town in the morning.”


“Like you said, you need food and clothes. I can offer the food, warm beds and then I could call for the tailor and have him make some clothes for you.”

Azoth leaned his head back and thought about the idea for a moment. He was still skeptical of the man and his story, but he knew that they didn’t have much food left. And they all desperately needed proper clothes.

“Alright Eric. You can take us to your village in the morning. But keep in mind that if you’re leading us into a trap, I won’t hesitate to make an attempt to chop your head off.” He was certain he heard a loud gulp come from Eric.

“Trust me, young Azoth,” Eric stretched his arms out and laid himself down on the ground. “I wouldn’t think of betraying someone with a sword. I’m not stupid.”

Azoth smiled a little and laid back against the tree again, slipping quickly into slumber.


Morning came faster than they had expected. When everyone arose from their slumber, they were surprised to see a small bald man lying in the fetal position on the ground. Eric’s face was wrinkled and he looked as if he was over fifty, even though he sounded younger and claimed to only be thirty three.

Azoth quickly explained what had happened during the night. Almost everyone’s moods brightened up once they heard the words food, clothes, and baths. Eric quickly promised them baths after Azoth explained what had happened.

They were on their way very quickly with Eric leading the way. Now that it was no longer dark, he knew which way he was going. He was a very cheerful fellow, always humming and whistling a merry tune to help keep spirits high. Jade kept up with him, always asking him a question about the village which he would happily answer.

“What’s the name of your town?” She asked once.

“It’s had many names according to a lot of old stories. But currently, it is called Crestpoint.” Eric replied eagerly.

The forest soon began to thin out and soon the end of it came into sight. Eric hurried them towards the tree line, which everyone eagerly awaited. Finally, they passed the edge of the forest and were greeted with a large field of fresh, green grass, and the warm radiant sun. They all stopped to feel the warmth of the sun after a cold night. Azoth stopped and closed his eyes, taking a big sniff of the air and letting out a massive breath. He took off his boots and wiggled his toes in the grass. His feet being ticklish, he quietly giggled as he ran them across the grass. He quickly put his boots back on before anyone noticed him.

“And there,” Eric called out. “Is Crestpoint.” He pointed out towards the rest of the field. They all looked up as saw an un-walled town. It looked similar to Cathvas, only smaller and it wasn’t next to a lake.

“Well, let’s hurry up.” Eric said. “You all need a bath and some food in your bellies.”

Eric led them all down to the edge of Crestpoint. They entered by the western road. There were no guards, so people were just coming and going as they saw fit without any inspection. It put Azoth at ease. As they entered the town, Azoth noticed something odd. There were no guards around. None were patrolling the streets and none were standing guard at any post that he could see. It left him feeling uneasy.

The inn wasn’t very far. It was the building at the end of the street to the right. The sign was of a rooster with three words painted below it. Azoth couldn’t help but snicker at the name.

The Roaring Cock.

“It means the rooster you gutter head!” Eric snapped when he saw Azoth snicker.

They entered the inn and were surprised at how many people were inside. Every table that they could see was taken, all by men as well. Eric quickly went behind the counter.

“Rosie! I’m home love!” He called out. There was no response. “Rosie?”

“She’s gone out for a bit to get some herbs from the forest.” One of the patrons said. “She said she’d be back soon enough.”

“Guess I’ll have to deal with the rooms. There are currently three rooms to spare. You can have any of them free of charge.”

Arthur walked up and held up the bag of gold that Donan had given him. “We’ll all take a single room together is at all possible. If beds need to be moved, we can manage. We’ll also gladly pay for food, drink and baths.”

“No, I’ll take a room on my own while all of you get a room to yourselves.” Azoth stepped up.

“I won’t argue with that.” Arthur said coldly.

“Alrighty then.” Eric said. “They’re upstairs at the end of the hall. See whichever ones you prefer and make your choice there. I’ll have the workers at the bathhouse come over to prepare tubs for all of you.”

“Thank you.” Azoth said, quickly heading for the stairs at the far right of the inn. He caught glimpse of a woman who entered the in just as he started walking up the stairs, but did not turn to see her. With the others close behind him, he headed for the room at the very end of the hallway to the left. Everyone else took the room right next to his.

Azoth opened the door to his room. It was dark with three beds, an empty chamber pot, window that was covered by a single blind. He went across the room and opened the blind, which let in a lot of light. With more light, he saw that there was a worn out oak desk just beside the window. The beds were also made of worn out oak as well, with mattresses filled with straw. Some pieces of the straw were sticking out at the edges. When he sat down on the bed closest to the window, it creaked loudly and he could of sword he heard something crack.

            “Well, it’s better than sleeping in the dirt.” Azoth said to himself. He got up from the bed and walked over to the desk. He took off the cloth that was wrapped around his place and placed the falchion onto the desk. He then started to take off his bloodstained shirt and proceeded to throw it out the window. Azoth was surprised that Eric hadn’t noticed how blood stained it was. He then lied down on the bed closest to the window and closed his eyes.

            Later on, Azoth was awoken by Ragosh and Athos, who wanted to take the two other beds that were in the room. Once they had been taken out, he fell asleep again.

            After a few hours of much needed sleep for him and the others, Eric knocked on their doors to say that the workers from the bathhouse has arrived. Azoth groaned as he forced himself up from the bed. A man dragged a large wooden tub with a linen cloth draped across his shoulders.

            “Hot water will be brought up to you soon.” He said as place the linen cloth across the edges of the bath before leaving. Azoth went over to examine the bath itself. The wood was also made of oak, much like everything else. The linen was fresh and a very bright white. It was so white it almost seemed like it was glowing. Shortly after, a girl, probably around Azoth’s age if not slightly younger, came in with a bucket of steaming water. She poured it into the tub and then left. Azoth felt the water, then immediately pulled his hand back. It was really hot, to the point where Azoth thought it might be hot enough for a piece of meat to be cooked in it as if on a fire. That of course was an exaggeration, but he was sure anyone would think that.

            The girl returned multiple times with more buckets of water. She continued to do this until the tub was completely filled. Azoth turned and started to undo his trousers, but then noticed that the girl hadn’t left the room. Azoth turned to face her after redoing the strings of his trousers.

            “Why are you still here?” He asked her. She didn’t respond. “Answer me.”

            “It is my duty as a worker at the bathhouse to bathe you.” She replied. She placed the bucket down and began to undo her dress. Azoth put his hand up and she stopped.

            “So the bathhouse’s here deal in whores as well?” He asked her.

The girl blushed bright red and nodded. “I am not considered a true whore however, as I have not…Have not.” She blushed even more.

“You haven’t been with a man before.”


“What’s your name girl?”


“Well Calina. Go over to the other room and talk to Arthur your situation. Tell him that Azoth said to give you and any other whores who were sent over five gold pieces and for all of you to leave.”

“I cannot leave. If I do without being with a man, I’ll be beaten again and left out into the street.” Calina walked over to Azoth and put her hand up to his bare chest.

“I’m sorry. I won’t take a girl’s virtue if she is forced to give it up just to survive.” Azoth pushed her away. Calina’s eyes filled with tears and she quickly left the room crying. Azoth finally stripped down naked and got into the tub. The water had cooled down enough that it wasn’t burning hot. Just as Azoth was beginning to relax however, the door to his room burst open again. This time it was a large man with Calina close behind. Azoth groaned in frustration as he dunked his head under the water for a moment, then resurfaced.

“I heard you won’t fuck one of our whores.” The man said.

“You heard right.” Azoth

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