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wing and it was a wide cut. Rhothilion more or less seemed to have two wings on one side, the injury was that great.
Both the dragons landed very quickly and I leapt down, as did the human.
Then Gaelira roared, answering Rhothilion's challenge once more. I spun round to see the massive enemy dragon leap at her. Swiftly I darted out of the way, my eyes locked on Lindan Marcos. It felt good that Drannor was alive to watch this.
I met Lindan Marcos in the middle of the circle, my every sense locked onto him. My energy was barely used, which was a good thing I supposed. As he drew Garrik, I instantaneously reached down and drew Corellon, watching him as I did.
Marcos was standing there, ready for me to attack. So I did the unexpected and said, "were you ever expecting our fight to be the decider of this war?"
"I thought once that this might be the decider, yes," Lindan Marcos sneered back.
"Do you really want to lose your own life?" I asked. "Not only your own, but cost Rhothilion his?"
Marcos smirked at me in a wicked style. "No I envisioned it would be Rhothilion and I who would come out triumphant."
"You may believe that, but only our swordfight will choose who will be alive and who will pass away," I spat. "Any last words before I carry out this part of my future and slaughter you?"
Rhothilion growled and then I recoiled in pain. Gaelira and Rhothilion were still grappling, though Rhothilion and Gaelira were now missing parts of their armour. Gaelira arched her neck to use her flames, as another part of armour on her neck fell off. My neck hurt as I saw a tremendous gash on her neck.
Though I was angered to see that injury, I kept a straight face as Gaelira engulfed Rhothilion in her white flames. Rhothilion seemed unscathed when the fire stopped as she closed her maw.
"Very well," Marcos sneered. I could tell that he was discouraged that I was not reacting to his taunts.
The mind that pressed at me now became stronger and I knew it was not Collin this time. This mind was much more powerful, and it was noticeably human. Seeing Marcos leering at me, I pushed back, enveloping my mind protectively and then flinging my own mental force at him.
As I did so, I sought to overwhelm his mental defences, but it seemed he was prepared for me to do that. He seemed to fight back with a hostility that was very tough. I was conscious that Drannor would be able to have the sense of hearing our struggles as would Luala if they lived on.
Marcos soon gave up, and said, "Let us resolve this with our spar."
I snorted in amusement; this was no mere spar, but a fight to the death. He obviously thought he would be physically powerful enough that he would thrash me with a blade alone. There was no prospect of that I had defeated my mother who was five decades older than he theoretically was. More that that, elves always overpowered any humans.
So unless he had some unheard of way of getting power I would overwhelm him with no difficulty. Those thoughts having been thought, I leapt right at him. Of course he dodged my attack. I hissed and swung to face him, flawlessly balanced light on my feet.
"Are you such a coward that you'll fight only with chain mail on? Do you really think that will stop me from killing you?" I hissed.
I was hopeful that by provoking him like that, he'd make it easier for me to kill him. It was clear from his blows and parries that he was very skilled with his sword.
"I could call you the same for that reason as well. I simply wear armour for the sake of the fact that I am in battle," Lindan Marcos retorted with a smirk.
I grimaced, slashing at his ribs. "No matter it will not help you," I replied. As I fought, I sought a way to overcome his mental defences. If I could not beat him soon, Gaelira would tire. Hopefully Rhothilion was as tired as she was.
Again I danced out of Garrik's way, spinning to my left and hewing at his shoulder blade. Garrik flashed up and blocked me again. As I attacked and defended, I was always careful to keep my longbow out of his way.
Now a plan started o form around the weapon that my father had crafted himself for me. If I could get out of reach in such a way that it would be possible for me to use my longbow and hit Rhothilion with an arrow, then Lindan Marcos might just realise his danger.
For only a few seconds, I darted swiftly away from the human. Stringing my longbow and aiming an arrow vigilantly, I released the arrow as Rhothilion reared. It shot towards him, embedding itself into Rhothilion's now defenceless abdomen. All of us were shocked at the roar of fuming hurt that came as a result of my aim. 'You fiend of an elf!'
Within seconds Gaelira had roared in my defence and gouged into his belly with her tail spikes. 'How do you have the guts to call her that, oath breaker?'
I quickly returned my longbow to my back again, dodging out of Garrik's way as I did so. My pleasure at hitting the enemy dragon's one Achilles' spot was shown as I savagely returned a strike at Marcos.
To my joy some of his armour rattled under the strength of my blow. 'It must be coming loose,' I thought.
Our duel increased in speed, we moved quicker than most humans could see what was happening. More than once, I shrieked or Marcos bellowed as our swords hit somewhere that was now exposed. This did not stop our duel, I barely hurt the pain, though I knew I would later.
I could tell all of a sudden that Marcos' strength was weakening him, though mine was too. This had to end before I died of fatigue. Continuing to dodge and attack, I thought with my mind to find a simple spell that would immobilise my opponent.
Then it came to me and I smiled deviously at Lindan Marcos as I hissed the three words. "Lenora cerdan lindiaga!" Hold him still! My spell I knew would hold his arms and legs completely still. The words I had spoken were in the tongue both humans and elves used to use magic, not my own elfin tongue .
I stopped mid-strike as he froze in place. Though my spell did permit him to think, speak and thus cast his own spells.
"Looks like you are at my mercy, Lindan Marcos," I said sweetly.
He snarled and then growled, "Atem mai Elduin." Release me magic. I held my own ground and then slipped once. Within a second he was straightening and advancing on me again.
Furious now, I attacked again with a sword. It bounced off the armour on Marcos' chest before the armour at long last slid of with a ringing sound.
He countered with a similar strike that left my back and torso unguarded. Where he got the strength was palpable, Rhothilion! Then I yelped as Rhothilion tore armour from Gaelira with his talons. My back throbbed as the dragon caused me to yelp.
Our duel increased in speed again and I thought frantically of a way to outsmart the human. I then aimed a blow at his neck.
I snorted in amusement; this was no mere spar, but a fight to the death. He obviously thought he would be physically powerful enough that he would thrash me with a blade alone. There was no prospect of that I had defeated my mother who was five decades older than he theoretically was. More that that, elves always overpowered any humans.
So unless he had some unheard of way of getting power I would overwhelm him with no difficulty. Those thoughts having been thought, I leapt right at him. Of course he dodged my attack. I hissed and swung to face him, flawlessly balanced light on my feet.
I could tell all of a sudden that Marcos' strength was weakening him, though mine was too. This had to end before I died of fatigue. Continuing to dodge and attack, I thought with my mind to find a simple spell that would immobilise my opponent.
Then it came to me and I smiled deviously at Lindan Marcos as I hissed the three words. Our duel increased in speed again and I thought frantically of a way to outsmart the human. I then aimed a blow at his neck.
Casting my mind back to all the spells I'd learnt over time, I said, "Lenora cerdan lindiaga." The spell rushed at Marcos aiming to knock him over. Marcos was pushed backwards, but not to the ground. All the while, the two dragons grappled with each other.
That's helpful, he anticipated my spell's intent, I thought.
I swung Corellon at him, at the same time attacking the mind of the human. He fought back bitterly; I knew that no human could withstand an elf's full mental strength for long.When he tried in vain to attack my mind, I thrust him out so powerfully, Marcos lost his balance. Quick as lightning, I slashed at his neck. Just as there was a roar of pain from Rhothilion and Garrik was moved up to block me, I changed my aim and stabbed Marcos through the heart.
Garrik clattered to the ground as Marcos stared at the white diamond blade protruding from his chest. His eyes widened in shock as he realised I had won.
"It seems you never saw that approaching, Marcos," I said as the man fell to the earth.
Then all of a sudden he stabbed once more at me with Garrik. The blue broadsword cut through my armour and stabbed into my chest. It went right through my ribcage and I felt its side brush my heart.
Then I fell to the ground, overcome by nothingness.

Chapter 25
My vision was slightly blurry when I woke up next. What had happened? Was I still alive? There was no sword in me so that had to be a good thing right? Or was it? I groaned, I felt so tired. But how long had I been completely out of it?
Had Gaelira survived? Or was she gone as well? Something told me that someone close to me was gone, but I did not understand why or who the feeling was about. All I could hope was that it was not in reference to Drannor. That would be intolerable for me certainly.
There was no way I could live to face my whole stretched out life without him. If he was dead, then I knew I would want to die as well.
Then my vision came into focus, and I realised it was Hycis waiting for me to reawaken.
“Hycis?” I asked in confusion. Why was she here and not my mate? Where was he? Should he not be here?
“Ssh,” she said softly. “Don’t move.”
“Why?” I stammered.
“You’re still healing from that sword. I brought you here myself. I’ve been the one tending to you for the last few days.”
Why had Drannor not been healing me? That made no sense. He was always the one. This was starting to get annoying. She was avoiding the fact that I was really worried about him.
“Where is he?” I demanded. “Drannor should be the one doing what you’re doing, no offense, Hycis.”
“She sighed. “Gem, please. Just rest. You really could do with it.”
“Not till I se...”
“Or do I have to force you?” she asked.
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