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Book online «Pack Gems by Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura (free ereaders TXT) 📖». Author Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura

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to California. As soon as he'd laid eyes on you and Taylor he'd known you were runaways. He'd had a few buddies who were looking for you, and willing to compensate heavily for his troubles, so he helped get you back to them. And he brainwashed Audrey and me into helping." She whispered.

"What?!" Kaden exclaimed in a mixture of surprise and rage.

"Shh, they can't hear about it. No one. Anyway, point is, we didn't know about the blood and killing bit. We just thought he was taking you back to where you belonged, which worked in our favor because we wanted our Alphas back and you had taken them." She continued in a low voice.

"You fucking serious?" Kaden whispered back angrily.

"Yeah, so? Whatever. Bottom line, Audrey and I didn't want to be involved anymore. We wanted to come clean. But Audrey made the mistake of telling Luke—stupid woman, and he came after her when she went to contact Axel. She and I are friends; I couldn't let anything happen to her. I followed Luke to the clearing find him pointing a gun at my alpha," the fury in her voice was impressive, "Guess he wasn't meant to win. Anyway, dead or not, his buddies are still coming here to collect you both so I suggest you start packing."

Kaden took all this in silently.

They had gotten so good at staying off the radar, never staying in one place for too long, always avoiding Pack dens and the other wolves.

Now look at them. Who knows what would happen now.

And it was at that moment that Kaden decided it would be best to run. Not because she'd promised Bree, but because they needed to continue their lives as lone wolves, without hurting anybody else and getting themselves caught.

But before that, she had to get all the information out of Bree and go look for Taylor so they could decide what to do,"When are they coming? And who are they?" Kaden asked.

"Sometime tomorrow, and both your old packs."

Kaden's eyes widened at that horrible thought. Taylor and her would be imprisoned and separated for good. In panic, she started for the door, but stopped short as an idea sprung from her mind."How did Lucas get here?"

"Car. If you go Northeast of Axel's back yard, there's a road a couple miles ahead that leads to an abandoned gas station. I tracked him on foot after that, so I assume it's where he stashed the car."

"Make sure the wolves are safe," Kaden turned her back on Bree and headed for the door.

Everyone in the living room looked up at her expectantly, but she wasn't going try to come up with any explanations. Her mind was focused on Taylor and getting the hell out of Axel's place.

Axel called after her, but she kept walking.

She was trying to follow her nose to Taylor when one of the wolves she hadn't met, stepped into her path.

She gave him a low growl, but he still didn't back off, "Our Alpha is speaking to you."

"Let her by, Kendrix, it's alright."He scowled at her, but complied by moving out of the way.

Kaden half-jogged through the house trying to find Taylor's room. She was getting close, her scent was growing stronger.

She was rapidly turning a corner when she almost ran into Gaby standing in front of her, blocking the hall, eyes alive with mischief.

"You know," She said in her light voice, "Trouble goes on even if you aren't around."

"What? What are you talking about?" Kaden questioned.

"It'll catch up to you soon. I know what's going on, and I know how it'll end," She said as she walked around a confused Kaden holding a small red pendant in her hands with a smile on her face.

She had to admit that was weird, but Kaden decided to let it go and continue her journey to Taylor.

As she pressed on she debated whether to mentioning her little bump into Gaby or not, before she could come to a decision Kaden spotted dear Akira and Daren, arms crossed, blocking Taylor's door so inconspicuously.

= Mason's POV =

Mason was having a great dream.His pack howled out around him, each member spaced a few miles off.

There was no danger here. He could just stay and rest in the soft bed of pine needles and enjoy the sounds of the forest without being bothered.

The sound of up turned leaves swiveled his ears behind him, he growled.

Making his body rise and turn to his offender, he was awestruck by the sight he took in. There, viciously digging in the earth and planting her muzzle in the hole she made, stood a beautiful, beige female werewolf.

He pulled his lips down over his bared teeth and just sat and watched in wonder, it seemed she hadn't seen or heard him yet.

With an adorably frustrated growl, she jumped up with her two front paws and slammed against the soil.

Mason rose his head to scent the air—rabbit. There was a rabbit hidden in his burrow that must have gotten away from her. He watched as his movement made her body freeze in awareness. She turned her head and met his eyes, she had the brightest gold eyes ever seen on a Were, it paralyzed him—until she turned tail and ran.

Mason sat for a heartbeat and watched her sandy tail bounce out of his sight behind the brush, then he gave chase.

His wolf gave a happy snort as he followed her trail by scent because there was no sound to track her by anymore. He squirmed at the thought she was tucked away in hiding somewhere, it would be easier if she thought she could hide from him.

It meant less running.

He entered the small clearing at a jog, his pointed ears straining for any noise to alert him of her position. He was close.

She had to be around here. Trapped. There was nowhere else to go with the cliff that dropped off into an impressive drop into the water below.

No, she couldn't have jumped she—A snap of tree bark made him spin.

There the female stood on two legs, her dark brown hair cascading down her back and covering her breasts in the front. She was a smooth tan complexion that was darker than her Shewolf fur, but her eyes were the same gold peering out at him unflinchingly.

He was so busy studying his prey's new form that he didn't notice the large, strained birch branch she grasped in two hands.

"You underestimated me," She told him, following his gaze.And then she smiled and let go of the bowing branch.

Mason's wolf took over before he could even process the branch coming at him, but it was still too late. The branch hit him in the neck and chest, pushing him the last distance over the edge.And as he fell, back first, he couldn't keep his eyes off the wily female standing on the cliff.

Pain. He felt pain.

Did that fall kill him?Everything was dark and he felt like he was constricted, so he thrashed desperately until he connected with something hard.

"Ow! You fucker!"

He opened his eyes in surprise to find the same golden eyes peering down at him from a bed.


"You fell from the bed after scrambling around so much, you idiot." She made no move to help him from the tight, make shift crevasse between the wall and bed.

"What's wrong?!" a loud bang sounded as Darren barged in the room with Akira on his heels.

"Nothing." She sighed, taking her eyes off him to give an exasperated look to the nervous pair.

Mason noticed she was cradling her side, "…did I hit you?"

Taylor glanced back down at him, "My fault. I tried to hold you down and stop your moving but you freaked. Lucky hit in an already tender area."

A loud rushing sound filled his ears as his veins burned with rage and shame for himself.But before he could say sorry, she reached down and flicked his forehead, "Don't start."

"Ah! Hey—!" Mason growled and tried to tear out of the blankets wrapped around him.

"Boss, do you want—"

"NO!" he cut Darren off, "I'm fine. Leave."

"Hey!" Taylor turned his jaw to make him look at her and not glare at Darren, "Be nice. They're worried about you."

Her brow was furrowed seriously as she scolded him. He couldn't help it; he broke into a smile that instantly made her expression change to one of suspicion.

"I'm sorry, thank you." He looked directly at her.

She let go of his jaw with a smile, "There. See? That wasn't so bad," she turned beam to at the pair still frozen awkwardly in the doorway, "He appreciates your concern, thank you guys."

No. That wasn't true.He could really careless about those two at this moment.

He was talking to her, but he wasn't going to tell her that.

"R-right," Akira was flustered by Taylor's bright smile, Mason growled at the transfixed pair.


Mason reached up and hit her lightly on the arm, "So, are you going make yourself useful or what?"

He was aware of the fast clicking of the door as she turned her attention on him once again.Good. The idiots got the hint.

"I'm thinking not. Ruude," She tsked, but still began unraveling the blanket so he could get his other arm free.

"I'll tell you what's rude, killing me in my dream."

"What?" she gave an amused laugh, still untangling him.

"You killed me in my dream!" he huffed indignantly.

She paused to look at him with a cheeky grin, "You dreamt about me?"

He fought the heat rising up on his face, "That's hardly the point!"He definitely wasn't going to divulge she was naked in said dream either.

"Right, continue," she grasped his shoulder and helped him wobble back unto the bed.

"You whacked me off a cliff."

"What'd you do?"



"You…" he wasn't sure if she was aware of the fact that she was tucking him back in the blankets gently as she listened; so he continued, "Ran from me."


"Oh?" He didn't like the sound of that Oh.

"So, how did this end in me killing you?" she avoided the subject.

He was tempted to not let it go, but maybe he was just being paranoid, "I tracked you to this cliff, I thought I had you trapped. But you were behind me, waiting for me to get close enough to the edge and bam! You let go of a branch that flung back and knocked me off."

"Huh." She was sitting against the bed frame on top of the covers now, "…So, even in your dreams I bested you?" Her mouth formed into a mischievous grin before busting into laughter.

"Oh, ha ha," He tried to sound unamused but even he heard the laughter in his voice, "You know—"

"Oh, like hell!! If you two don't move out of my way—!" Kaden's voice rang out, full of fury.

"Kaden? Oh, let her in," Taylor barely raised her voice knowing they would hear her through the door.

They had alot to discuss.

Chapter 27: Guns and Goodbyes

l Axel's POV l

Bree and Kaden had been quiet enough— except for Kaden's unexpected yell, but still the Pack hadn't been able to hear anything of merit.

Axel's decision to leave Kaden to her own choices was hard, but he decided that securing his home was more important than his petty desire to be around her.

He looked around to Kendrix,"Take two teams with you and make a

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