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somehow different voice I opened my eyes again. I could feel tears in my eyes. 

„Aya? Is that you?“, I asked when I realized that a 29 year old version of my best friend stood next to my bed.

 „I came here as fast as possible, to tell you not to remember. I wanted to to be spared“, she said and I could hear that she was a broken person.

 „Come and hug me!“, I just said and pulled her into my bed, just to try and take some of her pain. I couldn’t even realize myself that all of my friends were dead, Sirius, James, Lily, Fabian and Gideon! How was Marlene, where was Remus? How was the war, how was Harry Potter? I had so many questions but I didn’t dare to ask them because I was scared of the answer. 

„I don’t even know where to start. These times are horrible, I must admit that I hoped for you to wake up after the war, maybe even when Harry was your age. Or older, he could have adopted you“, Aya talked to herself, but I did understand what she meant. She had adapted to the horrible times but she wished for me not to have to. 

„Ask me anything, really. But we have to leave soon. I have to get back to Hogwarts and I have to bring you somewhere save.“

I almost had to laugh, because our roles had changed completely, Aya was now the one trying to protect me from the dark, when before she was always the ‚younger‘ one. I had known torture and she had grown up in a nice family, but now she had felt more pain. „What happened to my family, Remus?“, I asked because I had to know if Peter really was the traitor that I had come to know him for. 

„Your parents died in the first war, and Peter is now a Death Eater. He even helped to bring the Dark Lord back. Everything is ruled by the dark in these times and Harry Potter is our only hope. He survived the killing curse, he will destroy the Dark Lord“, Aya explained and I knew that she was trying hard to avoid talking about Remus. 

„It’s okay if he has another woman. It has been 21 years, I want him to be happy.“Aya sighted before she continued: „Her name is Nymphadora Lupin now, they just got married and also have a son together, Teddy. He loves her and she makes him happy, but you are still his soulmate. I know that he misses you everyday. I think that even Tonks notices some days.

“I felt that my heart was cracking, it was hurtful to know that he had a child with another woman, but it was okay. My mind said that it was okay to keep my heart from shattering all over again. „I want to go with you! I want to see Harry Potter and I want to fight by your side. I need to kill Dalton Goyle“, I said and I knew that nothing would stop me. Aya seemed to know this as well, because she helped me getting out of my bed and even dressed me because I was too weak. 

„You know that you are too weak for this. Harry Potter himself is only 17, he is just a boy. I don’t know how he is going to do it, to kill the most powerful wizard alive but I just have to believe. You on the other hand-„- I am fine! And I will fight with James’ son“

„Marlene has a daughter from Sirius. She is in the same year as Harry, and she is one of his friends. Her name is Melody. You two might even become best friends since you are the same age… somehow!“, Aya joked and I was happy that she could still make jokes like this. 

 Laughing, we walked out of the Saint Mungo’s hospital, trying to  forget the reality for a few more seconds. Maybe everything had changed, but Aya’s and my friendship had stayed the same and Remus had found his happy ending, even if it was without me. I felt like the dark times were going to be over soon, but even then I didn’t know if I should face Remus. Would it destroy his happiness?

First, we had a war to win.



Epilogue - Hogwarts battle

01. May 1998


I finally saw who I was looking for: The face of Dalton Goyle. He was in one of Hogwarts halls, fighting with a brown haired man and seemingly even winning. I saw that face smirking, enjoying the death around him and again, I gave my body over to rage. Without even thinking about it, I used the unforgivable curse: „Avada cadavra!“A green flesh of light hit the man and when he looked over to me I felt satisfaction because in his moment of death, he spoke one last word: „Katherine?“But another person also said my name, with just as much disbelief in his voice: Remus. He had been the one fighting Dalton in the first place, and now he walked towards me. I was torn between running away and running towards him, just to kiss him again. But I had to think of his wife, his boy and I didn’t want to be the one tearing them apart. 
„I can’t believe it is actually you! You are alive!“ I hadn’t moved an inch, I just watched him walk towards me. I smiled at him, and then I told him what I felt: „I still love you, Remus. But I can’t be with you, not anymore. You have a new life and I want to have one as well. I don’t want to ruin your marriage, your son doesn’t deserve that. I hope you can understand“With these words, I turned around and ran around the next corner, just to take a look back. Remus seemed to have understood, he smiled a little with sadness in his eyes and said: „I will always love you, Katherine Pettigrew!“

I smiled back, but my face froze when suddenly a green light hit him in the stomach and he flew backwards. 

„NO!“, I screamed, but the Death Eater that had killed him was being thrown out of the window by a black haired girl, who also ran to the dead body of Remus.

At about the same moment we reached him and when I looked into her grey eyes I could see her father in them: she was the daughter of Sirius. 

„I already lost my dad, I can’t loose my second one! Remus, don’t be dead!“, she screamed, not caring about anything that happened around her. I had to protect her from a couple of spells that could have killed her.But also I had to deal with the next loss: of Remus. I wanted him to be happy, wanted him to have a family. Now he laid here on the stone floor with his eyes wide open and the daughter of Sirius crying over him. 

„Remus! What happened? No, please don’t be dead!“, a woman with purple hair screamed and I just knew that she must be the wife of Remus. „Tonks! I couldn’t do anything, it was all my fault! I should have saved him“, Melody cried and both of the girls were totally devastated. Somehow I was the one keeping the cool head and pulled Melody away from Remus, getting her to a save place.

I would get Tonks later, she probably wouldn’t let me take her so easily. Melody cried, but I could see that she had seen worse than her ‚second father‘ being killed. I just hoped that it wasn’t her first father being killed. 


„NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!“, a woman screamed and I could see how a little woman battled another, who looked very much like Bellatrix Black.

 „This bitch, she killed my dad!“, Melody screamed, but I held her back when she wanted to run towards the two, thinking that maybe Bellatrix was a little too good for her. I felt sad for the woman, when I kept looking at her I thought that I had seen her before… was that Molly? The little sister of the twins? Just when I was still thinking about it, I got surprised one more time when suddenly, Bellatrix fell off the table, dead. 

„Finally some justice“, Melody murred, not showing any emotions.

 „Who are you anyways?“, she then asked but when she looked at me again, her mouth dropped open: „Wait, are you Katherine Pettegrew?“I nodded, somehow happy that Sirius had talked about me. Her eyes widened: „I am so sorry! You had to look at Remus, had to see her wife! My mom would love to see you, and Aya! Did you meet her yet?“

„I did, but let us fight before we do the smalltalk“, I joked and fired another spell at a Death Eater. „You are a good fighter“, Melody said while she also fought a Death Eater. 

I laughed: „You too! Just like your dad.“  



 A few weeks later, the whole school had been repaired and the school opened again, making it possible for anyone to return and study for their exams. There had been many funerals, but with time, my wounds had healed a little. I knew that I would always miss my friends, but I moved in with Aya and somehow she was now something like a mother or big sister to me.


Melody and I became very good friends and she reminded me very much of her father. She also introduced me to Harry and his two best friends and I got to meet Molly, proud mother of six children, one having died in the war. His twin brother was so sad that he just locked himself in his room, but he did remind me a little of Fabian. I went back to school with Melody and finished my last year at Hogwarts, making great new friends and soon meeting a very special boy named Christoph Fox.   

Somehow, after two years in that we didn’t have any contact, I met him again in the Saint Mungo’s, where I was now working. I loved helping people and this job really was everything for me. Christoph came in with a broken leg, he had fallen off his broom and I healed him. Ginny came in with him, she was the seeker of their team and his best friend. She made it her mission to get the two of us together and after some double dates with her and Harry, we finally kissed.I helped raise Remus’ son, but I thought of us as a couple less and less everyday.  



01. April 2006  


„Yes, I do“, I said smiling, looking into the amazing eyes of my fiancee. Half was hazelbrown, but the other half was blue. His dirtyblonde hair had just been cut and his black suit looked great on his trained body. „You can now kiss the bride.“Happy, my lips met his soft ones and the kiss made my heart beat faster. 

„I know a great name for him now“, Chris whispered in my ear: „Alexander Remus Fox.“I smiled even more and touched my stomach with my right hand. I didn't know how Chris understood my love for Remus, but somehow he did and he respected it. I knew that Remus always thought that there was only one soulmate for each

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