Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The Player or the good guy? by NotWithoutMusik . (epub ebook reader TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Player or the good guy? by NotWithoutMusik . (epub ebook reader TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author NotWithoutMusik .

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 How to save a life

Fri- 12. March 1976


It hurt. All I could feel in this moment was pain. I felt the bones in my body break and deform, my vision was blurry and all I could hear were the screams of myself, James, Sirius and Peter. 


We were all in our fifth year of Hogwarts and we were finally able to do the spell correctly and transform ourselves into an animal. None of us knew what we were going to transform into, but we read that it would be something that reflected our personality. It took us three years to get to this point, three years of practicing and three years of watching Remus turn into a werewolf every full moon without being able to help. Remus was my best friend of all four of them, he was the one I turned to when I had boys problems, we did homework together and we could talk for hours. Sometimes he even helped me pick an outfit for an event. 


James and Sirius were completely different. They were one of my best friends as well, but with them I spent time pranking, laughing or playing Quidditch. James would sometimes tell me about how much he loves Lily, but I wasn't very good in giving relationship advice. Sirius and I casually flirt with each other, but I would never even let myself feel anything for him, because he is the male slut of the school. While I just had my first kiss with Dayne Widdow, a Hufflepuff student from a year above, he must have made out with at least half the Gryffindor girls. 


Peter was my twin brother, although he was born 2 minutes earlier than me and he didn't almost die when he was born. Our mother wasn't much of a good mother. She smoked while she was pregnant and that lead to my organs growing outside of my body when I was growing in her belly. When She gave birth, the surgeon could save me just in time, but  I will always keep the scar on my stomach. Ironically, our parents decided to give me the middle name 'Scar'. 

I did love my brother very much, even though I wish that he would sometimes stand up for himself and not be the slave of James and Sirius all the time. He seemed to think that they were heroes or something. 


My best friend in the entire world was Aya, a stubborn, fun loving girl who didn't care about school, only about Quidditch and who was scared of loving someone too much. We have been friends since first grade and nothing could come in between us. She also knew about Remus 'fury little problem', but she wasn't good enough in Transfiguration to do the spell. She really wanted to help though and that is why she was always with us when we tried to turn ourselves into animals. 


We were in the shrieking shag, where nobody ever went and everyone blamed the screams on other noises on ghosts.  


"Scar? Are you alright?", a familiar voice made it's way into my ears and woke me up from my short unconsciousness. As I lifted my head from the ground, I noticed that suddenly everything was different. Most of the colors vanished and were replaced by shades of gray, green and blue. The first things I saw were three other animals right in front of me: A stag, a black dog and a grey rat. They all looked very gawky as they tried to get up in their forms. I wondered who was who, but I thought that James must be the stag since he was kind of the leader of their group. When I looked left, I could see Remus and Aya standing there with a worried, but also relieved look on their faces. 


The next thing I noticed was the sensation of smell and noise. Everything was so much more intense than when I was a human and I loved it. I could smell the wood from the shrieking shag, the grass and fresh air outside, and of course, the perfume of Aya. It was nice when I was a human, but now it was just a little too strong. 


After a few minutes of registering my surroundings and getting up on my four legs, I wondered what kind of animal I was. I could see that my paws were white, and when I tuned my head as much as possible, I could see that I looked like a huge dog, but something was still different. 


"You are a white wolf, Scar.", Aya said, because she saw my attempts to look at myself. 

I smiled in my mind. I turned into my favorite animal.

- 1 -


Back to Hogwarts

Mon- 1. September 1977


The noises of the Hogwarts express were really making me sleepy. The constant chattering of the Marauders and Aya just made it worse and my lack of sleep last night got me to almost fall asleep on the way to Hogwarts. 

It was a nice September day, the sun was shining on the red train that looked like a snake making it's way through the trees and the sky was blue with no clouds in sight. It had been one of the warmest summers in forever and  that made me look forward to our 7th year at Hogwarts even more. The Quidditch season would be amazing and with Aya, Sirius and James on the team we would win this season for sure.  

"Scar, wake up. We have to get changed into our robes!", my best friend said quietly and gently shook my shoulders. Her long, blonde hair was almost toughing my nose because she was so close to me and when I woke up, her blue eyes locked with mine and she smiled. 

"Sorry to interrupt you to but we're there in like five minutes so I'd get dressed now if I were you.", Sirius said and I could practically hear the smirk that was on his face right now. 

"Oh shut it, Black. You are just jealous.", I replied and winked at him when Aya returned to her seat and we both began changing into our robes. For us it was normal to get changed in front of the boys, because we played Quidditch with them and the changing rooms weren't exactly big. We were pretty good at hiding our underwear though by putting the robes on first, turning to the wall while putting our skirts and the blouse on. I let my tie hang loose around my neck, just like Sirius and James did it, while Aya, Peter and Remus had it tighter. 

Just when we finished packing our muggle clothes into our suitcases, the train stopped. A feeling of excitement ran through my body and I smiled at the others: "This is officially our last year at Hogwarts. Let's make it count, let's make it fun and let's not fail our N.E.W.T's!", I said and everyone chuckled. 

"You are even better at pep talks than James!", Aya laughed and Sirius added: "Yeah, you should be the captain. With you we might actually win." James gave his best friend a angry look and then playfully punched him in the stomach: "What was that? I'll have to look for two beaters this year? And definitely not Sirius Black?"

We laughed at the little fight that Sirius and James were having now and all cheered for one or the other. Remus and I cheered for James while Aya and Peter wanted Sirius to win. About two minutes later, James held Sirius in the headlock. "Don't ever insult the captain again!", James said with a deep voice and let go of Sirius, who smirked again and took a bow: "I am very sorry prongs. I will never dare to insult you again."

"If we don't move our butts out of this train soon, none of you is going to be on the Quidditch team!", Remus stated. He was right, when we went out of our compartment, the whole train was empty already. When we got to the carriages, there was only one left and we quickly hopped onto it before the Thestrales started trotting to the castle. 

Ten minutes later, we made our way to the Great Hall and when we got there, we saw that the huge doors were already closed.

"Damn it. Do you think that they are eating already? I am starving!", Peter asked with a hungry look on his face and as if his stomach wanted to underline his point, it growled. 

"We can only find out if we go in.", James stated and even if I didn't like that plan too much, we opened the doors with our wands. When we walked inside, everyone started clapping until they realized that it wasn't the first years coming in, but just six really late students. 

"How nice of you six to join us as well. Did you not find your way to the Great Hall or were you just too sad to begin your last year at Hogwatrts?", Dumbledore spoke and I could see the familiar twinkle in his eyes. 

"Actually, Professor, we though that the Captain of the Gryffindor team has to make an announcement!", I shouted so that all the students could hear me and now all eyes were in James. He looked at me like I was crazy for saying something like that, but then his face turned into the confident James again and he said: "I just wanted to tell you all that we are going to win the Quidditch cup this year, because Gryffindor is the best house!" He had to scream the last words due to the cheering of the Gryffindor house and the booing of the other houses. 

"What on earth is going on here?", Professor McGonnagal asked when she entered the hall with her first years. A hall that was usually silent while waiting for the new students, but now it was full of screams, insults and some people even got into a fight. I had to chuckle when I saw how scared these new students looked and when I sat down next to Peter and Aya, I happily thought of my first year in Hogwarts. Everything was so new then and I still remember the words of the hat like it was yesterday that he said them: "What an extraordinary mind! You can do much with your life if you want it. A loyal friend you are, you would be great in Hufflepuff. But no, there is also cunning in your head and a bit sly aren't you. A rule bender. And smart as well, very smart. Yeah, maybe Ravenclaw, you like learning. But not as much as pranking and having fun. Ah, I got it. You are going to GRYFFINDOR!"

The head did make the right choice and this little speech that he gave me seven years ago, still made me proud. I did really well in my O.W.L's and I hoped to do as well in my N.E.W.T.'s. I wanted to become a healer when I left Hogwarts and to become

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