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Book online «Fire Moon by Miss CrazyPlantLady (phonics reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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foot and wrapped my arms around Bain, "I thought you were dead!" I cried, I couldn't stop the relief flooding my emotions and the tears now drenched my skin.

He pulled away, "Thanks to your talented friend here" he gestured to Miles, who now stood off to the side, "I made it another day."

"Where's Alice?" I asked, looking around as we headed inside.

"They found her not far from August's" Quinn answered, "Will is looking after her there and Sam also went to watch her, she's in good hands."

Guilt was climbing it's way back up my spine. Alice was here the entire time. Thank the moon she's safe, "My parents?"

Quinn dropped her eyes, "No news yet."

Sawyer's throne room doors opened and I stopped dead in my tracks as August stood there with Sawyer, focused in their discussion but looked up at the doors opening. His face lifted and he smiled widely at me, "About time, pup."

My foot begged for a break with every step as I rushed to August, our string pulling us together and my soul sighed as my arms encircled him. I was with him again. I was safe again.

The Soothsayer smirked, "I was worried you two couldn't keep up."

August's light eyes swirled as he pulled back and took in Alexei, "Thank you for ensuring her safe arrival."

I smiled at that thought. I didn't think dragging me through rough woodlands without shoes on was safe but I'd let him have it. Alexei looked at me smug but he nodded his head in acknowledgement, "Of course."

August's smile dropped as he gestured his head at Alexei's direction, my chest hollowing out as August demanded, "Take him."



I stared out the window with a glare, waiting for the hills to combust under my rage. I couldn't believe August would do this.

"I need you to cool your skin down before I can touch you" Miles laughed lightly, pressing a fingertip to my skin and hissing at the temperature.

I blinked out of my mad blur and sighed, "Sorry, Miles."

The Curer shrugged, her amber eyes meeting mine, "You don't have to apologise, I understand your feelings" she reached for my feet again, "Even with what Alexei had done over the years I know him, I know he had no choice and he still helped us."

I watched her wrap her magic hands around my left foot, slowly the dull aching burn subsided and her fine marks curved around in its place. Her dark brows slightly drawn together as her powers worked. She repeated her work to my right foot and she stood, reaching her hand down to help me.

My own hand contrasted against her own, her deep skin glowing with the afternoon light that bled from the window, "When did you heal Bain?" I asked, remembering he wore the same magic lines around his neck.

She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, "Once we arrived, they had a Theta and he couldn't get the skin to heal, I kept asking to help but no one knew me or trusted me" her eyes seemed glassy with memory, "He wasn't going to last the day and once they left me alone in my room, I broke out and healed him."

I tightened my grip and smiled down at her, "Thank you."

She smiled with a shrug, "Of course," her amber eyes still glassy, "What happened with the children?"

The reminder hit me harder than a car would have. It was like the whole world paused, fear entered my blood and swirled through me faster than the guilt did. For the smallest of seconds, I had forgotten. I forgot what I did. I forgot the amount of death that now coated my soul. My soul was dripping in death.

My eyes burned with tears as I looked at her, "We couldn't save them" my voice weak and the words clawing the sides of my throat as they escaped. I couldn't say it. Not to her. I couldn't watch her face fall from the hope that glowed on it.

Her hand still tightly held mine and she smiled, "Hey, it's okay" her own eyes glistening, "We will save them, we can just go back once this is all over and I'm sure they'll be fine, don't worry."

I forced a smile to my lips and nodded. Her smile widened but suddenly faded when a knock sounded on the door.

"We've called a meeting" it was August and he opened the door slightly to pop his head in, "Time to go, pup."

We were silent for a while before I hissed at him, "Why are you doing this?"

We were walking through Sawyer's extravagant house, the floral wallpaper grew more detailed the further we went and August frowned at me with confusion, "He kidnapped you."

"He has a point" Bain added, following behind with Urith.

I shot a glare at the Oracle before turning it to August, "Yes but..."

"But nothing" August growled, "Regardless of what I want to do to him, the pack will decide his fate."

We took a hard left and through a set of carved doors. The Soothsayer sat at the head of a table, his dark hair braided behind him and his pack standing around him.

I rushed ahead and grabbed his arm, "Sawyer, we can't do this" my voice panicked, "He helped us."

He sighed heavily, "There is too many alphas under my roof and I do not have the patience to deal with the amount of power that is vibrating around my damn house, so we need to do this in case he has information about Kier and so every one is happy. Besides, I won't let them kill him" he smirked and added, "Trust me?"

August met my eyes from end of the table, drinking in the sight of me as he took a seat, "Bring him in."

Quinn smiled at me softly before taking the seat next to August, Urith standing behind her and I made no moves to sit. I stood in front of the seat next to Sawyer. The Soothsayer glanced at me with eyebrows raised but he didn't say anything and the Oracle rolled his eyes at me as he took the seat in front of me.

"What are they going to do to him?" Miles came up to my side to whisper.

My eyes never leaving August, I shook my head and crossed my arms, "I won't let them do anything."

The doors opened then. It was Danny, the Zeta, but there was no sign of Asher. Danny held Alexei's arms behind him, pushing him forward into the room. My dark eyes finding his emerald ones for a brief second before Danny shoved him into a chair.

The Deltas surrounding us growled at the sight of him, August's jaw was the tightest I've seen it and his multi-coloured eyes swirled with rage as he watched Alexei. He would kill him right now if he could.

The Soothsayer held up his hand, annoyed and the Deltas shut up instantly, "This is not a trial for his death or punishment" Sawyer boomed with warning, "This is a trial of trust and information to see if he is trusted enough to stay with us."

"I want him punished" August added with an ugly growl, his finger pointed accusingly at Alexei, "He stole my mate and held her hostage."

Everyone's eyes fell on me. Even Bain turned his head slightly to raise his eyebrows at me. I hadn't told him. Urith knew and I assumed told Quinn as she didn't bat an eyelash at this information.

"Irrelevant Augustus, you and the Changeling have not completed the mating bond" my skin burned with embarrassment but the Soothsayer continued, "And he did amend his crime of kidnapping her by letting her go."

August held his tongue but his eyes turned to Alexei, making a silent vow.

"Alexei, we have a few questions for you" The Soothsayer leaned forward, resting his chin on his fist and almost looked bored as he stared down at the piece of paper in front of him, "Let's start somewhere easy, what is your name?"

Alexei's face changed, it drained of colour and emotion. He muscles frozen, "Alexei James Velasquez" his voice was almost robotic, no tone to it at all.

A frown appeared on Sawyer's face, "Two first names? Odd" he looked back down at his paper, "Is it true that Cameron was a diversion?"

Alexei wasn't even blinking, his eyes stared ahead and stuck to the floor. Not a single flicker, "Yes."

"The Burn Notice?"

The Null-hound shook his head stiffly, "Not real."

"Are you still working for Kier or anyone who would threaten us?" Quinn interjected.

Alexei shook his head again robotically, "No."

"Did you kill Mara?" Quinn asked again. Mara's name rolled around the room like a heavy stone and my back straightened at the mention of it.

Alexei's jaw was set tight but his voice was the same, "No."

Sawyer was manipulating him. The Soothsayers free hand was gripping the edge of his seat, clawed to it, "How did Kier know about Eden?"

A swallow, "He made me scout August's pack, he heard that Vic had asked for help but Alice wasn't who he was truly after. Kier wanted Eden, he knew about Eden the second she was born."

A frown developed on my face as Sawyer quickly glanced at me, "Why does he want her?"

Irritation grew on Alexei's face, "He made a bargain, he now has every right to her."

The Oracle sat up, "Bargain with who?"

Alexei was struggling to keep his mouth shut, he didn't want to say but Sawyer had him, "Ooo, we might keep that secret between us" The Soothsayer mumbled to himself and that's when it clicked.

Alexei's eyes moved back to the ground nervously, he wasn't under Sawyer's manipulation because Alexei was a Null-hound. If he wasn't affected by my powers, he wouldn't be affected by the Soothsayer's. This was a trick. Another one of Sawyer's games.

"Why did you help me escape?" I interrupted, going with the fake interrogation and Sawyer winked in appreciation.

Alexei's eyes met mine at that, his mouth opening again to speak but the Soothsayer clapped his hands with a laugh, "I think that's enough so far"

I watched as Alexei sagged dramatically in his chair, a heavy frown forming on his face. Silence filled the room, thick with tension and August was the one who spoke first, "That doesn't prove anything."

"It proves he isn't a threat to us and he can give us more information, freely next time" Sawyer argued.

The Soothsayer's Deltas mumbled in agreement but August was boiling in his seat, "Kier could still have his hands on him or on her" he pointed to Miles.

"I was his prisoner" Miles voice was surprisingly strong and defensive.

"We have to take her" August demanded. Danny made to reach for her but my glare was sharp enough to cut him.

I grabbed Miles' arm as the Oracle grabbed her wrist, "August" my voice the same tone when I'm speaking to my flames, full of ice and demand, "Miles, like Alex, is not a threat."

"She healed me, August" Bain added. His own voice low and warning. Miles was frozen with fear, her eyes watching August like a bug watches a bird.

"Saying she's working for Kier, is saying I'm working for Kier" Urith's interjected, "Let's not forget that Miles has saved not only Bain but me and Eden, we all wouldn't be alive if it wasn't

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