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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (motivational novels TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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my life I blamed myself for leaving him.” Ariana cried. “When we reunited in that store five years later, it just wasn’t the same. I felt I betrayed him by loving another man – Derrick. I hurt him so much, but there wasn’t any choice. What could I do but let the past go and fight the battle we were having against Sabrina.”
That sentence gave Gloriana a smile upon her lips. “Do you think it is time you talked it over with him?”
“Wait – why do you want to help me?”
“I only want to reveal your deepest regret, forcing you to face it.” Gloriana replied. “That is all.”
With that, both women disappeared. Ariana went back to her patrols and Gloriana found another Ancient Mystic victim to entertain her.

For the past week, things between Aaron and Ariana had changed, drastically. They couldn’t look at each other without the constant thoughts of their abusive but loving past. He was reminded of the love she used to have for him and she was reminded of the feelings of betrayal. They had been the Three Musketeers, one for all and all for one. When she left, there were only two. For five long years they missed each other dearly and kept in touch only in thoughts. He found out what kind of powers he had, asking Lord Guardian to teach him. His sister Amethyst learned her special type of Unicorn Magic from Enchantra, the Elder Mistress Originator of the Dream Realm. It was thirteen years later, with the twins and Ariana reuniting during the Dream Realm Crusades. Aaron found his best friend was changed. She was more self-assured, more powerful, and most of all, more beautiful than he’d last seen her. Since that day, his heart yearned for her, and hers felt for him.
Seeing her daughter was imitating Sabrina, Gloriana decided to make her move. First, go back to the Master’s side and become his Queen. Second, reek havoc amongst the Crusaders using Sabrina as bait, and last of all, (and her favorite part), destroy the Ancient Mystics and rule the entire Realm of the Dream Realm. Once that was finished, it was only a matter of time before she and Master Orthos would rule all dimensions with their evil Dominionite followers.
The next step in her glorious plan was to hit the Ancient Mystics where they hurt the most – their hearts. The one Ancient Mystic Crusader that was most vulnerable was Aaron Theodore Schmidt, Young Guardian’s old lover and best friend, father to the Enchanted Child. It would prove very interesting.
Gloriana reunited with him in his Dream Realm, waiting for him to recognize her.

“Aaron Theodore...” Gloriana called.
Aaron held his head, as if it hurt him to look at her. “Who are you?”
“Do you not recognize me?” Gloriana asked. “You Exiled us not long ago.”
“Gloriana?” Aaron whispered, confused. “How?”
“Does it matter how?” She asked, facing him. She was so close, she touched his cheek, or tried to at least.
“Don’t touch me!” Aaron cried, backing off.
“Would you rather have Young Guardian’s hand upon your cheek?”
“Leave me alone!” Aaron cried. He doubled over in pain, the necklace growing warm at his chest. He opened his mouth to shout the Exiling Spell, but forgot half the words.
“Shall we part company so soon? After all, I can give you your most precious desire – Young Guardian.”
“She’s married to Derrick. I can’t have her anymore than a friend.”
“Ah, but you can, for she still loves you.”
Aaron’s attention was sparked. “What?”
“Need not sound so astonished. It is not as if you did not suspect.” Gloriana smiled a crooked smile. “She warned you of the Dark Magic, did she not? If she did not love you, she would have left you to deal with it on your own.”
“That’s not true.” Aaron shook his head. “How dare you say such a thing!”
“It is true. Remember our little run-in, and how she kissed you back to life.”
Aaron’s hand shook as it found his lips. His eyes were blank and he fell to his knees. “I love her so much, Gloriana. I would do anything to have her in my arms again.”
“Anything?” Gloriana was intrigued, listening.
“Anything. Just name it and I’ll do it.”
Just what I wanted to hear. Gloriana thought. He would make the perfect slave to my plan.
“Go to her in her hour of need.” She supplied. “You will know when. Show her how you feel, and make her see how she feels about you. Only then will she become yours once again.”
Gloriana kissed his lips before whispering. “Do not fail me, Young Ancient Mystic, and I will not fail you.”
In a cloud of smoke, she disappeared, going back to Orthos. Aaron was left with a blank look on his face, his hands clutching his special necklace.


It was a peaceful day in Hill View. Ariana had time to clean house and finish her homework for class before the children got home. Melody was quietly playing in the backyard, and for that, Ariana was thankful. Derrick would return home soon from work, so she wanted everything to be perfect when he arrived. Once checking on Melody, she headed upstairs to begin cleaning there.
She started in her own room, where her eyes spied the odd-shaped black gem on her night-stand. Trying to ignore its faint glow, she cleaned up. Her attention wandered away from her work and to the gem. She couldn’t keep her eyes off it.
Without moving, she used telekinesis to bring it to her. Once it was in her hands, she examined it.
“How could this little thing cause so much damage?” She whispered to herself.
That “little thing” was the Black-as-Night Crystal. In it evoked such power not even Ariana knew how to handle. Somehow, she and her sisters had taken it away from Damian and Sabrina. Who knew what happened to the awful duo then?
Her patrols told her Sabrina was no longer in the Abyss. That was a good thing. Dreamers were safe from her. What about Damian? Had he somehow returned to the Unknown?
With a shake of the head, Ariana tried to return it to the night-stand. Its glow was brighter now as she stared at it.
“That’s strange.” She whispered, sitting on the bed. She handled it again, using her eyes to see any strange marks. There was a tiny hole near the tip of the gem, big enough for a necklace chain. She fingered it. “That must have been where she put the chain.”
On the gem itself was writing. Ariana recognized it as Ancient Mystic text, but couldn’t translate. She threw it up in the air and tried to make it disappear, but it remained in the air, levitating.
“Okay, now what?” She asked herself. The Crystal began to spin in place, its glow changing colors. She stepped back, watching. “What in the world?”
She tried reaching for it with her hands, but got burned, so she snatched them back. She tried telekinesis to bring it down from the air, but nothing happened. The effort only made her head ache that much more. She was getting frustrated.
“No mere gem is going to make a fool out of me.” Ariana remarked. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the Magic within. A rainbow wind warmed her entire body. She opened her eyes and reached out to the gem again, using the Ancient Mystic Magic to bring it to her. The wind carried itself to the gem, wrapping around it like a rope. With her mind, Ariana pulled the gem to her open hands.
She smiled when it obeyed, landing in her hands. She let go of the Magic and received a premonition.

She saw the Gatekeeper of the Abyss with Its long black cloak and strange glowing-white eyes. She also saw who It was talking to. Sabrina.
How dare you try to steal what is not yours? It yelled in a raspy echoed voice.
“I want that power, Gatekeeper!” Sabrina screamed. “It belongs to me!”
The Gatekeeper raised a hand, revealing a long magical staff. If what you say is truth, reveal to me the key to its freedom. Only then will I comply to your demand.
“That should not be hard.” Sabrina shrugged. She stared at the Gatekeeper’s face, or what she could make of it, and smiled. “Actonius Alpha, Raytonius Manaya.”
What of the translation, young one?
“Actions of one, reactions of many.” Sabrina replied. “Now, hand it over!”
The Gatekeeper nodded, raising a free hand to her. It held the Black-as-Night Crystal for a moment before Sabrina snatched it from him.
Careful with that, Maiden. The Gatekeeper warned. Its power is very potent.
“I know that. Why do you think I wanted it?”
With a grin and a laugh, Sabrina stared into the Crystal. It glowed brightly in her hands. “Now, to do a little damage.”
She disappeared, along with the vision from Ariana’s mind.

Ariana gasped out of it, staring at the Crystal in her hands.
“That’s it,” she said to herself. “This thing is going back.”

That night, she dreamed. It was a strange dream, even for her.

She tried patrolling, or even heading the Dream Realm to visit friends there, but she was stuck. Confused, she tried every traveling spell she knew, and even made a few up, just to get herself out of the Abyss. She wasn’t in her Guardian’s Gown, which made her wonder who brought her there.
She couldn’t sense a thing, and that scared her. The scene around her changed from the usual gateway between the dimensions to somewhere reminiscent of a memory long forgotten. It was dark, the moon was full, and the stars were out. There was a slight breeze in the air that came from no wind. It made her shiver.
Up ahead was a building, a restaurant. The neon red light said “Benjamin’s Family Restaurant.”
“Benjamin’s?” She muttered under her breath. “Why does that sound familiar?”
In the blink of an eye, she was inside. Apparently, people around her couldn’t see her.
This must be a dream. She mused. But what does it mean?
Oh well, better to just watch and find out.
She walked a path her will wanted her to. The path led her to a table in a corner of the restaurant, which was hiding in the shadows amongst the bustle of the crowd.
She could hardly see what was in front of her, but it seemed three people sat at the table. Two young children and a woman.
Probably their mother. Ariana assumed as she watched the scene.
A waitress came up to the table. “Is there anything else I can get for you tonight?”
“Just the bill, please.” The woman replied. “Thank you.”
Why does that voice sound so familiar? Ariana asked herself.
One of the children yawned as the waitress walked away.
“Getting sleepy, dear?” The woman asked.
The child nodded her head. Red-blond hair whipped the girl’s face, making her nose itch. The girl scratched the spot, making the other girl giggle.
That giggle. Ariana thought. Something fishy is going on.
“Don’t laugh at her, Aluna.” The woman playfully remarked. “You do that, too when you wear it in tails.”
“That’s why I have no more tails.” Aluna said knowingly with a grin. “Just one. That’s all.”
The woman shook her head, clearing her throat. “Now, I have to go to the bathroom. Can I count on you to do it?”
“Do what?” The other child, Aluna’s sister, Ariana believed.
“Make sure you don’t wander off.” The mother said as she nodded.
“But I’m the good twin, remember?” The girl argued. “I won’t wander off, Mommy.”
“I know dear, I know.” The woman replied.
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