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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (motivational novels TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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thing. Will you return to normal, or will you be ruthless?”
He couldn’t move as she made it float to her hands. With a smile, she tossed it into the air. In front of their eyes, it disappeared.
“What did you do that for?” Derrick demanded. “You know what that means to me.”
“No, not really.” Ariana said nonchalantly. “Tell me.”
“It’s the link that keeps us together.” Derrick supplied. “Now you’ve made it disappear, not to mention your taking the Amulet off, what do you think is going to happen?”
“I don’t know.” Ariana replied. “Trust me, we’ll think of something.”
Derrick marched up to her. “What’s happening to you? This isn’t the woman I married!”
“Oh really? I’m no longer your Dream Girl who needs your constant companionship in order to survive. Is that it?” Ariana cornered. “Well, this is the real thing, Derrick Reading, so get used to it.”
“This isn’t you.” Derrick remarked. “I know it’s not.”
She tisked. “That’s what Shadow said.”
“When did you talk to him last?” Derrick asked.
“A few days ago. He wouldn’t go for seduction, though.” Ariana said. “What a waste.”
“You tried to seduce him?” Derrick cried. “In Lord Guardian’s name, why?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “Something to do.”
“Something to do? Are you mad?” Derrick interjected. “Forgetting about me? The man you married?”
A force of wind moved from Ariana’s very soul to her body, producing a breeze in the room.
“You’re also a man who bears no trust for his woman.” Ariana said softly. Her glowing eyes stared at him, scaring him.
“I’ve good reason not to trust you these days.” Derrick interjected. “I thought you loved me.”
“I did, until I realized something.” Ariana supplied. “You wanted the perfect Dream Girl you imagined years ago. I’m changing and you’re not liking it.”
“How can I like it if it’s not really you?” Derrick added. “Ariana, please, let me help you with this. Take the Crystal from around your neck and let’s talk.”
“Talk is cheap, Reading.” Ariana supplied. “Actions speak louder than words.”
Derrick moved toward her, but she already knew what he was going to do.
“I wouldn’t touch it if I were you.” Ariana warned. “You could get hurt.”
The door opened then, revealing all four of their children. Kelly held onto Melody in her arms. Melody’s eyes looked like they’d been crying, but there were no actual tears. Mark and Andrew just stared, holding each other’s hands. Kelly was frowning at her mother.
“What’s going on?” Kelly asked.
“Go away, kids. This is between me and your father.”
Kelly put her sister down. The boys immediately took each of her hands in their own. Kelly marched up to her mother.
“Listen to me, Kelina Erin. Go away.”
“Not until I have the Crystal in my hands.” Kelly supplied.
Derrick looked from mother to daughter, watching.
“Give me the crystal, Momma.” Kelly reached her hand out.
Ariana did the same with her daughter as she had a few days ago with Luna. The wind slammed the door shut, forcing Derrick to the ground.
“No!” Kelly put her arms up, forcing her own Magic as a shield.
Ariana fired as much of her wind Magic as she could to her daughter, trying to make her budge, but she didn’t move. The girl’s power was just as strong.
“Give up, Kelly.” Ariana replied. “You’ll only wear yourself out.”
“Same goes for you, Momma.” Kelly remarked. “I don’t think you want either of us to die.”
Derrick gasped. “Die?”
“If we use up our Forces, we die. Our Magic Force is our Life Force.” Kelly told him.
“At least we’ll know where to go.” Ariana said with a laugh.
“You’ll kill us both, Momma! Think about that!”
“Stop this, Ariana! Please!” Derrick cried. He turned to his sons. “Help them. I can’t move.”
“You said we can’t use our Magic, Dad.” Andrew supplied.
“Just do it before they kill us all!”
Mark, Andrew, and Melody looked at each other. They kept their hands clasped, linking their Magic together. The twins reached out their free hands to their mother and sister. Out of their hands came different colored Magics. From Andrew, it was blue, from Mark, it was red. The two different winds linked together in the air like a ribbon of violet. The violet wind headed to their mother’s arms to bind her.
“You don’t know what you’re doing, boys.” Ariana’s voice was different, more masculine and definitely not her own.
“Stop boys.” Kelly suggested. “The Crystal’s taking your Magic winds. It’s only making it stronger, and you weaker.”
“We have to do something, Kelly!” Derrick yelled. “We can’t just give up.”
“I’m not giving up.” Kelly was determined. She turned to her mother and stared. She continued to shield herself with her own Magic wind, but she was getting drowsy. She noticed her mother’s own wind was getting lighter.
This was her chance. If only she could move her arms without giving up her own wind shield. She thought of something. Just a bit of telepathic magic was all she needed. She imagined the wind keeping her safe as she made her move.
The call froze Ariana in her spot. The wind immediately stopped when she screamed the words.
Kelly let down her guard, slowly. Her brothers, sisters and step-father watched from behind her as she cautiously stepped closer to her mother.
“I’m gonna say it again.” Kelly whispered, tired from her Magic. She had to go on. “Give me the Crystal.”
Her mother’s eyes were blank.
“Andy, I need your T.K.” Kelly said softly.
Her brother broke himself from his siblings to clasp her hand. Andrew looked up at her.
Kelly smiled. “Get it from her. Mine is weak.”
Andrew nodded. Using a beckoning motion with his free hand, he used his telekinesis to take the Crystal necklace from around his mother’s neck. Once it made it to them, Kelly grabbed it.
Ariana crumpled to the ground.
“Mommy!” Both boys raced to their mother’s side. Melody joined them.
Kelly collapsed to her knees on the floor, clutching her head with one hand while her other held the necklace. Derrick was unfrozen so he went to help her.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
She nodded, showing him the necklace in her hand. “I got it, Daddy.”
Derrick hugged her fiercely. “Thank the Gods! You guys did great!”
The boys deserted their mother once using telekinesis to get her on the bed. They headed to their father and stepsister, running to Derrick’s open arms.
“Don’t ever let me tell you never to use those beautiful gifts!” Derrick cried as he hugged his twin boys. Melody hugged him, too.
“So tired, Daddy.” Kelly whispered.
He surveyed the scene. “Come on, kid. I’ll help you to bed.”
“No. I want to stay with Momma.”
Derrick let out a small laugh. “I didn’t mean yours.”
Kelly smiled, nodding off as he set her beside her mother.
They looked so beautiful together. He thought, hugging his daughter Melody. The boys were on the end of the bed, sitting with their legs crossed.
“What’s gonna happen now, Dad?” Mark asked him.
“Are they gonna be okay?” Andrew asked.
Derrick just stared, but nodded anyway. Melody’s tap on his shoulder made him blink back to life. He had to do something for her, but how? Neither of them had their necklaces. Ariana was out cold, and so was Kelly. The boys and Melody’s own Healing Magics weren’t strong enough, apart or together. Derrick himself was no healer. He did know who was, and she lived right next door.
“Boys, get your Aunt Aimee.” He announced.
The boys nodded before leaving.
What was wrong with Mommy? Melody’s voice asked in his head.
“She used too much Magic, honey.” Derrick replied, kissing her on the cheek.
Melody must have sensed something wrong with her father. She put her arms around him and squeezed. I love you, Daddy. Mommy will get better, you’ll see.
Derrick looked her in the eyes as he sat down on the rocking chair beside the bed. “I sure hope you’re right, Melody.”
“Oh my stars, what happened in here?” Aimee Schmidt’s voice bellowed. “Derrick, Melody.”
Melody reached her hands to Aimee, who picked her up.
“Are you alright?” Aimee remarked.
Derrick nodded. “Just shaken up. It’s them I’m worried about.”
“Where’s the Crystal?” Asked another voice. It was Aaron.
“I put it away, where no one can find it.” Derrick supplied.
“Good.” Aaron said. He rubbed his hands together. “Now, to heal the girls.”
“Do you really think we can do this, brother?” Aimee asked. “We’re not as powerful as she is.”
“I know that, but it’s worth a shot.” Aaron supplied. He looked at them lovingly. “I don’t want to lose them, do you?”
The family chorused “no.” Melody shook her head, her bright blue eyes big.
Aimee returned Melody to her father.
“Where are her healing supplies?” She asked.
He shrugged. “Didn’t know she had any.”
“Thought it was all Magic, did you?” Aaron asked.
“Never mind, I think I know.” Aimee announced. She went to the closet and felt for loose boards and misplaced panels in the walls and floor. “Got it.”
She carried out a small box with a pentacle on it. Etched on the top in bright letters was Ariana’s title the Bennington’s gave her: the Akasha. It meant, “Goddess of Spirit.” She opened it, taking out various vials of oil.
“Which do you think I should use? Lavender, Jasmine, September Rain, or Winter Snow?”
“I don’t know.” Aaron replied.
“September Rain.” Remarked Andrew in a quiet voice. “I’ll get the oil burner Aunt Claudia gave me for my birthday.”
He raced to his room.
“How would he know? He’s only six.” Derrick asked.
“Ariana knew a lot more when she was six.” Aaron responded. “I trust she taught him.”
“Well, he does have a flair for herb magic.” Aimee nodded. When he came back, he brought with him a ceramic squirrel. The squirrel looked like it was holding a small bowl, under it was just big enough for a small tea candle to fit.
Aimee took the squirrel burner from his hands. “Thank you, Andrew.”
“Welcome.” He said, going back to his brother’s side.
Aimee set the burner on the night stand next to the Amulet. The vial of September Rain oil in her hand, she placed a dropper-full in the small bowl.
“Can I light the candle, Aunt Aimee?” Mark asked.
Aimee grinned. “Sure.”
“With Magic?”
Aimee and Aaron looked at each other. Aaron shrugged. “I don’t see why not.”
Mark smiled, pointing a finger to the candle from a foot away. It lit automatically. He clapped his hands. “I did it!”
“Good job, son.” Derrick grinned. “Now, sit tight and watch.”
Aimee took the Amulet from the table and laid it around Ariana’s neck. “There, nothing missing.”
Aimee and Aaron each dipped their index fingers into the bowl, rubbing the oil on their hands.
“Let’s do some magic.” Aaron breathed. He leaned over Kelly while his sister leaned over Ariana. Their eyes closed, the twins waved hands over both Ariana’s and Kelly’s bodies.
Derrick stared, watching the scene. It still amazed him just how much Magic the non-Ancient Mystic twins knew.
It felt like forever before anything happened.
His eyes began to droop, falling asleep, but he heard a moan. When he opened his eyes, there she was, his Dream Girl-turned-reality. She was holding her head, groaning. Aimee was helping her sit up.
Kelly gasped awake beside her. She opened her eyes to see Aaron there.
“Daddy!” Kelly gave him a huge hug. He hugged her back.
“Well, sister, what happened?” Aimee took a seat on the bed beside her.
“I-I-I don’t know.” Ariana supplied, holding her head. She felt at her throat. “The Amulet. I dreamed I took it off.”
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