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now I am without her and my young daughter. How can life be so cruel to me? I have suffered more pain in the last 2 years than all the 500 years I have lived. Renee was to ride into battle with me against the Human Race. She did not agree with slaughtering the humans but I do not care. They will pay for their ignorance and hatred. The full moon is approaching and I can feel my inner wolf beginning me for war, blood and pain. I will oblige completely.




“Ares!” Khan shouts down the East Wing corridor as Ares walks ahead of him with two armed guards. Ares turns immediately jogging back to Khan, “Yes My King.” Khan runs his hands through his jet black hair letting a few small pieces fall in front of his piercing blue eyes. “Where is Asclepius?” Ares looks to the two guards who have stopped and are looking back towards him. “We have not been able to locate her since the passing of the Queen and she only answers to her.” Khan begins to walk towards Ares, making him back into the wall. His step become louder and louder as his anger intensifies. He pushes Ares against the wall, “I am King of the Realm and she will come when she is ordered.” Ares tries to remain still and responds, “My King, perhaps if you call for her and not I, she will come.” Khan backs away from Ares releasing him from the stone wall. The torches that line the corridor flicker as Khan looks up and down the hall. He shouts into the air “Asclepius, I order you to report to me now!” His voice is booming and intense and it echoes down the hallway. At the end of the corridor that leads to the foyer, Asclepius peaks her head around the corner. Khan sees her and turns towards her pointing to the ground in front of him, “Asclepius… come here.” He talks to her like she is his own child. The way the she presents herself and how she speaks show that she is like a child carefree and full of love but in the body of a grown Healer. She walks to Khan as if he is her father and she is about to be scolded. She looks to the ground and stops in front of Khan. She clasps her hands in front of her waist and draws circles on the ground with her foot, “Yes my King?” Khan clenches his hands into fists and places them on his hips. “Why did you not come when Ares called you? I have been looking for you.” She looks to Ares and squints her eyes with anger, “I do not come to Ares. He has no authority over me.” Khan throws his head back laughs sadistically. He looks back down to Asclepius and gives her a half a smile. He then reaches down violently and grabs her by the throat with one hand lifting her off her feet into the air. He begins to shout in her face, “Listen here girl! You come when you’re called whether it is I or Ares. Your Queen has left you and now you are mine. Do as I bid or I will end you!” Asclepius eyes begin to well up with tears and one by one they begin falling down her cheeks and land onto Khans arm. She looks him straight in the eye fearlessly, “You do not own me my King. I am loyal to the Queen. Renee may be gone but there is a new Queen and I answer only to her!” Khan begins to lose himself in rage and his grip tightens around her neck. Asclepius begins to claw at his hand and arm ripping back flesh as she runs out of air. Kicking her legs as hard as she can; Khan throws her to the ground and she hits her head on wall making a small cut above her eye. She takes a deep breath in and her lungs burn as the much needed oxygen flows into her. Blood begins to seep through a cut and run down her eye brow. She runs her hand over the laceration and it begins to heal. Khan stares down to her as if she is nothing to him, just another servant in his home. “Child you must watch the way to speak to me. This is just a sample of what I will do to you if you run to that wench. Your Queen is dead, you are mine now.” She looks away from him and refuses to acknowledge him any further. She shakily rises to her feet and turns back towards to foyer. Slowly she walks back down the hall and out if sight. Khan looks to Ares, “What ignorance!” Ares nods his head. “Ares, how many scouts are out right now? What information have they brought back?”


“There are 10 scouts out right now and 2 have returned. The child and her family are traveling to a vacation home they have.” Khan runs his over his chiseled jaw line, “Where is their vacation home?” Ares clears his throat nervously, “Royals Peak.” Khan looks to Ares, eyes crazed with anger. “Royals Peak! Not only is she turning with Renee’s power on top of the ones she was born with, but she is going to be at the strongest location that the most powerful rulers have descended from with the Blood Moon.” The tension in the room has risen and the guards begin to back away from the situation. Khan is fuming with anger he grabs a burning torch from the wall and throws it to the ground throwing sparks into the air. It lights the bright red carpet that runs the entire length of the hall, on fire. The two guards rush to the small flames stomping them out. The smell of smoke is thick in the air and Khan chokes on the smell, turns and walks out of the hall into the sun lite foyer. The large double doors to the front of the castle stand taller than any man. At least 10 feet into the air, they are beautifully carved in the language of the ancestors, spells and blessings to keep the royal family safe. There are stain glass windows on every wall of previous rulers. Khan looks around the foyer at all the past leaders of the Realm. He glances to the last window closets to the back wall to see that Renee’s image has been added to the foyer windows. She is so beautiful and his heart begins to ache for her. He replaces this feeling of grief with anger and hate. Ares walks up behind Khan and speaks in a hushed tone, “My King, this will be the last time that I ask and please remember that I ask only for my concern towards you, don’t you think that we should eliminate the young Queen before she gains all her power?” Khan rests his open palm on Ares face. Ares straightens up thinking that he has pleased his King. He leans forward and whispers in his ear, “Ares, suggest that again and I will slit your throat where you stand.” He drops his hand to his side and turns away from Ares. “Yes my King.”




The days have become longer as Khan awaits his day of glory when he finally gets his revenge on the young queen. The curtains are drawn in the Great Hall and the only light is from burning candles that line the stone walls. He sits in his thrown stewing in his anger and fanaticizing how he will murder Niki. The large doors creek open and Ares steps through. He walks towards Khan and his steps echo is the eerie silence. He reaches the thrown steps and bows. Khan does not acknowledge his presence. “My King, there is a Mystic and werewolf with the young queen at Royals Peak.” Khan looks down to Ares. His face looks as if he hasn’t slept in days and his voice is deeper than normally, “Who is the Mystic?” Ares takes a step forward and Khan raises his hand, signaling for him to stay where he is. “Her name is Denise. She was denied by Renee to join the Royal Court after she was awakened many years ago; also she was bitten during her awakening so she is also werewolf. She may be of some use to us…you my King. Her son Travis is with her also. He is a werewolf.” Khan sits up slightly at hearing that she was denied by Renee. This may be helpfully to me. He runs his hands through his now tangled and greasy hair. “Ares, do you know anything else about this woman?” Ares shakes his head from side to side, “Not very much sir. She is married to Charles the messenger and she has been trying to get in the Realm for years with no success. Renee insisted that she was not to be a part of the Court.” Khan places his hands together and closes his eyes. How can I use this woman to my advantage? Khan claps his hands together as an idea pops into his mind. He jumps from his throne and quickly walks down the three steps to where Ares is standing. “It’s so simple! You go to Denise and tell her that if she aids us she will be accepted into the court. Tell her that we need her to give us any and all information about Niki.” Ares smiles and bows to Khan. “Yes, My King and when she completes the task where do you want her to be placed in the court?” Khan turns his back to Ares and begins to walk back up to his throne, “Ares there is no place for her. After she does what I bid…kill her and anyone else in your way.” Ares takes his orders, turns on his heels and leaves the great hall.




It has been a few days since Ares left to try and convince Denise to work for them. Since he got word of Renee’s death he has not left the Great Hall. He eats and sleeps sitting in his throne rarely leaving the room for anything other than to bathe. He keeps his servants out and the curtains drawn both day and night. Darkness has flooded his heart and it has consumed him entirely. He has convinced himself that he will be avenging Renee by killing Niki. He sits in his throne with his head tilted down and eyes closed. He hears the door creek open and pays no attention to it. Ares steps through the door and sees his King sitting slumped slightly over. He walks down the carpet runner trying not to make too much noise. He kneels and Khan raises his head, “My King, we have a new development.” Khan whips his head up rubbing his face, “Tell me Ares.” He motions for Ares to rise and he follows. “The girl has been bonded…to the son of Denise.” Khan’s eyes widen and he stands erect from his throne. “What do you mean she has been bonded?! Is Denise conspiring against me!?” He stomps down from his throne and heads towards the front door. He rushes out and Ares chases after him down the long corridor. “My King, Denise did not know that this would happen. She did not plan for this. I have spoken with her and I do believe that this was unplanned.” Khan stops in his tracks and turns to Ares. “So you take the word of this wench!? She is a Mystic you idiot she can read the future! You have gathered no other evidence?!” He starts to take steps towards Ares and he back away from him slowly, “My King, I spoke with Niki’s father…well I used my talents and made him talk.”

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