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from school.” He explained. His mom gave a grin, one of those grins that I had seen on my mother whenever I ever mentioned a boys name.
“She thinks we’re dating.” I said, putting my hand to my forehead.
“Oh whatever, come on,” he replied, dragging me to the living room. The living room looked very fancy, a maroon carpet, a red rug, glass coffee table, two leather couches, and a TV bigger than my dresser.
“Geeze!” I exclaimed, expecting to hear an echo.
“That’s not the best part yet!” He replied, pointing to a corner. In it sat a small mirror, it wasn’t much to look at, in fact, it looked like it was about to be sent to a wood chipper.
“A mirror?” I asked.
“Only the best way to travel!” Simon replied, “In one of those demeaning little hunk of space frisbee it would take months.”
“Um… okay,” I said. He walked up to the mirror and he instantly dissolved through it.
I walked up to it and just stared. What shocked me was that his head poked back through it.
“Are you coming?” he asked.
“Uh… yeah,” I replied, his head going back through the mirror.
I pressed my hand against my reflection and I was instantly in his world.
“Who is this?” A hiss came, bright, red snake eyes came up to my face. Sharp teeth curled behind a devilish smile. This thing definitely wanted to bite me.
“Arabeth, calm down, she is one of us.” Simon said, pulling back the snakelike woman.
“Only half!” She hissed then slunk into the shadows.
“What was that about?” I asked, a timid expression across my face.
“Arabeth is one of many in this world who have caught Absostrainia, a disease that our kind gets if they are in full Gekian form for too long.” He explained, “It is baisically maddening, only time will tell if you calm down or not.”
“Why didn’t she change back when she had the chance?”
“War.” He said grimly, “Our world is locked in a constant war, many have battled too long and have gone insane like Arabeth. Luckily, her stress level went down once they realized what was happening to her.”
“And to those who continue on?”
“They die.” He shook his head.

Chapter 4

“Simon Lucifer Aurborell!” Screeched Simon’s Mother as she stomped up to us, “What were you thinking bringing a mortal…”
“Mom, she’s not a mortal… well, not completely.” Simon said, putting his finger over his mothers lips before she could begin yelling again.
“Oh really, you think this is going to help anyone? You think this is going to help her? Or the Gekians? Or your father?” She spat, “No, it doesn’t! It doesn’t help anything, Maeve could have gone her whole life thinking she was human and she would be perfectly fine now wouldn’s she?”
“Mom! Can’t you see whats right in front of you?” Simon shouted back, “You may not be able to see it, but I can! Isn’t it just slightly weird that a half-Gekian lives in our town? Or could it possibly be destiny?”
“Destiny? You know not a thing child!” His mother spat, “We are taking her back now! Before it’s to late for her to have a normal life.” She began dragging us both back to where we had came. It was surprising how strong that petite woman was.
“Kila wait!” A shout came from behind us.
Simon’s mom turned around, a boy a few years older than Simon and I atop a golden creature had spoken those words. His light brown hair flickered in the light, his golden eyes shined brighter than the sun.
“Reemo? What do you want?” She asked, as if the boy was somehow more authoritive than her.
“Perhaps the boy is right.” He said, his gaze strong, “If we find he is wrong, then we take Maeve back.”
“How do you know my name?” I asked.
“How can you call me boy?” Simon spat with a childish glare.
“Enough talking for now, time is short.” He said, pulling me atop the golden beast and riding off.
“Wait for me!” Simon shouted, racing after us.
I finally had time to look at the world of Samirisus, in fact, it wasn’t really a world, it was just a giant rock floating in midair, but that rock was gorgeus, exotic plants and buildings that I had only seen in books and movies spread across the landscape.
We came to a hault somewhere in a forest filled with trees that were, believe it or not, growing upside down. The roots were straight into the air and the leaves, wich were blue, not green I might add, were on the ground. Flowers spotted the air as if the sky was the ground.
“Kaymead, you stay here, make sure the crazed don’t come okay?” Reemo said to the golden beast, tossing it a highlighter-pink fish with swan wings. Reemo then leaned against a tree, waiting for Simon to catch up.
“You… couldn’t have waited for me to get my Iriskush?” Simon said panting.
“Iriskush?” I asked.
“That thing you were riding, dip-dope.” Simon huffed, sitting down in the grass.
“Well, you were the one that didn’t think of just teleporting here.” I replied.
“My mom expelled my powers, I can only use them in life or death situations for a day.”
“Hush!” Reemo spat at us, his eyes flickering across the scenery. Once he was satisfied that nothing was out of the ordinary to him, he pulled a vine that was on the tree. Instantly we were catipulted down. I was screaming, Reemo and Simon just stared at me, wishing I would stop.
I landed on my back. Rubbing it feriusly, I got up and looked around. We were in a cavern. This was no ordinary cavern though, numerous different gems covered the walls and ceiling. The footpath were the same gems rimmed by a river perfectly clear, the bottom carpeted by glow worms. The center of the cave was a large rainbow diamond with a glorius stone table. A chandelier of pure light dangling above.
“Try to keep up Maeve.” Reemo said calmly, reminding me that I was just standing there, gaping at my surroundings. Reemo grabbed me by the arm and began dragging me to the center of the cave.
I sat down in the middle of Simon and Reemo, there was an awquard silence then Simon began to speak, “So, Reemo, You convinced my mom to let Maeve stay, how do we intend on prooving our case?”
“Well, first of all, we need to finish teaching her magic and Gekian customs.” Reemo replied simply, kicking his feet up atop the table. I had a feeling that only he could get away with that.
“Won’t that take a long time though?” Simon replied, as if he was trying to antagonize Reemo.
“Well, there’s that way.” He answered, “Or, there is also the Cerimony of the Stars.”
Simon looked as if he was just slapped across the face.
Reemo got up, he stretched his hand to ball of light above the table.
“Stop Reemo!” Simon shouted, “You know as well as I do that although we have powers, we still cannot take the easy way, especially since there is an off chance…”
Reemo sat back down, “Very well, then I will train her.”
“But I…”
“You will take too long.” Reemo interupted, “Come with me Maeve.” He got back up and strode off through the cave.
I simply shrugged and walked off after him. Reluctantly, Simon followed, I could tell he was jelous that although he brought me here, Reemo was going to teach me.
We came to the end of the cave, we were suddenly hovering up by a golden sheild. I then found myself back in the strange forest.
“Would you like to pet Kaymead?” Reemo asked.
“Uh… sure.” I replied, going up to the golden beast, Reemo suddenly pulled me back.
“No, this is not like your horses, Kaymead and all Iriskush need to be treated with respect.” Reemo hissed, “First, you must lock gazes, once he winks, you are allowed to approach him.”
“Why don’t you have to do that?” I asked.
“Kaymead is my Iriskush, he trusts me, now go.” He explained.
When I locked gazes with Kaymead, I automatically could see into Kaymead’s mind, it was not as simple as most animals’. I could see a terrible war, a man that looked like Simon, and then Reemo dressed in armor that shined like the sun. Somehow, I knew that Kaymead was seeing into my mind. When my eyes returned to Kaymead, he winked at me. I began to approach him, I rested my hand on his fur. Then I stroked down to his scales. I turned around to Reemo and grinned at him, he nodded approvingly and approached me.

Chapter 5

I stepped through the mirror for just about the thenth time, jumped atop Sermeter, my silver Iriskush, I had gotten it my second day. Reemo says I’m a fast learner, I just think that I’m listening well he… well… how do I say this, is hot! I mean, come on, who could resist a golden-eyed war hero? Certainly not me! I rode up to him atop of Sermeter and skidded to a hault.
“Your last lesson, is now.” He immediately said, “By tomorrow we may never speak again.” He said, slowing Kaymead to a hault.
“You act like that’s a good thing.” I said, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course it is, I need to get back to fighting the Crazed. And you, you need to find where you fit into the war.” He said, his gaze glassy, looking out into no where.
“But still, you act as if we will never meet again.” I questioned.
“What I’m saying is, you would be too distracting, you may be fifteen, but you have the knowledge of a 10 year old Gekian.” He said, shaking his head, “Anyway, we’re going to our last stop. The River of Shadows.” He stopped and got off of Kaymead. I did the same, we were in front of a river, a river that I was surprised I had never seen before, it was pitch black, fog covering the top. I leaned closer to try and get a good look when I was stopped by Reemo.
“Fool! If you can see them, they can see you!” He hissed.
“The lost souls!” He answered, still not even looking at me, “You know how the Crazed that aren’t treated, and aren’t taken by Kakath, the Crazed leader die? Well, their souls don’t leave this world, they just… stay, and ended up forming a river, this river to be exact.”
“Then why can’t I look in?” I asked simply.
“You iddiot! Half-humans don’t know a thing! If they see anyone get close enough to them, they will steal your body! And even though I would love to have a well-trained soldier instead of you, I promised Kila I would keep you safe. I would rather face a thousand Crazed than deal with her when she’s pissed off.” He rolled his eyes at me, I got really mad, my face started boiling up, or should I really say, cooling off.
“Don’t talk about me like that!” I hissed through slitted snake-like eyes, “Why are you suddenly acting like you hate me?” I tried to look like I was going to knock him right into the river.
“You dare change form because of me?” He hissed back, “But if you must know…” He then shoved me back, making sure I couldn’t push him in, “It is because I can’t be close to someone as incredibly stupid as you!”
I then revealed fangs, hissing very loudly, my forked tounge lashing.
“What I mean is, if you go off and end up getting hurt or start looking
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