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for a while, a dark cement basement is scary, and then it gets just plain boring. I just sat there and sat there, waiting for SOMETHING to happen. Good or bad I didn’t care. I was bored. I flopped onto my back and began messing around with using magic to make a ball of light. After many trials and errors I finally got something going. I grinned, but now what was I going to do with it? I then noticed an old bookshelf in the corner. I approached it, bringing my light with me. The shelf was laced with cobwebs and was stocked with many old books. There were many unknown books; the only one that was from Earth was one by some sappy romance novel author. I picked it up and decided to read it. I had no idea what time it was and no idea how long I sat there reading it. Once I finished it I was bawling like a baby. Man was I a pussy? I can’t even read through some dumb sad book without crying. Someone had come down to check on me, seeing me sniveling in the corner.
“Hah! You’re crying!” He said, amused.
I looked over to see a kid a few years younger than me, he obviously did not have a case of absostrania, “I’m not crying because of YOU!” I said, standing my ground, “It’s because of a stupid book!”
“Peh!” He snorted, leaning against a cold, stone wall, “You know, you’re one stupid little lizard.” He spat.
I raised an eyebrow, “Uh… could you elaborate?”
“Actually thinking that the war hero actually cared about you? PLEASE! If he actually cared, you probably would’ve been out of here by now.” He answered.
“And you would know ANYTHING about compassion and friendship?” I countered, “Besides, I would beat him if he didn’t get rest before coming for me.”
“I’m fairly sure that he wouldn’t listen to a chick in a cage.” He sneered.


This portion, is set in Emma’s point of view, she had told me about what was going on when I was gone and I figured it needed to be in these documents.

“I HAVE TO GET TO HER!” Reemo screeched again, trying to wriggle out of the bed with straps tying him down. I slammed his shoulders down.
“Stop squirming!” I shouted, “If you get up, first you will be killed by Mauree, then you will be killed by me, and then if you get to Maeve, you will be killed by her.”
“BUT!” He began to protest, but before he could say any more I got out my acoustic guitar and began playing. Five minutes later Reemo was fast asleep. I’ve gotta say that it took him a while to fall asleep, unlike most of the people I’ve put under a musical spell.
“You’re not human?” Simon asked from behind me, this instantly sent chills up my spine, since when did he get here?
“You know, you really need to use like, a doorbell or something.” I sighed.
“You’re a Melodic?” He asked, “You lied to us.”
“You never asked if I was from Harmaris.” I sighed, sitting back into an old, plastic chair. I could not believe that someone had found out about me. Normally Melodics have a stronger aura of disguise than that.
“Great! Just GREAT!” He hissed.
“What?” I asked, pretty confused.
“The only girl that’s ever flirted with me is a bird.” He groaned.
“Hey! I’m not a bird, melodics are a special breed from the far reaches of the Galaxy that have bird-like features and the ability to control minds through musical abilities. And I’m only half-Melodic, Most of my story was true, except for the fact that one of my original parents was from Harmaris.” I explained.
“You didn’t listen to a word I said, did you?” I asked.
“Uh… Actually I did!”
“What was the last thing I said?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Um… you said what!” He replied.
“Hey! Did you drug me?” Reemo said, finally waking from his slumber.
“No, she’s a Melodic!” Simon replied.
“She’s a bird girl? It figures she’d want someone like you then, she would want someone that’s as light as she is.” He laughed due to the fact that Melodics had a light bone-structure.
I then gave him an average death gaze. “You know, it takes a lot to get a Melodic in their form, but you might just do it lizard boy!” I screeched, beginning to become bird-like. Feathers growing from my head, my mouth forming into a beak, wings sprouting from my back, and claws springing from my hands.
“Holy freaking cow!” Simon gasped.
I examined my claw-like fingers, and grinned, “yeah, whoop-de-do.” I sighed, flopping into a plastic chair, “Now, we need to figure out what we’re gonna do once lizard boy feels better.”
“I resent that!” Simon replied, “I’m a lizard too.”
“Yeah, but you weren’t stupid enough to stay one for too long.”
“Hey!” Reemo butted in, his voice cracking.


The boy that was speaking to me came into the light. He had sea green eyes and black hair. He didn’t seem cruel, he just seemed vain.
“Marn! What are you doing in here?” I froze, time seemed to be going in slow motion, could it really be? It had to be, I just could not believe that my father was here.
“Dad?” I squeaked.
“Yeah.” He sighed.
“W-what are you doing here?” I stuttered.
“I’m not here to kill you if that’s what you mean.” He grumbled, “Now where is that secret passageway?” he asked, patting at the wall. “Marn, I’m afraid I can’t go with you two, but will you show Maeve our of here.”
“Uh…” He thought.
“I think I can get out of here by myself!” I hissed.
“But he needs to escape himself.” My father replied.
“Believe me, I’m not too thrilled myself,” Marn grumbled.
“You wanna say that to my face?!?” I hissed.
“You two stop fighting!” Dad butted in, “Just go!” He then pushed us into the secret exit.

Chapter 12

I sighed as I trudged along with Marn, “Why did my dad leave me with you anyway?” I groaned.
“What are you talking about?” He grumbled, “The guy in the cellar was not your dad.”
“Yes… He was.”
“Oh really? Well that sure looked a lot like my father.” He hissed.
“What are you talking about?” I hissed back, getting in a defensive stance.
“He’s my dad, you’re hallucinating.” He grumbled, “Unless he adopted you, which is a big YEAH RIGHT!”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I doubt my dad would adopt anyone this stupid.”
I jumped off the ground with great force and tackled him to the ground, hissing and spitting like a wild animal.
“Oh geeze!” I heard my fathers voice above us, “I have some explaining to do.” He then lifted me clear off Marn with Gekian force and plopped me on the ground, standing in the middle of us, “Okay kids, time for a little chit-chat.”
“Okay, so, the reason why your mother and I divorced was because of this secret.” He began, “I had taken Marn back to this realm because at the time females weren’t allowed to fight. Um… I don’t know how to explain this, I’ve done this a thousand times in my mind but it never came out right. I… uh… he… you… she… You two are related.”
“Hmph, I see no resemblance.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Believe it or not but you two are twins…” Dad trailed off.
“Whatever, you abandoned me and kept him. I don’t need you, leave me alone.” I whipped around and started stalking off. No one said a word which was good because one of their limbs would be gone if they did, literally. The point was that I had to get back to my friends, true, Reemo was cocky, Emma was hot-headed, and Simon was just a nerd, but they were better family than my “dad” and “brother” were. I began stamping my way throughout the forest until I came to a little hut on the side of the woods, Mauree was outside stamping about, she looked at me happily.
“Thank GOD! Maybe now he will get some rest!” she exclaimed, showing me inside. I had much to tell them in little time, as I have a theory.
I swung open the door and walked through, I gave a sideways glance at Emma but thought nothing of her feathery self. “Hey, guys, you miss me?”
“Maeve!” They said in harmony.
“Shut up, I have info.” I replied, “Okay, so, I have a feeling that Kakath wanted me to escape.”
“Why?” Simon asked, not seeing any logic in my words.
“Well, he’s pretty smart, he would definitely want me to come back so that maybe… Reemo would have an even bigger attatchment to me. He probably wants to take something from Reemo away forever.”
Reemo flushed at my words, “I have… an attatchment to you?” he blushed, “I didn’t know you knew that.”
“You were practically saying it on your deathbed.” I replied, putting my hands on my hips.
“Uh… guys, reunions over we got company!” Emma said, looking out the window. Kakath was alone at the moment when he entered in an icey chill. He had on dirty black combat boots, torn black jeans, a blood red shirt, and a black trench coat on. His hair, in contrast to Reemo’s was a dark brown, a brown that looked dark enough to be black. He was less scaly but still had his red snake eyes.
“Hey brother.” He said, “Ooh lookie! You have another girl, eh? I must say they both are quite pretty. That’s the only problem with being the bad guy, see, I don’t get pretty girls.”
In turn I hissed at him and Emma cawed threateningly, somewhat like an angry eagle.
“I must say though, I like the birdy better, more exotic.”
“What are you doing here without your horde?” Reemo asked, his face looking as if it was in a permanent scowl.
“Well, I’m not planning anything until about two days, but…” He paused for an obvious dramatic effect, “I’m here to give you a chance, you all join me, and you guys won’t die. Perhaps I might even make a queen out of one of your little friends. OH! And Reemo, you get to rule as king as well, still, you must answer to me though.” He explained.
“No!” Simon replied.
“I’m sorry, was I talking to you? No.” Kakath said and turned his attention to the kid half his size. “What are you doing here anyways? Even though Reemo is the good one, I’m sure he still wouldn’t be caught dead with something like you.”
“We’ll do it.” Reemo said, “But Simon comes to as my advisor.”
“Reemo!” Simon hissed, “I advise you not to do this.”
“DONE!” Kakath said with a devilish grin, revealing shiney, pointy fangs.
“What’s wrong with you?” I asked, glaring at Reemo, wondering what on earth could possibly make him do this.

Chapter 13
There I was in a beautiful castle, it was magnificent, but sinister. There were crazed running about the place, but they were tame enough to be around company. I couldn’t help but feel a little scared for the rest of the people out there.
“Maeve!” Reemo called walking into my room, “WHOA!” He exclaimed as he saw the garb that his brother had put me in. I was wearing a tube top that barely covered my bust and shorts only long enough to cover my butt. I looked at him with a glare and then turned around. This is why I slightly respect Muslims, there women aren’t just pieces of meat, they cover themselves so that their loved for their personality.
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