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Book online «Bandits by Trey Hansford (lightweight ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Trey Hansford

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back. That's exactly what Nydel would have done. Also he died protecting his village and family. That's a heros death. We both know Nydel wanted that over dieing of old age any day.
Yeah, I guess your right, Dairen said laughing. We have a lot of struggle ahead. I'm glad we're going through it together brother.
Me to, Ayden said with a smile. It wasn't often they called each other brother but they had always considered each other family.
After that they were silent while they rode doing their best to keep a steady pace without pushing the horses to hard. At noon they stopped to eat and let the horses rest before continuing on their way.
The only thing Ayden could think about was getting back to the village. He wondered if the people had already started rebuilding or if they were still cleaning debris. Either way he couldn't wait to get back, he was homesick. He wanted to sleep in his own bed again and go about his normal village life. Of course things wouldn't be normal for awhile but once the kings men got there they could rebuild and live in peace. Just as they once had.
We should stop for the night and rest, we covered a good distance today, Dairen said. We'll probably make it to Grinwell a little after noon tomorrow if we ride the same.
Ayden nodded in agreement and pulled off the rode.
They made camp on the edge of the forest and sat close to the fire while they waiting for the meat to cook.
What are you thinking about? Ayden asked trying to break the silence.
Money, was Dairens simple reply. We can't just sit around the house training all day like before. We'll need food for us and the horses. I was wondering if Vernon might need any help on the farm. I don't think he lost more than a few cattle in the attack. His crops were untouched and it's almost harvest. Plus Nydel was his main hand, he could probably use the both of us I'm sure.
Yeah, I guess your right. I haven't even thought about what we would do for money. I'll go with you when you talk to Vernon.
When the meat was done Ayden broke off a piece of bread and tossed it to Dairen. After they ate they packed everything they didn't need for the night before going to sleep.
They continued their riding early the next day eating bread for breakfast as they rode. By noon they neared the forest that hid Grinwell a few miles on its other side.
We've almost made it, Ayden was thinking to himself until Dairen screamed and took off racing past Ayden.
What wrong? Ayden yelled trying to catch up when he saw the thick black smoke rising from behind the forest. Dammit, he said to himself pushing his horse even faster knowing that the smoke wasn't coming from the forest but from what laid beyond it. Tears began filling his eyes as they rounded the forests edge and saw their village on fire yet again.
We're to late, Dairen cried as Ayden matched his pace. The damned bandits made it back before we did.
They rode fast cursing the bandits all the way to what used to be their home. Ayden didn't try to hide his tears as they entered the village. It was worse than before, the smell of burnt flesh hung in Aydens nose. The bandits didn't leave anything behind this time.
Dairen dismounted his horse and bowed over the charred body of Taron crying.
Ayden, still on his horse wept with him. Everything they had just accomplished was all for nothing. There wasn't a village to defend anymore. Nothing was left, the bandits had burned everything.
Their mourning was interrupted by a noise, like someone was moving.
Someone's alive! Dairen shouted and turned towards the noise.
Ayden started to follow Dairens movement but was frozen by a sharp pain in his right shoulder. His thoughts blurred and he became dizzy as the pain started to overtake him, he tried to fight but with no prevail. He looked down noticing the space between him and the ground becoming increasingly short before everything went black.

Send for the king, he's waking up. Said a womens voice.
A young woman by the sound of it, Ayden thought to himself. His head throbbed and his entire body ached. He opened his eyes looking around. He was correct the voice came from a young woman who was sitting beside him. Where am I? He asked in a weak tone trying to sit up. A sharp pain shot through his body originating from his right shoulder and arm. He screamed and fell back against the bed he was laying on.
Try not to move, the young woman instructed him. You're weak from your injury.
What happened, Ayden said trying to hold back tears from the pain in his shoulder. Then he remembered about Grinwell and became frantic. Where's Dairen? He said trying to sit up again with no more luck than the first time he tried. He screamed once more in pain, Where's Dairen. He tried asking again.
Please calm down, the young woman pleaded with Ayden. It you keep this up you'll reopen your wound.
Leave us please, said a voice that Ayden remembered. Soft and full of authority, why am I back in Gadewain Ayden thought to himself, and why is the king here to see me? Ayden looked up and met the kings gaze.
How are you feeling? the king asked with concern. You were in bad shape when my men found you. You're lucky to be alive.
My entire body hurts, Ayden whispered in response. Where am I? Where's Dairen? With that last question the king looked to the floor with a look of guilt in his eyes answering the question without even speaking. This time when the tears came Ayden didn't try holding them back, he cried for his best friend and brother. He couldn't believe this was happening after everything they had done to prevent it.
You're in the private medical ward, here in my castle. My men found you in the middle of the village nearly dead. You had an arrow half sunk in your right shoulder and you had a broken arm probably from falling from your horse. Luckily I had sent a healer who was able to remove the arrow and stop the bleeding after which they brought you back here. Regretfully none of my healers were able to do more than fix your arm with magic. The arrow had done to much damage. How long will my shoulder take to heal? Ayden managed to say through his physical and now emotional pain.
The healer taking care of you says it could take a few months for you to reach your full strength again. Like I said the arrow did quite a bit of damage. You're pretty lucky to go up against bandits twice and survive.
What going to happen to Grinwell now? Ayden said.
Three of the soldiers I sent stayed behind out of respect to bury the dead. The king sat down where the young woman had been sitting earlier. I'm sorry for your loss once again. I've sent troops to every town and village in the kingdom so that this won't happen again. I've also sent more men to search for the bandits.
Thank you, your highness. Ayden said. He was glad those soldiers were kind enough to bury the villagers even though they didn't have to.
Please, call me David. The king said. I tire of being called "Your Highness" all the time, and what would I call you? I don't believe it was mentioned in our last meeting.
Ayden, your highness.
Ayden, please call me David the king said with a laugh.
What will I do after I get out of the medical ward? Grinwell was my home I'll have no where else to go. Ayden said feeling his eyes tear up again.
If you wish to stay in Gadewain, you'll have a house. It's the least I can do for you after everything that has happened.
Well I guess I don't have much of a choice, thank you again, Ayden said.
I must go now, as I am a busy man. Don't try anything that'll strain your shoulder, David said and then he was gone.
Once David had left, the woman from before re-entered the room, Ayden watched her as she walked across the room and took her seat beside him once more. She had a soft, caring face with bright blue eyes. Her long blonde hair wove down to the middle of her back. All of her bodily features stated that she was mature, though her face suggested she was probably the same age as he.
How's the pain? She asked him once she had situated herself comfortably in the chair.
Terrible, Ayden said with a grunt. Not as bad as when I first woke up though.
Yeah, you were out for three days so your joints were more than likely stiff. You'll naturally feel more pain in the mornings, so be carful to move slowly when you wake up.
I was out for three days? Ayden fought to keep his voice down. Although he half expected it to have been that long. The ride from Grinwell back to Gadewain took at least two days and he didn't remember any of it.
You were barely alive when we got you. We wasn't sure if you would make it or not. You must be pretty strong to hold on like you did.
We? Ayden repeated. I have more than one healer looking after me?
Just Selena, and I'm Allison her apprentice. I'll be helping you manage until you've made a full recovery. With that she stood and walked for the door. You should try and get some more sleep. I'll be back in the morning to check on you.
Even though he'd slept for almost three full days he was exhausted. He pulled his blanket over his head with his left arm and cried to himself for Dairen and Nydel until sleep got the best of him.

When Ayden woke up the next morning Allison was already there, sitting in her chair next to his bed.
I brought you some breakfast, she said when she noticed him waking up.
Thank you I'm starving, Ayden said rubbing his eyes and looking at her. I feel like I haven't ate for days. He laughed at himself after he said it. He really hadn't ate for days.
Allison had brought him sausage and toast with milk. He ate it quickly and washed it down with the milk. After he ate she helped him lean forward so she could check his shoulder. The pain was agonizing and leaning forward made him nauseous and dizzy but he dealt with it as best he could. She changed the bandage and put more salve on the wound.
I feel dizzy, he said after he laid back down. Is that normal?
Yes, she said. You lost alot of blood before you were found. It'll take you a few days to recover from that.
The next three days followed the same pattern, Allison would change his bandage every morning and even a night one of the days, sometimes Selena would accompany Allison to check on his progress. Allison brought him three meals a day, sometimes bringing her own and they would talk while they ate.
On the fifth day of him being in
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