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Book online «Bandits by Trey Hansford (lightweight ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Trey Hansford

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the medical ward he was able to lean forward on his own without feeling sick or dizzy, although still painful. He was happy with this and decided to try standing.
Careful, Allison warned. Just because you can sit now doesn't mean your better.
Stop worrying and help me out, Ayden said laughing. With Allison always around to help Ayden, they grew comfortable with one another often making jokes about the other.
Ayden sat on the edge of the bed using his left arm to push him upwards. He wobbled at first thought he would fall but caught his balance. I told you I could do it, he said walking around the room slowly. His legs felt weak from not using them for so long.
Just be careful, Allison said. I'm going to let Selena know your able to walk.
Okay, Ayden said trying to walk the stiffness out of his legs. For the last five days his left arm was the only part of his body he was able to use. He felt like an animal that just escaped from its cage. He tried jumping but only managed to throw himself off balance. He decided he would wait until his legs were used to walking before trying that again.
Careful, Selena said. You don't want to overdue it already would you? Allison was standing next to her watching Ayden.
No, Ayden said his face turning red, he hoped they didn't see him trying to jump although he was almost certain they did.
How do you feel? Selena said watching him closely in case his legs gave out.
My shoulder hurts like hell, as usual. But I can obviously walk so overall I feel great, he said laughing.
Good, Selena said smiling. In that case King David wished to speak with you in his quarters once you were strong enough to walk. Allison will accompany you, you're still not strong enough to go about by yourself. Is that okay with you?
Yes, Ayden said. He agreed that he wasn't strong enough to walk around by himself, if his legs gave out or he became dizzy he'd appreciate the help. Plus Allison had taken care of him since he came to the medical ward, he couldn't just push her away.
Very well, Selena said. Allison will show you to King David's quarters. And if anything should happen I'd like to know about it Allison.
Yes ma'am, Allison said as she led Ayden down the hall.
How far is it? Asked Ayden as they turned onto the third hallway.
A little further, she said as she started laughing.
What so funny, Ayden said looking at her. It wasn't the normal sweet laugh but had more of an evil tone with it.
Theirs a flight of stairs ahead, she said laughing again. I almost forgot about it.
Ayden mocked her laugh as they approached the stairs, it can't be that bad, he said aloud. He was quickly proven wrong, his right arm was braced to his chest to keep him from using it. So he had to rely on his left arm to brace him on the stairs with weak unused legs.
How was it? Allison said when they had made it to the bottom.
No problem, Ayden lied, he could tell she didn't believe him but he smiled and stuck with it. So now where do we go?
Allison led him down two more hallways before they found the right one. Two guards stood at the start of the hallway before they finally came upon a large half wood half iron door signifying King David's room.
Ayden knocked on the door then leaned again the wall giving his legs a break as they waited for an answer.
Ayden! King David said half surprised. He cleared his throat before speaking again. Please, please come in. Sorry to keep you waiting. How are you? Have a seat, he said pointing towards some chairs in the middle of the room. Then taking his seat behind a heavy wooden desk scattered with papers.
Thank you, Ayden and Allison both said taking a seat in the appointed chairs.
Well my shoulder doesn't feel much better if that's what you mean. Ayden said answering David's question.
Well no matter, it'll get better in time. As long as you don't strain it too much.
I'll do my best, Ayden said. So I was told you wished to see me? Did you find anything out about the bandits?
I'm afraid not, David said. We're positive that the bandits that attacked Grinwell are the same ones who attacked Dorwyn over a month ago. When we find them, you have my word that you'll be one of the first to know.
Thank you, Ayden said.
I actually wanted to let you know that your house is ready. It's a small house, not much.
That's all I need, Ayden said. I appreciate it.
In that case, David said standing. I'll have a guard escort you.
Ayden and Allison followed David as he led them through the castle. They passed through a room that Ayden recognized as the room he had first met King David in. The next room was the main entrance that Ayden also remembered. The called on a guard and charged him with escorting Ayden to his house.
The guard led them outside to the stables and began saddling his horse, Ayden looked at Allison and realized she to was saddling a horse. You have a horse at the castle? Ayden asked.
Yes, Selena and I are the castle healers. We live and work at the castle.
Impressive, Ayden said with a smile. Only one problem though. I don't have a horse anymore.
The guard saddled an extra horse and handed the reins to Ayden. This one is your's he said. The king had us get you one. Since yours was lost in the attack.
He's beautiful, Ayden said petting the large beast. It was a stallion, pitch black in color. Muscle bulged from every part of the animals body. He grabbed the saddle with his left arm struggled awkwardly into it. He groaned as a bolt of pain ran through his shoulder. At least he could mount the horse he thought, no matter how hard it was.
You all right? The guard asked moving his horse closer to Aydens.
Yeah, I'm fine. My right arm was always my strongest. Now I have to get used to doing everything with my left. It'll just take some time, I'll be all right.
Well I'll be around if you need me, the guard said. The king had charged me with helping you in anyway possible, if you want the help that is.
I'd rather try to attempt most task myself, but you're welcome to stick around as much as you'd like. The extra company wouldn't be such a bad thing. Ayden soon realized that riding put more stress on his shoulder than he thought it would. It wasn't enough to make him stop, just an unwelcome discomfort he wished would go away before long. When they had made it through the castle gate, the guard followed the road to his left and followed it all the way to the city wall where he stopped.
There's your house, the guard said pointing. It's one of the few houses within city walls that secluded.
It's perfect, Ayden said ushering his horse in the direction of the house. The house was small, which was fine with Ayden. There was a small stable on it's side closest to the giant city wall. The stable had two rooms separated by a wall for the horses. Behind the house stood a large strong oak tree. Ayden dismounted his horse as they entered one of the stable rooms and shut a makeshift gate behind him.
Allison and the guard tied their horses to poles on either side of the stable, and followed Ayden to the house.
The inside of the house was even smaller than it looked consisting only of a main room, bedroom, and kitchen. Two chairs sat in the middle of the main room in front of a small fireplace, a bookshelf sat a little ways from the fireplace on the same wall. A few extra chairs lined the edges of the room. He walked through a small walkway and entered the bed room, that furnished only a bed and dresser. His swords and leather armor were set neatly beside the dresser. He walked back to the main room taking a seat in one of the chairs next to the un-lit fireplace. Allison and the guard were already sitting down waiting for him.
So what will you do now? Allison asked after Ayden took his seat.
What do you mean?
Well you're not stuck in a bed at the medical ward anymore.
With my shoulder the way it is there's not much I can do. But I'm sure I'll find something to keep me busy. He turned his attention to the guard now. So what do we call you?
Philip, the guard said looking up.
Good to meet you.
And you, said Philip.
So are you any good with a sword? I could use someone to spar with once my shoulder get to feeling better.
I'm actually still learning, Philip admitted. Guards aren't trained as much as soldiers are, and I've only been a guard for a few months now.
Perfect, It'll do us both some good then. But for now please deliver a message to the king for me. Tell him I said thank you again for the house, I'm deeply in his debt.
Yes sir, Philip said and left without another word.
I'll make us some lunch, Allison said walking into the kitchen. Some tea too, if you'd like.
Yeah thanks Ayden said walking over to the bookshelf. He had always enjoyed reading, although Nydel had never kept many books around. He ran his fingers across the books until he found one named "History". He took the book and sat back down in his chair opening the book to it's first page.
Dwarves, masters of mining and the art of blacksmiths. Like humans only a certain few posses the power to wield magic. Native to large underground mines...
He stopped reading and looked at Allison. Dwarves still exist? He asked still surprised by what he'd read. He had only heard about dwarves in passing as well as Elves who he'd thought no longer existed.
Of course, Allison said. Although they don't have anything to do with outsiders. There a rude bunch.
So then Elves are still around as well? He continued.
Yes, she answered again. You really don't know?
No, he said. People in Grinwell never spoke much about what went on in the world, and Nydel never kept any books around.
When Allison finished cooking she brought Ayden a plate of food and did her best to explain what she knew about Dwarves and Elves.
Ayden read the book over the next few days when Allison and Philip weren't around. He learned that Elves were nomads some living in the mountains were called "high elves" and some lives off the land who were called "wood elves". High elves relied on their magic more than any weapon whereas "wood elves" infused their magic with archery.
Dwarves, like humans, built cities. Though their cities were built underground, and they usually possessed small but powerful armies, and would occasionally come across one who could wield magic. Their sole profession was mining and blacksmithing.
He put the book back on the shelf when he had finished reading it,
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