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Book online «Justice by R.T. Adams (reading list .TXT) 📖». Author R.T. Adams

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I encountered a restaurant, and so I walked in and looked around, noticing many people seated. I waited for someone to address me, and soon, someone did. They asked how many, and so I told them it was just me. They brought me around to the back portion of the restaurant, where there was a bar. From there, I suppose I’m to do as I please. I sat down at the bar, which had been in the center and was a rectangle. One of the two bartenders came over and leaned on the bar. I told them a glass of water and a sandwich. They nodded and they started working on it. I looked around, noticing there weren’t too many people here. I assume it’s more popular here at night. Soon, the bartender arrived with a glass of water and a plate with a sandwich on it. It contained a few slices of ham, lettuce, and cheese. I picked up the glass and drunk a bit of it, then took a bite out of the sandwich. I noticed someone sit next to me, so I looked over. A man who wore only a white t-shirt and black jeans sat there, a tattoo on his right cheek and a sleeve of tattoos on his arm, along with long, black hair. I noticed a few scars on his arm, as well as one on his lip. I looked back down to my food in silence, as though nothing happened. Of course, as anyone would be, I was curious about his scars.

“They came from Justice,” he said, “A couple of years ago, four of my friends and I went to attack one of their bases. My friends ended up either dying or getting captured. By now, they’ve probably been executed. I only managed to barely escape.” He turned to me.

“Yeah?” I said.

“I intend to go and crush them,” he said, clenching his fist.

“I’ve got the same thoughts as you,” I said, “To destroy them.”

“You’re a hunter, aren’t you?” he said, “Kimbo?”

“Yeah,” I said, “It shouldn’t be hard to enter the base with me by your side.”

“We’ll make a good team,” he smiled and held his hand out. I grabbed it and shook it. After a few minutes had passed, a bartender came around and served him a glass of whisky. I finished my sandwich and then continued to drink my water. The bartender came around and picked up my plate, then came back to us. Him and the man next to me began to talk to each other. I suppose he comes here a bit often, likely to get the load of his previous friends off his back. I finished my glass, as well as he, and we both set out. I turned, back down the same road I took to get here. When we arrived at the store, I unlocked my car and got in. He sat in the passenger’s seat and adjusted it.

“This is a nice car you’ve got,” he said.

“Thanks,” I said, “It’s the only memory I have of my home, as well as two of my dear friends.”

“I see,” he said, “So, what happened?”

“Well, as usual, I received a note of a demon terrorizing people in a city, but there had been no demon when I arrived. It’s pretty natural to get fake notes. However, when I went to head back to my car, I noticed an explosion. When I arrive back to my home,” I paused, “When I arrived, the place was in shambles. It was a rest spot called Gandolia. The hangar collapsed on top of one of my friends, who had still been alive once I got there, but passed as I tried to help them. The other was already dead in the garage, crushed under the little remains of it left.”

“Oh,” he looked down, “I see, and I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry,” I said, “We’ll destroy Justice for what they’ve done to us.” I said, starting the car.

“I never introduced myself,” he said, “My name is Randolph Quay.”

“You already know who I am,” I said. He laughed and lightly pushed my arm. I pulled out of the lot and began driving.

I decided to head to a base nearby, just so no one would suspect me from the last base. I looked around, then noticed the base, one with big walls around it. It was much larger than the previous one, so it would take a bit more time to find the generator. However, it wouldn’t be as hard to get to it, as we don’t have to sneak. Soon, we arrived at the base and I reached to the back, where my things are, and pulled out my hunter’s permit. I drove up to the entrance, stopped, and waited for the man to come up to us. I showed him my permit and he stepped back. The gate opened and I drove in. I parked my car, put up the roof, and then stopped the car, getting out and grabbed my blade from the back. I put it in the sheath and continued forward. As I was walking through the base, the soldiers all watched us strangely. I began to get slightly uncomfortable, but still walked forward. Soon, I spotted the generator and pointed towards it. He nodded and we turned that way. Before we struck the generator, I looked around. No one was around, so I gave him a thumbs up. He pulled out a giant blade from the sheath on his back and I pointed where to stab through. For a moment, the blade clashed with the metal, but then penetrated. I heard the sound of steam being forced out of an object. From the edges of the metal plate, I saw smoke, then noticed it was getting hotter. It had been hissing wildly at us, as though it was a cat in which we had just assaulted.

“Get back!” I shouted, forcefully pulling on him. He put his sword away quickly and began running. The generator soon exploded and the lights went out. Not only the lights, but the tanks shut down, as well. The ships faltered and stopped moving. We watched as multiple things began to malfunction due to the destruction of the generator. The soldiers panicked for a moment, but soon began to turn to us. Quickly, we ran. We’d have to take a long route, but it’d be the safest bet. We ran behind a large building and in front of us, a much smaller group of soldiers. I pulled out my blade, and so did Randolph. He immediately ran forward, swinging his blade into one of the soldiers. For a moment, I almost looked away, but then realized that the soldier dodged it. I could tell it caught Randolph off-guard, so I quickly ran forward and bashed the soldier with the hilt, causing him to fall back.

“These aren’t your ordinary soldiers,” he said.

“I noticed that last time I fought them,” I said, “Exercise caution when fighting them, got it?”

“Alright,” he said.

“Also, you see the box on the guard of their weapons?” I said, watching for him to look closely at them, “Those aren’t just some design, they emit a burst of wind meant to wear down their opponent or to knock them back.” He simply nodded. One of the soldiers ran up and their blades clashed. Randolph made sure to keep the guard of their weapon away from him. While he was busy with one of the soldiers, another came over to me. The enemy had the same kind of blade, as anticipated. When blocking, I kept the enemy’s guard away from me. I pushed back and swung my blade. I felt it tear through something, but there was no blood. I looked down at the guard and noticed the box had been broken. I swung my blade and they clashed. I noticed a clicking sound coming from the box, but nothing more happened. I kicked the soldier and he fell back. I looked over to Randolph, who still seemed to be having a bit of trouble. I ran over and stabbed at the box on the soldier’s sword. It successfully went through and I pulled my blade out of it. He looked over to me and tried to swing, but Randolph bashed him with his giant sword. The soldier went flying, then landed back-first.

“We can’t just keep bashing them. They’ll continue to get up over and over,” he said.

“I know!” I said, “I just can’t.” I said, gritting my teeth.

“Start doing it now or we’ll die!” he said. Just then, I remembered what he’d been through with his friends. One of the soldiers ran over to him, but he swung his blade and it broke their blade, as well as cut one of their arms off. I looked over and noticed a mass of blood on the ground in only a few seconds. He then stabbed through the soldier’s neck, causing his head to tear from his body, flinging away from us. I looked away, then noticing a soldier run up to me. I held my blade tight, prepared to block. He swung at me and I blocked it, pushing him away, then stabbing for the box on his guard. It penetrated the box, then I pushed forward more, until the base of my blade was through it entirely, some of it in the man’s stomach. I pulled it out and then swung horizontally at his torso, feeling resistance as my blade tore through his skin and clothes. Blood soon began to pour from just beneath his ribcage. He collapsed on his knees and forced his arm over the large wound, applying pressure. I clenched my teeth and plunged my blade through his head, then pulled it out. Whether I knew the person or not, it was hard to see someone’s life end. I continued to clash with the other soldiers, killing them one by one. Once we were done, I cleaned off my blade and slid it into the sheath. Randolph patted my back and began running. I heaved a deep breath and began running.

Once we reached the car, I quickly drove off. Randolph simply just looked back at the base, then looked forward. On the road, I noticed many ships flying over to the base. Their source was likely connected to a nearby base, which I wasn’t ready to attack yet. I clicked a button and the headlights came on. There weren’t any streetlights out here, so using my headlights was the only way to see. It was likely past eight o’clock by now. During night, it’s highly advised that normal people don’t drive or go out at all. Of course, there are those occasional teens that decide to go out and test their bravery or some crap, then end up getting themselves killed. There are also people who have been miles away from a city and couldn’t make it in time, so they ended up getting attacked on the road. Many lives have been lost to demons, but many demons have been killed. By now, it’s hard to tell which one of us has died more. Next to me, Randolph just stares at a book, paying no attention to me or the road, much less the world around him. Soon, I heard a low grumbling sound, one similar to a demon. I quickly stopped the car and looked around. In the middle of the road, a large demon with two long arms and two large feet stood there, walking along with its arms dragging along the ground.

“Randolph, ahead,” I said.

“I see it,” he said, closing his book and getting out of the car. I turned put the car in park, keeping the lights on so we could see. I reached in the back and grabbed my blade, then hopped out of the car. We both went up to the demon, who stopped once it saw us. It just grumbled and stared at us. It lifted its large

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