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Book online «Five foot Two by Chloe Brown (books to read as a couple txt) 📖». Author Chloe Brown

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but I resisted the urge.

“You can't tell? What the hell, of course you can. If you just don't want to say, say you don't want to but don't lie,” the blonde haired male flicked his hair out of his face, glaring at Scott. “You know how much I hate liars,” he spat. Scott scoffed and stormed out the room before sending one last glare in my direction.

“Jason..” Amber placed her hand on male's shoulder, sighing. “I don't think Scott was lying. He seemed really frustrated ever since she's been here,” she pointed at me.

“My name's Hannah,” I told her.

“Ahh, thanks for telling me,” she said with a nod, “Well ever since Hannah's been here's he's been on edge and even refused to speak to her earlier. You know Scott isn't usually moody.” I raised a brow at that comment. He sure didn't seem like he was cheery all the time and I had to hold back a laugh at the sudden thought of him doing some sort of cheery dance while wearing a cheesy grin on his face.

“Well anyway, Aya's right. I could see the disbelieve in your face as she told you. You honestly have supernatural powers- although I'm not too sure what they are.” Jason muttered, chewing on his lip. His frown had left his face and he now looked as if he felt rather guilty. It was my turn to scoff. It seemed that Scott was rubbing off on me.

“I'm just guessing you're a bunch of kids who love comic books way too much,” I said with a laugh. Although I was laughing outside, I could feel a ball of uncertainty pooling in my stomach. “If you really have super powers, why don't you prove it?” There. With no proof they could finally stop trying to convince me that I was the Influenza.

“Alright then,” Amber said stepping forward. “If we prove it to you, you're going to have to stick with us from now on. We can't just let a Class C Virus be running around with absolutely no knowledge of what they are.”

Right, time for the crappy magic show, I thought. What was Amber going to do? Make her thumb come off like my mom used to when she was younger? Make a coin pop out my ear? Oh, I could hardly wait.

“Watch this,” she instructed me. From the corner of my eye I could see a smile growing on Jason's face- his very cute face, I must admit. Amber gently grasped my hand and placed her forefinger on the middle of my palm. Her finger twitched and I began to feel a cold sensation right in that spot slowly growing outwards. It began to speed up and spread to my fingers and I could see the skin on my palm begin to turn a light blue causing me to I gasp and shake my hand, leaving shivers running down my spine.

Okay, I had to admit that was pretty cool but.. maybe she had really icy fingers. As if she knew what I was thinking she took a hold of my hand again, delicately pulling up my sleeve. This time she swished two of her fingers around my wrist in a circular motion and my breath hitched as I began to see tiny segments of ice crystals form and sparkle over my wrist.

“Do you like it?” She asked, admiring her work. I had to admit that the bracelet around my wrist was a pretty damn good one. I nodded my head slowly in agreement and poked the bracelet to see if it was just a figment of my imagination. Sure enough, it was there.

“It's actually real..” I muttered and then stared back at her. She had an amused smile playing on her lips and her blue eyes looked like they were sparkling with excitement. I felt like I should be scared and be even more surprised but for some reason.. the only thing that I felt was curiosity.

“So... you use ice?” I asked her and decided to lie down on the sofa I'd woken up on a few minutes ago. “Wait so if you use ice, why's it not cold? Why is it actually rock solid jewellery?”

“That's because Amber's got special properties in her ice magic. There are only ten Ice Viruses who can solidify their things.” Aya answered, looking at Amber with admiration. “On top of that, not only is she a Class B Ice Virus but she also managed to stabilize and master her powers within 3 months. She's one of a kind.”

Okay so right now a bunch of random alphabetical class something chickenpoxes were standing around me showing me their supernatural powers. Just. Woah. I have got to be dreaming.

Suddenly a small bolt of pain shot through my arm and I grimaced in pain, grasping my arm with my other hand.

“Just so you know you're not dreaming. Everyone thinks it at some point so I thought it would be better to prove it to you now.” I looked up to see Jason smirking at me and I put up my finger to stop him from speaking any further.

“Hang on, so your power is giving people pain?” I asked, tilting my head to the side in curiously.

“It's not unique, he's just mastered it to a Class S level,” Aya butted in and looked me in the eye. “I'd tell you more about Jason's power but as it extends a lot further than just a small bolt of pain going up your arm so I'll leave it up to him to tell you the rest- when he's ready of course.” I looked at Jason, hoping for a bigger explanation then and there but he shrugged, making it apparent that he wasn't going to be opening up to me any time soon.

“What's your power, Aya?” I asked, watching her closely.

“I have eyes. I have way too many eyes.” She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Everywhere I touch becomes an eye for me. I can concentrate on a certain place and see what's going on. Unfortunately my powers don't extend any further than that so I'm stuck as a C Class Virus.”

“That's sounds like a really interesting power though.” I told her and she scoffed.

“About 17% of the student body at my old school had the same power as me. It's not unique or interesting.” Oh. Well.. it sounding pretty unique to me. Wait- 17% of her school?

“How many of you common colds are there floating around for 17% of the student body to have powers?” I asked, stunned.

“Oh, don't worry your pretty little head about that- Aya went to a hidden institute for Viruses. Every single student there was a Virus- not a common cold.” Amber answered cheerfully and stretched her arms out.

“Scott's about to come sulking in,” Aya suddenly informed us. We all turned towards the door and sure enough, within a few seconds, moody pants had entered the room.

“What's Sour Sack's power?” I asked, pointing over in Scott's direction.

“The name's Scott, not Sour Sack,” he told me. Luckily, everyone around me had said their names at some point so I already knew his name- I just felt Sour Sack suited him a lot more. “If you want to know, just ask me.”

“Alright then.” I stood up from the sofa and walked over to him. Goddamn, he was my ideal boyfriend's height- a lot taller than me. “What's your power... Scott?”

“His power's are all in the mind,” Amber blurted out. Was it protocol that when I asked someone a question, someone else would answer? “He can do mind reading, controlling and even telepathy. Cool, huh? He's a Class A Virus, one class below Jason.” Crumbs, he can read minds? That means he's heard me sassing him all this time.

“Don't worry, I wouldn't want to read yours,” Scott told me.

“More like you cou-”

“Shh, Aya. He obviously doesn't want her to know yet,” Amber told the taller female with a smile. My head was beginning to feel way too heavy for my shoulders as all the information began to soak in. There was currently someone able to read my mind, someone who was able to use ice, someone who could shoot pain up my arm without a second glance and someone with a lot of eyes surrounding me. A few moments ago this seemed quite easy to take in but suddenly I could feel the stress of it all hitting me. I took a few steps back, feeling slightly dizzy and grasped the table that was behind me.

“I feel sick,” I groaned. Amber pressed the back of her hand against my head and hummed quietly.

“Well you don't have a temperature and you don't seem that ill so your stomach is probably just churning from all the information going into your head. Here, let me help you sit back down.” She took a hold of my hand and led me to the sofa, sitting me down.

“So.. why are you guys called Viruses?” I asked, furrowing my brows. “If you have super powers, why aren't you called something more interesting?” It sounded odd saying 'super powers'. The words didn't roll off my tongue like most words would and felt heavy- I guess that's probably just because I didn't ever expect to be using the words in real life.

“It's what the government named us,” Scott spat.

“Wait, so the government do know about you? Why aren't you all over the news? Why is it that people don't know about you?” I started aiming questions at them and I noticed the sudden tense air.

“Have you ever seen the definition of a Virus?” Jason asked me.

“an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein co-” I had began to recite my last biology class until I got cut off my Aya.

“I didn't mean the exact definition, Hannah.”

“I looked up the definition when I found out about my powers. I still remember the words that flashed across my laptop screen when I searched the definition on Google,” Amber muttered, “The words I read were 'a harmful or corrupting influence.' They think we're dangerous-”

“Some of us are-” Jason shot back, only to be shushed by Aya as Amber continued to speak to me.

“If it got out about us, the whole world would be having a mental breakdown. You wouldn't be able to trust your so called best friend without wondering if they might be able to read your mind or do something to you at any given second.”

“I think I get you,” I slowly nodded my head. “Wait but...” I paused and ran my tongue over my dry lips, “I didn't die when I got hit my that truck. You said I was practically untouched- Does that mean we can't die?”

“We can die but it all depends of what Class you are really.” Amber replied.

“People like Jason are S Classes. He can only die of a,” Scott made air quotation marks, “'natural' death- And by 'natural', I mean that he gets to live for a few thousand years before he can die of 'old age'.” His face was scrunched up in disgust as he spoke.

“Hey, don't get ahead of yourself, don't forget we can kill each other,” Aya interrupted. “Besides the government has one of our kind in their custody.” She grimaced as he spoke. “The more they experiment on her, the more likely they are to find a way to get rid of us.”

“Why don't they want... us?” I asked, cocking my head to the side. “Are you saying that right now they're trying to find a way to kill us?”

“Guys, I think this way too much information to be telling Hannah on her first day.” Jason ran his fingers through his hair as he spoke.

“Mm, he's right. It's getting late and I can hear her mom worrying about if the new neighbours have kidnapped her precious daughter.” Scott agreed, clicking his fingers one by one.

“I-” Amber was about to say something but Jason quickly cut in.

“I'll walk her back

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