Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป I just had to be a vampire slayer by Tiffany Wallace (smart books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซI just had to be a vampire slayer by Tiffany Wallace (smart books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Tiffany Wallace

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minutes. Who would've thought I'd be facing death two times in one night? At least this time, I'd die on a nice and comfy bed.

He looked down at me, those gray eyes shining. "No, I'm letting you go." Damien replied, after what seemed like hours.

I almost choked on my dry spit. "Y-you what?" Letting me go?" I sputtered. He nodded. "Unless you want me to kill you?" He added.

"I'm confused, I'm a slayer, I kill things that are like YOU!" I said. "Right, and I also kill things that are like you." He replied, matter-of-factly. All I could do was stare.

Was he joking? Was he going to let me go and then chase after me and rip my body piece by piece?

I wasn't gullible so I certainly wasn't going to believe him, he was a vampire after all, but also just had to be the most sexiest vampire I've ever laid eyes on. Imagine how hot he would've looked when he was alive. Yum!

Focus Mariah!

"It's weird... how I can't seem to read your thoughts," he said slowly. "Oh so you're that type of vampire eh? The mind reading kinds? Yeah those, never worked on me." I replied, proudly.

He looked shocked. "You know that and yet you don't seem to care?"

I just shrugged. "Better for me, right? Why question the good things in life?" I winked.

He grinned. Oh, those perfect teeth.

What was I doing? It's hard to think about him as an enemy... why?

He noticed me staring at him, and I blushed. God, I was such a loser. He grinned even wider. "So why are you questioning the good stuff now? I'm letting you go, shouldn't you be falling at my feet, thanking me? He asked, standing up.

"No I'm sorry, I just can't let something like this go. Why are you letting me go?" I asked. I was stubborn, he knows that now. He stood silent for a minute as if trying to think of an excuse. "Just think of it as a truce, the vampire you killed was someone I've had a disagreement with for quite some time and now that he's out of my life, I can be much happier," He replied, "As a thank you for that, I'll let you go, I suppose."

I got up slowly, in case my energy wasn't back up. I felt much better though, probably the food.

He led me to the door. All I could pray for was that I didn't fall on my face any time soon.

I saw a window, which was open, and it looked pretty dark outside. "What time is it?" I asked. "8pm," he replied. My feet stopped working. "But it was 1 in the morning at the club," I whispered. He looked at me as if I were stupid, which made me feel stupid. He had no right to do that to me. No guy ever makes me feel stupid, how could he?

"Right..." he said slowly, as if I were a slow learner, "It's the next day, you were out of it for quite some time."

"Great, just great, I missed my classes this afternoon, URGH, which way is your door?" I asked. "Do you want a ride?" He asked. I shook my head no; I don't think I should ever get the chance to be so close to him. I just might jump him. "Just show me the way," I replied. "I want to make sure you get home alright," he said, gently. I blushed and stared at my feet, but I had to stay strong. I couldn't show a vampire where I lived. Rule #1 in vampire training: NEVER let a vampire follow you. Kill him/her as soon as possible before putting any loved ones in danger.

I looked back up, and I saw that he was standing right in front of me now. I looked into his eyes and I felt myself get lost in the gray smoke of his eyes.

I gathered the strength to speak. "It's really okay, I prefer walking." I whispered back, almost breathless. I was so pathetic.

He just stared at me, then without any warning, he kissed me on the cheek, and I felt as if I had been shocked. I looked up at him, as he looked confused but he moved aside to let me pass without saying anything except this blank look on his face. I didn't question the kiss because all I could think about was getting out of there. I found my way out of the apartment, which was very chic, if I may add and made my way outside. The cool October breeze felt nice against my face, but Damien's kiss was still lingering on my cheek as if a hot spatula had scorched me. I shook myself out of it, tightened my black leather jacket around me and tried to find a bus to get back home. It sucks to be 19 years old, without a car.

The whole way home, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Yes he was a vampire but yet something was different about him. Was it love? Ha, I laughed out loud. Please, I've never even been in love before, and with someone I just met, let alone a vampire?? Please, that was so not happening...

I tried to put him to the side, who knew when I was ever going to see him again. As of right now, I need to make up an excuse for my parents who were probably beyond freaking out as to where I was the whole day...and night.

I finally ended up taking a taxi, and arrived at home around 9pm. Saying my parents were pissed would be an understatement. There really were no words to describe how they were, it's hard being an only child. But I managed, I told them how we had lost track of time at the club and then when coming back Rose's car had stopped working in the middle of the road, we had to call a tow truck, then wait at the garage in order to get it fixed, then my phone died (it really did) and I kept adding and adding to the story until they finally calmed down. I knew if anything, Rose would back me up without any problem or questions.

I went upstairs to my room. I always loved going up to my room, it was my favorite place in the world. Most people always had a favorite place; a tree house, the park, a garden, the library or something, but for me, it was my room. It was pretty big, let me tell you, with a huge walk-in closet for all my clothes. I loved clothes; I had more than I needed. Plus another closet for just my shoes, sandals, boots and flip flips. I matched a footwear to each of my outfit. I had a flat screen TV stuck on the wall right in front of my four-poster bed. I even had a mini fridge plus a small microwave... although I don't really use the microwave. Plus my room was blue and purple! My two favorite colors... I really was a girl wasn't I? Last but not least, my own washroom. That was a girl's sanctuary. I guess I was a bit spoiled, but you know, this was like nothing compared to some of my friends.

I walked to my bedroom window and gazed outside. I loved looking out my window because it had such a nice view of the lake that was located beside our neighborhood, plus I had a balcony. Sometimes during the night, when I can't sleep, I used to climb down the balcony and go sit by the lake and stare at the stars. It was really soothing.

I went to the fridge pulled out a Red Bull and jumped onto my bed. I knew it was like 10 in the night, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep so I drank the energy drink. I called Rose because I knew she'd have a million questions as to where I went, and so I just told her I had hung out with a guy, which really wasn't a lie. She had a hard time believing it because I wasn't the type of girl to leave with someone, unlike her. I convinced her in the end. I called Aaron, my best buddy and explained some of the details to him as well since he saw that I wasn't in class today. Apparently I had missed a lot of work... it's great how the day I end up missing, we have a pile of homework. I knew I'd be stuck in the library tomorrow.

After talking to him, I changed into a camisole and some PJ bottoms and turned on the TV. The clock read 3:17, oh it's the hour of 3am, the time when all the evil in the world comes out, please like that scared me... I fought that evil. I kept flipping through the channels until I landed on a breaking story on the news. A middle-aged woman had been attacked and killed in a park nearby. She was drained of all her blood; officials believed it was an animal attack. It's been awhile since these stories had appeared on the news. They always said it was an animal attack when they had nothing else to say. I knew it wasn't an animal attack, and now I had to find out who did it. I'd go and talk to Chris, my recruiter, about it tomorrow if I had time. I tried not to pay attention, but something was bothering me and I couldn't put my finger on it. The park, Centreville Park was really nearby and I just hoped no one else gets hurt, other than the vampires that did it of course. I ended up watching some Korean romance film with English subtitles. It was pretty interesting, I didn't get to see the ending though because I fell asleep soon after.

I woke up to the sound of the TV playing in the background and the sun shining through my window. I forgot to turn off the TV AND close the curtains. Guess the Red Bull didn't do anything. I had a pleasant dream, which made it easier for me to wake up. It was about Damien. I don't really remember the dream, but Damien and I were standing in a forest, looking at something. He looked beautiful, that's something I can't forget. But that was all I could remember. I went and took a quick shower, and changed into a thin gray Abercrombie & Fitch sweater with black skinnies and paired it up with my white converse.

My mind floated back to that kiss, it was just a kiss on the cheek, for Pete's sake! But it felt like it had left a permanent mark on my skin, like a scar or even a tattoo. Why was I thinking about it? I'd probably never see him again, but if I wasn't going to see him again, then why did he kiss me? Did he know we'd meet again? I combed my hair out and pulled it into a loose, messy bun. Effortless, but sexy. I was admiring myself in the mirror when I realized I was going to be late to my classes. I sped downstairs, grabbed a granola bar and my leather jacket and was out the door. I
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