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Book online «I just had to be a vampire slayer by Tiffany Wallace (smart books to read TXT) 📖». Author Tiffany Wallace

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looked at the time, it was 8:30, I still had another 45 minutes before class started. I headed to Starbucks, picked up a frappucino and made my way to the subway. I was at the campus in 15 minutes. I finished my drink, met up with Aaron and headed to class. I knew I had a long day ahead of me.
Chapter 5

Damien’s Point of View

I peered through the window, watching her walk away, becoming smaller and smaller until she was out of view. I had the urge to follow her but she might’ve picked up on that easily. It didn’t matter; I already knew everything about her. She had been nervous about letting me take her home because then I’d have found out the location of her house but I already knew where she lived. I knew about her parents, her school, even Jesse…

But yet I never thought that she’d be this beautiful, nor did I think she was this fearless. Sure, she had almost been killed by a vampire but now she had been held captive by one as well and she’s having a complete conversation. She was a vampire slayer but previous slayers always showed fear even if I didn’t threaten them. Was this all an act?

I knew I first had to win her trust, and in order to do that … I had to release her. I didn’t want to let her go but it was the only way. Her blood was so strong, all I wanted was one lick, and one would’ve been enough…. But I had to have some willpower; I couldn’t do it, not now.

And what was that kiss? The only reason I had kissed her was for her to be able to feel as if I had some feelings for her. As if. But that kiss… it just felt so right?

Snap out of it Damien. You came here with a mission… to kill the vampire slayer. There’s a reason why you’re going to soon become the prince of the vampires but I have to prove myself to father. I have to complete my mission; I have to kill the slayer.

Where was her bite wound? Something was just not right. I had to find out more about her.

Just then I heard my phone vibrate on the table beside me. I picked up it. "Damien here," I replied. "Yes son, it’s me, did you find her?" He asked. "Yes father I found her, she was almost killed by Eric, but she got to him before." I said. "Aah, I see, well, did she suspect anything? Was she onto you as to why you were at the club?" Father asked. "No, she wasn’t, she had gotten bitten by Eric before I arrived, and I had just happened to 'save' her, so I brought her back to the apartment… in fact she just left, with no suspicions at all." I said. "Good job, my boy! So I take it there are no problems," Father said. "None." I replied. "Very well, report back frequently," he said, and with that, he cut the phone.

I smiled at the phone. All previous slayers had begged and pleaded for their lives before dying. I had a feeling this was going to be a bit of challenge but it was going to be all worth it in the end just for that taste of her blood. I was going to make her beg for her life, just like all the others.

Chapter 6

Mariah’s POV

I walked out of the library exhausted. I was literally dragging my feet across the floor just to make it move. My bag felt like it weighed 356675869854545 pounds and my arm killed from writing so much. I had gone straight to the library after classes and had stayed there for three hours trying to finish all my work. I had gotten distracted though a million times, with phone calls and a hundred different texts, but after a certain point, I just turned my phone off. I made my way down the stairs, when I heard my name being called. I turned around and two of my Biology classmates, Lily and Eliza were running to catch up with me. I stopped and waited for them.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey Mariah, where you coming from?" Eliza asked.

"Library, just spent THREE hours in there trying to catch up on some work," I replied.

"Oh…well guess wh-" said Eliza, but she was interrupted by Lily. "NO, I want to tell her!" she exclaimed.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Well, there’s this new guy in our biology class!" squealed Lily, "and he is gorgeous!"

"WAIT, we had biology today??!" I moaned.

"No silly, it’s tomorrow, but we saw him talking to Mr. Evans about it, I mean really we couldn’t resist eavesdropping, he was just too scrumptious," sighed Eliza.

Leave it to Lily and Eliza; they knew all the ‘deets’ of Berkeley.

"That’s nice, did we have any other work other than the textbook stuff in bio?" I asked. I was doing so well in that class that I wasn’t going to take any chances by missing any work.

"No, and don’t you want to see the guy? I think he might still be around," asked Lily.

"I’ll see him tomorrow won’t I? I’ll catch up with you later, I need a sugar rush." I said, then turned and walked out of the school, leaving Lily and Eliza, staring as if I had just turned down $100000 worth of prize money.

I was looking both ways of the street in order to cross (better to be safe than sorry), when I saw a car zoom right past almost colliding into me!

"Watch where you’re going! You tryin’ to kill someone?!" I screamed, I had been trying to be careful and this jerk had almost killed me!

I proceeded down the street, I mean the driver probably didn’t even hear and so I start taking out my iPod to listen to some music. I hear a horn honking, and I turn around to see that the jerk that almost ran me over was turning right around and coming back towards me.

Uh oh, I thought, maybe he did hear me. Whatever it was his fault and I was going to give him a piece of my mind. I watch as the car drives back, slowly this time, and therefore gave me some time to look at the car. The car was really nice. A Mazda - tinted windows, nice rims, black, and so shiny. I was admiring the car when it finally stopped in front of me. I was just getting ready to give them a huge lecture when the window rolled down. I gasped when I saw a glimpse of the driver. Damien?!

"Hey, need a ride?" He asked.

I stared at him… first he tries killing me and now he’s asking for a ride.

"In case you didn’t see, you almost ran me over, so no I will not be getting in with you," I replied.

"Oh, come on, I wasn’t watching where I was going, in fact I never watch where I’m going but then… I happened to notice that I almost collided into this beautiful girl which made me turn right back around to apologize, so I’m terribly sorry, would you like a ride now?" he said.

I blushed at his comment, it was cheesy but it worked. BUT I was still standing my ground. "No thanks, I can get home just fine." I said.

"You don’t accept my apology?" he asked, looking glum.

"I… no, it’s just-" I started saying, but he cut me off.

"Listen, get in and I’ll think of it as a way for you to accept my apology, I promise I’ll drop you off somewhere public and away from your house, so I don’t have to ever find out where it is," Damien replied, while rolling his eyes. It was clear that he was annoyed and I didn’t want to make him more mad.

I sighed. He had won. He smiled and leaned over to push open the door. What a gentleman. I got in and put on my seatbelt. I admired the interior. Full leather and very comfortable. For some reason, it felt a bit awkward… it was weird. I never felt awkward around boys. Damien made small talk and kept looking at me through the corner of his eyes, I could tell. It took all my strength not to peek a glance at him. I looked straight out the window.

"Scared are we?" Damien asked.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"It seems like you’re scared of me," he laughed.

"Please, I’m not scared of you!" I said, trying to sound brave.

"Oh yeah?" he asked, leaning in closer.

He had parked the car, in front of Starbucks, the same Starbucks at which I had bought my drink this morning from. But I was too busy staring at him to piece anything together. I was lost in his eyes… AGAIN!

Damn those beautiful eyes!

"I am not … scared … of you," I managed to whisper.

"Then prove it," he whispered back, coming in closer.

Our lips were just an inch apart. We were both breathing hard and just as it was about to happen, my phone started ringing. We both jerked back. I grabbed my phone out of my jacket pocket, and opened the car door.

"Uhmm… thanks for the ride," I said and jumped out of the car. I had been saved by my phone, I looked at my phone and saw that it was Aaron.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, where’d you go after your classes?" Aaron asked.

"I… went to the library to finish my work, and now I’m going home," I said. I turned back and saw that Damien had already left.

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