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Book online «Sold to a demon by Ria Singh (the chimp paradox .txt) 📖». Author Ria Singh

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but relish in it I think...he just told the guy to lock me up in his room so that is how I'm here on a huge bed in the dark, I mean I can't see a thing and I'm a wolf, a creature of the night, the longer I wait the more I become nervous and scared and sleepy so I lay down on the bed, the guard not only locked the room but chained me to the bed like a dog! I mean the cuffs are around my neck and its a metal I've never seen or smelt before and although it looks weak, its absolutely strong.I'm mostly asleep when I hear the door open, I'm too tired to get up or even open my eyes so I try listening but I can't hear anything after the door closes then all of a sudden I'm thrown on the floor, I groan but again I'm too tired to do anything so I curl up and sleep.I wake up to see I'm alone in the room and I breathe in relief, even though I ache to be with him, see him and touch him..woah were the hell did those thoughts come from, I get up to take a look around the room, it is hugh! Like in my whole shed would fit in here! I hear the shower go on and my eyes go wide, he's not in here because he just went in the shower..I bet he looks delicious naked with droplets of water all over him...and I'll lick them all off like they where chocolate...but he is so so strict that I can see him just staring at me, dominating me with only his stare like the eyes glaring at me now...WAIT what!? Oh shit I've been daydreaming for so long that he finish his shower and wow! His only wearing a towel, he might have wiped himself but damn those muscles and eight pack..I gave out a dreamy sigh, the next thing I know, I'm on the bed with my wrists in a steel grip and demon guy on me, his so heavy though that I struggle to breath but I rather struggle to breath and have him with me than not, he leans onto me and I think his going to kiss me so I close my eyes, waiting for my first kiss but he snickers menacingly and bites down hard on my neck and oh my word! It fucking hurts and burns! I scream and cry but It doesn't help, my throat turns sore and dry with my painful screams and crying till I'm to sore to even whimper and I fall into darkness in relief when he slides his fangs out.i awake when i feel cold wind to find myself changed into a dress, oh my word he changed me! he saw me pure, the way i was born and i find myself on the floor again and look to the bed in longing but i'm too weak to even move my head and no doubt he would just throw me onto the floor again and i do not want my body to ache again. Chapter 5

I'm hungry, I can't remember when last I ate or even what day it is, 'I'm just to weak to do anything thanks to him feasting on me' I think bitterly. Wait! Light bulb moment here..he fed from me which means I can get something out of it lol, I smile widely like a drunk person thinking of there happy place when he decided to come in and my smile completely disappeared but he saw it and arched an eyebrow and with his glare, he looked gorgeously threatening and frightening, all I want to do is run away from him and hide so he can never find me even though I will miss him, my wolf mostly *roll eyes* I think I rolled my eyes for real because he took a threatening step towards me and his expression has gone dark, oh moon goddess what am I suppose to do? His gonna punish me "we never go over the rules so wash up, I'll have an outfit waiting for you when you finish up, the dress you wearing was a gift from feeding from you last night, for this outfit, you will be owing me" he then turned on his heel and speed out, I gave out a relieved breath that I've been holding and going red with how long I held it too, nevertheless I never had a hot shower in a looong while so I'm really looking forward to it so I rushed in the bathroom and locked the door, don't want him walking in, undressed and hopped in the shower and adjusted the water temperature and oh my word its sooo devine...I moaned in pleasure and started to wash myself and getting saddened that its almost at an end, oh wait I forgot about my hair *roll eyes* after I come out I look for a towel when I realized that with all my excitement about a hot shower..I forgot to bring one, not that I knew where it was in the first place so I'll just blame him for not giving me one, I open the door and peek out, I see no one so I'm safe, I see my clothes and a towel on the dresser so he knows I got no towel so he probably won't come in so with that in mind I walk out and run to the towel since I'm dripping, I don't mind the cold because since at the pack I had to shower outside with cold to ice water, I got used to it.I was just drying my hair when the door opened, I looked up with my hand and towel in my hair to see him checking me out, he just walks in and lies on the bed watching me with his eyes heating and it is then that I realize I'm naked, I grab my clothes and try to run into the bathroom but his faster and stands in my way "change here" he orders in a hard tone that sends shivers down my spine in fear and birds in my stomach in anticipation, I gulp but decide to do as he orders.He takes me on a long walk to the dinning room, gosh why do you even need large houses anyway, I did fine in my shed for years, oh my word the food smells delicious! Oh gosh it brought my hunger back so suddenly that I forgot that as a newly shifted wolf, my wolf would think food as in, we going hunting, so she woke and tried to make me shift, when I growled lowly, demon guy looked at me and his eyes widened than I shifted and ran to were I smelt the food, I was just about to jump onto the table when someone bit and held onto my scruff, my wolf immediately turned submissive and sat still till it let go than she turned, tail curled in with her neck and belly exposed but she was confused because what was towering and dominating her was not something she was familiar with and neither was I but the power radiating from it made it clear that it was not to be messed or tested with.It was kind of a wolf but it was really huge! I mean not even the Alpha King was this big! it was black with the ends of the paws, ears and tail red with red fire like eyes that would probably make the Alpha King turn into a submissive so you would probably know how terrified I am right this moment, I keep whimpering and showing it that I'm no threat...gosh I would be laughing my tail off if I was not scared to move, I would never be threatenng to even a pup! it moved away and sat on its hind, I tried moving into a more comfortable position but it growled and it was loud and vibrated throughout my whole body and I swear I saw its eyes flicker like a flame with smoke coming out of its jaws, I whimpered again and stayed in my uncomfortable position, shivering in fear.After what seemed like hours, it moved out the room, I was not sure what that meant but I was too scared to move so I stayed like that waiting for whatever. It has only been a few minuets after it left that demon guy entered, where the hell was he when I was attacked by that...demon dog! yes that must be what it was, after all, demon needs pets too right? he was glaring at me but I think i'm used to it, but that does not mean it doesn't scare me "you want to behave like a dog! i'll treat you like a dog, you will stay in your wolf form unless I wish to feed, now sit by your masters feet like a good dog you are" he demanded with a hard glare. How dare he call me a dog? i'm a wolf! is he blind, and treating me like a dog? he should understand that i just changed into my wolf and of cause she'll be hard to handle, that shitbag! i swear he is so full with shit that he has to get rid of it by throwing to others!


Publication Date: 08-14-2014

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