Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Jamaa by Creature Moon (ebooks children's books free .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซJamaa by Creature Moon (ebooks children's books free .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Creature Moon

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A long time ago in a town called Jamaa, where tropical meets the forest and makes the perfect place for the new founding men and women. Settlers came to a new land which was divided into three groups. The first group was the Alphas who were men and women with much wealth and much talents of all kinds. The Alphas believed in the rule of the goverment to bring peace to the land. The Alphas also lived on top of the Kilamagro montains which bring good luck to you and your family. Next were the Majors who lives right below the Alphas,the majors were known for their art and creative minds. The believed in whatever the alpha did not to cause war. Lastely were the Cores which lived on the floor of the mountain, They were know for farming and did not have a say in goverment law.

In the township is where everyone from any group hussle and form into one. There was no travlers in Jamaa. Children ran the streets and and no crime was committed. A young girl age of fourteen with brown girly hair, and red plain dress with a buckle and bow in the back, and with shoes to match skipped down the street. Her name is Josaphine. Josaphine was loved by all and everyone she met she put a smile on their face. Since Josaphine's family was trouble and got away with the cruel things they did Josaphine kept the family in check from danger.
 Josaphine began to walk towards the forest. Her mother and father who are alpha's would always say not to enter the forest but Josaphine didn't care. She walked into the forest to predict see men and women talking and laughing around a fire, but she saw everyone staring at this one creature of some sort. It had elf ears that curled towards its head( Human head) and it had light blue or grey skin. The creatures bright yellow eyes turned at her direction and frowned. The creatures features looked like if it was a male. She stares at whatever it was for a breif second till' she was inttrupted by a lady yelling "Its the glitches!" The woman screamed and everyone began to panic. The creature stood and stared watching everyone yell and run confused. She slowly went up to the creature making sure it wouldn't attack. She swept her feet over and reached for the creatures shoulder which was turned away from her until another creature that looked simular smacked her hand. "What are you doing!?" The second creature yelled at her. Everyone frozed and Josaphine stared at the creature for a moment. The second creature had ears that floated backwards and curled. It had red short hair unlike the first one and the second one looked like a womans figure. The first creature yelled at the second "What is wrong with you creature.!" He yelled the creatures name. "I got this Clever!"Creature swept near Josaphine and clutched her by  her arm and flung her to the ground. Clever stood and pulled back Creature as Creature was willing to attack once again. Josaphine's nose started to bleed from the impact and as soon as a drop of blood hit the floor men and women ran to her side.A group of Men rose to their feet and began to attack Clever and Creature with wooden sticks and stone rocks. Peter rushed to block creature as the man threw and smacked the two around. Josaphine sat on her knees her nose stopped bleeding and looked up at the both of them. Creature ran off along with Clever off and jumped into a tiny cave . The cave was too small for anyone to fit in but both creature and Clever were able to enter it. Josaphine stared at the tiny cave while a group of women rushed towards her with cloths to clean her bloody nose. "What were those things?" Josaphine asked still staring at the cave but still expecting a answer. "Those were glitches, they run around the forest to cause trouble." Said one lady handing Josaphine a cup of water. Josaphine Stood up rejecting the water and she walked away back home from the forest. She rushed home to tell her family about her experiance. She paused and turned towards a bush. The bush was a rose bush. Josaphine carefully bent down to the bush and picked a rose trying to advoid the thorns. She carefully admired the bright red petals that blossomed out towards her. She went to sniff the rest of the flowers but the bush began to shake. She fell backwards on her bum and kicked away from the bush.A tiny rabbit hopped out with white fur and a pink button nose. The bunny peered at her and she peered back. She laugh a little. "Owe its just a tiny bunny." Josaphine said with a smile on her face. "I rather not be called a bunny." The rabbit spoke stearnly at her. She fell back alerted and very scared. "You talk?!?" She quickly spoke. A green mist filled the bunny and swirled around the rabbit. Josaphine stared but not at a rabbit anymore but a person. The mist cleared and to show it was a glitch not a person or human. Josaphine began to scream and tried to move away from the glitch. The glitch that stood before her had green hair that fell to her waste and the glitched ears moved backwards and the quickly shot up at the end. The glitch held a book and had its hand out towards her to help her up from the filthy floor.

Josaphine quickly got up without the help from the glitch and stood. She paused and stared at the glitch then began to slowly backed up. The glitch waved and began to introduce it self. "Hi, Im Jinx." She spoke a little off with a "Sss" at the end of her words. "I see you met some of my friends and i wanted to ask if you could not report us to the Humans." Said Jinx. Josphine seemed confused but she still was scared so began to run away from Jinx. Josaphine noticed the glitch Jinx was getting closer to her and running even faster. Josaphine ran as fast as she could as the words raced in her mind. "Im dead." She thought. Josaphine kept running then looked behind her which caused her legs to give up on her and fall. Josaphine fell back into not the ground but a person. She looked up at two handsome faces one she remembered was clever but the other was new. The new one had pink hair and tilted his head and smiled at her. He held her in his arms. Clever helped her up gazing in her eyes. She blushed but then the blush quickly faded away as Creature ran up. She wore a black tanktop and red skirt with a black eye patch. Creature glared at her. Josaphine quickly stood she was surronded not able to escape. "Hello fair lady."Said the Glitch with the pink shaggy but light hair bowing down to her. Clever pushed him the pink haired glitech to the side and bowed also to her. She stared blankly. "Um.." She did not expect such manners from them. "Owe knock it off." Said Creature sternly killing the mood. Creature walked up to Josaphine and grabbed her by her chin. "I swear if you tell anyone about anything you saw I will-." Quickly Creature was cut off by Jinx. "You have to be nice to her." Jinx pushed Creature away and gave Josaphine a warm smile. "Hello. Im sorry but we did not get your name." Said Jinx. "Tell us your name gorgeous." Said the pink haired Glitch. Jinx glared at him and spoke with a stearn voice. "Shut up Vinx." She stomped her foot on the pavement and everything went quiet. "J-Josaphine." Josaphine stumbled on her words. Jinx smiled. "Well thats a pretty name." As Jinx spoke creature quickly came in. Creature bent down to Josaphine sitting on the floor scared, not that Creature needed  to bend down she was one of the shorter Glitches. "Better not tell anyone or guess who's parents wont wake up in the morning." She said giving a glare which was hidden from the tree's shade which they were under. "Owe shut up." Said clever now sitting behind josaphine holding her hand. Creature's eyes quickly darted towards his direction. "What did you say.." Her eye twitched. Clever's ears drooped and he quickly stated he said nothing. Jinx gave them both a warning stare the looked at Josaphine with a smile. "Well we hope you wont say anthing to anyone that would be great." Jinx turned back into a rabbit the green gust of smoke disapeered and a rabbit running off was left. Clever whispered in her ear "See ya later." Clever began to walk away but then glitched like a computer and disapeered. Vinx winked at her and disapeered also like a computer glitch. Creature glared at her then looked at where the two boys disapeered. "They are so stuiped." Josaphine opened her mouth to speak but creature was gone before she could say anything. Josaphine sat on the floor thinking. "Should I tell my parents ... that red head glitch might kill them if I do." She thought to herself then stood. She looked around seeing if she was not the only one that saw the glitches but it seemed she was. She began to walk once again then she came to a conclusion. She was going to tell the police tomorrow.

Chapter 2

It was a cloudy morning. Josaphine woke up. She felt a weight on her as she woke. She opened her eyes to pink eyes that stared right at her. It was the pinked hair glitch... Vinx his name was. Vinx and Josaphines noses were touching as he had a wide smile at her. He has his hand over her mouth. He whispered "Did anyone tell you your cute when you sleep." Josaphine eyes opened widely. She squirmed around but Vinx held her down. "Get off her you Perf." Yelled Clever the orange haired Glitch,who stood against the wall with his head down. Both of them wore hooded capes. Vinx had ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. Clever wore ripped jeans and had no shirt on. Josaphine stared at clever but clever didn't look at her. Vinx noticed her staring at Clever and frowned. "Get off her!" A huge push of force pushed Vinx off of Josaphine and onto the floor. He layed on the floor with a huge sigh. Jinx stood there staring at Vinx. Josaphine quickly sat up as a rumbling sound came from her all wooden dresser which had silver knobs. The Dresser rumbled and the top drawer flung open. Out came another glitch. Josaphine remembered her with the cat ears. The glitchs name was Colla and Josaphine stared at her. Colla had all of Josaphines socks on her

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Free ebook ยซJamaa by Creature Moon (ebooks children's books free .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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