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Book online «WEREWOLF Soulmate by rose kim (urban books to read TXT) 📖». Author rose kim

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or getting angry I was pouting like a little girl when someone is scolding me .. I really like the way he shows his care towards me by not pretending it but instead actually doing it …well at last my pouting and puppy eye face made some effect on Namjoon and he allowed me to buy some instant noodles just in case I am too tired to cook some food for myself. By our behaviour in the shop the owner misunderstood us being in relationship and said to me “ what a lucky girl you are ..he sincerely cares about you ..he is keeper “ the lady smiled at me while I was paying for the grocery , I returned her smile while looking at Namjoon who was waiting for me outside the shop as he insisted of paying and as I denied he can’t see me pay , I replied to the lady “well we are just friends”….”for not long”, she winked and smiled at me gave me my changes and then I left the shop having a smile on my face …Namjoon looked at me and asked “What’s that smile for?” He raised his one eyebrow , GOD! Can this guy be anymore handsome “” I shuttered  and blushed a bit ..was I just crushing over my friend who I know what about 4-5 hours, he laughed in his most beautiful voice at my reaction to his question .. then he looks the bags from my hand and he put one bag in my bicycle basket and hold the remaining two in his hand …then we walked our way towards the next destination that is the Library cafe …it was noon time and we both were a bit hungry so after settling by the balcony of the cafe that is on the topmost corner a private space which Namjoon usually uses or book for himself (as I get to know at the entrance counter)  , we ordered some Pizza , stuffed garlic bread and Pasta for ourselves. While we were waiting for the food I surf the library for the books …i am more into fictional and thriller novel and ancient history  And Namjoon’s taste is philosophy and autobiographies ..while I found the one book I was waiting to read since it came out . I was disappointed as it was on the top of the shelf ..i was unable to read there , I looked for the ladder but no luck the  I thought of taking Namjoon’s help but I saw him having a conversation with someone on the phone and I do not want to interrupt him because he was looking serious while talking, hopelessly I turned around and try to stand on my toes or jump to reach the book my hand was almost there when a felt a arm around my waist covering my bare tummy as my t-shirt was lifted a bit exposing my skin and the other hand picking the book for me “ you might get a sprain in your waist if you stretch this much” Namjoon said so softly in my ears that it made me blush for he second time in the day I turned around still in his arms to say thank you but found myself staring at the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life ..” You could have asked me if you need help with something “..he stated with both love and concern and still with that soft voice that can melt anyone “ I do not want to disturb you were busy attending a call” I said or barely whispered to him ..this much closeness is not good for my heart …its beating in the speed of a bullet train and I can feel my face burning red ..” I am always free for you ..just order me do to anything anytime of the day or night “..he whispered back to me we were staring so intently towards each other that I thought that the time actually stopped and the whole world just paused around me ..but shortly after that we were interrupted by the waiter coming to serve our order .. Namjoon’s arm left my waist making them feeling cold without his presence and then we both headed towards our table with our respected books …we ate our food silently as I was so flushed by that interaction of ours by the book rack that if I see Namjoon’s face right now I might not be able to eat due to shyness …i literally stuffed my part of the food in my mouth so that I can sit by the sofa at other end by the window alone to read the book for next few hours …





As a werewolf I have a great sense of hearing in the morning as I was going on my way towards Alex’s house I heard her heavy breathing and panting and then her fall … I ran toward her and found her on the ground by the bicycle on the other side I helped her to get up made sure she is not hurt can this girl be so careless riding bicycle on this part of the forest at this speed ..this girl concerns me a lot …as she said she sensed someone was following her I made of joke of it and made her believe that it can be some sort of animal..but inside it made me worried about her safety ..who can be following her ? …i insisted of accompanying her for the day as I do not want to leave her alone after knowing that she is being followed …we made our way towards the town and help her brought some groceries …she is seriously careless about her health as much as she is of her safety .. I restricted her buying unnecessary and unhealthy food for herself…but at the end I have to let her buy some instant noddles for herself as she made the cutest and innocent face which melted me made me want to hug her and keep in my arms forever but I can’t do that right now ..not so soon I just patted her hair and let her buy the goods .. I waited for her outside the shop while she way paying ..i heard her conversation with the lady its not that I eavesdrops them ..but because I have high hearing sense ..i can’t help it …i find her reaction cute when I deliberately asked her what they were talking about .

When we reached the Library cafe I asked about my personal space key ..(yes I own this Library cafe ..and that space is only for my personal use. We both went upstairs ordered our food and after that she was busy surfing within the shelves to find herself the desired books and I took the opportunity to call Jimin and ask him if he know any details about the strange identity that was following Alex in the woods ..Jimin told me it was Mark he saw Alex getting in the woods and he was just concerned about her as she is new in the town and don’t know the route … I was happy that it was Mark not some rouge or stranger following my Alex ..but I still scolded him as because of his careless act she fell and could have been seriously hurt. I ended the call and searched for Alex and found her struggling to reach the topmost shelves ..she is taller then most of the girls I have seen but still shorter then me ..while she was struggling to get the book it gave me time to admire her physical feature one more time (last time I did in the bus) she do got curves and body of a athlete ..while stretching her body to the fullest to get the book her t-shirt lifted revealing her bare skin inner wolf growl ..he wants to touch her right now ..kiss her make her mine ..but I really can’t do this right now ..i can’t scare her away from me ..i slowly went behind her Put my left arm around her waist ( I really can’t control my wolf..  I’m  literally struggling to control him from turning her around and kissing her ), and by my right arm I get the book ..we were standing so close , I inhaled her body scent and my body literally froze from her aroma .. “ you might get a sprain in your waist if you stretch this much”.. I said softly in her ears indulging myself in her aroma , she turned around within my arm clearly showing my effect on her as she did not utter a word just simply staring at me with those beautiful eyes  and her cheeks that very turning every shade of red with every passing minute ..” You could have asked me if you need help with something “… I said once again so softly that I can break her from my voice , hoping to get a response .. “ I do not want to disturb you were busy attending a call” ..she said or whispered matching the same volume of my voice …she looks so perfect this close … I can never be busy for my only mate the love of my life ..” I am always free for you ..just order me do to anything anytime of the day or night “.. I whispered back to her ..i was struggling way to hard for letting me not kissing her …we both stared each other …so close to my mate yet I’m so far away my heart was beating for the very first time this fast …. I want to kiss her so bad and tell her everything that she is missing about my life and me ..i was about to do that but was interrupted by the arrival of our waiter … I have to leave her side so that she won’t feel awkward in front of the waiter ..but it made me sad releasing her from my arm …as we sat together to eat the food she did not looked at me once all focused on eating food ..maybe she is angry from me for holding her waist without her permission .. so I did not disturbed her throughout the evening but she looks so cute ignoring me to hide her blush …as she was busy reading her novel by the window on the sofa which is usually my spot of reading , I admired her ..she looks so innocent while reading , her change in expression due to the change in plot of the novel made her attractive and sexy at another level in my mind 7 in the evening we left the Library cafe and were going towards her house …i suggested to drop her as She was having more luggage for a single person to carry home all alone she agreed to me …while we were walking silently I asked “so ..was the novel?” ..” it was great!” She exclaimed..and starts telling me about the storyline and about the author that wrote it ..that thing made me see other side of her that is once she started speaking of something of her interest there is no way of stopping her …we reached her home she parked her cycle and I can see she is debating whether to invite me inside or not “ I think I should better go home ..mum must be worried as its almost dinner time .” I said before she can say anything “ Well then you should better hurry .”..she laughed “ and Namjoon “ she scratched the back of her neck “ I am sorry for taking your whole day ..and Thank you so much for everything you did for me .”..she said

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