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Book online «WEREWOLF Soulmate by rose kim (urban books to read TXT) 📖». Author rose kim

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to face Namjoon he was standing so close .i got startled by his sudden by his sudden appearance .. Namjoon noticed my movement and grabbed me by my waist so that I won’t hit the counter and hurt my self on the waist ..instead his hand hit the counter’s edges ,..then I noticed he was there to put the glass on the counter beside me .. I can smell the freshness of woods from him and his cologne .. I processed what he just said to me ..he cares for me so much …at this movement I remember the scene of ours in the library .. I love the way his hand feel so right around my body like a missing piece of a puzzle …. “you should seriously calculate your actions before doing it …for the third time in the day you could have hurt yourself” he said softly kinda whispered but the in a concerned way but with a amused smile on my clumsiness .. “ well I would have if have not startled me by your sudden appearance “ I sated whispering towards him faking anger … “ well then its my mistake… I’m sorry princess”…he smiled softly  , stepped a bit away from me releasing my waist  and then took my hand bowed like a prince and kissed my hand .. “ I hope the lady has forgiven this man for his mistake ?” He asked faking being a royal ..that made me smiled and I said “ apology accepted .” Just then the microwave bell ring which means the food is ready to serve and eat . I served both of us in different plates and poured some soda . Namjoon suggested of watching some movie while eating … he offered me to choose the movie while he was setting up the table by the sofa in the hall .. I choose “ want to see THE NUN!” I exclaimed happily founding the movie .. I am not saying that I am brave or not scared of ghost but I still love horror movies … Namjoon smiled in a challenging way “ are you sure ? Or if you want to hug me you can say directly no need to torture yourself” he joked …. “ are you challenging me ?..fine I won’t hug you the entire movie even if I was scared to death “ I said defending myself by crossing my arm on the chest … “ we’ll see” Namjoon said patting may hair like I’m a small kid in front of him …  “you know what lets make it more scary ..then we’ll see who will hug whom.” I said and turned off all the lights of the house . I turned for my way back towards the T.V when I realised that it has became so dark that I can’t even see my way back to the sofa ..but I guess Namjoon realised my reason of delay and turned his phone’s flash on to guide me way back to tha sofa . “ seriously what will you do without me ?” He said with a smirk on his face , I ignored his question ..because I’m acting way too dumb lately around him .. “Eat your food and watch movie Namjoon .. no chitchatting to distract yourself from the movie” I said … He obeyed and turned towards the T.V screen .. the movie started and I tried to finish my food as fast as I can before any hideous scene starts and I lose my appetite. The first half of the movie was okay it was not as scary as I thought we took 2 minutes break as the screen paused on intermission by the Namjoon … he helped me in putting the dishes back in the kitchen .. and then he went to use the washroom of guest bedroom whereas I went back upstairs in my bedroom to  use washroom brush my teeth and also to bring blanket for us as its around 1:20 in the night and its getting cold  downstairs. We resumed the movie with all lights off sitting side by side not hugging as because of the stupid bet I made …. I was already distracted by the movie due to the presence of Namjoon   sitting this close beside me . I sneaked a peek towards him he was watching the movie with so much concentration one point I saw him liking his lips …those lips , I want to kiss them so desperately ..i nearly caught my breath imagining how it would be like kissing those lips .. then I mentally slapped my self and try to concentrate back at the movie., I don’t know there is going to be snakes in some scene … I am extremely terrified of snakes even there photographs are enough to scare the hell out of me …so when snakes came suddenly on the screen I was not able to control my self and screamed and covered by face with my palm and starting crying a bit ..Namjoon at this point don’t give a dam about the bet and hugged me …he took me in his embrace and tried to shush me down .. I relaxed in his arms and try to defend myself for screaming “ I am not scared …i..uhh.. j.ust hate snakes ..they are like nightmare to me” I said between my hard breaths , Namjoon smiled “its okay …nobody is punishing you…and no snakes will get you I promise .. I’m right here ok?” I nodded “ fine shall we continue or you want to leave it here”…. At that point I realised to calm me down Namjoon has paused the movie and currently I’m sitting on his lap hugging him so tightly ..”I guess we should continue…i hate leaving movies in between without knowing the end” I said while trying getting up from his lap , but Namjoon restricted me doing so by grabbing me by my waist , ( again waist ! Its my weakest point )..

“I think you should stay like this ..its much more comfortable for both I guess” he said softly in my ears making me shiver by his calm and soft voice .. I nodded and he resumed the movie .. I rested my head near the crook of his neck the whole time , I felt so calm and safe between his arm ..his aroma surrounded my body and us being this close inside a blanket is not helping me at all in keeping me concentrated …i slowly started drifting in sleep and then I closed my eyes taking breath filled with cologne and magical aroma.

# Namjoon’s P.O.V  

I looked at her sleeping so peacefully in my arms ..i slowly lowered the volume of theT.V .. and just looked at her ..she is so beautiful mate she is ..when I heard her saying over the call that she has no eaten anything yet I immediately went to the kitchen and Luckily Jin my chef was there ..he always prepare some snacks for me to eat after my run in midnight ..i asked him to make lemon rice as Alex was craving for ..he immediately made some and packed that for me .. .. I drove my way to her house in my Bugatti Chiron .. I rang the bell two time when I was about to go back thinking how stupid I am doing all this thing which might make me look like a creep , she opened the door ,..she was wearing black shorts and a white tank top just tank top nothing else .. I quickly shifted my eyes towards her hand which was raised above her head holding a baseball bat cute she is  “ what are you doing here this late ?”, she asked I adjusted my gaze which were making way back to her top .. I quickly looked at her and said “ you think you can save yourself from a intruder by just that bat ?” I joked to distract myself from the tension that was building inside me as my wolf is really trying to get out of control . 

“I asked first mister.” She stated pouting like a little kid who is confused what is actually happening around her  “Well here ..” I said giving her the box that Jin packed  …

“what is this Namjoon?” She asked so softly and confused af “Lemon rice .” I  said scratching the back of his neck .. why am I so nervous around her “well my mother made some extra for me in the dinner and you were craving so I thought why not I should share it with you “ I lied ..i can’t tell I her that I asked Jin to made that specially for her …she was looking at me blankly …“ um Alex .. I guess its your time to response” ..i said trying to get her attention from her train of thoughts 

 â€ś um ..yeah ..i mean that’s so sweet of you” she said nervously.. she looks so cute and innocent when she is nervous I want to keep her in my pocket literally .

.“I hope I did not creep you out ..coming this late”.. I tried to apologise for my sudden appearance

“NO! Are you kidding..thats the sweetest thing anybody has done for me …why not you join me in you said you want to share it with me which technically means you will be eating it with me .” She exclaimed suddenly leaving me off guard ..…

“Okay sure ..if you are comfortable with it ..” I  asked just to be sure that she is willing to be in my company right now she did not replied just opened the door wide open welcoming me inside the house .. I smiled at her gesture and entered inside a bit nervous whether I will be able to control my wolf or not … I followed to the kitchen and sat on top of the kitchen table ..she walks so smoothly and effortlessly like flying in the air ..she offered me the glass of water which I took 

“So you were so worried about me being hungry that you came this late to deliver food ?” She asked , “ well I was worried not about you being hungry but about your safety .” I replied stating half truth  she turned her back towards me as she was transferring food from the box to the bowl I guess to reheat it in the oven “ safety?” She asked

“ remember you said you are thinking of ordering some food ..well I don’t think its appropriate and safe to have some random person at your doorsteps at time of night,…when you are living alone and also new to this down ..people might take advantage of you .” I said getting down from the counter to put the glass in the sink beside her ….but she turned in the meantime and got startled as she was not expecting me to be behind her , she was about to hit the edges of the corner by her waist  but I grabbed her waist before she get hurt ..and this position made me remember our encounter in the library today …. We were so close her hot breath was hitting my face and her scent was engulfing me and that body of her which was pressed against me with just tank top was not helping me at all.. she is giving me really hard time in controlling my wolf as well as me “you should seriously calculate your actions before doing it …for the third time in the day you could have hurt yourself”  I whispered ..trying myself way hard not kissing her.

“ well I would have if have not startled me by your sudden appearance” ..she whispered

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