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Book online «Dangerous Games by Ghost Wolf (ebook reader web .txt) 📖». Author Ghost Wolf

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the open end of the pipe to see where we were. The water lapped at the edges of the pipe where it drained out into the massive hole. Abby lunged forward not risking losing them and ended up with her arm twisted behind her back. 

“Ow!” she cried her dart gun dropping into the water that reached ankle high. Adam and Aiden got defensive but cautious. 

“Dont, try, me,” I said softly my eyes hard. Abby struggled in my grasp wincing at the pain. Kyle stood behind me eyes narrowed. The sound of footsteps splashing through the water behind the Americans. 

“Adam! Aiden Abby!” a voice called as a dark haired boy and three other men came around the corner. Kyle tensed one hand on my shoulder. 

“We are outnumbered,” he said quietly only loud enough for me to hear. His warning was clear. Tread carefully. 

"Let go of Abby and everyone just relaxe," Adam said quietly trying to resolve this before things got too tense. He wanted to end this peacefully, without anyone getting hurt. However Abby wasn't one for listening and brought her other arm around, her elbow slamming into my nose breaking out of my grip. Kyle stopped us from falling into the water and caught me from falling onto the ground. She had her gun raised at my head aimed for my forehead, calm and collected her nose flaring as I stood again shaking my head. Blood dripped from my nose, but the dangerous flash in my eyes made her nervous her calm demeanor fading. Now there were seven opponents armed, and no way for us to escape except into the sewer where I almost drowned and no way of defending ourselves without loosing. 

"Come with us quietly and don't fight us," Aiden said stepping forward his own pistol out. I narrowed my eyes trying to determine our chances of survival. Right now I couldn't think clearly because of the darts effects and Kyle could escape through the air. My right foot pivoted giving me purchase while I turned my body ever so slightly my hand touching Kyles. He got the message but stayed firm. If he wouldn't leave I'd have to force him. I spun around and pushed Kyle backwards forcing him to transform into his bird form. Looks like the sewer drain may be my only option. I dove into the water resurfacing as a wolf. 

"Don't let them escape!" Aiden yelled as two splashes sounded behind me. Kyle flew over head dodging darts from Abby while I evaded the other two in the water. One glance to the piping we just got out of and the others were gone. Somthing grabbed my tail and I yelped slamming one foot into whoever grabbed me and rolling onto my back. A dark brown haired American maybe, with green eyes, about 20 years old was holding onto my tail dragging me closer trying to wrap his arms around my stomach without getting bit or scratched. The other appeared next to me grabbing me around the neck and dragging me backwards towards another pipe. Snarling I twisted and turned trying to get out of his grasp but it was like being hugged by a bear and I almost couldn't breathe. Kyle dove down with a screech his claws digging into the mans back before screeching in sudden pain and going silent. Panick swept over me and I snarled kicking and struggling as I was dragged into another pipe. No no! NO! My feet were pinned and my head was held down, rope wrapping around my ankles, hands pressing down on my front feet keeping them down while someone's hand wrapped around my snout keeping my head down. 

"Where's the damn muzzle!?" someone snarled as I kicked into soft muscle. Everything was moving too fast I couldn't process the events. Kyle was dead injured or unconscious, I was pinned and about to be completly tied and escape was becoming impossible. Shadows above my head as someone handed the muzzle over. Eyes wide with fear i thrashed as hard as i could my breath coming short and heavy. Cold metal against my snout and leather straps were forced over my head and over my muzzle. 

"Finally, damn," Abby huffed as rope was wrapped around my neck and my attackers stepped back. I growled dangerously panting and still struggling, until i could see Kyle lieing still at the egde of the pipe his hands tied behind his back and a blind fold placed over his eyes. 

"What now? Taff said to keep them away from the main base but theyve already proven they can escape from bonds. Our best bet is a cage, where they belong," Abby spat glaring at me, before looking away from my peircing violet gaze. 

"We take them back to base just blind fold her," Adam said sounding tired and irritated, one of the larger men, the one that had grabbed my tail picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder while Aiden placed a blind fold over my eyes. I growled angrily struggling with what energy i had left. The fear i felt was overwelming. What next? What would they do with us? How do we escape?


I may have been blinded but i could smell just fine, the sound of every step they made echoing through the sewer pipes. Having been designed to memorize information, escape, and attack effectivly my memory was spectacular, my senses 100 times better than a mere human being, i was easily able to memorize the path they took to reach their base. I had several things i had to focus on at once, mainly direction, my faded energy and exhaustion, and where Kyle was. That and desperatly attemtping to scramble away from the americans grasp with my feet bound. Eventually i was forced to stop attempting to escape in the condition i was in and the fact i had no idea what i was supposed to do or what was in store for Kyle and I. The footsteps stopped ubruptly, the sound of their splashing echoing into a moment of silence. A knock sounded echoing before the sound of stone against stone grinding against each other followed. I huffed as i was jostled uncomfortably and i was carried into a new structure. One that didnt smell of the sewer, wasnt cold and damp, and smelled of more people and food. 

"Have you lost your damn mind?" a deep and heavily accented voice asked the fury in his voice evident. My captor tensed underneath me, his muscles tightening.

"They escaped. We couldnt leave them were they were anymore," Adam said authority in his voice. Unlike his calm caring demeanor with Kyle and I before. The tension, anxiety, nervousness, anger, and fear wafted in waves throughout the room. The grinding sound returned signialling the exit closing. Not good. I grolwed tensing before wiggling and then digging my claws into skin. With a yelp i was dropped the stone ground below me cold. I went still listening my ears twitching before focusing behind me. 

"So its true," a soft voice said rather than asked. Young, american. WHat was with the all the americans? What was going on? I growled letting the sound still the air untilt the footsteps were next to my head. Frozen, a hand moved to the blindfold before air swiped behind my ear. 

"Dont. Not yet," Aidens voice sounded closer before someone picked me up and dragged me furhter into this death trap. Snarling i barked and snarled struggling. A few minutes later i was set down on the ground of a darker room  and the sound of another form being set down as the blind fold was removed and they left Kyle and i in a cell locking the bar door and walking away. Adam sighed watching before someone called his name and he left glancing back before closing the door to the hall. Snarling i struggled against my bonds frustrated and angry. i couldnt chew the ropes off with the muzzle over my head and Kyle was still unconcious. Frustrated i lay there quietly listening. What a nightmare. i sighed my nose flaring flicking my tail before attempting to roll onto my stomach and sit up. Thats when i noticed the camera in the corner the red light in the corner glaring. The chill i got as i felt their eyes on me i shook my head and crawled over to Kyle poking him with my head the cold metal of the muzzle pressing against his cheek. Wake up damnit! I pawed at his face barking. Dude I can't sit here like this! Get up! I sighed and stopped messing with him setting my head on my paws sighing again. He must have been shot with a dart. My eyes sagged exhaustion catching up and dragging me down. Nice thing about being a wolf, I wake at any and all sound and fall asleep quickly. I would just have to wait. The cold stones were biting, and I wish I was back at my den or in a tree where the ground wasn't cold. I traded one prison for another and dragged Kyle with me. 

My ear flicked at the sound of the hall door opening and footsteps stopping at the door. Having woken I stayed "asleep" listening one ear perked the only sign I was awake. Keys jingled and another set of footsteps approached. I lifted my head eyes narrowed a soft growling sounding from my throat. My eyes flickered to the gun in the new figures hands, Aiden at the door opening it. I stayed put watching with peircing eyes. 

"Try anything he shoots you," Aiden said stepping into the space and slowly approaching me. My fur stood up the growl getting louder my muscles tensing. He knelt down and carefully removed the bonds around my feet eyeing me the whole time. He stood and walked back out locking the door a shudder running through him. He looked at my eyes before looking away. They were scared, of me, of what I was, I stood stretching thinking about the past day. I paced the prison occasionally pawing at the muzzle around my head. A week ago the lab had a break in for the first time ever and the whole place went on lock down and both the US and Germany went on high alert without causing panick. Documents on Kyle and I as well as past attempts were stolen. I took this information and compared it to these people. The fact they had easily broken in, were almost completly unaffected by the fact Kyle and I could change our appearence to an animal, and how well they worked against us. Could it be the same group? It could explain why they were unaffected, and how they managed to break in again. I flicked my tail pacing the floor. Damn this fucking muzzle! I pawed at it growling a whine occasionally escaping. God I hated this thing! I walked over to Kyle and patted his head with a paw whining at him. Oh for fuck sake wake up! I slapped him on the head before pushing my nose under his stomach and rolling him over. I stepped onto his stomach before stepping in between his legs. That

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