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there’s potential for you.”


A light orb watched over Silos, shooting up into the air after the conversation ended, happy to hear the outcome.


Nikki and Rachel watched from afar with eyes filled with curiosity and fear. Nikki didn’t trust Silos while Rachel was afraid of approaching him. Nonetheless, both sisters kept their distance from Silos.


A locked chest stood on a wooden table, a key laying aside it.




Episode Five "Secret Plans"

A week later, Arkshaw opened its annual summer festival, filling the village with screams of joy and laughter. Luther and the village lord hosted the festival to liven the untroubled atmosphere to bring back the usual atmosphere. This festival acted as the mediator between the broken souls and intertwined the lives of the villagers, bringing them together with glee. 

Silos watched from the roof of his hut as villagers of every age and race propped paper lanterns on thin strings hanging over them. Adults raised their children to the string to tie their lanterns---full of marks and sloppy drawings---to it while other adults shared kisses and cuddles.

Meanwhile, Silo had looked down at the ground and noticed the puppies yipping at him. They were too small to climb to the roof, leaving Silos by his lonesome. He glanced up, glancing back down to ignore the vibrant scene, focusing on the spear. It had returned to its natural color of carbon black with a red tip. 

“The key?” He muttered. “I am the key?” 

“Hey, Silos!” Luther shouted, awakening Silos to reality. He snapped his head to Luther before jumping off the roof and landing on the ground awkwardly. Luther stood with two other men, wielding faces of disgust.

“What’s wrong?”

“Where have you been, son? The festival’s starting.”

Silos looked up at the sky, noticing the sun’s descent and the moons’ arrival. “My bad, I was too busy working on the hut to remember.” Luther then nodded, dismissing the men that stood at his side. 

After they were out of earshot, Luther pulled Silos closer to him. “I got an oracle today from the village’s priest. Nikki and Rachel are in trouble.” 

Silos looked at him strangely. “They’re in danger?”

Luther looked around, scanning for eavesdroppers. “They don’t know this, but they are disciples of the nature goddess Artemis.”

“Somebody wants to kidnap them?” Silos asked, connecting another set of dots to form a picture. He used his anime knowledge to predict the scenario.


Silos shook his head. “How do they not know that-”

Luther put a finger to his lips, shushing Silos. “Before she passed away, their mother had them blessed by Artemis before dropping them here. I found them and decided to take them in as my disciples.” He then looked at a grave, some feet away. “I made a promise with their mother to take care of them. Her last dying words were ‘let them live’. I’m not going against that wish.” He then motioned for Silos to follow him, traveling to the common area, planted in the middle of the village. It served its purpose as a meeting place for all. 

“I want you to protect them, can you do that?” Silos nodded. 

“I’ll protect them.”


Silos entered the festival, his spear in his hand, and searched for the sisters. While searching for them, his eyes lingered on the open stalls and carnival-like games the villagers held. Gourmet food and attractive prizes lured his eyes. He took a step closer to an open stall with meat kabobs when something else attracted his eyes. The sisters were dressed in a Japanese-style kimono. 

The otherworlder influence was apparent.

He walked up to them, catching Nikki off guard. “What are you doing here?”

“Enjoying the festival, what about you?”

“I am…” She turned to look at her younger sister. “Leave us alone!”

“But I’m here to pro-” A sudden silence overcame him. Almost as if he wasn’t allowed to indulge the information.

“Pro what? Provoke us?” Nikki shouted, alerting the attention of passersby. This didn’t help Silos’ reputation.

“No, I’m-” Again, his words were cut off. However, this time it was voluntary. His eyes followed the sight of a slave, dressed in rags and dirty, being hauled off into an alleyway. He walked towards the alleyway, leaving the sisters behind. Nikki followed after him, leading her sister along.

Silos peered into the alleyway, watching as the slave was driven into a building through a backdoor. He followed the slave and it's captor, peering into the building’s dimly lit backroom.

“Let’s take their blood and reform her!” A man muttered, keeping his voice at a whisper.

“What about that otherworlder? If that goddess finds him, then what can we do?” Another man chimed in.

“I don’t care about him, he’s not a threat. Let him bask in his dirty hut with the stupid pups he’s carrying. As long as he doesn’t interfere with our plan, then everything will go correctly.” A third man remarked. The third man was the slaver that hauled the slave inside. The slave that he had was a female with long white hair and pale skin. The slave girl looked down, tearing up slightly as the men changed their conversation onto her. 

“Get Luther and the guard here now!” He instructed the sisters silently. Nikki nodded, dragging Rachel with her. While they went for assistance, Silos stayed behind as the conversation began bubbling up for a bloody climax. 

“We need blood for phase two of the plan.” The first man said.

“Why did you think I brought her.” The slaver remarked, pointing at the girl. 

“Let’s get started then.” The second man said, standing up. He brandished a knife.

Silos shook his head, knowing that Luther wouldn’t arrive in time. He burst into the room, wielding his spear. He then pointed the spear at the three men, who mask themselves in their cloaks. The first stage reopened, unleashing a beam of magic at the men. It collided with the men, pushing them to the brink of death. Fortunately, however, they were only knocked unconscious. Silos stood on top of them with his spear aimed at the back of their throats. Their plan was exposed.




Hello All!


Silos will be going on a one-week break (known as the mid-season break), but I will be taking the first fourteen days of January off, so Silos will return on January 27th, 2021. Until then, you can enjoy the other series apart of Generation VI (November 2020 - February 2021)


Troy: The Demon Knight S1: Blueway [Monday]

Silos S1 [Wednesday]

Element S1: Becoming A Hero [Thursday]

Atlas Online S1 [Saturday]

Aiden & The Holy Sword [Sunday]

Episode Six "Spirits, Slaves, and Cults"

Luther and the ABG arrived to arrest the men. The villagers of Arkshaw surrounded Silos, beginning at a few sparse claps until reaching a pack theatre’s applause. Silos looked around wildly, unfamiliar with this new feeling of accomplishment, looking down bashfully. 

The men were arrested and taken to jail where their ruling was generated based on the evidence; which was plentiful and damming. Before they left, however, Luther inspected them quickly.

Luther then went up to Silos, his face filled with shock. He was surprised when Nikki and Rachel informed him of the situation. 

“It seems like you bested the threats against the sisters.” He remarked.

“Threats?” Nikki questioned.

“They were going to… hurt us?” Rachel asked, her ears drooping. 

Luther shook his head and motioned for them to follow him. He led them to his house and opened the leather book from earlier. “This is my encyclopedia. In it is all of my knowledge ranging from Dragonbreath potions to otherworlders.” He then flipped to a page with a purple and white mark at the top right corner. “This page holds everything I know about this symbol,” He said, pointing at a triangle with two of its lines completed. The third one was curled into the middle before shooting slightly up. It nearly formed a smaller triangle within the incomplete larger one. 

“What does that symbol mean?” Silos asked him.

Luther shrugged his shoulders. “The only thing I know is that it’s not something good. A cult perhaps.”

Nikki scratched her head. “Why does this cult want us?”

“I don’t know why, but they do. For the time being, Silos will accompany you.” Luther then looked at the slave girl that followed them. “As for her…”

“What should we do with her? We can’t give her away.” Silos said.

“Why doesn’t Silos...” Rachel chimed in, her voice starting strong until descending into a whisper. “... take care of her?”

Luther agreed with the proposal, handing the girl to Silos. At first, Silos tried arguing but gave up after it went nowhere. The girl was now Silos’, even if he didn’t want her. Nonetheless,  Luther granted him a house, an upgrade when compared to a hut. He took the house, leaving to inspect it. The girl followed him.

“I would say that you should take the time to get close to him before he’s taken.” He said aloud to the sisters.

“Luther!” Nikki shouted. She slammed one of her feet on the ground. She walked away, her cheeks bright red. Rachel followed after her, noticing a weird stare from Nikki lingering on Silos. Almost as if something was brewing.


Silos took the girl to his hut, packing up his belongings. The puppies, now slightly older, kept up with Silos’ slower pace. The girl followed him obediently and without uttering a single word.

After walking for a few minutes, they came across Silos’ new house, a two-story antique apartment complex-looking building. He walked up to the entrance and turned the handle, finding it unlocked, and walked inside. He dropped off his belongings on a towel laid on the floor, next to the door; a doormat of sorts. In front of him were wooden stairs leading up to the second floor. The stairs beckoned him closer.

“Here,” A voice remarked from the second floor, frightening Silos. The girl and the puppies looked at Silos strangely, not hearing the voice. He instructed them to sit in the living room, which had a leather couch and a small glass table, before deciding to go up the stairs. As he moved up the stairs, he noticed photos framed against the wall, ripped or torn. Almost as if somebody had taken a knife to the family photos.

Once he reached the top of the stairs, he noticed a faint light orb circling him. The orb didn’t resemble Calantha’s orb, but a new one. A dimmer one. 

The orb circled Silos for a brief moment before expanding to take a human form. A very tiny human. It transformed into a female fairy with light green hair and dark skin. She wore an outfit resembling a ballerina.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Elara, a spirit.” She said, introducing herself. “Who are you?”

“I’m Silos,

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