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Book online «Silos: by Nick Venom (free ereaders TXT) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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Episode One "Arkshaw"

Silos---a black-haired male teenager with emerald eyes and tanned skin---walked up to a TCF bank. He passed through the automatic sliding doors and went up to a teller. Silos asked the teller about opening an account; The male teller responded, informing him about the account registration.

While they engaged in a conversation, four bank robbers burst in. The first two bank robbers raised their weapons and fired into the ceiling, cracking and breaking off small pieces of it. The robbers then pointed their guns at everybody in the bank. “Get on the floor!” Shouted the lead robber. He forced every customer on the ground, stealing their phones, and ordered his men to steal the money. One of the robbers grabbed a hold of the teller that Silos was talking to and brought him to the vault. 

“Open the vault!” Another robber shouted.

“I-I don-don’t have the c-code!” The teller exclaimed. “Only the m-manager has it.”

“Where is your manager then?”

“I don’t know! He’s off today.”

The robber grinned as he pointed the gun at the side of the teller’s head. “Too bad for you I guess,” The robber pressed the trigger, blasting the teller’s brains out. The other robbers glanced at him and shook their heads. Everybody else in the bank was shaken up by the robber’s vicious murder. 

“We weren’t supposed to kill anybody!” One of the robbers shouted.

“Forget it, the act’s already done.” The lead robber barked. He ordered the murderer robber to grab another teller and try again. The murderer robber nodded and grabbed a female teller, shoving her towards the door. 

Meanwhile, Silos was scanning the surroundings for an escape path. Without his phone, the only way to get help was to escape the bank and scream his lungs out. He picked himself up a few inches, glancing around for nearby robbers. With none in sight, he pushed himself higher, sitting up. A nearby woman noticed Silos and shook her head, motioning for him to lay back down. He ignored her warnings and crouched. As he was preparing himself to sprint towards the entrance, the murderer robber noticed him, from over the table, and shot at him. The bullets made contact with Silos’ upper chest, lower legs, and, finally, his head. He was murdered while trying to help everybody.

The murderer robber intended on killing everybody in the bank and was nearly there until Silos’ sudden escape attempt. The second murder alerted passersby and police. They arrived at the bank within ten minutes and arrested all four robbers, sparing the lives of almost everybody. Silos and the male teller were the only casualties.


Silos awoke to the warmth from the sun. He opened his eyes and noticed red and blue colored suns glaring back down at him. “Red and blue?” He muttered. He then, suddenly, shot up and inspected himself. He felt the bullets pierce his skin and fracture his bones, however, they were no longer there. He checked for the bullet holes but discovered his skin rehealed. 

He looked around his surroundings and noticed the grass was gold-yellow. 

“This isn’t Earth,” He thought aloud. “Where am I?”

Silos began to wander aimlessly for a road or sign of civilization. For hours, he ventured without food or water on an unknown land. He couldn’t recognize his surroundings and he was sure that Earth’s sky wasn’t green. It was clear to him that he wasn’t on Earth anymore.

“Could this be like those animes I’ve watched? An overpowered main character is reincarnated in a fantasy world.” He continued venturing for a few more hours, not finding anything that resembled civilization. The entire time he repeated, “Shouldn’t a beautiful girl had found me by now and taken me to her village?”  

Almost as if God heard him, two beautiful girls discovered him. They were demi-humans sisters.The blonde rabbit demi-human noticed him first, pointing him out. “Sis, who is that?”

A brunette cat demi-human glanced over at the person her sister pointed out and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, but he doesn’t look too good.” 

Silos was thirsty---not able to discover a water source---and collapsed in front of them. The sisters hesitated at first but soon decided to pick Silos up and take him to their village of Arkshaw.

His story begins now.



Episode Two "Wise Man Luther"

The sisters dragged Silos to Arkshaw, a village with a small population of a hundred. The small village was a collection of small huts and log cabins, enough for the inhabitants. The sisters that were carrying him were skinny and frail---due to the scarcity of food.

The sisters barely managed to take Silos to Arkshaw. They had little strength. “Where do we take him?” The rabbit sister asked.

“Rachel, let’s take him to Luther. He’ll know what to do.” Nikki---the cat sister--told Rachel.

“Yeah, Luther knows everything,” Rachel said.

Nikki and Rachel took Silos to Luther’s house, the wise man of the village. Luther was responsible for co-governing the village. Any decisions concerning the village were made through him and the village chief. However, he had more knowledge of the world than the chief.

Luther inspected Silos’ unconscious body and quickly declared that he was okay---only dehydrated. He sat Silos on a chair and woke him up. Silos awoke on a wooden bench, pressed against the wall, with an old man dressed in rags forcing water down his throat. 

“What are you doing!” Silos croaked.

“You are dehydrated! You need water!” Luther exclaimed. He forced more water down his throat. Silos gulped the water before moving Luther’s hand away from him. 

“I’m good, now where am I?” He looked around and realized that he was in a wooden log cabin.


“Arkshaw? I’m afraid to ask this, but what planet am I on?”

Luther shot him a short look of confusion before an idea entered his mind. He raced around the room, as fast as an elderly man could, before revealing a book. The book was wrapped in horse leather and its pages were made from a thick substance, unidentifiable by Silos. “You are an otherworlder?” 

“Otherworlder?” Silos questioned.

“What do we do Luther?” Nikki asked. Rachel looked frightened, hiding behind her older sister. 

“We cannot allow the Deity to learn about him. They will take him away and imprison him for eternity. Instead, we’ll keep him here!” Luther declared. 

“Here?” Rachel shrieked.

“Why will we let him stay here? He could destroy our home?” Nikki shouted, attracting the wandering ears of female passersby. 

Luther shook his head, flipping through the book before coming across the page he needed. On the page were the words, in bold, “Otherworlders---their strength can’t be underestimated.” He skimmed through the page for a minute before raising his head. “What is your planet called?”


Luther slightly nodded. “Who is your first president?”

“George Washington. Why are you asking me these questions?”

Luther ignored his question and continued forward. “Last question… what is the name of your solar system thingy?”

“The Milky Way?”

Luther closed the book, slamming it on a nearby table. “You truly are an otherworlder.” He then turned towards Nikki and Rachel. “Take him to the guest house. We will not be torturing or executing him.”

Nikki reluctantly nodded before motioning for Silos to follow her. Rachel tagged along, hiding behind her sister, but stealing glances at him. Silos ignored her and followed Nikki to the guest house, which turned out to be a small hut and fit for one person. Silos entered his new home and remarked at the simplicity of the hut; bare walls and empty space. There was only a bed and a small bedside table in the hut. 

“Here you go, otherworlder,” Nikki remarked, without remorse or positive emotions. She now saw him as a threat. An otherworlder that could devastate the town if they wanted to. I should’ve left him there, she thought.

Rachel, however, didn’t think the same as her sister. She hid out of fear of strangers and the infamous legacies of otherworlders. Most otherworlders that traveled to Historia from Earth had devastated large areas of land and toppled kingdoms based on their own whims. Otherworlders became infamous and most were killed on sight if their secrets were ever to be revealed. 

The kings of every nation pact together as a front to execute otherworlders they deem dangerous, However, the pact had broken down and tensions arose once rumors of Great Wolfstein summoning an otherworlder came to light. This created rifts between Great Wolfstein and the other nations and caused discrimination against their citizens.

Poor and rich were frightened by otherworlders and treated them as subjects of the demon king, leading to the human nations joining together in an attempt to overthrow them. This idea spread throughout the entire world and caused many to kill otherworlders, however, many didn’t agree with this way of thinking. Luther was one of these people. Wise man Luther didn’t discriminate against otherworlders, but he didn’t treat them favorably. He weighed his options and rolled the dice. If Silos would remain behaved for some time, then Luther would consider allowing Silos to stay at the village. If he didn’t then it would be to the chopping block for him.

Fortunately, Silos would be given the chance to prove himself.



Episode Three "Puppies"

Goblins had penetrated the wooden defenses of the village. The goblins charged through and began creating chaos. Luther emerged from his home and sprinted towards the fighting. He discovered the goblins and began using his original mystic arts to defend the village.

Meanwhile, Silos woke up from a long nap, restricted to the hut by the locals. For his safety, he remained in the village instead of fighting them. He was unsure of what his job was, waking up in a new world without a purpose. He wasn’t summoned as a hero to defeat the demon lord or anything like that. Moreover, his kind was even discriminated against, sometimes even executed. It was a dangerous world for him.

Silos popped his head from his hut, hearing the sounds of the fighting. He sprinted out from his hut, heading towards the sounds. He then came across Luther fighting against the goblins with the help of a few guards. Their enemies were a pack of knife-wielding goblins.

The two-sided battle became three-sided when two wounded wolves strolled in. The wounded wolves were being pounced on by the goblin pack. Using the opportunity, Luther led the guards into battle, emitting magic into the air.

Silos watched in awe as Luther angered the sky, bringing down the rain. The sky cried and

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