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Book online «alice in murderland by Michaela.A.Brister (best novels ever TXT) 📖». Author Michaela.A.Brister

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a male voice which i didnt know. "lets see what shes like, if she is bad news then do so" hatter answered.
i listen to the voice's of the hatter and the unknown person but then they fade and two more voice come i listen to them. "im sorry your majesty but the girl got away" said a male voice "then get her, she is part of the plan" a female voice said "yes your majesty".
i close my eyes as i continued to fall, i knew this would be the end of me, the end of everything for me.

i woke up, i saw the light of the morning sun peeking through the blinds, i sat up with a groan a cloth feel off my head. i looked around and saw dante sitting in the chair next to the bed, i follow his arm down to his hand. his hand was in mine, my face was bright red now, a small smile appeared on my face when i noticed hi was fast asleep, i moved closer to him and kissed him on the cheek.
he opened one of his eyes and smirked "well thankyou autumn that was very sweet of you" he said.
"i was checking if you were sleeping our not and my lips touched your cheek by accident" i say shocked and in a panic.
"you say that autumn but do you believe yourself" he asked.
i didnt answer and looked away from him.
chesa giggled as she came into the room with a video camera "looks like autumn likes dante" she giggled "cant wait to show everyone" then she was gone.
i got up and tried to go after her, but dante grabbed my arm and stopped me "calm down shes just teasing and so am i" he said sweetly.
i look at him "i-i knew that" i say and pull my arm free and left the room, to find chesa showing the hare, hatter and dom the video she had just got of me kiss dante on the cheek.
"anit it cute" chesa said.
hatter smirked and nodded "who knew under all those harsh layers autumn has a heart" he said and sipped on his tea.
"dont be nasty hatter" hare said and hit him over the head with his tray then looked at me "how you feeling dear" he asked.
"fine" i said sitting down.
"are you sure? you were saying some weird things as you slept" he said at that point dante came out.
"i was like what" i ask.
"get her shes part of our plan was one thing" dante said "another should we dispose of her".
i stare at him "i-i said that" i said.
"yes, we all heard you, it was really freaky" dom said eatting some cheese.
"hatter can i ask you something" autumn said.
"go ahead my dear" he said
"before i arrived did you talk to anyone and if so did this person ask if you should dispose of alice and did you say lets see what shes like" autumn asked.
he almost choked on his tea "i-i....that was years ago" he said "that was when your mother came into town... how did you know about that" he asked.
"my dream, i saw and heard you talking to someone in my dream, then i heard a male taking to someone called her majesty" she answered
hatter stared at her then a grim smile appeared "youve been dream listening into the past present or future there my dear, now what did her majesty, the red queen, say" he asked.
i thought about it for a second "i...cant remember" she said.
he frowned "you remember mine but not hers" he said "all we know is shes got plans for you autumn"

chapter 5

dante placed a blindfold across my eyes,"ok autumn just listen" dante said.
i nodded, dante was going to train me so that when were ambushed i can take care of myself. i was wearing some of chesas clothes which made me selfconious, whilst the hatter made me some new ones out of the measurement he has.
"you ready autumn" he asked.
i nodded "but take it easy" i say
"i will autumn your a beginner" he said, and charged at me. to mine and his surprise, i turned towards where he was and blocked his attack.
he kept on slashing at me and i kept blocking never loosing my stance once, he tried to knock me over by attacking my feet but i just flip forwards and end up with my back to him, i can tell he smirking, then he charges at me again, i turn block and serve a blow he didnt expect which knocked him off his feet.
i removed my blindfold and stare at him, i smiled "i see the great dante has been beaten by a girl" i say.
"i was going easy on you love" dante said as he got up from the floor and went behind me and placed the blindfold back on "now for the next level and this time your not facing me, your facing one of my warriors".
i nod "let him at me" i say getting into a fighting stance holding my sword ready.
he smirked and said "umbra bellator" which was shadow warrior in english then stepped away from me, as a warrior made of shadows came up from the floor "hes all yours autumn, you need to defeat him to stop him, if i think your struggling i will step in".
i nodded and wait for the shadow to attack, but i never heard it nor did i think it attack, until i fell to my knees, i rip of the blindfold to find me not where i was but somewhere else, i look around before getting up, when i did i felt a hand on my shoulder i turn and see a beautiful women dressed in red with a crown, she looked at me and giggled then grabbed my hand "autumn, follow me" she said her voice as sweet as sugar.
"ok" i say and begin to follow her as she pulled me along.
"i need your help autumn, but no-one trust me" she said "i want to bring happiness back, but people you think your friends are trying to stop me doing so".
"who" i asked.
"the hatter, dante, chesa, dom, the hare, white rabbit" she said "please dont trust them, once they have your trust they will use you, and then get rid of you".
i just stare.
"once you come back to reality please come straight to my castle" she said.
i nod "but where is your castle" i asked.
she stopped and touched my head showing me the way.
i look at her before everything blacked out and i was back behind the blindfold.
i could feel grass on my hands and dante ".....tumn, autumn are you ok" he said worried about me.
i rip off the blindfold and pushed him away, "leave me alone, i know what you and the others are planning to do once id helped you destory the red queen just get away from me and leave me alone" i snap
"autumn why are you acting like this me and the others will try and get you home once we have defeated her, she killed your mother and shell kill you" he said calmly.
"no you killed her, i hate you" i snap and began to run, but the shadow warrior grabbed me and pulled me back to dante.
i tried to get away but the shadow warrior held me in place as dante said "im sorry autumn i cant let you go running off to the queen i dont want you dead" he said.
he toke me from the shadow warrior and toke me inside the hares home and made me sit down the hare looked at me and him as i tried to get up and run "whats happening with you too" hare asked.
"queens got to her i think" dante said
"why do you think that" hare asked.
"because shes trying to run off to her, she thinks were thinking to kill her or something" dante told him.
hare frowned and went and got hatter, hatter came in quickly with a vile of a clear liquid "autumn i want you to drink this" hatter said.
"no i wont" i snapped.
hatter frowned and sighed "dante could you do the honors" he asked.
dante nodded and toke it from hatter before opening the vile "sorry about this autumn but if you wont cooperate then theres no other choice" he told me, he put it on his mouth and suddenly kissed me forcing the liquid in my mouth and down my throat.
i was shocked to feel his lips on mine and the liquid go down my throat, i didnt stop him because i was quiet enjoying him kissing me.
i stare at him as he removed him mouth from lip and wiped his mouth clean, like it meant nothing to him, hatter watched me as i tried to keep awake, but eventually my head dropped and i was asleep, he smiled "i hope soon shell get rid of the idea of the red queen as good" he said , dante nodded in agreement.

chapter 6

i woke the next day, it was still early since the sun was just rising from the horizen, i look around and see that i was in the chair from the day before, i couldnt remember and wondered why i was asleep in the chair and not in the bed i had laid in the day before.
i got up and went to the front door, i didnt know why but i didnt want to stay here, i wanted to leave to find something but didnt know why.
i open the door and began to walk through the grass away from the the hares home, i wondered if they would even care if i were gone, as i carried on walking my thoughts from the day before began to return, it filled me with hate and anger for trusting the hatter and the others for believing what they had said.

whilst i was walking the red queen on the other hand was waiting for me to arrive, she turned from the balcony that she was stood at as the doors of her throne room open, she went back into the room to find her manservent and joker, garola, she wore a black strap top with short black skirt and a half white mask which covered one of her red eyes and one side of her face, a mini top hat which she wore on her red hair "has she arrived" the queen asked impatently.
"not yet my majesty but i sence she is coming" garola said calmly."she would have been here soon if dante hadnt senced something and told hatter and hare"
"when shes in my hands there gonna be first to be excuted" the queen said annoyed.
garola let a little giggle "you have the best ideas your majesty but may i just say, that dante can be a formidable oppent and an extremly useful allie, he wont go easily so why not give him to me, and hell be under your control in no time" garola suggested.
"thats a fine idea garola i may do that" the queen said sitting down in her thrown smirking as she did "i am so glad you give me your full devotion".
garola nodded "i wouldnt give you anyless your majesty, now i should go wait and greet our visitor for when she arrives your majesty" garola said.
"of course, of course, once she arrives please take her to the parlor for tea and tell the kitchen to prepare it" the queen said.
"yes my queen" she said bowing then leaving the

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