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Book online «Mirrored Demon by Michaela.A.Brister (ebooks children's books free .txt) 📖». Author Michaela.A.Brister

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Chapter 1

"Katie" a whispered honey sweet voice called me.
I froze in the ice cold mist forming round my ankles in the dark of night, I turn to see who had called my name but all I see is honey golden eyes through a frozen wall of fog "please come Katie" the voice said holding its hand out towards me. who ever this was his voice was inticing and was luring me towards him
"don't" said another voice, a deeper, from behind me, "you must not take or trust him".
I turn and see a pair of deep onyx purple eyes "you must not trust him, you must come with me Katie" said deep voice. even though this one scared me, i felt like i could trust it more.
I look back from one pair of eyes to another not knowing which i should choose, which i should trust, what would happen if i didnt choose one.
"come to me katie, if you don't then that purple eyed demon will take you from this world" the first voice said his voice so intoxicating i toke a glance at him.
"katie dont trust him, all he says is lies, i might be scary on the outside but im good on the inside" said the deeper voice. i turn to him again staring into his glowing onyx eyes.
'look at the heart not the cover' something inside my brain said.

2 days earlier

16 today, red eyed and white hair, and i was at school laying on the school field staring up at the clouds in the blue sky, the sun was bright and shining, like it always did when it wasnt raining, i watched clouds drift past making shapes then disappearing to make new ones, i remember doing this as a little kid and loving every moment of it. a voice suddenly called me and i sat up to find it was no one other than the jerk i know as ray jakeman, everyone thought he was a hottie but me i hated his guys.
"why" i shouted back
"just get over her" he shouted again
"fine fine im coming" i shouted geting up and going over to him "what is it" i said not sounding happy
"need your help" he said
"with what" i asked
"cant say, tell you inside" he siad
"no tell me here" i said
"no inside" he said getting up and dragging me towards the school building.

"oh we cant do it here, we need to go inside" he said smirking "I don't really want people seeing you helping me" he grabbed my arm and lead me off the field and towards the school doors, I began having a bad feeling, he lead me into one of the classrooms and locked the door.
"w-what are we doing in here" I asked moving away from him
"like I said before you are going to 'help' me, if you haven't heard from any of the others in our year at school, I made a promise to do every girl in our year, well all the pretty ones" he told me
I stare "I'm not pretty, I never have been and never will" I say
"that is what you think, Katie, have you ever wondered why we all talk about you, have you ever wondered that" he said walking towards me.
"no, because I know why, its because you all hate me, because I'm different" I said.
"different you are, but all the guys don't hate you, the girls are jealous and the boys want you" he told her, grabbing my arm.
"that's a lie I know it is, then why do you all keep away" I asked.
"we don't you always push us away Katie, have you ever noticed that you tell us all to leave you alone, when we try to sit with you" he told me.
I looked at him "b-but you lot say things nasty about me I hear you" I snapped
"oh that is just to attract your attention" he said smiling, "now down to business"
I swallow hard, and tried to move away, but he wouldn't let me, he rammed his mouth against mine, I blushed at the same time tried to get away, his tongue was now in my mouth "mmmmm" I say hitting him my free hand, he broke the kiss smirking "oh what is wrong Katie, didn't you enjoy your first kiss" he asked.
I growled "let me go, you complete idiot" I snap and kick him in the balls, he let me go and crumpled to the grounded.
He swore as he was on the ground, I ran to the door "get back here" he snapped
I unlocked the door and ran out the room my white hair flying behind me, he kept calling from the room as I kept running, I looked behind me to see if he was coming or not, when I turned to look infront of me I ran right into one of the new kids, and fell backwards "sorry" I say.
I look up at him and blushed, he smiled at me and held out his hand "its fine" he said as I toke it and he helped me up.
"its not....." I say as I heard shouting from behind.
"get here now Katie" ray shouted coming out the classroom.
I turned and looked at ray, then turn back to the new guy "I'm really sorry" she said again and ran passed the new guy.
he grabbed my arm before I could run off "ill protect you" he said softly "so please don't run any more".
I nod, as ray approached, the new guy got in front of me so ray couldn't get to me, "move newbie" ray said.
"sorry cant do that" the new guy said, still standing in front of me.
Ray glared at him, and made a fist with his hand "move" he ordered,
the new guy shook his head, ray went to punch the new guy but the new guy grabbed his fist and bent it backwards.
Ray cringed in pain as the new guy kept bending it back "you gonna leave her alone" he asked
ray nodded, when the new guy had left go, ray ran off.
The new guy smirked "so who is that ass hole" he asked.
"that's ray, the school jock or hotty, either will do" I say.
he nodded "so yours names Katie am I right" he said.
I nodded "and yours" I asked.
"Brandon" he told me.
I smiled "well I thank you Brandon for saving me, now I really owe you" I said.
Brandon looked at her "no you don't, all I want is you and me to be friends" he said.
I looked at him "you want to be my friend, why would you want to, I'm a freak, everyone says so" I say.
"your not a freak Katie, people who say you are, are ass holes" he said to me sweetly
she nodded "I have to go now though, I have to meet up my cousin" I say
he nodded "may I come" he asked
I look at him "Of course you can but he's only at the office, he's moving to this school because he was expelled from his others" I say beginning to walk down the corridor, him following me.
"so what's his name, this cousin of yours" Brandon asked
"Darren" I say
he nodded "there was a Darren in my old school, very difficult if you ask me" he told me
I nodded as we arrived at the office, I look at the Emo boy sat in the chair, he looked at me and toke out his headphones.
I went and sat next to him and waited for Darren to arrive.
The Emo boy looked at me "why are you sitting down" he asked me.
"I'm waiting for my cousin" I told him as Brandon sat next to me.
"your such an idiot Kate" the Emo boy said.
"please don't tell me, my cute older cousin gone Emo" i thought aloud, then blushed when i said it.
"oh so you don't like my new look Kate, that's fine, then ill just leave" he said.
"n-no don't go Darren, I'm just shocked to see you like you are" I say panicking slightly.
"then don't joke with me" he said then noticed Brandon and glared "what is he doing here".
"w-what? Do you know each other then" I asked looking from Brandon to Darren.
"yes we know each, he was the mental guy named Darren I was saying about" Brandon said
I looked at Brandon "don't call my cousin mental" I snap as I get up and take Darren's hand and storm off down the corridor away from Brandon.
"see you haven't changed" Darren said smiling.
"and why have you" I asked.
"because people change" he answered.
I sighed “come on lets get away from him” I say.
Darren nodded as he followed me away from where Brandon was.
Brandon didn't follow he just sat and watched me walk off with Darren, I felt like, he like me having my tantrums, I sigh as I stop at the door which led outside, "you OK, Kate" Darren asked me.
I nodded "of course I am why wouldn't I be" I said to him.
"its because you didn't look it back then, is he your boyfriend or something 'cause if he is then im call with you and him" Darren said.
"no he's just someone i meet today, Darren, he saved me from ray" I said
Darren frowned at the name "ray again, he's such a dick" Darren said.
"i know he is, and he tried to do it with me" I told him.
he growled "where is he" Darren asked me.
"i don't know probably on the field but please don't go and do something......" before i could finish he was out the door.
i chased after him as he charged towards the field, ray was sat on the field with his mates and girls who adored him.
ray saw him coming over "what can i do for you Emo" he asked.
"do you even remember me, ray" Darren asked.
"why the hell would i, i don't bloody know you" ray said.
"you will after I'm done with you" Darren said smirking.
ray lowered the sunglasses he was now wearing "what" he said confused.
"oh i believe you should, since last time i said to leave my cousin alone or you would get your butt kicked once more" Darren told him smirking as he clicked his fingers
ray swallowed hard "D-Darren" he said jaw dropped "i-i was joking"
Darren eyes narrowed "and i wasn't" he hissed
ray got up and backed away "hey, hey Darren mate, i-i was only kidding around with her, i didn't mean to do nothing offensive to her" ray stuttered.
"i am no longer your fucking friend ray" he snapped "and was last time a joke, when you know perfectly, that today and last time wasn't" Darren approached ray.
ray swallowed hard as Darren grabbed him by his collar and lifted him of the floor "h-hey Darren, I-I'm sorry only M-messing around OK" ray said scared.
that moment, Katie had arrived "messing around, well were just messing around now ray" Darren smirked.
"Darren put ray down" i said "he's not worth your energy".
Darren looked at me "your right this lonely worm isn't worth it" he said smirking, he threw ray to the floor then said to ray bending down to him so he could look him in the eyes "next time, im going to kill you if you dare mess with Katie again, do you understand me?"

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