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Book online «Falling Stars by Marc962 (universal ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Marc962

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signaling it as dusk, the two were each on one of the two beds breathing heavily, both grinning ear to ear, facing the ceiling. It was a Sunday, so there were no classes for the day, a day filled with whatever Alex wanted. Both were covered in sweat. The once separate beds were now pushed together. The white bed sheets were loose and hanging halfway onto the floor. The mattresses had deep claw marks next to Shelly had lain.
Alex cracked a smile. Shelly’s got claws

, he thought to himself. As if reading his thoughts, Shelly flushed a light pink and giggled a little. He reached his hand to his chest to grasp his locket in his hand, and realized his chest was bare. Alex laughed a bit, a slight pain in his chest as it rose and fell. Alex didn’t even remember his t-shirt being taken off. Alex turned on his side to look at Shelly. She was staring at the ceiling, not noticing his eyes. Her blouse was gone and underneath she wore a sexy black lace bra. Her skirt was torn at both sides all the way to the tips of her hips, only a few stray strands of fabric holding it together, giving a good view of her matching black lace panties. Alex grinned so wide his mouth hurt. Now that he remembered

, he thought to himself.
Shelly spent nearly an hour explaining as they caught their breath. She was obviously different, Alex knew that much. But truth be told, she wasn’t even human. She was a fairy. “When someone says fairy, they usually think of an unorganized society and race of cute girls with wings, flying around spreading happiness and joy, basically Tinker belle. It is true that most faeries are born, well beautiful, but only a few fairies in the world actually have wings. And a few fairies actually like to travel around and spread misery and pain, manipulating human’s emotions for fun, its rare but it happens. A few faeries can influence the elements, such as wind, air water or fire, like me. I guess you would call it magic. Most like me live in an entire city for fairies in the forests, and don’t even bother to make contact with humans. One thing every single creature in existence has in common is the power of names. Everything in life and death has a certain name that describes them, represents them, embedded deep inside their subconscious. To know any creature’s true name, is to have nearly absolute control over them. So of course, it takes a lot to get any creature to tell you its true name. For instance, if you knew my true name, you could force me to fall in love with you. Not that you’d need it.” Shelly explained briefly. Alex could feel her grinning. When Alex asked if there were other types of magical creatures in the world, Shelly looked like she would die of laughter on the spot. “More than you can even begin to count. You could easily find a city full of mythological beasts, if you knew where to look. To tell the truth, I came from a giant city full of them, only a few days journey from here.” Shelly said happy to answer any of his questions. Alex thought for a moment, and spoke once more. “What about the human ones? You know, vampires and werewolves and wizards. Do they exist too?” He asked. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Shelly nod. “Werewolves and vampires gifts spread through bloodlines and the venom in their nails and teeth. Wizards are different though. The gift rarely flows through bloodlines, in fact its’ quiet common for random humans to end up with the gift of wizardry. The only thing every wizard has in common is a Muse. Every wizard is born with the talent and capability to weave magic, but the Muse is a sort of barrier that stops the magic from randomly spouting out of them. If the Muse was never activated, the wizard would live out his days as a relatively normal human being. The only thing that could find a wizard effectively is other wizards. The more powerful the wizard, or the weaker the muse, the easier it is for other wizards to find him or her.” Shelly paused and gazed at Alex's bare chest.
She slowly looked away, and then continued. “To tell the truth, wizards used to be one of the strongest magical beings a long time ago. They ruled all the magical kingdoms as kings and queens, tragedies occurred in both the magical world and the human world, around the time of that 9/11 event. What made wizards so powerful is that they could use any kind of magic. Wizards are born when a regular human being is exposed to large amounts of raw magic, so they can be created anytime in their lives. But soon the wizard population died out and grew weak, and they were dethroned. To this day, no one is really sure what made them die out like that. Nowadays only a few hundred wizards exist and know of their gift, and those that do are slaves for many years to pay back the large debt they owe for their ancestor’s crimes. Others just aren’t strong enough to be found, or their Muse is too strong and kind of blots them out. Now there is a giant council watching over the magical world, one seat for each general species of magical creatures, theirs demons, fairies, angels, elves, werewolves, vampires and magical beasts. All of them specialize in a different type of magic. Demons can corrupt or turn anything or anyone evil to the core, human or not, with dark magic, also known as Hellish magic. Fairies have the magic of influence, whether its people or nature we influence, like when I lifted that text book without touching it. Elves control the magic of innocence, or in other words defense and healing. They can make a shield so strong, even an atomic bomb wouldn't leave a crack in it. Angels rule in the magic of light. They can create a sphere the size of a golf ball that's as bright as the sun. And some magical beasts can do nature magic, like starting a rock avalanche with a stomp of your foot. All of each is more common than you would think. One of the rarest of the magical species is demigods, the offspring of a mortal and a god. Back in the time of wizard rule, demigods were like phantoms, nearly impossible to find but still plentiful. Now they’re just hard to find because there is so few. They aren’t that much different from humans so their appearance is rarely changed because of their godly heritage. Each one can specialize and master in any type of magic to a level of absolute mastery that would bring a thousand-year old elder wizard to shame.” As Shelly spoke in her angelic voice, Alex instinctively fingered his locket, rolling the familiar smooth surface between his fingers. Shelly slowly sat up. Finally noticing her torn up skirt, she was stuck between a playful grin and a fake pout slash frown. Finally she sighed miserably. “Now I have to walk to my dorm, which is halfway across campus for more clothes, half-naked.” Shelly groaned. She started to stand, when Alex raised his arm in front of her, and sat up himself. She stopped and turned toward Alex with an eyebrow raised as if to say, You got any better ideas?

Alex then faced Shelly. “As a gentleman, it is my duty to help a beautiful woman in need of assistance.” Alex said, impersonating a stuffy Englishman. Shelly giggled a bit, and then lay back down on the pillow. “Make sure you get me something sexy, Alex.” Shelly said playfully, letting the S’s roll off her tongue. Alex handed Shelly the remote to the TV, stood up and made his way to the closet. He quickly threw on a t-shirt, grabbed his empty book bag and made his way to the door. As he opened the door a thought occurred, and he paused, looking back to face Shelly. “What is your true name anyway? You never said.” Alex said thoughtfully, an eyebrow raised. Shelly slipped her finger under one of the panty straps and stretched it out with her finger. “Come back soon and you’ll find out.” She let go of the strap and it lightly snapped against her skin. Alex grinned like a fool and headed out the door and toward Shelly’s dorm in the dusk.

When Alex returned, Shelly quickly got off the bed, took the clothes, flashed him a playful smile and slipped into the bathroom. Alex took the chance and straightened up the bedroom. He threw the clothes scattered on the ground into the hamper, pushed the stray furniture against the walls except for the beds and turned off the TV. Then he set to work on the beds. Alex pushed the two beds tightly together and tightly folded down the sheets. He frowned, knowing that they would just be scraped off by the two’s ‘playing’. He reached into his dresser and pulled out a thick roll of silvery duct tape. He duct-taped the sheets down onto the beds and decided to tape together the beds themselves as well. He lifted the joined beds and placed them closer to the bathroom door. He even took the time to duct tape the legs of the beds onto the floor. As he finished up, nearly ten minutes had passed. She probably can’t decide on an outfit

, Alex thought to himself. Alex had filled his book bag with a dozen different outfits from Shelly's dresser. Most were extremely revealing and made Alex’s mouth water like Niagara Falls at the thought of caressing Shelly in any one of them. He smiled to himself, wondering what she would choose, and continued to ‘prepare’ the bed room. Soon he thought he might have over done it a bit. The lights were still off, so he could barely see the duct tape coating the underside of the beds. It was still early dusk and the curtains were draped across the window, blocking out nearly all of the light. The smell of oak trees and intense ecstasy thinly floated around the room. As Alex finished cleaning the room, he heard the bathroom door slowly opening. Alex smiled to himself, stood up and slowly turned around to face Shelly who leaned against the door frame. “I thought you would never come out.” Alex said. He looked Shelly up and down. Her skin and hair was dripping wet, a thin stream of steam drifting through the bathroom door. Alex slowly realized that she was taking a shower. At first, it seemed sexy and got him a bit excited, then disappointed him when he saw her choice of clothing. She wore nothing more than a plain, white, covering bathrobe that not only killed the mood, it danced on its grave. Slowly, Shelly made her way up to him, and made an obviously fake frown. “What’s wrong Alex, disappointed?” She said sarcastically. Slowly she untied the front of the bathrobe and pulled it open as if she were modeling. Alex thought he might have mauled her on the spot the moment he saw what she wore under the robes, and almost did. Shelly did a pose letting Alex examine her and let the bathrobe sag on her shoulders. If he had at some point died and gone to heaven, it was a trillion times better than he ever thought was possible. Underneath the robe she wore a bra made of nothing more than yarn and carved bark that Alex doubted could hold her breasts. She also wore a long cloth loosely tied around her waist that fell between her

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