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Book online «Soulmate-2 by hima (best color ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author hima

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is?" I asked.
"Don't know, I have to look up." he replied.
"Where are your parents?" I asked.
He shifted uncomfortably but soon he tried to hide his uneasiness by smiling which didn't work out well with me.
"They are on a business trip." He said.
I wanted to ask more about them but Sam and Henry appeared out of nowhere.
"You guys are freaking me out." I screamed at them.
"Sorry." They said mocking me.
"When did you move here?" I asked.
"This morning." Sam said.
"Let's go to my home. I want you to meet My grandparents." I said.
I introduced them to my grandparents. The only weird thing is when Aunt Annie saw them she spoke to them as if she knew them her entire life and Jesse addressed as if she was some other girl in the college. I really felt it weird; I mean Jesse is a man of manners.
Grandma called me into the kitchen when I was thinking about it seriously.
"Go to the shop and get some milk cans. We have shortage here." She said.
I rushed outside to get what she asked. While walking on the side walks, I thought of the weird things that I usually ignored in Jesse's case. He speaks as if he is from different times, He has a secret that he can't tell, He never actually spoke of his family and when asked he feels uncomfortable,He said that he bought the home, was that an understatement?
I was so wrapped in my thoughts that I didn't notice that I was being followed. I brought some milk and groceries and left the shop that's when I noticed someone watching me from across the street. My heart began to race as I saw that the person was wearing a black cloak and he headed towards me. I ran across the deserted streets, I need to go to a place where it's crowded I thought.
I ran through the empty streets, it's like I was in my dream again, only this time it's happening. My stalker was really fast he closed on me in seconds. I fell to the ground. He leaned over me and pulled my chin up. I tried to close my eyes but enthusiasm got better over me. I never saw his face in my dreams or the last time at academy and here is the chance. What am I thinking? I don't know. He looked handsome but in an inhuman way and I have a strange feeling that this one is not the same as the one I saw in academy.He raised his hands up in the air and one blow was all that took to knock me out. I tried to stay focused that's when he leaned towards me and breathed my scent like a dog. I felt creeps on my spine,I tried to restrain him from coming any closer but he caught hold of my hands and brushed away my hair on the neck. I shrieked at the top of my voice when something sharp tore my skin. All my bad dreams came back to me intensifying the pain on my neck. I lay on the floor waiting for the final blow when I heard a loud thud and few more thrashing sounds. Then I was being lifted into the air this time it wasn't like trying to throw me but like carrying me like I was a baby. I tried to see who it was, I took a last look at him before passing out.

I tried to open my eyes but they felt heavy and wary. I tried to take in my surroundings. The walls seems to be familiar, I am in my room. I felt someone hands placed over mine.I tried to move my head sideways to see who it was. It hurt like hell I let out a gasp of pain.
"Are you awake?" Aunt Annie asked looking at me.
I blinked back my tears to reply. She checked on my temperature and helped me to sit.
"I'll get her medicines." Aunt Annie replied leaving me with my friends.
"What happened? Who attacked you?" Helen asked.
Others stared at me waiting for my response.I rubbed my neck where he pierced my skin, thinking of the near death experience. I don't know how I even survived that's when the image of the person flickered through my mind. Jesse ran at once to me and examined the marks on my neck. He left the room at once without any say. I was really confused by his actions. Sam and Henry mumbled something like they need to go home and left soon.
For the next three days I am put to bed trying to recover. I constantly had the feeling of someone watching over me. I thought it was probably due to my ill health.
I felt like stretching my muscles. Over the three days I have done nothing but sleeping. I walked over to my backyard and sat on the chair lazily stretching my legs. I didn't want to go alone after that day so I thought it's better to stay within the surroundings of my home.
I dozed off in the chair; those pills make me drowsy. I woke up with a start when I heard a huge thud. My instinct was to find some place safe. I ran for the back door that's when I saw Jesse charging at a cloaked person. My knees shivered on seeing him, I know Jesse would be no match to his strength. I just ran towards Jesse hoping to protect him someway.
When I closed on him, I had a good look at the person in the cloak, He is the same person that attacked me in the valley. He barred his teeth at Jesse. He brushed away him and lunged at his throat. Jesse glided away and punched him in the ribs. His glare intensified fixing his victim with dead look. I knew what would happen next he'll drain as he almost succeed in doing to me the other day, if not for the other stranger.
I wanted to protect Jesse so badly, I shrieked at the monster on him. He raised his head but ignored me for his prey and he tried to get hold of Jesse's neck but as if something unseen barrier is present around Jesse he couldn't reach him. he got vexed by trying to reach him which gave Jesse enough time to attack him. Meanwhile Sam and Henry joined him. The monster didn't seem to lose energy he thrashed anyone that neared him. I know they are going to lose that's when I saw Kenny rushing towards them. I shrieked at Kenny to stay away, He glanced at me and winked at me. What was he thinking? I stared at him unable to do anything.
Everything got confused by the next second. At first I saw Kenny charging towards the monster and then a huge white wolf charging at the monster. I was so distracted that I didn't notice Andy running from my behind to the fight trying to freeze the monster. He was successful freezing his hands but it only took a few seconds for the monster to shake the ice as it is dust. He continued shooting arrows of ice at him, the leads tried to cast every spell to dismantle him, the huge white wolf attacked him with claws.
That's when I remembered fragments of a dream that I got long ago. I charged at the beast stabbing him at the precise point where the monster has marks same as mine. He whelped in pain and I pierced the sword further more into his head soon the body crippled onto the ground and a silvery thread ejected from the now slit open neck. It burn into flames as soon as it saw the sun leaving ashes over the ground.
I regained from my trance like state and saw the body in front of me that has no head. I puked onto the grass and blacked out, I felt someone carrying me away.
I woke up with a start when I saw the horrible image again. Someone assured me that everything is going to be okay.
"I killed a person." I cried.
"He's monster, you have no other choice besides to be killed or to kill." Helen reasoned with me.
"But....."I stammered.
Jesse took my hands into his.
"He is a monster."
"He is still a human being."
"He is not. It's the most dangerous alien that invaded our planet. They have many names soul drinkers, silver hawks but we assume them as vampires." He paused for my response.
"I don't understand." I mumbled.
"They are alien creatures. They need a host to live, that's why they completely drain a person and then occupy their body. The person you thought you killed was actually dead long before when they captured him."
"Am I dead then?" I questioned myself thinking of how he suck me away.
Jesse smiled gently.
"No you are not, that's what wonders me? How come you ended up alive on the front door of this home."
"I could have died too. If not for the other person there."
"What other person?"
"The one that brought me home safe." I replied.
"We didn't see anyone bringing you here." they replied startled.
"What happened that day?" Helen voiced.
I narrated them every detail.
"Who is this stranger that saved her?" Helen mumbled.
We stared at each other's face.
Aunt Annie came in and asked for Jesse.
After a few minuted I heard someone running up the stairs.
"Rose, pack everything you can. We are leaving." Jesse ordered.
"Where?" I shouted at him.
"Guys, you too." He said to others.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?" I asked as soon as we are in the car and driving out of the town.
"You are no longer safe there." Jesse replied curtly.
"Does that mean you aren't saying any more." I asked rudely.
I moved further away from him to show him that I don't like his attitude towards me, eased myself and drifted to sleep.
The car skidded to a sudden halt; If not for Jesse's hold on me I could have hit my head hard. I glanced over my shoulder to see what's happening. A black Jaguar was following us; it seemed that if it got a chance it would run over us.
"Not again." I sighed.
"Rise to maximum speed and stay still everyone." Jesse urged.
He closed his eyes and whispered something under his breath. He focused his eyes on the black jaguar behind.
"Sam and Andy, give us some fog." He said.
They nodded as if they understood and Andy blew some ice crystals into the air, it appeared as if snow is falling from the sky. Sam concentrated hard on something and then made a motion; he pulled back his hands with great force and then pushed them front as if he is throwing something into the air. The wind got chilly and I started to shiver. Jesse pulled me close and placed his arms around me. Helen snuggled close to Andy. Pull over the left corner.
"Do as I say."
We pulled over the left
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