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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (e ink epub reader .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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the Dream Realm. She told Wolf what to do once she called the spell with Lord Guardian.
“What about them?”
“You have to learn, right?” Ariana asked.
“I can teach myself.”
Ariana scoffed. “That’s what I thought when I was a little girl, remember?”
“I remember. Not only did you learn it, you nearly blew up a lot of things in the process.”
Ariana groaned. “Must you remind me?”
Katherine laughed until she heard someone shouting from the distance.
“Kat! Young Guardian!”
Both looked to see who it was. It was Sarabeth, and she was running, skirts in both hands so she wouldn’t trip over them.
“Am I glad to see you!”
“What are you doing out of the Epsilon?” Ariana asked.
“Danger, Young Guardian. Can you not feel it in your world?”
“What am I supposed to feel?”
“Sabrina. She’s Earthbound.”
“You are joking.” Katherine was in disbelief.
Sarabeth shook her head at her cousin. “Never. That was why she wanted the Black-as-Night Crystal to herself.”
“Rest assured she won’t be using that gods-awful thing.” Ariana replied. “I took it back to the Gatekeeper. It’s safe and out of anyone’s hands.”
“You took it back?” Sarabeth asked. “How did you get it in the first place?”
“My sisters, Katherine and I fought Sabrina and Damian in the Abyss for it. I thought of a spell,”
“I helped.” Katherine put in.
“Yes, Kat, you helped.” Ariana sighed. “When I had us call the spell, I took it with me to the Outer Realm.”
“Why would you want to do that?”
“To learn about it.”
“How did your Earthly Protector feel about that?”
“It almost destroyed the entire family.” Ariana supplied, telling her story.
Five months ago, Ariana had taken the Black-as-Night Crystal to the Outer Realm with her. With help from a certain Dominionite Queen Gloriana, Ariana found out just what kind of power the Crystal had over her. She was mean to her twin sister, almost seducing her brother-in-law and even went as far as attacking her oldest daughter Kelly. The entire Reading family, with the help from the Schmidt twins, fought for her life. In the end, Ariana indeed did take the Crystal back. That wasn’t all. Orthos, the Dominionite Master, now Lord Master of the Unknown, did a terrible thing himself.
“We found Orthos wasn’t finished with us.” Ariana continued. “He set a powerful force against us, making both my husband Derrick and his brother Jake crazy.”
“Uncle set the Djinn on them. Protector Derrick knew to call on Young Guardian, but his brother Jake went mad.” Katherine supplied. “For the past six months, all has been peaceful, thank the Gods.”
“You mean, they just gave up?” Sarabeth asked. “Surely, it was not that easy!”
“That’s what I thought, Princess.” Ariana supplied. “I knew Sabrina was just hiding out, biding time, but what could I do about it? Especially after finding I was pregnant again.”
“Her fifth child!” Katherine cried. “If Sabrina gets word of it, she will take advantage.”
“She may have heard already.” Ariana said. “Claudia told me about her. I just wish I could do something.”
“I have an idea. Why do I not become Earthbound to help?”
“You can do that?” Sarabeth asked.
Katherine touched the Amulet around her neck. “Back in the Crusades, Mother gave this to me for such a purpose. It is the Ruby Amulet, with the Earthbound powers of Premonition.”
“You are an Ancient Mystic. You need no charm to become Earthbound.” Sarabeth pointed out.
“I did not know this at the time.” Katherine replied. “You do not mind watching over Celine while I am gone, do you, Sarabeth? If you do not have to go back anytime soon?”
“I would rather not go back right now.” Sarabeth supplied. “My Lady Queen is certain to be mad at me. I came here through the Mirror, without her permission.”
“Does Enchantra know you’re here?” Ariana asked.
“She greeted me at the Palace.” Sarabeth said. “For now, go. I will tell your husband and daughter where you are.”
“Too late, Princess.” Came the husky voice of Katherine’s canine husband Wolf. “I already know. I trust you will be careful, Katherine?”
“As always, my Sire.” Katherine kissed him. “If anything happens here, do not haste to send for me.”
“Just watch over our Young Guardian friend.” Wolf teased, winking at Ariana.
“We’ll help each other, you’ll see.” Ariana replied. “Come on, Kat. Time to shift and call the Outer Realm Spell.”
Sarabeth and Wolf waved goodbye as the women left their sight.
Prologue #3:
Evil in the Canine Wood

For some time afterward, Wolf Stargazer was edgy. There was something lurking in the Canine Valley; he could smell it. He knew it from the moment his Young Guardian friend appeared after her patrols. She wanted to learn sword-work, but he could tell she sensed the presence as well. As it was, Ariana had gone home to the Outer Realm, taking his wife with her.
At least they will be safe. Wolf announced in his mind, pacing the grounds of Stargazer Castle.
Sarabeth noticed his edginess as she watched him pace back and forth in his full wolf form. “If it worries you so much, check it out.”
He stopped pacing and changed form to half-human, half-wolf. “It does not worry me.”
“You were pacing for no reason?” Sarabeth asked. “Listen to an Ancient Mystic, canine. We have keen senses.”
“So do canines.” Wolf argued.
“Why do you not use them?” Sarabeth asked. “It is your land, not mine.”
Wolf growled. “It belongs to Lord Guardian.”
“I agree. It does belong to Father.” Sarabeth supplied. “He has trusted you to look after it for him. It is your duty to oversee the Canine Valley.”
Wolf turned away, changing form and leaving her side.
Sarabeth folded her arms and smiled. “I knew he would see it my way.”
Meanwhile, Wolf Stargazer hunted the entire Canine Valley, searching for something that would give him a clue. It smelled familiar, but he couldn’t see anything. It was only a feeling, emotions ran wild in his wolf form.
As he padded closer to the source of the smell, he searched. His eyes saw nothing in color, so he changed them only. Still, no clues. That’s when it hit.
His eyes saw a tree in the Canine Wood down on the ground. He loped up to it and sniffed around for clues. It was an Elder tree; one of the Goddess Dana’s favorites. Its leaves were brown and scorched, as if burned by fire. The branches were pure black, smelling of smoke. With his teeth, he took one of the smaller branches and broke it in half. Sure enough, it was blackened all the way through to the middle.
Wolf shook his head. There was no saving this Elder tree.
“Leave here, Wolfton.” He heard a female voice reply from behind him. It sounded airy and almost far-away.
When he turned, he saw the Goddess Dana herself. On her face was a sad frown. A tear trailed itself down her cheek.
Changing form, he bowed. “Why are you crying, Goddess?”
“Some vile creature has done a horrible thing to my Elder tree.” The Goddess gestured. “Did you not see?”
“I see it, my Goddess.” Wolf supplied. He shivered. “There is more here than meets the eye, is there not?”
“Yes.” The Goddess supplied softly. She raised her hands to the air. “There is a great evil surrounding us. Can you not feel it, or smell it on the wind?”
“Aye, Goddess.” Wolf turned back to the Elder tree. “I am sorry I cannot save it.”
“Go home, Wolfton Stargazer,” the Goddess told him. “Before the evil takes you, too.”
With that, she disappeared. He changed form again and raced back to Stargazer Castle.
Unfortunately, his thoughts of the evil would not be the only ones in his mind. He owed Katherine an explanation all along, he knew it. He was bound to her through love and magic. He had to tell her something; just not now.
I have to do something about these feelings. Wolf thought to himself, stopping in front of the Castle doors to change form.
“What did you find?”
“An Elder tree, struck down and scorched straight through.”
Sarabeth gasped.
“The Goddess Dana came to me, Princess.” He supplied. “There is more to it than just a downed tree. I can feel it, smell it, hell, I can even taste it.”
“What can you do about it?” Sarabeth asked.
“Without knowing what the evil is, I can do naught but wait.” Wolf supplied.
“You will not!” Sarabeth cried. Wolf was amazed. She’d never spoken to him like that before. “You are the Sire of Canine Valley, a fine hunter of those who threaten this world, protector to all who reside in this realm and powerful Companion Crusader! You will not just wait it out!”
Wolf growled back. “There is naught to do, Sarabeth! What would you have me do? Tell Lord Guardian and have him worried over something that may be so trivial?”
“It is not trivial.” Sarabeth stated.
“It may be.” Wolf barked. “Why have Lord Guardian worried over nothing? How would that make me look?”
“You must do something, Sire!” Sarabeth announced. “You worry about how you look to my father? Worry about how you would look if you did nothing! What do you think would happen then? You would be laughed out of the Canine Valley! I know my father, Wolfton, more than you. He would lose his faith in you, never trusting you again.”
“Nay.” Wolf shook his head.
“Lord Guardian is kind and knowing.” Sarabeth continued softly, not hearing him. “You are a very loyal follower, able to handle many things this world throws at you.”
“What if I let him down?” Wolf asked, throwing the question into the air without thought.
Sarabeth heard him that time. There was something sad in the wolf Companion’s voice. She thought hard about her next words. “He would not have crowned you Sire of the Canine Valley if he did not think you could handle it.”
Wolf changed form and loped away, disappearing into the brush.
“Princess?” Celine was at her side in moments. She saw the tears running down Sarabeth’s face. “You are crying.”
Sarabeth took the pup-kit child into her arms, holding her tight. “Something is happening to Wolf, and I am at odds to stop it.”
“Do not worry, Sarabeth.” Celine supplied. “I am here.”
Sarabeth noticed how compassionate the child was and took advantage of it.


Katherine walked with her Young Guardian before they left for the Outer Realm.

“Something bothers you, my friend.” Ariana supplied, taking Katherine’s hand.
Katherine knew she couldn’t keep it from the Young Guardian. “Wolf. He is different lately.”
Ariana nodded. “Yeah. I sensed it, but didn’t have the chance to say anything.” She supplied. “How different?”
“He constantly acts like a Warrior.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?” Ariana asked, confused.
“You do not understand.” Katherine stopped in her tracks. “I fear he is turning Dominionite.”
“That’s not possible, is it?” Ariana asked. “He’s a Companion. Not only that, a Crusader. There’s no way he can turn now. He’s got a good heart, Katherine.”
Katherine stared at her friend. “You believe so?”
“I know so.” Ariana said with a smile. “Tell me. Why do you fear him turning?”
“His thoughts and actions are like those of a predator, silent and wary.” Katherine said. “By day, he is edgy, unable to keep still. By night, he is gone into the Canine Wood. He believes something is there, but cannot or will not tell me.”
“The Canine Wood has been overrun with tales lately.” Ariana pointed out. “Most of the canines are afraid to go in there. I don’t blame them. I try to stay out of the Wood myself.”
“They know something is up.” Katherine said.
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