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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (e ink epub reader .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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his little family close.
“We must go to the Mistresses on this one.” Katherine remarked softly.
“I agree.” Wolf supplied, turning to Celine. “Can you make it home by yourself?”
“I want to come with you Papa.”
“Celine, it is too dangerous.” Katherine remarked. “Go back to Stargazer Castle and stay there. We will return shortly.”
Celine hugged both her parents before disappearing.
“Why do you carry your gear?” Katherine asked him when they started on their way. “Did you sense something was going to happen?”
Wolf kissed her cheek. “Force of habit.”
Katherine laughed. “I will bet. Let’s go.”


Ariana made it to the Ancient Mystic Palace in no time. When she rang the hanging chime on the door, she was greeted by Enchantra.
“Do you sense it, Mistress?” Ariana asked as she walked inside.
“That I do.” Enchantra led her to the main room, setting her down. “Off your feet, Young Guardian.”
Ariana pulled away, huffing. “I mean no disrespect, but I wish everyone would stop coddling me like a baby. I can handle myself just fine, thank you.”
“I was only trying to help.” Enchantra supplied. She sensed someone behind her and looked up to see Lord Guardian. “O’Dell will tell you the same thing.”
“I appreciate it, really, but it’s getting annoying.” Ariana cried. “I came here for something more important. Why is my youngest daughter lying in a coma?”
O’Dell decided to speak up.
“It would seem Sabrina used Panther’s necklace to call the Resurrection Spell.” He said. “How was she able to get that necklace from him, short of coming here and getting it from him?”
“I suggest you tell us the truth.” Enchantra remarked softly.
Ariana looked from Enchantra to O’Dell. Neither were smiling. “I don’t know what came over me. I wanted to help Juliet Grey by having Mark answer her many questions. I called the spell and brought his essence back to life, just long enough to talk to us.” She explained. “I swear I called the Peacemaker Spell right after it, to return him here. Have you seen Panther?”
Enchantra shook her head. “Sabrina must have been listening, recalling the Spell when you left.”
“I don’t remember leaving.” Ariana said. “All I remember is waking up in Luna’s house, being coaxed to drink this gods-awful liquid Aimee brewed.”
“Who is this Juliet Grey?” O’Dell asked.
“Panther’s sister – Mark’s, rather.” Ariana explained. “She came to my doorstep not two hours ago, searching for someone who knew him.”
“Within hours of her visit, Sabrina called a deadly spell.” O’Dell remarked. “A spell that is never to be spoken. If it is, All the Realms of the Worlds will be in chaos. With it, Sabrina brought Earthbounds and Ancient Mystics back to the living.”
Ariana stared. “Who...?”
“Mark, Bonnie Marie, the Parkers, Angela and Melody.”
“Melody, as in Melody Jacobs?”
“The same.” O’Dell told her. “The only way to stop her is to call the Peacemaker Spell.”
“I did, but how did she reverse it?”
“She heard you call the Resurrection Spell.” Enchantra said.
“What happened here when Panther and Marie were brought back to life?”
“Just that. They were taken from the Feline Palace, leaving Destiny out cold.” Enchantra replied. “Even Melody Applebee felt the effects of the reanimation. She is in the hospital in a coma as well.”
“Is it an Ancient Mystic Coma, Mistress?” They heard Katherine’s voice speak up. The trio looked to see both Katherine and her canine husband Wolf.
“It would seem that way, Lady Katherine.” O’Dell announced.
“If I may speak freely, My Lord?”
“Proceed, Sire Wolf.”
“The Young Destiny is at my home, out cold. Tiger and Celine were playing when she fell ill.”
“She wasn’t the only one, Wolf.” Ariana supplied. “My daughter Melody lies in Philbrooke Hospital. Based on what you told me, we have to find Destiny, bring her to the Outer Realm and have her call the Peacemaker Spell.”
“Young Guardian, Destiny is not even an Ancient Mystic, to call such a powerful spell.” Wolf supplied. “How is she going to do so?”
“I don’t know, but we have to return all back to normal.” Ariana replied. “That’s all I know. I want my daughter back, and I’m sure we need to return peace in all the Realms of the Worlds.”
“Ariana Moon, I have never, in all my years knowing you, heard you speak in such a manner.” O’Dell said sternly.
“I’m your successor, my Lord.” Ariana said with a grin. “I must have learned it from somewhere.”
“Father, we have a problem.” They heard Sarabeth’s voice behind them. With her was Tiger White-Snow holding a hysterical Destiny Grey in his arms. As soon as Celine saw her parents, she went to embrace them.
“It is too terrible for words!” Destiny sobbed.
“We know. Your parents are gone.” O’Dell said.
“Where did they go, my Lord?” Destiny wiped tears from her cat-like face.
“They’re in my world, Destiny.” Ariana stood to take the girl in her arms. “There’s something we need you to do to get them back.”
Destiny stared at her Young Guardian. “I will do anything!”
“You need to become Earthbound.” Ariana said softly.
Destiny gasped. “I don’t know how!”
“We will teach you.” O’Dell remarked. “Or rather, Enchantra will teach you. Lady Katherine and Sire Wolf will follow me to my brother’s land. He is the Outer Realm expert.”
“Lord Max?” Katherine and Wolf both gave him looks of confusion.
O’Dell only smiled. “Not Max.” He turned to his youngest daughter. “Take the children to the White-Snows. I am sure Lady Kitten’s Claw misses her son.”
“Certainly, Father.” Sarabeth nodded.
“Why can I not go with Destiny?” Tiger White-Snow asked. He sounded frantic. “I fear for her safety, my Lord Guardian.”
Sarabeth grinned at her father, thinking to him. He loves her like a Protector.
Is that so? O’Dell looked at the kitten with fresh eyes. Tiger’s eyes begged his Lord Guardian to listen. “Very well then. You may stay with Destiny. As for you, my Companion followers; onward.”
“What about me, O’Dell?” Ariana asked.
“Return home and await their arrival. Have the other Crusaders ready to go, just in case.” O’Dell said. “You will not be joining them this time.”
“I can’t just sit still while they fight Sabrina!” Ariana cried.
Enchantra put a hand on Ariana’s shoulder. “You have fought each other for many years. It is now time for someone else to take command.”
“Are you suggesting Luna?”
“The Grand Magus is getting more powerful by the day, you know.” O’Dell supplied.
“She still fears her empathy. How can she fight if she can’t bear to use her magical senses?”
“It would be the perfect time for her to get over that fear, now, will it not?” Enchantra winked at O’Dell, who snuck away with the two Companion Crusaders Ariana cared about most.
Once wishing them farewell, Ariana was on her way home.
O’Dell changed from a human male to a unicorn as soon as he exited the Palace. Katherine and Wolf followed suit by turning to their full Companion forms. They followed him to the Ancient Mystic Kingdom, which neither had seen since the Wars for Power.
When O’Dell stopped in front of the Castle, he changed back to a human male.
“It has changed since the Wars, my Lord.” Wolf supplied softly, shifting back to his human-wolf form. “It seems brighter than it did back then.”
“You would know, Sire Wolf.” O’Dell smiled at his follower. “You helped destroy it.”
“He did not!” Katherine cried. “Did you, Wolf?”
“I am sorry to say I did.” Wolf replied. He looked at the castle. “Whoever lives in it now did a fine job of repairing the many damages. I am impressed.”
O’Dell laughed. “I knew you would be.” He turned to Katherine. “You were safely away from the Wars when we fought. Your beau here was the first one to break Orthos’ spell and rebel against him.”
“Good for you, Wolf.” Katherine hugged him. “Lead on, my Lord.”
Story: #3
Destiny’s Search

“Why are you so worried?” Challandra asked Lord Byron. She watched as he paced the Throne Room, nervous. She never liked it when a Wizard brother paced; it made her nauseous, and this time was no different.
“Sabrina is at large, and Jezebel can do nothing to stop her.” Lord Byron replied.
“Why should we care?” Challandra asked. “She is stuck in the Unknown.”
Lord Byron stopped to glare at her. By that piercing look in his eyes, she could tell he was serious. “Not anymore.”
Challandra gasped. “How did she return?”
“It is all part of my vision.” He said. “This time, she targets our own instead of mere mortals.” He slumped down in the head chair at the round table. “We have all to fear, but not a plan to fight.”
“I believe we can help with that, Brother.” They heard O’Dell’s voice echo from the door.
“O’Dell, what is going on that has the entire Realm anxious?” Challandra demanded, getting in his face.
“Relax. All will be fine soon.” O’Dell supplied, stepping back. He faced his brother. “You know what has happened, I suppose?”
“Aye. I saw it.” Lord Byron remarked. “I suppose you have a plan, oh brilliant Lord Guardian?”
“Dare mock me, Brother.” O’Dell said with a grin. “I am only passing it on.”
“Young Guardian knows what to do.” Katherine supplied.
“Who are you, young Companion?”
“I am the Lady Katherine Hawk-Stargazer, Lady of Stargazer Castle and the entire Canine Valley.” Katherine curtseyed to the new Lord. Beside her, Wolf bowed. “This is my husband, Sire Wolfton Stargazer. We are two Companion Crusaders who fought in the Crusades, ridding the Dream Realm of Master Orthos and his Dominionites.”
Lord Byron was impressed. “How do you know this Young Guardian, whoever they may be?”
“Young Guardian is my successor, Ariana Moon Woods.” O’Dell explained. “When Orthos Banished these two Companions to the Outer Realm, Katherine befriended her. Wolf befriended another Companion, then Crusader, Mark Grey.”
“Was that not the Earthbound Maxwell Banished himself to?” Lord Byron asked his brother.
“The same. Once he died in the Outer Realm by Sabrina’s hand, Mark earned his Companion status.” O’Dell said. “Unfortunately, she has done some damage to the Young Panther.”
Wolf explained what happened to Destiny Grey, Panther’s daughter. After that, Katherine explained what happened in the Outer Realm with the young Melody Reading.
Challandra looked to the two Companion Crusaders with respect. “You were right to come to us.”
“I suggested it, for your benefit Challandra.” O’Dell remarked. “I figured you would want a hand in it, both of you.”
“What can we do?” Lord Byron asked.
“Become Earthbound with Destiny Grey.” O’Dell said. “Have her call the Peacemaker Spell when the Crusaders have gathered Sabrina and the – uh – revivals together.”
“Revivals?” Challandra asked.
“She brought Mark, Bonnie Marie, the Parkers and two Ancient Mystics back to life.” Katherine supplied, answering for her Lord Guardian.
“We both cannot go, O’Dell.” Challandra remarked.
“I was hoping you would allow Lord Byron to come with us.” O’Dell smiled.
After a moment of scowling, Challandra agreed. She kissed Lord Byron as he stood. “Be careful in the Outer Realm, my Lord husband.”


Back in the Outer Realm, Ariana explained her plan to Derrick.
“You won’t be fighting.” Derrick remarked.
“I’ve already been through this with O’Dell and Enchantra.” Ariana supplied. “I’m just to get the other Crusaders together to fight Sabrina.”
“In the Cemetery, though?” Derrick supplied. “Why there?”
“That’s where she’s hidden, isn’t it?” Ariana asked. “I won’t be there in person, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to be there otherwise.”
“You will not astral project, no matter how much Magic you think you have.” Came Luna’s voice from the doorway. She nodded her hellos to them before going on. “Remember what
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