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Book online «Cataclysm by Sammantha Lewis (miss read books txt) 📖». Author Sammantha Lewis

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the smell of freshly backed bread, roses , and a hint of honey filled my seances. a feeling of Daja vu swept over me. Ava took my hand and started running with me,
"Elinor? Elinor we're back!" she called as she lead me down a stair case into what seemed like a kitchen. There in the kitchen stood a woman who back was to us as she bent over the oven. The woman had dark hair similar to mine,her hair was pulled into a dutch crown braid.
"Elinor, look!" Ava called. The woman I amused to be Elinor turned around to face us, when her eyes landed on me she gasped and cover her mouth with her hands. I also did this, the resemblance was uncanny the only difference was our eyes, Her's were almond shaped and were a soft green, while mine where round and glacier blue. I watched in shock as she started crying and stepped towards me. She embraced me in her arms as she gently cried into my neck.
"My baby" she cried. My eyes widened hen I heard this. What? I pushed away from her and stared into her eyes.
"What did you say?" I asked her. I turned to the others who where standing in the door way with amusement,
"What did she say?" I asked them, but they simply snickered. Tara came in and leaned against the door way,
"You heard her, she's your mother. Your long lost, blood related mother." she told me. I shook my head at her,
"That's not possible, my parents abandoned me and left me in the garden of that...THING! Besides she's much to young, she could be my sister, but not my mother." I told Tara. I turned to Elinor, my supposed mother, and was surprised to see her smiling.
"I take it you have a lot of questions." she said. I nodded my head, and she motioned for me to sit.
"Could you start from the beginning?" I asked her.
"you were almost two years of age when it all happened. A prophecy was made- till this day it still haunts me, " A nobble born child of May with eyes that capture the sea will lift the sorrows and pain from the land." When Queen Amara, Zonova heard the prophecy, she went mad with fear. She had every infant slaughtered. Then I was blessed with a child, and when Amara heard about you she ordered our assassination. So your father sent you to the human world for your own safety. However ever since we sent you away Panzayda has been nothing but a living hell engulfed in civil war. Emily I need you to understand we are not human sorcery comes as natural to us as does breathing, and that we are immortal we are frozen in time after the age twenty-seven, and you are to never doubt that I am your mother." when she said the last part I couldn't help but to nod in agreement. Something about her was intriguing and persuasive, she could have told me that pigs fly and badgers talk and I would have believed her. I then turned to the four that I had meet in the forest,
"I must ask, if every infant was killed then why are you four before me?" I asked then.
"Both our parents sent us into hiding until we were five." Kail said motioning to himself and Ava.
"I was in my third year by the time the slaughter took place." Tara said. the three of them looked at Erick and waited for him to reply,
"I was lucky." He said. Mother leaned across the table,
"These four are four of the twelve noble born children." She told me.
" what about the other eight, where are they?" I asked. I began to regret asking when I saw the sorrows in there eyes,
"your one of the twelve, and then there is the Zonova boy, but as for the other five... it's impossible to meet them." when Erick said this I fully understood just how witched the Zonova family is.
"enough with this gloomy topic. So exactly how did you four find her?" Mother asked.
"We found her being chased by bounty hunters. It looked like she was going to be killed for attempting to escape." Tara told her. My Mother went wide eyed and covered her mouth,
"what did you say?" she asked them.
"We think that the Zonovas are starting to take blue eyed girls around the age of sixteen from the mortal world." I looked over to Elinor who remained stone-faced.
"Did you kill them?" She asked them
"Elinor!" I said. She turned to me and pointed her index finger at me,
"Hey, it's Mother or Mum. Never Elinor!" she said I only nodded my head.
"we are going to have to seal off the gate of humanity." she said. They looked at her as if she had a second head,
"That's insane. is it even possible?" Kail asked.

The Gate of Humanity

Once again we walked threw the tunnel and into the gray forest. Eleanor Kept close to me, and never was more then an arms length away from me. I was no longer in my dull servant uniform. Instead I wore a plum colored silk dress that went three inches below my knees.The thick fog stuck to my legs and made me feel agglutinative. I constantly had to bend down to itch my leg where the ruffles of my new petticoat rubbed against my leg. I had never worn a petticoat before so my skin has never come in contact with the scratchy fabric. I was completely fine wearing my uniform, but my mother was afraid that I would stick out like a sore thumb if I did. I was then forced to barrow some of Ava's clothing until I ave my own.
As we walked towards the "Gate of Humanity", my heart sunk deeper with every step. For, if they closed the gate, would I ever see my beloved country side of Nottingham? I suddenly stopped in my tracks when I made this realization. I can not return home. Erik placed his hand on my shoulder,
"Is every thing all right?" he asked me. I shook my head at him and looked at the ground,
"I need to know if I will be able to ever go back after the gate is closed." I said bluntly.
"Yes and no. You can not visit the mortal world when the Gate is closed. However you can come and go as you please when we reopen it. That is to say after... and if we win the war," He briefly explained the situation to me. He then looked at me with a puzzled expression,
"Might I ask what is important to you in Nottingham?" He asked me.
"A small child I take care of, with out me she's all alone." I told him. Mother turned around to face us,
"Emily, I understand your needed among the mortals, but right know we need you." i sighed and nodded my head at her, and we continued walking.
When the gravel road ended we stood in front of a cliff wall that towered over us and disappeared into the over head clouds. Ava walked up to the cliff wall. She placed he hand on the wall and veins of light snaked up the side of the cliff. Suddenly slabs of stone pulled away from the wall and formed a stair case. Ava took the first step and skipped up the steps. I continued to be baffled by this strange world. Tara and Kail followed after her. Elinor took my hand and lead me up the steps. I clung to the wall as we made our way up the cliff side. I watched as small pebbles crumbled away and fell towards the ground. My breath caught when I realized how high up I was and clung to the wall. The others were far ahead of me by now and now I was left to afraid to move. I took a deep breath and continued to walk up the cliff. I reached the top to see the others waiting for me.
"I am glade you could join us." I herd my mother say. I shot a glare at her.
"This way ,child." She said to me. She walked into the mist and I followed her. The fog was so thick I had to strain my eyes to see. I walked blindly in to the mist not truly thinking of where I was going. I was stopped abruptly my what felt like an iron bar hitting my stomach. The mist cleared ,and I looked over to see that the iron bar was my mothers arm.
"Look." She said. I looked in front of me and gasped. It was truly breath taking. We stood at the top of a cliff and bellow us was a sea of mist. The mist swirled and twisted like the eye of a hurricane. There were flashes of light and when the wind picked up it brushed against my face. I inhaled the smell of fresh rain water and elm trees engulfed me. Below me, just beyond this sea of mist laid my Nottingham. I had the urge to lean forward and fall into the clouds. I would be home, and awake from this strange dream. I thought of Madeline. Has she noticed I am gone? I have most likely already been replaced with a new shiny toy to keep her company.
"I can feel your thoughts, child. So heed my words. The mortal world in nothing but a distant dream

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